to Author
Original research papers, review
articles, technical reports and short communications in all aspects of Agriculture,
Biological, Information, Health & Life Sciences, Zoology, Humanity, Social
and Applied Sciences etc., can be submitted on the understanding that the
work is not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
It is recommended to submit manuscript through the email
or for quick evaluation.
Authors are encouraged to suggest three potential reviewers for their paper.
Authors may also specify the names of those they wish to be excluded from
the review process for a particular paper; in such cases their wishes will
usually be respected, unless, of course, in the opinion of the journal such
a request unreasonably excludes all the expertise available to it in that
scientific area.
World Applied Sciences Journal 's
Editor-in-chief ensures that the reviewers act independently and
have no conflict of interest in the paper. In case of a complaint, the Editorial
board, if it is deemed necessary and appropriate, may ask for additional review(s)
before making a recommendation. In all cases, the final decision rests with
the Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject papers
that are unsuitable for the journal or cannot adequately be assessed because
of a poor standard of English.
Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise and grammatically correct
English. Indent new paragraphs. The manuscript should be presented in the
following order. The recommended organization of an article is: (i) abstract,
(ii) introduction, (iii) materials and methods (or experimental), (iv) results
and discussion, (v) acknowledgements, if necessary and funding (in the form
of a sentence with the funding agency written out in full followed by the
grant number in square brackets) and (vi) references.
Page 1 should contain the article title,
name(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s) and the name and complete mailing
address (including telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address) of the person
to whom correspondence should be sent. The title of the paper should be short,
precise and written without any abbreviations. Headings should be upper case
and in bold type. Sub-headings should be lower case and italics.
Page 2 should contain an abstract of 100-200 words, without any
citation and footnotes. A list of four to six key words, of which at least
three of them should not be appear in the title of the paper. Other footnotes,
identified by superscript Arabic numerals, should be limited to dedications,
an identification of the corresponding author and an author's present address.
Files should be formatted double-spaced with no hyphenation and automatic
wordwrap (no hard returns within paragraphs). Please type your text consistently,
e.g. take care to distinguish between '1' (one) and 'l' (lower-case L), and
'0' (zero) and 'O' (capital O), etc. Articles should not exceed 6 printed
journal pages. The number of figures and tables enclosed should be decreased
as much as possible and the legend to them should not be repeated in the text.
Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and
cited consecutively in the text. The tables must be created with the table-function
of MS-Word and should be enclosed on separate sheets of paper at the end of
the manuscript, bearing the same number as in the text. Units (SI) must be
clearly indicated for each of the entries in the table. Footnotes to tables
should be identified by superscript lower-case roman letters and placed at
the bottom of the table.
Figures should be cited in the text by Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2,
etc.). Figures should be supplied as electronic files and should be enclosed
on separate sheets of paper after tables. Also high-quality hard-copy of all
figures and tables are needed. A figure legend should be supplied. Authors
will normally be required to pay for colour illustrations and charge for handling
and printing.
In-line equations should be typed as text. The use of graphics programs and
'equation editors' should be avoided. Use of 'Microsoft equation editor is
Bibliographic references in the text appear like [1, 2 ...], using square
brace. References should be numbered consecutively in text.
Journal Articles: Ouyang, D., J. Bartholic and J. Selegean,
2005. Assessing Sediment Loading from Agricultural Croplands in the Great
Lakes Basin. Journal of American Science, 1(2): 14-21.
A Book: Durbin, R., S.R. Eddy, A. Krogh
and G. Mitchison, 1999. Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models
of Proteins and Nucleic Acids. Cambridge University Press.
Conference Proceedings: Stock, A., 2004. Signal Transduction
in Bacteria. In the Proceedings of the 2004 Markey Scholars Conference, pp:
80-89. References are often the cause of many proof corrections, and inaccuracies
hamper inter-journal linking and Medline links in the online journal. Please
check the list carefully before submission. WWW URLs are permitted only as
footnotes in the text, not in the reference list.
Authors should follow internationally agreed rules especially those adopted
by the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (CBN). The journal
will essentially follow the rules defined in the IUPAC Manua1 of symbols and
terminology for physico-chemical quantities and units (Butterworth, London),
By submitting a manuscript to the editor or publisher you are deemed to have
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