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Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr. Mehmet A. Osmanagaolu

Corresponding Address:

Mehmet A. Osmanagaolu, MD, Assistant Professor
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Karadeniz Technical University
61080 Trabzon, Turkey

Tel : +90-462-3775419
Fax : +90-462-3250518

Personal Information

Nationality    : Turkish
Date of Birth  : 24/10/66
Place of Birth : Germany
Marital Status : Married
Gender         : Male

Education :

1977-1985 : High School (Saint-Benoit College) (Education in French and English).

1986-1992 : Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul.

1993-1997 : Resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology., Kartal Lütfi Kirdar Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul.

1998 : Policlinic of Red Crescent, Kücükyali, Istanbul.

1998 :
Trabzon Maternity and Child Hospital, Trabzon.

1998-2000 :
Van Military Hospital, Van (Military Service).

2000- :
Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Medicine, Trabzon.

Research Area :

1) Pre-eclampsia

2) Menopause

Papers which Internationally Published:

1. Osmanagaoglu MA, Bozkaya H, Ozeren M, Cobanoglu U. Primary Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma: A case Report. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 109:228-30; 2003.

2. Osmanagaoglu MA, Bozkaya H, Reis A. Malignant struma ovarii: a case report and review of the literature. Indian J Med Sci 58:206-10; 2004.

3. Osmanagaoglu MA, Erdogan I, Zengin U, Bozkaya H. Comparison between HELLP syndrome, chronic hypertension, and superimposed preeclampsia on chronic hypertension without HELLP syndrome. J Perinat Med 32: 481-5; 2004.

4. Osmanagaoglu MA, Bozkaya H, Cobanoglu U. Primary adenocarcinoma of the fallopian tube: A case report. Eur J Gynaec Oncol 25:755-8; 2004.

5. Osmanagaoglu, MA, Osmanagaoglu S, Bozkaya H. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Complicated by HELLP Syndrome. Anaesth Intensive Care 32:569-74; 2004.

6. Osmanagaoglu MA, Osmanagaoglu S, Bozkaya H. Placenta percreta with bladder invasion: A case report. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 64:1109-11; 2004.

7. Osmanagaoglu MA, Okumus B, Osmanagaoglu T, Bozkaya H. The relationship between serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentration and bone mineral density, lipids, and hormone replacement therapy in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. J Womens Health 13:993-9; 2004.

8. Osmanagaoglu MA, Unal S, Bozkaya H. Chorioamnionitis risk and neonatal outcome in preterm premature rupture of membranes. Arch Gynecol Obstet 271: 33-9; 2005.

9. Osmanagaoglu MA, Kadioglu S, Osmanagaoglu S, Bozkaya H, Reis A, Tekelioglu Y. The relationship between mutant p53 gene, DNA contents and conventional clinicopathological prognostic variables in cases with endometrial carcinoma. Eur J Gynaec Oncol 26:64-70; 2005.

10. Osmanagaoglu MA, Osmanagaoglu S, Cobanoglu U, Bozkaya H. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the cervix: a case report. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 65:195-8; 2005.

11. Osmanagaoglu MA, Topcuoglu K, Ozeren M, Bozkaya H. Coagulation inhibitors in preeclamptic pregnant women. Arch Gynecol Obstet 271:227-30; 2005.

12. Osmanagaoglu MA, Osmanagaoglu S, Bozkaya H. The association of birthweight with maternal and cord serum and amniotic fluid growth hormone and insulin levels, and with neonatal and maternal factors in pregnant women who delivered at term. J Perinat Med 33:149-155; 2005.

13. Osmanagaoglu MA, Osmanagaoglu S, Osmanagaoglu T, Okumus B, Bozkaya H: Effect of different preparations of hormone therapy on lipid and glucose metabolism, coagulation factors, and bone mineral density in overweight and obese postmenopausal women. Fertil Steril 84:384-93; 2005.

14. Osmanagaoglu MA, Osmanagaoglu S, Bozkaya H. Bernard-Soulier Syndrome In Pregnancy: A Case Report. The Internet Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 4 Volume 4 Number 2, 2005.

15. Osmanagaoglu MA, Dinc G, Osmanagaoglu S, Dinc H, Bozkaya H. Comparison of cerebral magnetic resonance and electroencephalogram findings in preeclamptic and eclamptic women. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 45:384-90; 2005.

16. Osmanagaoglu MA, Kadioglu S, Osmanagaoglu S, Bozkaya H. The relationship of p53 accumulation, DNA ploidy and conventional clinicopathological prognostic variables in patients with ovarian carcinoma. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 65:778-85; 2005.