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Forensic Medicine


FATHER’S NAME : Late Sh. Tilak Ram
DATE OF BIRTH : Nov. 3, 1959
MARITAL STATUS : Married having two children

A-197, Ram Prastha,
P.O. Chander Nagar,
Ghaziabad 201011, INDIA
Tel: 0120-262 5080 (Residence)
     011-22582971-74 Ext.239 (Official)
Fax: 091-11-2259 0495

Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine,
University College of Medical Sciences and
G.T.B. Hospital, Dilshad Garden,
Delhi - 110 095, INDIA


MD (Forensic Medicine) : AIIMS, New Delhi    : 1986 1st attempt
MBBS                   : University of Delhi : 1982 1st attempt
BSc (Hon) Bot 2nd yr   : University of Delhi : 1978 1st division
Higher Secondary       : CBSE, New Delhi     : 1976 1st division


Professor      UCMS & GTB Hospital       Oct. 2000 - Till date
        UCMS & GTB Hospital       Oct. 1992 - Sept. 2000
Sr. Lecturer   UCMS & GTB Hospital
      Oct. 1990 - Sept. 1992
      UCMS & GTB Hospital       Oct. 1988 - Sept. 1990
Specialist     S.J. Hospital, New Delhi  July 1987 - Sept. 1988
Gr. II (Adhoc)

Jr. Resident
  AIIMS, New Delhi          Jan 1984 - Dec. 1986


1. Contributed chapter on, “ Medicolegal examination of Torture victims”. In: Manual for Health Professionals Dealing with Torture Victims. Society for Social Research, Art and Culture (SOSRAC), N-Delhi, 2004.

Aggarwal BBL, Verma SK. Medico legal Issues Concerning Adolescent Girls. In: Aggarwal N, Suneja A (Eds). Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. JP Brothers, New Delhi, 2002.

3. Moderator. In: Proceedings of CME Workshop for teachers on Introduction of OSCE & OSPE in forensic medicine and toxicology, AIIMS, New Delhi, 20

4. Aggarwal BBL, Verma SK. Torture and Medicine. In: Subhramanyam VB (Ed). Modi’s Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. Butterworths India, New Delhi 1999.

5. Verma SK. Prevention of accidents, poisonings and deaths. In: Ghai OP, Gupta P (Eds.) Essential Preventive Medicine - A Clinical and Applied Orientation. Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi 1999.

6. Verma SK. Medico legal issues in clinical practice. In: Ghai OP, Gupta P (Eds.) Essential Preventive Medicine - A Clinical and Applied Orientation. Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi 1999.

7. Dev G, Wahi M, Verma SK, Dwivedi S, and Aggarwal BBL on “Coronary atherosclerosis - an autopsy study”. In: Current Advances in Atherosclerosis Research (Proceedings of XI Annual Conference of Ind Soc for Athero Res), UCMS, Delhi, 1999.

8. Associate Editor In: Proceedings of International conference and workshop on recent advances in Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine. AIIMS, N-Delhi, 1998.

9. Wahi MK, Dwivedi S, Verma SK, Dev G, Aggarwal BBL on “Post mortem evaluation of atherosclerosis: How and Why?” In: Proceedings of International Conference and Workshop on Recent Advances in Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi, 1999.

10. Verma SK. Alcohol intoxication and clinical evaluation. In: CME Monograph Series-1. Proceedings of National Workshop on Practical and Emergency Medical Toxicology, AIIMS, New Delhi 1998.

11. Expert in Forensic Medicine. In: Bhatia MS (Ed). CBS Quick Medical Examination Review, 7th Ed Vol (1) CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1998.

12. Aggarwal NK, Verma SK. Child and Law. In: A Comprehensive Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. CBS Publishers, N. Delhi, 1996.

(ii) Indexed Journals
* Indicate International Journals

1. *Kohli A, Verma SK, Agarwal BBL. Accidental strangulation in a rickshaw - a case report. Forensic Sci Int 78: 7-11; 1996.

2. *Verma SK, Agarwal BBL, Agarwal G. Sudden death in neurocysticercosis. Forensic Sci Int 95: 23-26; 1998.

3. *Verma SK, Agarwal BBL. Accidental hanging with delayed death in lift. Med Sci Law 39: 342-344; 1999.

4. *Verma SK. Teaching students the value of autopsies. Academic Med 74(8): 855; 1999.

5. *Verma SK, Dev G, Tyagi AK, Goomber S, Jain GV. Argemone mexicana poisoning: autopsy findings of two cases. Forensic Sci Int 115: 135-141; 2001.

6. *Verma SK. Homicide by improvised explosive device made out of firecrackers. Med Sci Law 41: 353-355; 2001.

7. Verma SK, Agarwal BBL, Revati G. Gas gangrene following intramuscular injection - A case report. Ind Med Gaz 127: 171-172; 1993.

8. Verma SK. Sex changing operation - Fatal outcome - a case report. Ind J Crimol & Crimi 14: 52-54. 1993.

9. Verma SK. Knowledge and attitude of medical students in Delhi on postmortem examination. Ind J Med Sci. 53: 352-358; 1999.

10. Verma SK, Kishore U. Combined suicide: an unusual case of self immolation followed by attempted self-strangulation and successful partial hanging. Ind Med Gaz 133: 387-389; 1999.

11. Verma SK. Medical students: their attitude to organ donation and transplantation. Nat Med J India 13: 46-47; 2000.

12. Verma SK. Knowledge and attitude of medical students on organ donation and transplantation – a questionnaire survey. Ind Med Gaz 134: 327-331; 2000.

13. Verma SK. Cloning: Controversies and Law. Ind J Criminol and Criminalistics 21: 197-201; 2000.

14. Verma SK. Information highway; a threat to medical confidentiality. Indian Pediatrics 38: 884-888; 2001.

15. Verma SK, Kishore U. Suicide by short edge weapon: Series of three cases with Review of Literature. Ind J Criminol Criminalistics 22: 72-80; 2001.

16. Verma SK. Shrivastava DK, Bhatia MS. Epidemic hysteria in Delhi: pattern of injuries. Ind J Criminol Criminalistics 23: 30-37; 2002.

17. Verma SK, Srivastava DK. A study on mass hysteria (monkeymen?) victims in east Delhi. Ind J Med Sci 57: 355-364; 2003.

18. Bhatia MS, Verma SK. Suicide notes of Adolescent: Psychological profile. Ind J Criminol Criminalistics 24: 49-55; 2003.

19. Verma SK. Physician - pharmaceutical industry interaction: changing dimensions and ethics. Ind Pediatr 41:29-36; 2004.

20. *Verma SK, Kohli A, Agarwal NK. Accidental ligature strangulation deaths in East Delhi (India). Med Sci Law 45; :2004.

Journals of National Societies/ Associations/ Academies

1. Verma SK, Dogra TD. Lead letter printing presses - a potent cause of Lead toxicity. JFMT 5: 17-23; 1988.

2. Verma SK, Agarwal BBL. Euthanasia - a medical dilemma. JFMT 9: 12-14; 1992.

3. Tyagi AK, Verma SK, Sharma GK. Stature reconstruction from total arm span. JFMT 10: 17-18; 1993.

4. Verma SK, Kohli A, Agarwal BBL. Adipocere - A review on pathology and pathogenesis with a case illustration. JIAFM 18: 47-50; 1996.

5. Verma SK. Redefining Death: is it needed? Psychiatry today 1: 153-155; 1997.

6. Verma SK. The role and duty of doctor in poisoning cases. Medicolegal update 1: 22-24; 1997.

7. Verma SK, Agarwal BBL. HIV Transmission during autopsy: risk and precautions. JIAFM 19: 52-54; 1997.

8. Verma SK, Agarwal BBL, Tyagi AK. Ethical and legal issues in blood transfusion. JIAFM 19: 93-97; 1997.

9. Verma SK, Tyagi AK, Agarwal BBL. Police custody deaths: an experience of Autopsy surgeons in Delhi. JFMT 15: 116-119; 1998.

10. Verma SK. The law on Artificial Insemination in India. Obs & Gynae today 3: 531-536; 1998.

11. Verma SK, Murthy OP. Low level of publications in Forensic Medicine in India: reasons and remedies. Int J Med Toxicol & Leg Med 1: 72-74; 1998.

12. Verma SK, Agarwal BBL. A decade of COPRA and medical profession. J App Med 21:856-6; 1998.

13. Tyagi AK, Kohli A, Verma SK, Agarwal BBL. Correlation between stature and finger length. Int Jour Med Toxicol Leg Med 1: 20-22; 1999.

14. Verma SK, Agarwal BBL. Medical aspects of rape victim: Indian perspective. Int Jour Med Toxicol Leg Med 1: 23-26; 1999.

15. Murty OP, Verma SK. Report on recommendations of Int Conf and Workshop on recent advances in medical toxicology & legal medicine. Int Jour Med Toxicol Leg Med 1: 47-53; 1999.

16. Pillay VV, Murthy OP, Dikshit PC, Mehrotra VK, Fimate L, Dutta VK, Verma SK, Shantakumar B. National Committee for revised guidelines of sample preservation and analysis in medicolegal cases. JFMT 16: 44-54; 1999.

17. Verma SK. Rape, sexual abuse and hymen: a review. Asian J Obs Gyne Practice 3: 40-44; 1999.

18. Verma SK. A review on female genital mutilation. Obs & Gyne today 4: 654-57; 1999.

19. Verma SK, Tyagi AK, Murty OP. Heart related deaths: Can India follow American criteria. JIAFM 21: 56-59; 1999.

20. Verma SK. Supreme Court curtails right of PLWHAs in India. JFMT 16: 61-62; 1999.

21. Verma SK. Legal and ethical issues in Xenotransplantation. Ind Pract 53:99-102; 2000.

22. Verma SK, Saharan DV. Legal medicine in post independent India. Internet J of Forens Med. www.iafm.goplace.com2000.

23. Wahi M, Verma SK, Dev G, Dwivedi S. Aortic atherosclerosis in north Indian population: a pilot autopsy study. Cardiology today 4(1): 31-34; 2000.

24. Verma SK, Biswas G, Navneethan S, Aggarwal BBL. Effect of burns on speech. Anil Aggarrwal’s Internet J Forensic Med Toxicol 1; http//anil299.tripod.com/paper007.html 2000.

25. Verma SK. Domestic violence: medical approach. J of Mental Health and Human Behavior 5: 131-136; 2000.

26. Verma SK. Torture and human rights: challenge to present day medical experts. Jr. Mental Health & Human Behavior 6: 70-76; 2001.

27. Verma SK. Medical evidence and court: a plea for change. J Forensic Med Toxicol 19: 21-23; 2002.

28. Verma SK. Professional liability in obs. & gyne practice. Obs & Gyne Today 7: 601-604; 2002.

29. Verma SK, Biswas G. Comparing short-term survival by NISS and ISS in road traffic accidents. Indian Internet J Forensic Med Toxicol 1; www.icfmt.org. 2003.

30. Kishore U, Verma SK, Sharma GK. Estimation of age based on the stages of eruption of permanent 2nd and 3rd molar teeth. Indian Internet J Forensic Med Toxicol 1; www.icfmt.org. 2003.

31. Verma SK. Hazards & bio-safety in autopsy facilities. J Ind Academy Forensic Med Toxicol 25: 16-21; 2003.

32. Biswas G, Verma SK, Sharma JJ, Aggarwal NK. Pattern of road traffic accidents in northeast Delhi. J Forensic Med Toxicol 20: 27-32; 2003.

33. Verma SK. The family Physician and pharmaceutical industry. Physician’s Digest 13; 50-56: 2004.

34. Bhatia MS, Verma SK, Agarwal NK. Psychological autopsy and suicide notes. Ind Practitioner 57:609-616; 2004.

35. Jain GV, Agarwal NK, Verma SK. Forensic Medicine face to face with medical negligence. Ind Internet J Forensic Med Toxicol 1; www.icfmt.org.2004.

36. Rani M, Tyagi AK, Verma SK, Kohli A. Estimation of stature from percutaneous measurements of legs (1999-2000). J Forensic Med Toxicol 21:12-14; 2004.

37. Verma SK. Medical evidence and criminal courts in Delhi, India. Ind Internet J Forensic Med Toxicol 2;www.icfmt.org.2004.

Magazines / Newsletters

1. Verma SK. Preparing before March. Sikhar Magazine of DMA. 1988, 36-39.

2. Verma SK. Trekking at high altitude. Shikhar Magazine of DMA. 1989, 79-81.

3. Verma SK. Consumerism of Medical profession. Newsletter of Delhi Psychiatric Society 1995; 4(4): 4.


1. Lead letter printing presses - a potent cause of lead toxicity at XII Annual conference of IAFM at MAMC, New Delhi, 1990.

2. Injury severity scale in pediatric trauma cases in road traffic accidents at XIII Annual Conference at BHU, Varanasi, 1991.

3. Role of DNA printing in forensic medicine at XV Annual Conference of IAFM at Govt. Medical College, Amritsar, 1994.

4. Torture and police custody at International conference of Forensic Medicine and XVII Annual Conference of IAFM at Govt. Medical College, Surat, 1995-1996.

5. Forensic Medicine in Post Independent India at International conference and workshop on Recent Advances in Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine at AIIMS, New Delhi, 1998.

6. Torture and Human Rights: challenges to present day Forensic Medicine experts at XIII International Symposium on Torture at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, 1999.

7. Accidental hanging with delayed death in Lift at International Congress of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology and XX Annual Conference of IAFM at AIIMS, New Delhi, 1999.

8. Knowledge and attitude of medical students on autopsy in Delhi at World Congress of Millenium on Forensic Medicine and XXI Annual conference of IAFM at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, 2000.

9. A study on Victims of Alleged Monkey Men Menace in Delhi at 23rd Annual Conference of IAFM at M.P. Shah Medical College, Jam Nagar, Gujarat, 2002.

10. A ten years study on strangulation deaths in east Delhi at 4th Annual Conference of ICFMT at AIIMS, N-Delhi, 2003.

11. Comparing fatal strangulation patterns between India and western countries at 5th Annual conference of ICFMT at SJH and VMMC, N-Delhi, 2004.


1. Toxicological study of lead and its medico legal significance” entitled thesis done during M.D. at AIIMS, New Delhi, 1985.

2. Recognized PG Teacher by University of Delhi, since 1992.

3. Supervised M.D. thesis on following topics:

(i) Pattern of Homicide in North-East Delhi (An autopsy study) 1995.

(ii) A Profile of Head injury (An autopsy study) 1997.

(iii) Study of coronary and aortic atherosclerosis in and around East Delhi (An autopsy study) 1998.

(iv) Study of eruption of 2nd and 3rd permanent molar teeth in the population of Delhi, 1999.

(v) Study of Injury Severity Score in Fatal Road Traffic Trauma in Delhi, 2000.


1. University Examiner for MBBS, BHMS and MD (Forensic Medicine)

External Examiner in the following Universities:
(a) MD University, Rohtak, Haryana.
(b) Kanpur University, Kanpur, U.P.
(c) Rajasthan University, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
(d) Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.
(e) Baba Farid University, Faridkot.
(f) C.C.S. University, Meerut, U.P.
(g) AIIMS, New Delhi.
(h) Darjeeling University.
(i) Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
(j) Ujjain University.
(k) Sardar Patel University, Anand, Gujarat.

3. Participated as examiner/ co-coordinator examiner for DNB in Forensic Medicine.

4. Participated in University Examiner as Deputy Superintendent, Invigilator and confidential officer since 1988.

5. Conducted various college level examinations like terminal, sentup etc. since 1988.

6. Appointed coordinator for generating question bank for National Board of Examinations in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Govt. of India.


Prepared number of lectures based on color/black & white projection slide/OHP/Powerpoint.

Attended and participated in CME Programme at MAMC (1990 & 1992), BHU (1991) and UCMS (1998), AIIMS (1995, 1998, 1999).

Attended 45th National Teacher Training Programme on Medical Education at MAMC, New Delhi from 19th to 28th November 2001.

Awarded WHO In- Country Fellowship on Educational Technology and Training Methodology, 2002.



1. Attended International Seminar, Training Course and Workshop on Poisons control in India and SEARO Countries at AIIMS, N. Delhi from 6-11 Nov. 1995.

2. Attended International Conference on Forensic Medicine and XVII annual conference of IAFM at Govt. Medical College, Surat on 30-31 Dec 1995 and 1st Jan 1996.

3. Attended International Conference and Workshop on Recent advances in medical toxicology and legal medicine at AIIMS, N. Delhi from 2-7 Nov. 1998.

4. Attended XI Annual Conference of ISAR, International Symposium/CME on prevention of CAD at UCMS from 27-29 Nov 1998.

5. Attended Forensicon 99, Int. Congress of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology and 20th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine at AIIMS, N. Delhi from 6-8 Feb. 1999.

6. Attended and presented paper in “VIII International Symposium on Torture” at Vigyan Bhavan, N. Delhi 22-25 Sept. 1999.

7. Attended and presented paper in “World Congress of the Millennium on Forensic Medicine and XXI Annual National Conference of IAFM at MMC” Manipal, Karnataka 6-8 Feb. 2000.

.:. Attended and presented paper in “Third International Conference of Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology “at AIIMS, New Delhi” from 30-31st March, 2002.


8 . Attended 7th course on orientation to Forensic Science and Medicine organized by NICFS, Govt. of India, N. Delhi from 18 to 22nd April 1988.

9. Attended XII annual conference of IAFM at MAMC, N. Delhi from 19 to 21st Jan. 1990.

10. Attended National symposium on Embalming of Bodies with HIV (AIDS), Hepatitis-B and other Notifiable infections at AIIMS, N. Delhi on 18 - 19 Jan 1991.

11. Attended XIII annual conference of IAFM at BHU from 19-21 Feb 1991.

12. Participated in 2nd CME Programme in Forensic Medicine at MAMC, N. Delhi from 16-18 Aug 1992.

13. Attended Workshop for faculty members/Consultants to raise awareness about AIDS and to eliminate fear in handling HIV positive/AIDS patients at UCMS on 21-22 Sept 1992.

14. Attended symposium on “Sexual exploitation of women in India” at AIIMS, N. Delhi on 20th March 1993.

15. Attended XV annual conference of IAFM at Govt. Medical College, Amritsar from 11-13 Feb 1994.

16. Attended Workshop on “Victims of Rape: Intervention Strategies” organized by Pratidhi at FICCI, N. Delhi on 3rd Feb 1996.

17. Attended “Symposium on Poisoning” at UCMS on 24th Feb 1996.

18. Attended National Workshop on “Medical Education - An Appraisal” organized by MCI at LHMC, N. Delhi 20-21 May 1996.

19. Attended Symposium on “Torture in Medical Practice” at UCMS, N. Delhi on 20th July 1996.

20. Attended a 2-day workshop on “Prison Health Care Services” held at IMA House, N. Delhi on 5-6 April 1997.

21. Attended and actively participated in Workshop on “Eye-Banking and Eye-Donations” held at R.P. Centre, AIIMS on 29.8.1997.

22. Attended National Workshop on Practical and Emergency Medical Toxicology held at AIIMS, N. Delhi from 24-26 Feb 1998.

23. Attended Workshop on Postmortem Procedures and Guidelines held at IMA House, N. Delhi on 27-28 Feb 1998.

24. Attended National Convention on Contemporary Issues in Women and Mental Health” held at VIMHANS, N. Delhi on 14-15 March 1998.

25. Attended Annual Conference of Delhi Psychiatry Society on 25th Dec. 1998.

26. Attended National Seminar on Mental Health Legislation: Current Status and Future Prospects of Mental Health Act 1987 at IHBAS, Delhi on 8-9 May 1999.

27. Attended National Symposium on” Child Sexual Abuse” held at India International Centre,N-Delhi on May 14,2000.

28. Attended training programme of Trainers in HIV/AIDS/STD prevention and control at UCMS & GTBH, Delhi on Nov. 28-30, 2000.

29. Attended 4th National Meeting on Legal Aspect of Medical and Health Care at Bangalore from September 27-29, 2001.

30. Attended & participated in Annual Conference of DPS, Delhi on 9th December 2001.

31. Attended and participated in 23rd Annual Conference of IAFM at M.P. Shah Medical College, Jam Nagar, Gujarat from January 12-14, 2002.

32. Attended workshops at AIIMS, New Delhi for generating question banks for National Board of Examinations, September 4, 2002.

33. Attended workshops at AIIMS, New Delhi for generation question banks for National Board of Examinations, September 4, 2002.

34. Attended and participated in workshop on OSPE & OSCE in forensic medicine at AIIMS, N-Delhi on Nov.29-30, 2002.

35. Attended Annual conference of Delhi Psychiatric Society at N-Delhi on Dec.8, 2002.

36. Attended 4th Annual conference of ICFMT at AIIMS, N-Delhi on March 22-23,2003.

37. Attended training workshop on critical health issues of elderly, organized by IMA at India Habitat Centre, N-Delhi on October 14, 2004.

38. Attended 5th Annual conference of ICFMT at SJH and VMMC, N-Delhi on Nov. 27-28, 2004.

39. Attended National Symposium on , “ Emerging areas of Forensic Sciences” at SGTB college, University of Delhi on Dec.4-6, 2004.


1. Invited number of times to deliver lectures on various topics at National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, Rohini, Delhi-85.

2. Invited to deliver a lecture on “Medicolegal aspect of HIV infection” in workshop for faculty/Consultants to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS at UCMS on 22.9.1992.

3. Invited to deliver a talk on “Medicolegal aspects of AIDS” on 15.3.1995 and 28.3.1995 in training programme on AIDS for Medical Officers.

4. Invited to deliver a talk on “Medicolegal aspects of HIV infections and AIDS”, in Workshop on AIDS Awareness for medical officers at UCMS on 25.3.95.

5. Invited to deliver a talk of “Legal Aspects of Health and Medical Care including Consumer Protection Act” on 19.10.95 in training programme for senior C.H.S. Medical Officers in Health Management.

6. Invited to deliver a talk on “Victims of Rape: Intervention Strategies” in a Workshop on 3rd Feb 1996 by PRATIDHI a NGO in association with Delhi Police.

7. Invited to deliver a talk on “Legal aspects of Health and Medical Care including Consumer Protection Act” in Training Programme for Senior CHS Medical Officers on Health Management at UCMS on 1.1.1998.

8. Invited to deliver a lecture on “Alcohol its intoxication and clinical evaluation in causality services” National Workshop on Practical and Emergency Medical Toxicology held at AIIMS on 26.2.1998.

9. Invited to deliver a talk on “Difficulties and Deficiencies in Present Day Reporting” in the Workshop on Postmortem Procedures and Guidelines held at IMA House, N. Delhi on 28th Feb, 1998.

10. Invited to deliver a talk on “Scene investigation in sexual assault/dowry deaths/firearm/homicide” in Education programme in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology for Delhi police officers at AIIMS on 10th May 1998.

11. Invited as Guest Speaker to deliver talks on (a) Forensic Medicine in Post Independent India, (b) Autopsy findings in Dropsy Cases. In Internal Conference and Workshop on Recent Advances in medical toxicology and legal medicine at AIIMS on 2-3 Nov. 1998.

12. Invited to speak on “General Scenario on Poisoning” in Seminar on Criminology and Forensic Science at Gargi College, University of Delhi on 3.12.1998.

13. Invited to deliver a talk on “Medicolegal aspects of Hospital Practice” in training programme for CHS Officer at GTBH, Delhi on 27.10.1998.

14. Invited to deliver a talk on “ Crime Scene Investigation” in CME cum training programme for police officers at AIIMS, N-Delhi on 9.10.1999.

15. Invited to deliver a talk on “ Forensic Aspects of Dementia’ at IHBAS, Delhi on 16.3.2000.

16. Invited to deliver a talk on “Rape and Sexual Abuse: Approach and court cases” In: Symposium on Medicolegal aspects of Obs & Gynae at GTBH, Delhi on 26.6.2000.

17. Invited to deliver a talk on “ Medicolegal aspects of sterilisation” in training programme on laproscopic sterlisation at GTBH, Delhi on 23.3.2001.

18. Invited to participate in debate on “Should Doctor be taken to Court for Sterilisation Failure” at Annual Conference organised by NARCHI on 9.9.2001.

19. Invited as faculty in CME held at UCMS & GTBH by UCMS alumini on 22.12.2001.

20. Invited to deliver a talk on “Medico Legal Examination of Torture Victims” in the workshop on “Comprehensive Management of Torture Victims” organised by DMA & SOSRAC at DMA House, New Delhi on 26.6.2002.

21. Invited to deliver a talk on “ Medico-legal aspects of sterilization” in training programme on sterilization organized by Deptt. of Obs. & Gyne at GTB Hospital on 28.11.02.

22. Invited to deliver a talk on “Examination and MLC reporting of torture victims” in National workshop organized by SOSRAC and AKN Sinha institute of IMA N-Delhi on 22.12.02.

23. Invited to deliver a session on “ Injuries and medico-legal aspects” in vertical integration course for IPS officers at AIIMS, N-Delhi on 16.1.03

24. Invited to take sessions on, “Management of medicolegal cases” in training course on decentralization for senio9r officers of the SIP districts in Haryana organized by National Institute of Health and Family welfare, New Delhi on 6.5.2003, 24.6.2003 & 22.7.2003.

25. Invited to deliver a talk on “Medicolegal aspects of MTP during training programme on MTP at GTB Hospital on 21.6.2003.

26. Invited to take a session on “Medicolegal issues” in 4th Professional Development course in Management Public Health and Health Sector Reforms for District Health Officers at NIHFW, N-Delhi on 12.9.2003.

27. Invited to take sessions on “(i) Consent in Medical Practice; and (ii) Medical Negligence in different specialties “ in three Training Courses on Medical Negligence, Consumer Protection Act and Medical Ethics for faculty of medical colleges organized by National Institute of Health and Family Welfare from 6-10 Oct. 2003, 17-21 Nov. 2003 and 8-12 Dec. 2003.

28. Invited to take session on, “Asphyxial deaths” in orientation course at NICSF, N-Delhi for judicial officers, medical officers and public prosecutors on 9.2.2004.

29. Invited as panelist in, “ Training course on medical negligence, Consumer Protection Act and Medical ethics” at NIHFW, N-Delhi on 22.7.2004.

30. Invited as Faculty in Seminar on, “ Psychological and mental health problems of jail population” at Jammu, organized by IMA in collaboration with ICRC from 2-3 Oct., 2004.


* Silver Medal in Gynae & Obst in Final MBBS.

Established the Department of Forensic Medicine as 1st and only specialist in Forensic Medicine at S.J. Hospital in the year 1987.

Asst. Editor of Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology from the year 1990-1992.

Member, Editorial Board of Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology from 1995-97.

Publicity and circulation Editor of Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 1998.

Awarded certificate of Merit for the paper “Role of DNA fingerprinting in Forensic Medicine: Some Practical Aspects” at XV Annual Conference of IAFM held at Govt. Medical College, Amritsar, 1994.

Organized “Symposium on Poisoning” as Organizing Secretary at UCMS and GTB Hospital on Feb 24th, 1996.

Member, Organizing Committee for “Symposium on Torture in medical practice at UCMS & GTB Hospital on July 20th, 1996.

Organized “Conference and Workshop on Recent Advances in Medical toxicology and Legal Medicine” as Joint Organizing Secretary at AIIMS, N. Delhi from 2-7 Nov. 1998.

Member, Organizing Committee for XI Annual Conference of Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research, International Symposium/CME on prevention of coronary artery disease at UCMS & GTB Hospital from 27-29 Nov. 1998.

Chaired a session in International Conference and Workshop on Recent Advances in Medical Toxicology at AIIMS on 3rd Nov. 1998.

Executive Editor of International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine published from AIIMS, N. Delhi, 1999-2000.

Organized Forensicon-99, International Congress of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology and 20th Annual Conference of IAFM as Joint Organizing Secretary at AIIMS from 6-8 Feb. 1999.

Treasurer, ISAR Delhi-NCR 1999-2000.

General Secretary, Delhi Chapter of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine 2000- 2001.

Appointed member of the ABI’s Research Board of Advisers, USA.

Member, Editorial Board in Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine.

Reviewer for Journal of Mental Health and Human Behavior.

Reviewer for the Journal Indian Pediatrics.

Member, Technical in the Committee setup by Government of Delhi to draft rules for Delhi Artificial Insemination (Human) Act.

Chaired a scientific session in 23rd Annual Conference of IAFM at M.P. Shah Medical College, Jam Nagar, Gujarat from 12-14 January, 2002.

Chaired the session in Third International Conference of Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology held at “AIIMS, New Delhi” from 30-31st March, 2002.

Editor, Indian Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology.

Organized 4th Annual conference of ICFMT at AIIMS, N-Delhi from 22-23 March 2003 as Addl. Organizing Secretary.

Organized 5th Annual conference of ICFMT at SJH and VMMC, N-Delhi from 27-28 Nov.,2004 as Addl. Organizing Secretary.


1. WHO In Country Fellowship.

2. Fellowship of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine.

3. Fellowship of Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology.

4. Life Member. Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine since.

5. Life Member. Delhi Psychiatric Society.

6. Elected Life Member. Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research..

7. Life Member. Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology.

8. Life Member. International Academy of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine.

9. Member. Medico legal Society.

10. Member. Delhi Chapter of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine.


Acted as Member, College Library Advisory Committee 1995-1999.

Acted as Member, College Committee for Counseling New Admissions.

Member, Hospital Legal Cell.

Acted as Member in the Committee setup by the Principal of the College to mitigate the hardships of staff on Medical Reimbursement.

Acted as member on Number of Boards for subsequent expert opinions related to postmortems.

Acted as member of various selection committees in College and Hospital.

Looking after the day-to-day administration of Mortuary.

Inspected and verified stores of various departments/sections of college during annual physical verifications for last several years.

Member of selection committee for the post of Professor at Dr. Sushila Tiwari Memorial hospital and Medical College, Haldwani, Uttanchal.

Expert member in selection board for Insurance Medical Officers II in ESIC, Govt. of India.