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Prof. Cengiz Beyan, MD.

Corresponding Address:

Cengiz BEYAN, MD, Prof.
Department of Hematology
Gulhane Military Medical Academy
06010 Etlik, Ankara, Turkey

Tel : +90-312-3044101
Fax : +90-312-3044100


Hacettepe University Medical Faculty (medical education)


Gulhane Military Medical Academy (internship education)

Gulhane Military Medical Academy (assistant doctor in internal medicine)
Thesis: Protein C Antigen Levels in Young Adults under 40 Years with Thromboembolic Disorders

Gulhane Military Medical Academy (assistant doctor in hematology)
Thesis: The Investigation of Epstein-Barr Virus Genome with Polymerase Chain Reaction in Hodgkin’s Disease

Academical Degrees:

1984: Medical Doctor

Specialist Doctor in Internal Medicine

Specialist Doctor in Hematology

Assistant Professor in Hematology

Associate Professor in Hematology

Professor in Hematology

Academical Duties:

2001: Director of Dept. of Hematology

2000-2002: The Secretary of Hemostasis and Thrombosis Subcommittee of Turkish Society of Hematology

2002: The Chairman of Platelet Subcommittee of Turkish Society of Hematology

Specific Interest Areas:

Nutritional Anemias

Papers which Internationally Published:

» Ural AU, Avcu F, Sayar H, Beyan C, Kocabalkan F. Botulism: A Case Report. Mikrobiyol Bul, 26:70-6,1992.

» Yalcin A, Avcu F, Beyan C, Gurgey A, Ural AU. A Case Of Hb J-Meerut (Or Hb J-Birmingham) [?120 (H3) Ala ? Glu]. Hemoglobin, 18:433-5,1994.

» Ural AU, Yalcin A, Beyan C, Isimer A, Bayhan H. Plasma Endothelin-1 Concentrations in Patients with Behçet's Disease. Scand J Rheumatol, 23:322-5,1994.

» Beyan C, Ural AU, Cetin T, Ozata M, Yalcin A. Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia in the Course of Acromegaly (A Case Report ). Endocr J, 43:565-8,1996.

» Turkan H, Suer AH, Beyan C, Yalcin A. Propofol Does Not Affect Platelet Aggregation. Eur J Anaesth, 13:408-9,1996.

» Yalcin A, Ural AU, Beyan C, Tastan B, Demiriz M, Cetin T. Scurvy Presenting with Cutaneous and Articular Signs and Decrease in Red and White Blood Cells. Int J Dermatol, 35:879-81,1996.

» Beyan C, Ural AU, Cetin T, Omay SB, Doganci L, Yalcin A. Uncommon Cause of Severe Pancytopenia: Toxoplasmosis. Am J Haematol, 55:164,1997.

» Ural AU, Beyan C, Yalcin A. Thrombocytopenia Following Intravenous Iopamidol. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 54:575-6,1998.

» Guran S, Bahce M, Beyan C, Korkmaz K, Yalcin A. p 53, p 15INK4B, p16INK4A and p57KIP2 Mutations during the Progression of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Haematologia, 29:181-93,1998.

» Yildiran ST, Komurcu S, Saracli MA, Gonlum A, Beyan C, Gun H, Yalcin A. Fusarium Fungaemia in Severely Neutropenic Patients. Mycoses, 41:467-9,1998.

» Yalcin A, Avcu F, Cetin T, Yesilova S, Beyan C, Kaptan K. Mononeuropathy Multiplex in the Course of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: A Case Report. Acta Haematol-Basel, 100:211-2,1999.

» Turkan H, Ural AU, Beyan C, Yalcin A. Effects of Hydroxyethyl Starch on Blood Coagulation Profile. Eur J Anaesth, 16:156-9,1999.

» Avcu F, Akar N, Akar E, Beyan C, Yalcin A. Prothrombin Gene 20210 G?A and Factor V Arg 506 to Gln Mutation in a Patient with Buerger’s Disease. A Case Report. Angiology, 51:421-3,2000.

» Kaptan K, Beyan C, Ural AU, Cetin T, Avcu F, Gulsen M, Finci R, Yalcin A. Helicobacter Pylori: Is it a Novel Causative Agent in Vitamin B12 Deficiency? Arch Intern Med, 160:1349-53,2000.

» Yamac K, Kaptan K, Beyan C, Teksin ZS, Agabeyoglu IT, Gokgoz L. Comparison of the Hematological Effects of a Sustained Release Chitosan Formulation of Pentoxifylline with a Commercial Formulation. Arzneimittel-Forsch/Drug Res, 50:827-31,2000.

» Ural AU, Kaptan K, Avcu F, Guran S, Beyan C, Durmus O, Yalcin A. Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia Developed 2 Years after the Onset of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura like Syndrome. Haematologia, 30:221-4,2000.

» Kaptan K, Beyan C, Ural AU, Ustun C, Cetin T, Avcu F, Kubar A, Alis M, Yalcin A. Successful Treatment of Severe Aplastic Anemia Associated with Human Parvovirus B19 and Epstein-Barr Virus in a Healthy Subject with Allo-BMT. Am J Haematol, 67:252-5,2001.

» Basustaoglu A, Aydogan H, Beyan C, Yalcin A, Unal S. First Glycopeptide-Resistant Enterococcus faecium Isolate from Blood Culture in Ankara, Turkey. Emerg Infect Dis, 7:160-1,2001.

» Ural AU, Ozcan A, Avcu F, Kaptan K, Tastan B, Beyan C, Yalcin A. Erythema Annulare Centrifugum as the Presenting Sign of CD 30 Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma- Association with Disease Activity. Haematologia, 31:81-4,2001.

» Beyan C, Cetin T, Kaptan K, Ural AU, Yalcin A. Does Amphotericin B Lipid Complex (Abelcet) Effect Hematological Parameters Erroneously? Haematologia, 31:245-9,2001.

» Avcu N, Avcu F, Beyan C, Ural AU, Kaptan K, Ozyurt M, Nevruz O, Yalcin A. The Relationship between Gastric-Oral Helicobacter pylori and Oral Hygiene in Patients with Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 92:166-9,2001.

» Kaptan K, Beyan C, Cetin T, Ural AU, Ustun C, Avcu F, Nevruz O, Guney C, Kubar A, Yalcin A. Anemia Following Human Parvovirus B19 Infection in a Patient with Polycythemia Vera. Am J Haematol, 69:296-7,2002.

» Ceylan S, Hamzaoglu O, Komurcu S, Beyan C, Yalcin A. A Study on Demographics Motives, and Expectations of Patients with Malignancy Resorting to Folk Medicine During or After Conventional Medical Therapy. Complement Ther Med, 10:94-9,2002.

» Ural AU, Avcu F, Cetin T, Beyan C, Kaptan K, Nazaroglu NK, Yalcin A. Spironolactone: Is it a novel drug for the prevention of Amphotericin-B related hypokalemia in cancer patients? Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 57:771-3,2002.

» Kaptan K, Beyan C, Ozturk B, Cetin T, Ural AU, Avcu F, Cetin C, Yalcin A. Lack of Platelet Aggregation Abnormality in Hodgkin’s Disease. Haematologia, 31:357-63,2002.

» Beyan C, Cetin T, Kaptan K, Nevruz O, Ural AU, Avcu F, Kubar A, Yalcin A. Severe Thrombocytopenia as a Presenting Symptom of Hepatitis C Virus Infection. Haematologia, 32:277-80,2002.

» Beyan C, Kaptan K, Cetin T, Nevruz O, Satar B. Facial Paresis After Fludarabine Treatment for Advanced Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (Case Report). Haematologia, 32:287-90,2002.

» Ulutin HC, Beyan C, Pak Y. Total skin electron beam therapy for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: Turkish experience with translational technique. Haematologia, 32:397-403,2002.

» Beyan C, Kaptan K, Cetin T, Nevruz O. Severe Hyperglycemia as a Complication of Big ICE Chemotherapy in a Patient with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia. Haematologia, 32:505-8,2002.

» Cetin T, Arpaci F, Dere Y, Turan M, Ozturk B, Komurcu S, Ozet A, Beyzadeoglu M, Kaptan K, Beyan C, Yalcin A. Total Parenteral Nutrition Delays Platelet Engraftment in Patients Who Undergo Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Nutrition, 18:599-603,2002.

» Kaptan K, Ustun C, Beyan C, Ural AU, Avcu F, Cetin T, Ozturk B, Sengul A, Pekel A, Sertkaya D, Pak Y, Yalcin A. Increasing the Target Number of Nucleated Cells and Administration of r-metHuG-CSF Expedite Neutrophil Engraftment in Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation. Transplant Proc, 34:1310-4,2002.

» Kaptan K, Beyan C. Does hyperhomocysteinemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency associted with helicobacter pylori infection has a role on cerebral stroke? Med Sci Monit, 8:LE 52-3,2002.

» Doruk H, Kaptan K, Saglam M, Ateskan U, Beyan C, Nevruz O, Mas R, Kutlu M, Kocar IH. The Relationship between Carotid Atherosclerosis and Platelet Aggregation in Elderly. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 37:235-9,2003.

» Beksac M, Celebi H, Sargin D, Yalcin A, Topcuoglu P, Kalayoglu-Besisik S, Beyan C, Arslan O, Ozcan M, Gurman G, Ilhan O, Akan H. Role of Pretransplant Interferon-? (IFN) Treatment in the Outcome of Stem Cell Transplantation (SCT) from Related Donors in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML): Results from Three Turkish Transplant Centers. Bone Marrow Transplant, 31:897-904,2003.

» Erinc K, Aslan N, Aslan f, Beyan C, Demirtas E. Bone Marrow Suppression and Acute Renal Failure Related to Single Dose of 500 Miligram Dipyrone. Case Reports and Clinical Practice Review, 4:94-6,2003.

» Beyan E, Uzuner A, Beyan C. An Uncommon Cause of Fever in the Elderly: Late-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Clin Rheumatol, 22:481-3,2003.

» Kaptan K, Ural AU, Cetin T, Avcu F, Beyan C, Yalcin A. Itraconazole is not Effective for the Prophylaxis of Fungal Infections in Patients with Neutropenia. J Infect Chemother, 9:40-5,2003.

» Beyan E, Beyan C, Demirezer A, Ertugrul E, Uzuner A. The Relationship between Serum Ferritin Levels and Disease Activity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Scand J Rheumatol, 32:225-8,2003.

» Beyan C, Cetin T, Kaptan K, Nevruz O. Effect of Plateletpheresis on Complete Blood Count Values Using Three Different Cell Separator Systems in Healthy Donors. Transfus Apher Sci, 29:45-7,2003.

» Kaptan K, Beyan C. Vitamin B12 deficiency as a cause of hyperhomocysteinaemia. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 19:703,2004.

» Ifran A, Kaptan K, Beyan C. Intractable Hiccups may Develop with Cyclophosphamide Infusion. Am J Hematol, 77:319-20,2004.

» Guran S, Beyan C. Overexpression of p16INK4A and p14ARF in haematological malignancies (Lee et al., 2003). Clin Lab Haem, 26:303,2004.

» Beyan C, Ifran A, Kaptan K. Thrombophilia Markers in Acute Myocardial Infarction of the Young. Indian J Med Sci, 58:488-9,2004.

» Turkan H, Beyan C, Karabiyik L, Guner D, Kaptan K. The Effects of Desflurane on Human Platelet Aggregation in vitro. Int J Hematol, 80:91-3,2004.

» Beyan C, Beyan E, Kaptan K, Ifran A. Gastrectomy does not influence the levels of aminotransferases, total protein and albumin in humans. Med Sci Monit, 10:LE 1,2004.

» Beyan E, Sadikoglu B, Ertugrul E, Beyan C. Von Willebrand factor antigen levels in Behçet disease. Am J Hematol, 79:70-72,2005.

» Ulutin HC, Kaptan K, Beyan C. Low-dose local palliative radiotherapy in newly diagnosed chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Am J Hematol, 80:87,2005.

» Kaptan K, Beyan C. Is complete remission of cyclic thrombocytopenia related to correction of cobalamin deficiency due to H Pylori eradication. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis, 16:89,2005.

» Guran S, Beyan C, Nevruz O, Yakicier C, Tunca Y. A Chronic Myeloid Leukemia-like Syndrome Case with del(12)(p12) in a Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Family. Clin Lab Haematol, 27:135-8,2005.

» Beyan C, Kaptan K, Ifran A. Letter to the Editor: Effects of Atenolol and Propranolol on Platelet Aggregation in Moderate Essential Hypertension. Croat Med J, 46:695-7,2005.

» Ifran A, Kaptan K, Beyan C. Flashes in clinical haematology - case 34: Bernard-Soulier Syndrome. Haema, 8:144,2005.

» Beyan C, Kaptan K, Beyan E, Turan M. The Platelet Count / Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Ratio Distinguishes Combined Iron and Vitamin B12 Deficiency from Uncomplicated Iron Deficiency. Int J Hematol, 81:301-3,2005.

» Ifran A, Kaptan K, Beyan C. Efficacy of Caspofungin in Prophylaxis and Treatment of an Adult Leukemic Patient with Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation. Mycoses, 48:146-148,2005.

» Baysan O, Kaptan K, Erinc K, Oztas Y, Coskun T, Kayir H, Uzun M, Uzbay T, Beyan C, Isik E. Chronic Heavy Ethanol Consumption is associated with Decreased Platelet Aggregation in Rats. Tohoku J Exp Med, 206:85-90,2005.

» Beyan C, Kaptan K, Savasci S, Ifran A, Ozturk Y, Okmen B. Platelet Apheresis affects Prothrombin Time and Plasminogen Levels in Healthy Donors. Transfus Apher Sci, 33:47-50,2005.