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Infec Dis & Clinc Microbiol

Dr. Sashidhar Yeluri


B48, Trust HQ, SJUH, Leeds LS9 7TF UK


DATE OF BIRTH: 15th August 1977

GMC NUMBER: 6082902


MRCS Part 1 { April 2004 }
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

MS (General Surgery) { January 2004 }
The M.S University of Baroda, India

MBBS { June 2000 }
The M.S University of Baroda, India

Dip Arts (Performing Arts-Percussion Instruments){August 1993}
The National University of Music, India


External editor-McGill Journal of Medicine, McGill University School of Medicine, Montreal, Canada (2004-5)

Associate Student Editor- Asian Students Medical Journal (2004-5)

Public Relations Officer- McGill Journal of Medicine, McGill University school of Medicine, Montreal, Canada (2004-5)

Presentations at the 6th European Congress of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) surgery, Heidelberg, Germany (May 2005)

Posters selected for presentation at the 6th World Congress of IHPBA, Washington

2nd Prize-Transhiatal Oesophagectomy (Free Paper)- 30th Gujarat Surgeons Annual Conference, Bhuj, India

Medical Student Faculty- NGO -Core Competency Career Counselling (4C)

1st Prize-Choledochal Cyst in adults (Free Paper) -28th Gujarat Surgeons Conference, Baroda, India


:: Preventive and Social Medicine (Final Year MB BS)
:: Medicine (Final Year MB BS)
:: Physiology (2nd Year MB BS)


:: Honours Pathology (4th Year MB BS)

Editor-Baroda Medical College Magazine- ‘Colours’

Prizes in Quiz, Debate, Indian Colour Painting, Badminton at Intercollegiate Meets

Indian National Scholarship Certificate


Aug 05- Till date:

BST-Leeds Rotation
Yorkshire School of Surgery
St. James’s University Hospital, Leeds, UK

Feb-July 05 :

BST-Leeds Rotation
Yorkshire School of Surgery
Harrogate District Hospital, Harrogate, UK


Aug 03-Mar 04:
Senior Resident Surgeon
SSG University Hospital, Baroda, India

Aug 00-July 03:
Surgical Trainee
The M.S University of Baroda, India

Apr 99- Mar 00:
PRHO in Medicine/Surgery
SSG University Hospital, Baroda, India


1. Madhok B, Duttaroy, DD, Yeluri S. Penetrating arrow injuries. Injury 2005; 36:1045-50.

2. Yeluri S, Dadayal G. EWTD- No easy solution exists. British Medical Journal 2005; 331:514.

3. Yeluri SV, Vaidya AB, Patel HJ, Kapadia SR, Karanth KS. Ruptured chronic traumatic mycotic psuedoaneurysm of the ascending aorta. Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals 2004; 12: 254-6.

4. Desai DV, Dhanani H, Kapoor A, Yeluri SV. Haemoglobin Q-India: an uncommon haemoglobin variant. Laboratory Haematology 2004; 10:212-4.

5. Kulkarni NV, Dadayal G, Yeluri SV, Kapoor A, Gupta A. Chilaiditi syndrome. The New Zealand Medical Journal 2004; 117:1092-93.

6. Yeluri SV, Kapoor A, Dadayal G, Panwar J. Let reviewers’ own responsibility for the papers they pass. British Medical Journal 2004; 329: 113. (Letter to Editor)

7. Yeluri SV, Duttaroy DD, Karanth KS, Maru S. Obstructive jaundice in a case of Von Recklinghausens’ disease. The Indian Practitioner 2004; 57: 258-60.

8. Kapoor AK, Golwala PP, Patel KJ, Desai DV, Yeluri SV. Giant cell tumour of the first metacarpal. The Internet Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2004; 2(1).

9. Desai DV, Shukla B, Kapoor AK, Yeluri SV, Saxena S. Angiogenic inhibitors-Role in Cancer treatment. The Internet Journal of Oncology 2004; 2(1).

10. Yeluri SV, Duttaroy DD, Ghodgaonkar PS, Karanth KS. Wilms’ tumour arising in a horseshoe kidney. The Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 2004; 58: 72-73.

11. Dadayal G, Yeluri SV. It is still worth believing in Charities. Student BMJ 2004; 12:304

12. Desai DV, Dhanani H, Shah M, Dayal N, Kapoor A, Yeluri SV. Homozygous Haemoglobin D disease- A Case Report. The Internet Journal of Pathology 2004; 3(1).

13. Parikh CC, Duttaroy DD, Madhok B, Yeluri SV, Jain AP. Gastric Stromal tumours. Bombay Hospital Journal 2004; 46; 177-78.

14. Yeluri SV, Vaidya AB, Karanth S, Maru SK, Kapadia SR, Desai DV. Mediastinal Lipoma. The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2003; 5(2).

15. Karanth KS, Yeluri SV, Desai RM, Shah SC. Congenital anterior urethral diverticulum with stone: A unique presentation. Urology 2003; 61: 837x-xi.

16. Kapadia SR, Duttaroy DD, Ghodgaonkar PS, Maru SK, Yeluri SV, Karanth KS. Recurrent trichobezoar in a woman. The Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2003; 22: 35-36.

17. Yeluri SV, Karanth KS, Goel NO, Desai RM. Synechiae vulvae with urinary retention: A rare presentation. Bombay Hospital Journal 2003; 45: 168-9.

18. Karanth KS, Duttaroy DD, Yeluri SV, Jain AP. A rare colorectal foreign body. Journal of the Indian Medical Association-accepted for publication

19. Madhok B, Duttaroy DD, Desai RM, Yeluri SV. Ureteric injury due to a penetrating arrow injury. The Journal of Trauma -accepted for publication

20. Rao M, Yeluri S, Ali A, Ching SS, McMahon MJ. A Metastatic cystic lesion of liver. GUT-accepted for publication

21. Mehta JP, Yeluri SV, Karanth KS, Shah P. Thyroid abscess. The New Zealand Medical Journal


22. Yeluri S, Madhok B, Kapoor A, Dadayal G, Duttaroy D. Obstructive jaundice in Von Recklinghausens disease-Coincidence or Correlation? Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) Journal 2005; 7:85.

23. Yeluri S, Rao M, Ali A, Ching SS, Gledhill R, McMahon MJ. Endometrial cyst of liver-a review. Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) Journal 2005; 7: 40-41.


24. Dadayal G, Yeluri S, Manupati S, Duttaroy DD. A J shaped stomach on Barium. S BMJ

25. Karanth KS, Mehta JP, Kadam G, Yeluri SV, Vaidya R. Filarial Granuloma of Breast. Surgery Today

26. Maru S, Duttaroy DD, Kapadia SR, Ghodgaonkar P, Yeluri SV, Karanth KS. Transhiatal oesophagectomy for cancer of oesophagus. Gujarat Medical Journal

27. Sardana A, Khurana S, Dadayal G, Desai DV, Yeluri SV. Medication and Meditation-Way to do it? Online Journal of Health and Allied Science

28. Yeluri S, Dadayal G, Kapoor A. Surviving Tsunami and an anthropological scare. S BMJ

29. Dadayal G, Yeluri S, Desai DV, Kapoor A, Panwar J, Manupati S. Pulmonary Endometriosis. Chest Medicine on Line

30. Dadayal G, Panwar J, Yeluri S. X-Ray KUB-Picture quiz. S BMJ

31. Desai RM, Duttaroy DD, Madhok B, Yeluri S, Dadayal G. Renal cell carcinoma-Image Feature. The Internet Journal of Urology

32. Sarela AI, Yeluri S. A study on life events after palliatively treated metastatic gastric cancer. Arch Surg


33. Para oesophageal hernia as a cause of respiratory arrest. J Roy Soc Med

34. Linezolid and its role in Szylagyi grade 3 infections. Int J Clin Prac

35. An evaluation of Abraham sons darning repair in inguinal hernia surgery. World J Surg

36. Effectiveness of Nurse led orthopaedic clinic within the NHS.

37. Our experience with no mortality in 100 consecutive oesophagectomies.

38. Raised amylase is not always pancreatitis.

39. Tumour biology in younger patients with oesophageal cancer.


MRCS Part 2 EMQ’s - Sashidhar Yeluri (to be published shortly)
:: Approved for publication by Paras publishers, Putlibowli, Hyderabad, India.


6th European Congress of the Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Heidelberg, Germany (May 2005)

Obstructive jaundice in a case of Von Recklinghausens disease-coincidence or correlation?

Endometrial cysts of liver- review of literature

Results of our series with palliatively treated metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma-Leeds surgical grand round,
:: Leeds (May 2005)

Gastric adenocarcinoma and distant metastasis: Is gastrectomy necessary?
:: Leeds Regional Surgical Club, Scarborough (April 2005)

• Fluid management in Hip surgery-postgraduate teaching programme-Harrogate district hospital,
:: Harrogate (April 2005)

Selected for presentation at the 6th World Congress of the International Hepato- Pancreato-Biliary Association, Washington, USA; June 2004. (Not presented eventually)

Gangrenous Cholecystitis, following bilious dissection, post pellet injury.

Percutaneous catheter drainage of liver abscess. Results of a long-term study from a developing country university hospital general surgical set up.

Chilaiditi’s syndrome-Interesting varieties in presentation & treatment options-30th Gujarat Surgeons Conference, Bhuj, India (November 2003).

Hb-D disease-an emerging trend in Gujarat? Implications for splenectomy- as above.

Forgotten indwelling double ‘J’ stent. Complications & management options- as above.

Vesical calculus on a migrated IUCD. A report and review- as above.

Transhiatal Oesophagectomy –as above.

Choledochal cysts in adults- 28th Gujarat Surgeons Conference, Baroda, India (Dec 2000).


Transfusion requirements of patients undergoing upper GI cancer resectional surgery

Effectiveness of Nurse-led orthopaedic clinics


Teaching medical students in the form of bedside clinics and classroom tutorials.

Teaching junior residents, house officers and student nurses.


   o Incisional Hernia
       :: Study on aetiology, presentation, treatment options and long-term results in a university hospital set up. Thesis requirement for my postgraduate degree.

   o Abrahamsons darning for Inguinal Hernias
       :: Study on cost effectiveness and long-term results versus the mesh repair.

   o Thoracoabdominal arrow injuries
       :: Study on aetiology, presentations, arrow ballistics and long-term results.

• Randomised Drug Trial
   o RCT-Phase 2 of a blocker drug (Rbx 2258) in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.

Epidemiological Study
   o Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM).
       :: Study to evaluate the role of etiological factors in causation of PEM.


Basic life support course-Harrogate District Hospital, Harrogate; March 2005

Basic Surgical Skills course; September 2002

Ethicon Suture Practicum; November 2000 and April 2002

Online CME’s-An introduction to Telehealth and Follow up care of cancer patients- accredited by the Memorial University of New Foundland, Canada; Feb-March 2004

Care of the critically ill surgical patient; February 2004

The Oxford international wound-healing symposium; February 2004

Clinical and Communication Skills course for UK SHO level; January 2004

Hepato Pancreato Biliary Master class; August 2003


Time keeping, Team working, Interpersonal relationships

Commitment to learning and personal development

Research orientation, Clinical, Communication and
  Administrative skills


Pre and post operative care of patients
o Performing bedside procedures

Conducting clinics, Assisting in theatres
o Performing minor procedures and surgeries

A & E on call in General Surgery posting (1:6 rotation)
o Managing medical and surgical emergencies
o Performing Basic and Advanced CPR

Ward rounds, Participating in MDT/Radiology meetings

Research participation/ Publications/Teaching


Mess Secretary - Junior Doctors Association (2000-2001).

Experience in preparing operating theatre and ward round lists.

Experience in preparing schedules for undergraduate theory and clinical teaching/wards.

Cultural Committee member- The 28th Gujarat state surgeons association annual conference, Baroda, India (December 2000).


I am proficient in the use of Microsoft windows, MS office (word, excel & power point), desk typing and Internet operations.

1-year certificate course in type writing that helps me use the keyboard more effectively.


Music (Percussion Instruments), Aid Camps/Volunteering

Philately, Sports-Skating, Cricket, Travelling, Nature


Prof. M J McMahon ChM, PhD, FRCS
Professor of Surgery,
Consultant in HepatoPancreatico-Biliary, and
Minimally Invasive Surgery,
LIMIT Suite,
6th Floor, Wellcome Wing,
The General Infirmary at Leeds,
Great George Street,
Leeds, West Yorkshire
Phone: 0113-392 2842
Fax: 0113-392 6305
E-mail: ann.pearson@leedsth.nhs.uk

Mr. A I Sarela MS, MSc, FRCS

Consultant in Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery and
Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery,
B 37, Clarendon Wing,
The General Infirmary at Leeds,
Great George Street,
Leeds, West Yorkshire
Phone: 0113-392 8094
Fax: 0113-392 2788
E-mail: clare.baines@leedsth.nhs.uk