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Dr. Divya Vohora Shangari

Name : Divya Vohora Shangari
Date of Birth: December 09, 1973
Address Office:
Department of Pharmacology
Faculty of Pharmacy
Jamia Hamdard
New Delhi 110 062, India
Tel: 91-11-2605 9688/Ext.5657
Fax: 91-11-2605 9663

114, Kailash Hills, East of Kailash,
New Delhi 110 065, India
Tel: 91-9811477917

Academic Record
Degree    Year    Institution            Subject

PGDOM     2003    IGNOU                  Operations Research
                  New Delhi, India       (R&D and Innovations)

Ph.D.     2001    Hamdard University     Pharmacology
                  New Delhi, India       (Neuropsychopharmacol.)

M Pharm*  1997    Hamdard University      Pharmacology
                  New Delhi, India        (Neuropharmacology)

B Pharm   1995    Hamdard University      Pharmacy
                  New Delhi, India
* First rank in University for Part I and Second rank
  (missed first rank by one mark) for Part II

Positions Held

Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology
Faculty of Pharmacy, Hamdard University
New Delhi 110 062, India

1999 May – Oct. 1999 :
Senior Research Fellow
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR), New Delhi.

1998 Feb. – April 1999 : Lecturer (Pharmacology)

1997 Dec. – Feb. 1998 :
Research Fellow, Central Council for Research
in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), New Delhi.

Areas of Interest

CNS Pharmacology, Epilepsy, Cognitive Functions,
Neurodegenerative disorders, Histamine

Research Experience

2005 “Selective H3 receptor ligands, brain histamine and intrasynaptosomal calcium as novel tools to study neuropsychiatric disorders” (UGC project: Rs 7.5 lacs).
Principal Investigator: Dr Divya Vohora
Co- Investigator: Prof. K. K. Pillai

2004 “Sodium Hydrogen Exchange Inhibitors and Selective Histamine H3 Receptor Modulators as novel targets for developing drugs against Cerebral Ischaemia” (DST project: Rs 2.5 lacs).
Principal Investigator : Dr Divya Vohora

2004 “Evaluation and Standardization of Unani Medicines as Metabolic Interceptors of Epileptogenesis for the Treatment of epilepsy” (ISM project : Rs 24 lacs, Provisionally approved, pending clearance from institutional clinical ethics commmittee).
Principal Investigator : Dr. Farhan J Ahmad
Co-Investigator : Dr. Divya Vohora

2002-till date “Evaluation of combined therapy of antiepileptic drugs with psychotropic and nootropic agents with special reference to behavioral, cognitive and motor function” (AICTE project : Rs. 06 lacs).
Principal Investigator : Dr Divya Vohora
Co-Investigator : Prof. K.K. Pillai.

2000 – 2001 Involved in a study of impact factors of scientific journals for critical appraisal of their utility.

1998-1999 “Rational Drug Use in Delhi Hospitals”. A DSPRUD - India WHO Essential Drugs Programme.
Principal Investigator : Dr. S.N. Pal
Co-Investigator : Dr. Divya V. Shangari

1997-2000 “Research on Epilepsy and Cognitive mechanisms with special reference to histamine” funded by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi.


Well versed with varied pharmacological and biochemical techniques especially:

Methods of inducing epilepsy in rodents using electro- and chemoshock techniques. Behavioural models in rodents such as active and passive (inhibitory) avoidance response, spontaneous alternation, elevated plus-maze etc. for evaluation of drugs affecting cognitive function.

Intracerebroventricular administration in conscious mice.

Biochemical analysis including spectrofluorimetric estimation of neurotransmitters (eg. histamine, serotonin etc.) in rodent brain and estimation of intracellular calcium in brain synaptosomes using Chemiluminescence spectrometry.

Sectioning and identification of brain regions in rodents (brain-box technique).

Teaching Experience

Graduate Programmes (Pharmacy Diploma/Degree courses)

Theory and Practical classes in Pharmacology, Human Anatomy and Physiology.

Postgraduate Programmes (Pharmacology/Toxicology)

Supervised three M.Pharm research projects. Currently supervising two Ph.D. and one M.Pharm scholar.

Practical demonstration of various experimental techniques involving CNS and behavioural studies in rats and mice to M.Pharm and PhD students.

Scientific Documentation

1999 Commissioned to write report of two International Conferences by Investigational Drugs, UK.

1995-1997 Pre-clinical and clinical scientific data on assignments from Triclin Research Management Services, New Delhi, India and Quest Picong, Nyon, Switzerland.

Other Academic Activities

Epilepsia, USA
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology.


Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
Kasturba Polytechnic, Delhi

Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak
Kakatiya University, Warangal
Anangpura Institute of Pharmacy, Faridabad.

Supervisor: M.Pharm:04; PhD:02

Publications Committee

International Behavioral Neuroscience Society (IBNS), USA
Placement Cell, Hamdard University
Web Cell, Hamdard University
Animal Ethics Committee, Hamdard University
Academic Council, Hamdard University

Membership of Learned Societies:

Society for Neuroscience (SFN), USA.
International Behavioral Neuroscience Society (IBNS), USA.
International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), France.
Indian Pharmacological Society (IPS).
Indian Pharmacy Graduates Association (IPGA).
Society of Biosciences, India.


2004 Fast Track Proposal for Young Scientists by Department of Science & Technology (DST), India.

2003 Appointed as Member, Publications Committee for International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, USA for the period 2003-2008.

2002 Awarded International Travel Fellowship by Society for Neuroscience, USA for attending its annual meeting at San Diego.

2001 Chandra Kanta Dandiya Prize (comprising of Rs.10,000/-) for the best research paper published in Pharmacology in the year 2000.

2000 Awarded travel grants by DST, CSIR, UGC & INSA, India.

2000 Awarded best paper presentation at the CME on New Drug Developments in the Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Sept.5-7, Institute of Human Behavior & Allied Sciences, Delhi.

1998 Senior Research Fellow, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India.

1997 Research Fellow, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), New Delhi, India.

1997 First rank in University for M.Pharm (Part-I).

Training/ Orientations Courses

2003 Attended the UGC Refresher course for Pharmacy Teachers on Current Trends and Methods in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Feb. 15-7 March, Hamdard University, New Delhi.

1999 Attended the AICTE 3rd Quality Improvement Program for Pharmacy Teachers on Recent Advances in Drug Delivery Systems, Oct 16-20, College of Pharmacy, New Delhi.

Presentations/Participation in National and International Conferences/Symposia/Meetings

2005 (Poster paper) 3rd North Zone Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, April 23, DIPSAR, New Delhi.

2005 (Delegate) DIPSAR, New Delhi.

2005 (Host) IPR Awareness Seminar on Pharmaceuticals, Feb26, Hamdard University, New Delhi.

2005 (Delegate) Symposium on Drug Discovery & Development, March 21, DIPSAR, New Delhi.

2004 (Poster paper) 5th Annual Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedicine Research at ACBR, Univ. of Delhi, March 14-16.

2004 (Poster paper) International Symposium on Recent Advances in Pharmacology, Jan 7-8, Hotel Grand, New Delhi.

2003 (Two poster papers) XXXVI Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, Dec. 5-7, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

2001 (Delegate) 53rd Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, Dec 21-23, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.

2000 (Oral paper & Round table discussion) International Conference on the Holistic
Concept of Training for the Promotion of Sustainable Development (EUROECO - 2000), Sept. 15-16, Krakow, Poland.

2000** (Poster paper) CME on New Drug Developments in the Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Sept.5-7, IHBAAS, Delhi.

1999 (Poster paper) International Congress on Frontiers in Pharmacology and Therapeutics in 21st Century, Dec.1-4, New Delhi, India.

1999 (Poster paper) International Colloquium on "Brain Research", Oct.1-3, National Brain Research Centre, New Delhi, India.

1999*: (Rapporteur) International Symposium on Prudent use of Antibiotics, Annual Meeting of PC Dandiya Endowment Trust, March 5-7, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, India.

1998: (Oral paper) 31st Indian Pharmacological Society Conference, Dec 18-20, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India.

1998: (Oral paper) Inter-State Co-ordination Meeting on Rational Use of Drugs, Nov.30, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, India.

1998*: (Host) National Symposium on Toxicology and Environmental Health., Nov.20-21, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India.

1998: (Delegate) 5th Annual Symposium of Ranbaxy Science Foundation entitled: Molecular Interventions in Disease, Oct. 31, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, India.

1998*: (Poster paper & Host) International Symposium on New Drug Development, Feb.6-8, Hamdard Univesity, New Delhi, India.

1997: (Oral paper) Tridecennial Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, Nov.14-16, Govt. Medical Collge, Jammu, India.

1996: (Delegate) 29th Conference of the Indian Pharmacological Society, Dec 20-22, Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, India.

1995*: (Host) 28th Conference of the Indian Pharmacological Society, Nov.23-26, Punjabi University, Patiala, India.
* Helped in organization in various capacities.
** Best poster presentation award.


A total of 28 publications in National (10) and International journals (18) of repute excluding abstracts and theses.

                     NATIONAL         INTERNATIONAL

Theses:                 06                 -

Book Chapters:          -                  02

Review Articles:        01                 04

Research Papers:        08                 09

Meeting Reports:        -                  02

Correspondence:         01                 01

Abstracts:              13                 01

TOTAL                   29                 19


* International Theses

Ali A (Supervisor: Vohora D, Co-supervisors: Pillai K K, Ahmad F J). Development of new drug delivery systems of pharmacological agent and its evaluation in epilepsy. PhD Thesis, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, 2005.

Bharal N (Supervisor: Vohora D, Co-supervisor: Pillai K K). Effect of Sparfloxacin on CNS functions in mice. M.Pharm Thesis, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, 2004.

Arora S (Supervisor: Vohora D, Co-supervisor: Khanam R). Effect of Streptozotocin induced diabetes on cognitive functions in mice. M.Pharm Thesis, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, 2003.

Shahid M (Supervisor: Vohora D, Co-supervisor: Pillai K K). Reversal of phenytoin induced cognitive deficits by piracetem in mice: involvement of cholinergic system. M.Pharm Thesis, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, 2002.

Vohora D (Supervisor: Pillai K K, Co-supervisor: Pal S N). Modulators of Experimental Epilepsy and related Cognitive Function: Potential Clinical Relevance, Ph.D. Thesis, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, 2000.

Vohora D (Supervisor: Pillai K K). Noradrenergic mechanisms in the pro-convulsant effects of buspirone, Thesis M Pharm, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, 1997.

Book Chapters

Vohora D and Mishra LC. Ayurvedic Management of Cognitive Dysfunction (Alzheimers’ disease): Ancient knowledge and modern research. In: Scientific Basis of Ayurvedic Therapies, CRC Press, USA, 2003 : 411-426.

Vohora SB and Vohora D. Skin-care and herbo-mineral beauty aids in India. In: Women and Health: Ethnomedical Perspectives (eds: Gottschalk-Batschkus CE, Schuler J and Iding D.), VWB, Berlin, Germany, 1997.

Review Articles

Khanam R, Pillai KK and Vohora D. Depression in diabetics: current perspectives. www.pharmainfo.net (as special article, 2005).

Vohora D. Histamine, Selective H3 receptor ligands and Cognitive functions: An Overview. Investigational drugs 2004; 7: 667-73.

Vohora D. Histamine as an anticonvulsant inhibitory neurotransmitter. Current Neuropharmacology 2004; 2: 419-425.

Vohora D, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Histamine H3 receptors as modulators of CNS function. Indian J Pharmacology. 33: 17-28, 2001.

Vohora D and Vohora SB. Elemental basis of epilepsy, Trace Elements and Electrolytes, Herne, Germany. 16: 109-123, 1999.


Vohora SB and Vohora D. Why are Indian Journals’ impact factors so low? Nature 412: 583, 2001.

Vohora SB, Shah ZA and Vohora D. Low impact facotors for Indian journals: Do factors other than quality influence? Current Science 81, 2001.

Meeting Reports

Vohora SB, Vohora D and Raisuddin S. Frontiers in Pharmacology and Therapeutics in 21st Century-International Congress (New Delhi, India, Dec.1-4, 1999). Investigational Drugs 2000; 3: 299-303.

Vohora D and Vohora SB. International Colloquium on Brain Research (Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, India, Oct. 1-3, 1999). Investigational Drugs (weekly highlights) 1999; Week 42: 80-84.

Research Papers

Vohora D, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Modulation of spontaneous alternation behavior of mice treated with thioperamide and tacrine in a cross maze task. Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 2005 (in press).

Akhtar M, Pillai KK and Vohora D. Effect of thioperamide on modified forced swimming test induced oxidative stress in mice. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology 2005 (in press).

Ali A, Ahmad FJ, Pillai KK and Vohora D. Amiloride protects against pentylenetetrazole induced kindling in mice. British J Pharmacol. 2005 (in press).

Ali A, Ahmad FJ, Pillai KK and Vohora D. Evidence for antiepileptic potential of amiloride with neuropharmacological benefits in rodent models of
Epilepsy and Behavior. Epilepsy and Behavior 2004.

Ali A, Pillai KK, Pal SN, Ahmad FJ and Vohora D. Addtion of folic acid ameliorates neuropharmacological complications in mice. Asia Pacific J Pharmacol. 2004 (in press)

Shahid M, Pillai KK and Vohora D. Reversal of phenytoin induced impairment of spontaneous alternation by piracetam in mice. Indian J Pharmacol. 2004;36: 20-24.

Ali A, Pillai KK, Vohora D, Pal SN, Dua Y, Ahmad FJ. Lamotrigine is not hepatotoxic in mice. Indian J Pharmacol. 2003; 35 : 248-249.

Vohora D, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Histamine and selective H3-receptor ligands: a possible role in the mechanism and management of epilepsy. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2001; 68: 735-741.

Vohora D, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Thioperamide, a selective histamine H3 receptor antagonist protects against PTZ-induced seizures in mice. Life Sciences 66: 297-301, 2000.

Vohora D, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Protection of phenytoin-induced cognitive deficits by Bacopa monniera, a reputed Indian nootropic plant. J Ethnopharmacol 71: 383-390, 2000.

Vohora D, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Effect of locomotor activity on the passive avoidance paradigm for the evaluation of cognitive function in mice. Indian J Pharmacol 32: 242-245, 2000.

Vohora D and Pillai KK. Noradrenergic mechanisms in the pro-convulsant effects of buspirone. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 43: 63-69, 1999.

Vohora SB, Siddiqui R and Vohora D. Role of magnesium in neuropsychiatric disorders and cognitive function. Biul. Magnezol. Warsaw (Poland) 4: 236-240, 1999.

Vohora D and Pillai KK. Potassium-channel independent pro-convulsive effects of buspirone. Advances in Biosciences 18: 73-78, 1999.

Ayesha N, Sonia Bajaj, Vohora D and Vohora SB. Effect of calcined gold and silver preparation on experimental model of epilepsy. Indian J Toxicol 7: 11-17, 2000.

Siddiqui R, Vohora D and Vohora SB. Pro-convulsant effects of calcined arsenic preparations used in Unani-Tibb. Indian J Pharmacol 31: 150-152, 1999.

Vohora D and Pillai KK. Pro-convulsant effects of buspirone and its modulation by ?2-adrenoceptor agonist in mice. Indian J Pharmacol 30: 329-333, 1998.


Akhtar M, Pillai KK and Vohora D. Effect of thioperamide on modified forced swimming test induced oxidative stress in mice. 3rd North Zone Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, April 23, DIPSAR, New Delhi.

Ali A, Pillai KK, Ahmad FJ and Vohora D. Antiepileptic potential of amiloride in pentylenetetrazole induced kindling in mice. Annual meeting of International Behavioral Neuroscience Society (IBNS), June 16-20, Key West, Florida, USA, 2004.

Akhtar M, Pillai KK, Khanam R, Arora S and Vohora D. Effect of Streptozotocin induced diabetes on spontaneous alternation behavior and passive avoidance response in mice. 5th Annual Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Research, April 14- 16, Dr B. R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research, New Delhi, 2004.

Ali A, Pillai KK, Ahmad FJ and Vohora D. Antiepileptic potential of amiloride with neuropharmacological benefits in rodent models of epilepsy and behavior. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Pharmacology, Jan 7-8, Hotel Grand, New Delhi, 2004.

Vohora D, Akhtar M, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Modulation of spontaneous alternation performance of mice treated with thioperamide and tacrine in a cross maze task. XXXVI Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, Dec. 5-7, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, 2003.

Khanam R, Arora S and Vohora D. Effect of experimental diabetes on spatial and working memory in mice. XXXVI Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, Dec. 5-7, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, 2003.

Vohora D, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Understanding and management of epilepsy and cognitive deficits: Novel approaches using H3 receptor antagonists and herbal nootropics. International Conference on the Holistic Concept of Training for the Promotion of Sustainable Development, Sept 15-16, Krakow, Poland; 2000.

Vohora D, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Histamine and selective H3 receptor ligands: A novel approach to understanding epilepsy and its management. CME on New Drug Developments in the Neuropsychiatric Disordres, Sept. 5-7, IHBAS, Delhi, India: 2000.

Vohora D, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Effects of histaminergic H3-receptor modulation on PTZ-induced seizures in mice. International Congress on Frontiers in Pharmacology & Therapeutics in 21st Century, Dec.1-4, New Delhi, India; 1999.

Vohora D, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Anticonvulsant effects of thioperamide a selective H3-receptor antagonist, in mice. International Colloquium on Brain Research, National Brain Research Centre, Oct 1-3, New Delhi, India; 1999.

Vohora D, Pal SN and Pillai KK. Locomotor activity affects parameters for memory evaluation in a passive-avoidance paradigm in mice. Indian J Pharmacol 31: 64, 1999.

Vohora D and Pillai KK. Noradrenergic mechanisms in pro-convulsant effects of buspirone. Indian J Pharmacol 30: 115, 1998.

Pal SN and Vohora D. Baseline data on Actual Drug Availability to outpatients in some Delhi Hospitals : Implications and use in Interventions for Promoting Rational Drug Use. 50th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress and 17th Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dec. 10-13, Mumbai: 167, 1998.