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Dr. Mohammad Hossein Dashti

Personal Information

First name : Mohammad Hossein
Surname : Dashti Rahmat Abadi
Date of birth : 22/07/1956
Nationality : Iranian
Marital status : Married (3 children)
Title Assistant : Professor
Gender : Male

Work address :
Dept. of Physiology ,
Shahid Sadoughi University Of Medical Sciences,
Yazd, Iran
Tel / Fax : 00983518229500

Home address :
NO.15 Alley 16th Talash Street ,
Atlasi Square, Safayeh , Yazd, Iran
Tel: 0098 351 8226127
Fax: 00983518230372

Educational Background

DVM , School of veterinary medicine,
Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

Ph.D. in Physiology, Title of thesis” The Effect of Locus Coeroleus Lesioning and Peripheral à - Adrenergic Agonists on Tonic and Phasic Pain in Rats”.

Dept. of Physiology, School of Medicine,
Shaheed Beheshti Medical University, Tehran, Iran

Employment / Professional Experience

1984-1985 :
Faculty Member (Lecturer), School of Medicine,
Kerman University, Kerman, Iran.

1985-1989 :
Faculty Member (Lecturer), School of Medicine, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services

1989 - 1993 :
Lecturer in Schools of Dentistry and Para medicine, Shaheed Beheshti Medical University, Tehran, Iran

1990 – 1993 :
Teaching medical physiology to the students of medicine in Semnan , Ghazvein , Kashan and Bandar Abbass Medical Universities as a part time lecturer .

1993 - 1999 :
Faculty Member (Lecturer), School of Medicine, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services

1994 - 2003 :
Head of physiology department. Shahid Sadoughi medical School

1998-2002 :
Member of Medical School education and Research Association

1999-2001 :
member of cardiovascular research centre in Shahid Sadoughi medical university

1999 - Present :
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services Yazd, Iran

2003 - present :
Member of infectious diseases research centre in Shahid Sadoughi Medical University

2003 - present :
Member of student research committee in Shahid Sadoughi Medical University

2003 - present :

Member of education development centre (EDC) of medical school

2003 - present :
Director of Tallent Student Developing Committee of Shahid Sadoughi Medical Science University

2003 - 2004 :
Editorial advisory board of J. Of S.Sadoughi Univ ofMedi. Scic. Yazd

2004 - 2004 :
Member of scientific committee of 3rd national congress of addiction, yazd,Iran

2004 - present :
Member of Tallent Student Developing Higher Association of Shahid Sadoughi Medical Science University


Examiner :

External examiner of PhD thesis from Medical Sciences University of Isfahan

Advisor :
Medical student's thesis: The effect of relaps to morphine Consumption on the intensity of withdrawal syndrome signs The study of dependency to tramadol in comparison with morphine in rats

Supervisor : Medical student's thesis :

A review on physiological aspects of acupuncture medicine Assessment of antinociceptive effect of Dextromethorphan on chronic pain in rats in comparison whit Morphine Sulfate.
A survey on the prevalence of herb med consumption by diabetic
patients referred to Yazd Diabetic centre.

Scientific society membership :

:: Iranian Physiology and Pharmacology Society (IPPS) - 1994
:: International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) - 1999

Publications :

A - Journals :

1. A.Morshedi, M.H.Dashti, A.Rafati, A.Nazemi, : The Effect Of Aminophyline Alone And Before The Administration Of Adenosine On The Rabbit’s Tracheal Response To Electrical Stimulation. Scientific Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services ,Vol.5,No.4, Winter,1988 .

2. Dashti M.H., Semnanian S. The effect of Locus Coeruleus lesioning on tonic pain. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 18(1), May 1994.

3. M. H. Dashti, A. Morshedi: A Comparison Between The Effect Of Black Tea And Kombucha Tea On Blood Glucose Level In Diabetic Rat.Medic Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 13:2, 83-87, 2000 .

4. Beman-ali Jalali-khanabadi, Hassan Mozaffari, Mohamad-Hosain Dashti assessment of serum lipoprotein(A) in patient with end-stage disease.medical gournal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 13(3),133-135,2000.

5. Mohammad H. Dashti, Abbas Morshedi and Ali Rafati: The Effect Of Kombucha Tea On Learning And Memory In Rats. Medical Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 14:1, 15-19, 2001

6. Beman-ali Jalali-Khanabadi, Hassan Mozaffari, Mohamad-Hosain Dashti, Assessment of Serum Lipoprotein (A) Leveles in Afghan Immigrants Living in Yazd. Archives of Iraranian medicine, 5(2),2002.

7. A.Vahidi , M.H.Dashti, S.H.Jamaladdini, Antinociceptive effect of Chamomill on Formalin induced pain in Rat . Scientific Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services ,Vol.9,No.2, Summer,2001 .

8. M.H.Dashti, A.Morshedi, M.H.Fallah-Zadeh, A.Nazemi, :Effect Of Cholecystokinin On Esophageal Muscle Of Rabbit . . Scientific Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services ,Vol.9,No.3, Autumn,2001 .

9. A.Vahidi , M.H.Dashti, M.Froozan-Mehr,M.Nadi, M.Eftekhar-Afzali, A.Baktash, S.Pakdel, :Evaluation Of Learning And Memory In Mice Whose Mothesr Had Consumed Boswellia During Lactationary Period . . Scientific Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services ,Vol.11,No.1, Spring,2003 .

10. A.Rafati, M.H.Dashti, A.A.Pourshanazari, The Effect of Nitric Oxide Synthetase Inhibitor (L-NAME) on prevention of Morphine dependence in Rats. Scientific journal of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences& Health Services , 11(3)16-23 2004

B - Congress Proceedings:

1. Dashti M.H., Semnanian S., Motamedi F. Assessing the effect of locus coeruleus lesioning and peripheral alpha-adrenergic receptors on tonic pain. 11th Iranian Physiology & Pharmacology Congress, Tabriz Medical Sciences University, Tabriz, Iran, 1991.

2. Azizi Z., Semnanian S., Dashti M.H, Motamedi F. Phasic and tonic pain assessment in Locus Coeruleus lesioned rats Fourth IBRO world congress of neuroscience, Kyoto- Japan, 9-14 July 1995.

3. Dashti M.H, Semnanian S., Motamedi F. Assessment of peripheral alpha-adrenergic receptors’ role in tonic pain. 12th Iranian Physiology & Pharmacology Congress, Tehran, 6-9 Nov 1995

4. Dashti M.H., Semnanian S., A comparison between the effect of locus coeruleus lesioning on tonic pain XXXIII International congress of physiological sciences, St. Petersburg, June 30- July 5, 1997

5. Dashti M.H,Vahidi A,Lotfikamran M,Salami A , The affect of caffeine on learning and memorv in Rat, Phvsiological Research,Vol.48, SuppL 1,P: 1, 1999 .

6. Vahidi A.R., M.H.Dashti, The Effect Of Teucrium Polium On The Blood Glucode In The Diabetic Rats. In abstract book of “Frontiers in Pharmachology and Theraoeutics in 21st Century”, New Delhi, India, p: 134, 1st – 4th December, 1999.

7. M. H. Dashti, A. Rafati and A. Nazemie, The Effect of Adenosin on Rabbit Tracheal Smooth Muscle. In abstract book of “Frontiers in Pharmachology and Theraoeutics in 21st Century”, New Delhi, India, p: 98, 1st – 4th December, 1999.

8. A. Morshedi, M. H. Dashti and A. Nazemie, Effect of Cholecystokinn (C.C.K) on Rabbit Tracheal Smooth Muscle. In abstract book of “Frontiers in Pharmachology and Theraoeutics in 21st Century”, New Delhi, India, p: 98, 1st – 4th December, 1999.

9. A.R.Vahidi, M.H.Dashti, H. Jamaladini and A. Babai, Antinociceptive Effect Of Chamomile Extracts On Formaline-Induced Pain In the Rat. Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Vol. 52, p: 2, September 2000.

10. M.H.Dashti,A.Vahidi,A.Morshedi , the effect of Chamomill extract on phasic pain in mice. 9th APCCB & 28th annual conference of ACBI ABSTRACT book New Delhi India,p:165,2002

11. Mohammad H. Dashti, Abbas Morshedi and Ali Rafati: The effect of kombucha tea on learning and memory in rats. 9th Apccb & 28th annual conference of ACBI abstract book New Delhi India,p:164,2002

12. S.H.Hejazian, M.H.Dashti, A.Nazemi, the effect of sodium nitroprosside on rabit’s traceal smooth muscle. 9th APCCB & 28th annual conference of ACBI ABSTRACT book New Delhi India,p:202,2002

13. M. H. DASHTI, A. MORSHEDI: A comparison between the effect of black tea and kombucha tea on blood glucose level in diabetic rat. ACTA PHVSIOLOGICA HUNGARICA VOL.89(1-3),P:277,2002

14. A.Morshedi and M.H.Dashti, the effct of kombucha tea on blood glucose level in diabetic rats. ACTA PHVSIOLOGICA HUNGARICA VOL.89(1-3),P:221,2002

15. M.Mirvakili and M.H.Dashti, The Antinociceptive Effect of a1 Adrenergic Agonist (Phenylepherine) on Chronic Pain Induced by Formalin Test in Rats. ACTA PHVSIOLOGICA HUNGARICA VOL.89(1-3),P:194,2002

16. M. H. Dashti, S. H. Hejazian, A. Morshedi, Comparison Between The Analgesic Effect Of Carum Copticum Extract and Morphine In Phasic Pain Modle in Mice. The Proceedings of the European Association for clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Istanbul, Turkey ,p: 83, June 2003.

17. A. Morshedi, M. H. Dashti, The Analgesic Effect of Lactuca Sativa Seeds in Mice. The Proceedings of the European Association for clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Istanbul, Turkey, p: 84, June 2003.

18. Rafati A., Dashti M. H. & Pourshanazari A. A. The effect of Nitric oxide synthetase inhibitor (L-NAME) on prevention of morphine dependence in rats. FENS Abstr., vol.2, A231.16, 2004

19. A.R. Vahidi, A. Morshedi, M.H.Dashti, The Effect of Vitamine E on Learning and Memory in Rat. International Journal of Psychophysiology , Vol. 54 , No. 1-2, p:187, September 2004

20. A. Morshedi, M.H.Dashti, A. Vahidi, The Effect of Vitamine C on Learning and Memory in Rat. International Journal of Psychophysiology , Vol. 54 , No. 1-2, p:187, September 2004

21. M.H.Dashti, A. Morshedi, A. Vahidi, The Effect of Syzygium Aromaticum (CLOVE) on Learning and Memory in Rat. International Journal of Psychophysiology , Vol. 54 , No. 1-2, p:187, September 2004

Research Interests and Activities

Behavioral Studies ( Pain , Memory & Learning )

Neurophysiology of addiction

Studies on Isolated Tissues

References :

Professor F.Motamedi
Address :
Neuroscience Research Center,
Shaheed Beheshti univ.of Med. Sciences,
P.O. Box 19835-181, Tehran-Iran
Tel : 0098-21-242-2652

Professor S. Semnanian M.D. Ph.D.
Address :
Department of Physiology,
Tarbiat Modarres University,
Tehran, Iran .
Email: ssemnan@modares.ac.ir

Dr. A. Rafati D.V.M., Ph.D.
Address :
Department of Physiology,
Shahid Sadoughi Medical Science University,
Yazd, Iran