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Office :

Albany College of Pharmacy
106 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 122083492 , NY (USA)
Tel : 5184457306
Fax : 5184457248

Date of Birth   : 04/06/45
Place of Birth  : New York
Marital Status  : Married
Wife            : Sheila S. Levin
Children        : Sharon, age 33
                : Michelle, age 31

Home :

54 South Manning Boulevard
Albany, New York 12203

Education :
1963--1967 B.S., Albright College
1967--1969 M.S., University of Pennsylvania (Pharmacology)
1971--1974 Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (Pharmacology)
1974--1976 Department of Pharmacology, Medical College of Pennsylvania

Military Service :

1969-1971 United States Navy

Faculty Appointments :

1996-Present :
* Professor of Pharmacology, Division of Basic and Pharmaceutical Sciences
* Director of Research, Albany College of Pharmacy
* Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology in the Division of Urology, AMC

1984-Present: Veterans Administration Medical Center: Pharmacologist

Senior Research Career Scientist, VAMC

1999-2003   :
Research Career Scientist, VAMC

1988-1996  :
Res. Professor of Pharmacology in the Division of
             Urology; U of Pennsylvania

1983-1988 : Res. Associate Professor of Pharmacology,
            Division of Urology; U of Pennsylvania

1979-1983 : Res. Assistant Professor, Division of Urology,
            University of Pennsylvania

1978-1979 : Research Associate, Division of Urology,
            University of Pennsylvania

1976-1978 : Instructor of Pharmacology,
            Medical College of Pennsylvania

Membership in Professional and Scientific Societies

» Society of Research Administrators
» Basic Urological Research Society
» Urological Research Society
» Graduate and Research Liaison to AACP
» Urodynamics Society
» International Continence Society
» American Urological Association
» American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
» International Society of Pharmacognosy

Editorial Responsibilities

» Consultant Editor of World Journal of Urology


1. Horn, R. S., Levin, R. M. and Haugaard, N.: The influence of oligomycin on the actions of epinephrine and theophylline upon the perfused rat heart. Biochem. Pharmacol., 18: 503-509, 1969.

2. Haugaard, N., Levin, R. M. and Haugaard, E. S.: The roles of energy sources and ions in the regulation of cardiac function. Recent Adv. Stud. Cardiac Struct. Metab., 3: 223-232, 1973.

3. Levin, R. M., Haugaard, N., Hess, M.: Opposing actions of calcium and magnesium ions on the metabolic effects of epinephrine in rat hearts. Biochem. Pharmacol., 25: 1963-1969, 1976

4. Levin, R. M. and Weiss, B.: Mechanism by which psychotropic drugs inhibit cyclic 3'5'-monophosphate phosphodiesterase of brain. Mol. Pharmacol., 12: 581-589, 1976.

5. Levin, R. M. and Weiss, B.: Binding of trifluoperazine to the calcium dependent activator of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. Mol. Pharmacol., 13: 690-697, 1977.

6. Levin, R. M. and Weiss, B.: Characteristics of the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in a transplantable pheochromocytoma and adrenal medulla of the rat. Cancer Res., 38: 915-920, 1978

7. Levin, R. M. and Weiss, B.: Specificity of the binding of trifluoperazine to the calcium dependent activator of phosphodiesterase and to a series of other calcium binding proteins. Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 540: 197-204, 1978.

8. Levin, R. M. and Weiss, B.: Selective binding of antipsychotics and other psychoactive agents to the calcium dependent activator of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 208: 454-459, 1979.

9. Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Quantitative analysis of alpha and beta adrenergic receptor densities in the lower urinary tract of the dog and the rabbit. Invest. Urol., 17: 75-77, 1979.

10. Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Comparison of adrenergic receptor density in the urinary bladder in man, dog, and rabbit. Surg. Forum, 30: 576-578, 1979.

11. Levin, R. M. and Wein, A .J.: Distribution and function of adrenergic receptors in the urinary bladder of the rabbit. Mol. Pharmacol., 16: 441-448, 1979.

12. Levin, R. M. and Weiss, B.: Inhibition by trifluoperazine of calmodulin-induced activation of ATPase activity of rat erythrocyte. Neuropharmacology, 19: 169-174, 1980.

13. Levin, R. M., Shofer, F. and Wein, A. J.: Cholinergic, adrenergic, and purinergic response of sequential strips of rabbit urinary bladder. J. Pharmacol. Exp., Ther. 212: 536-540, 1980.

14. Levin, R. M. and Wein, A .J.: Adrenergic alpha receptors outnumber beta receptors in human penile corpus cavernosum. Invest. Urol., 18: 225-226, 1980.

15. Levin, R. M., Shofer, J. and Greenberg, S. H.: A quantitative method for determining the effects of drugs on spermatozoal motility. Fertil. Steril., 33: 631-635, 1980.

16. Greenberg, S. H., Wein, A .J. and Levin, R. M.: Sperm motility analysis: Comparison of routine visual techniques with turbidimetric measurement. Surg. Forum , 35: 567-569, 1980.

17. Levin, R. M., Shofer, F. and Wein, A. J.: Estrogen-induced alterations in autonomic responses of the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 215: 614-618, 1980.

18. Wein, A .J. Greenberg, S. H. and Levin, R. M.: Quantitative assays of alpha and beta adrenergic receptor density in human penile corpus cavernosum. Surg. Forum, 31: 577-579.

19. Levin, R. M., Greenberg, S. H. and Wein, A. J.: Clinical use of the turbidimetric analysis of sperm motility. Fertil. Steril., 35: 332-336, 1981.

20. Amsterdam, J., Winokur, A. and Levin, R. M.: Sperm function in affective illness. Psychosomat. Med., 43: 183-185, 1981.

21. Levin, R. M., Jacobowitz, D. and Wein, A. J.: Autonomic innervation of the rabbit urinary bladder following estrogen administration. Urology, 17: 449-453, 1981.

22. Levin, R. M., Jacoby, R. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of adenosine triphosphate on contractility and adenosine triphosphatase activity of the rabbit urinary bladder. Mol. Pharmacol., 19: 525-528, 1981.

23. Levin, R. M., Shofer, J. and Wein, A. J., Greenberg, S. H.: ATP concentration of human spermatozoa: lack of correlation with sperm motility. Andrologia, 13: 468-472, 1981.

24. Levin, R. M., Amsterdam, J. D., Winokur, A. and Wein, A .J.: Effects of psychotropic drugs on human sperm motility. Fertil. Steril., 36: 503-506, 1981.

25. Levin, R. M., Amsterdam, J. D., Winokur, A. and Wein, A. J.: The effects of desmethylimipramine and lithium on human sperm motility. Surg. Forum, 32: 1981.

26. Wein, A. J., Staskin, D. R. and Levin, R. M.: Contractile and metabolic responses of the rabbit urinary bladder to acute overdistention. Surg. Forum, 32: 628-629, 1981.

27. Levin, R. M., Malkowicz, S. B., Jacobowitz, D. and Wein, A. J.: The ontogeny of the autonomic innervation and contractile response of the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 219: 250-257, 1981.

28. Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of vasoactive intestinal peptide on the contractility of rabbit urinary bladder. Urol. Res., 9: 217-218, 1981.

29. Staskin, D. R., Parsons, K. F. Levin, R. M., Wein, A. J.: A new technique for chronic catheterization of female dogs. J. Urol., 19: 109-110, 1981.

30. Connor, C. G., Levin, R. M. and Brownstein, B. L.: A possible mechanism for trifluoperazine action on cells in culture. J. Cell Biol., 91: 261a-624a, 1981.

31. Amsterdam, J. D., Winokur, A., Caroff, S. and Levin, R. M.: Effects of DMI and lithium on human sperm function. Psychoneurendocrinology, 6: 359-363, 1981.

32. Levin, R. M., Greenberg, S. H. and Wein, A. J.: Quantitative effects of caffeine on sperm motility and cyclic 3',5'-monophosphate phosphodiesterase. Fert. Steril., 36: 798-802,1981.

33. Staskin, D. R., Parsons, K. F., Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Bladder transection: a functional, neurophysiological, neuropharmacolological and neuroanatomical study. Br. J. Urol., 53: 552-557, 1981.

34. Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Direct measurement of the anticholinergic activity of a series of pharmacological compounds on the rabbit and canine urinary bladder. J. Urol., 128: 396-398, 1982.

35. Levin, R. M., High, J. and Wein, A .J.: Metabolic and contractile effects of anoxia on the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urol., 128: 194-196, 1982.

36. Levin, R. M., Einstein, R. and Wein, A. J.: Phosphodiesterase activity of the lower urinary tract. J. Urol., 128: 615-617, 1982.

37. Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Response of the in-vitro whole bladder (rabbit) preparation to autonomic agonists. J. Urology, 128: 1087-1090, 1982.

38. Levin, R . M., Jacoby, R. and Wein, A. J.: Radioligand binding of 3H-ATP to membranes derived from rabbit urinary bladder: A preliminary report. Neurourol. Urodyn., 1: 227-232, 1983.

39. Levin, R. M., Staskin, D. R. and Wein, A. J.: The muscarinic cholinergic binding kinetics of the human urinary bladder. Neurourol. Urodyn., 2: 221-225, 1983.

40. Levin, R. M., Jacoby, R. and Wein, A. J.: High-affinity, divalent ion specific binding of 3H-ATP to homogenates derived from rabbit urinary bladder: comparison with divalent-ion ATP'ase activity. Mol. Pharmacol., 23: 1-7, 1983.

41. Levin, R. M., Staskin, D. R. and Wein, A. J.: The effects of acute overdistention of the rabbit urinary bladder. Neurourol. Urodyn., 2: 63-67, 1983.

42. Van Arsdalen, K. N., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The contractile and metabolic effects of acute ischemia upon the rabbit bladder. J. of Urology, 130: 180-182, 1983.

43. Levin, R. M., Brendler, K. and Wein, A. J.: Comparative pharmacolological response of an in-vitro whole bladder preparation (rabbit) with the response of isolated smooth muscle strips. J. Urology, 30: 377-381, 1983.

44. Levin, R. M., Brendler, K., Van Arsdalen, K. N. and Wein, A. J.: Functional response of the rabbit urinary bladder to anoxia and ischemia. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2: 233-243, 1983.

45. Schultz, R. E., Hanno, P. M., Wein, A. J., Levin, R. M., Pollack, H. M. and Van Arsdalen, K. N.: Percutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy: Choice of irrigant. J. Urology, 130: 858-860, 1983.

46. Hanno, P. M., Ruggieri, M. R. and Levin, R. M.: Adherence of several urinary tract pathogens: Effect of heparin. Surgical Forum, 34: 698-701, 1983.

47. Van Arsdalen, K. N., Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Cholinergic receptor and functional muscular changes in the canine urinary bladder after spinal cord injury. Surgical Forum , 34: 660-662, 1983.

48. Levin, R. M., Staskin, D. R. and Wein, A. J.: Analysis of the anticholinergic and musculotropic effects of desmethylimipramine on the rabbit urinary bladder. Urological Research, 11: 259-262, 1983.

49. Levin, R. M., High, J. and Wein A. J.: Evidence against the presence of spare muscarinic receptors in the rabbit urinary bladder. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2: 317-322, 1984.

50. Ruggieri, M., Hanno, P. and Levin, R. M.: Effects of heparin on the adherence of five species of urinary tract pathogens to urinary bladder mucosa. Urological Research, 12: 199-203, 1984.

51. Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Comparative effects of five tricyclic compounds on the rabbit urinary bladder. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 3: 127-132, 1984.

52. Levin, R. M., Goldman, M. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of isoproterenol and EGTA on the volume--pressure relationship of the in-vitro whole bladder preparation. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 3: 133-140, 1984.

53. Levin, R. M., High, J. and Wein, A. J.: The effect of short-term obstruction on urinary bladder function in the rabbit. J. Urology, 132: 789-791, 1984.

54. Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J. A. and Wein, A .J.: Clinical use of the turbidimetric analysis of sperm motility: an update. Andrology, 16: 434-438, 1984.

55. Hanno, P., Ruggieri, M. and Levin, R. M.: Comparison of E.Coli adherence to the urinary bladder mucosa with the adherence to anion exchange resin. Surgical Forum, 35: 637-639, 1984.

56. Ruggieri, M. R., Hanno, P. M. and Levin, R. M.: Mannose inhibition of Escherichia Coli adherence: Comparison with yeast agglutination. Urology Research, 13: 79-84, 1985.

57. Malkowicz, S. B., Brendler, K., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The effect of diltiazem on in-vitro rabbit bladder function. Pharmacology, 31: 24-33, 1985.

58. Levin, R. M., Van Arsdalen, K. Thomas, T. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of dinitrophenol on bladder metabolism and contraction. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 4: 61-69, 1985.

59. Malkowicz, S. B., Atta, A., Elbadawi, M., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The effect of motor decentralization on the feline urinary bladder. J. Urology, 133: 521-523, 1985.

60. Malkowicz, S. B., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Calcium antagonist affinity for adrenergic and cholinergic receptors in rabbit urinary bladder. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 4: 143-148, 1985.

61. Levin, R. M., Malkowicz, S. B., Wein, A. J., Atta, M. A. and Elbadawi, A.: Recovery from short term obstruction of the rabbit urinary bladder. J. of Urology, 134: 388-390, 1985.

62. Levin, R. M., Clayton, R. Strong, G., Brenman, H. and Wein, A. J.: Rectal electrostimulation of erection in Macaca Fascicularis primates. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 4: 239-245, 1985.

63. Ruggieri, M. R., Hanno, P. M. and Levin, R. M.: Further characterization of bacterial adherence to urinary bladder mucosa: Comparison with adherence to anion exchange resin. J. Urology, 134: 1019-1023, 1985.

64. Ruggieri, M. R., Hanno, P. M. and Levin, R. M.: E. Coli adherence to anion exchange resin: An in-vitro model for the initial screening of potential antiadherence agents. Urology, 27: 343-348, 1986.

65. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R., Hypolite, J. and Wein, A. J.: Beta adrenergic stimulation of cyclic AMP production in the rabbit urinary bladder. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 5: 227-234, 1986.

66. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R. and Wein, A. J.: Functional effects of the purinergic innervation of the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 236: 452-460, 1986.

67. Levin, R. M., Latimore, J. Wein, A. J. and Van Arsdalen, K. N.: Correlation of sperm count with frequency of ejaculation, J. Fert. Ster., 45: 732-734, 1986.

68. Malkowicz, S. B., Wein, A. J., Elbadawi, A., Van Arsdalen, K., Ruggieri, M. R., Wein and Levin, R. M.: Acute biochemical and functional alterations in the partially obstructed rabbit urinary bladder J. Urology, 136: 1324-1329, 1986.

69. Ruggieri, M. R., Hanno, P. M., Samadzdeh, S., Johnson, E. W. and Levin, R. M.: Heparin inhibition of increased bacterial adherence following overdistention, ischemia, and partial outlet obstruction of the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urology, 136: 132-135, 1986.

70. Levin, R. M., Memberg, W. Ruggieri, M. R. and Wein, A. J.: Functional effects of in-vitro obstruction on the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urology, 135: 847-851, 1986.

71. Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Experimental models of urinary bladder outlet obstruction, Neurourology and Urodynamics, 5: 241-246, 1986

72. Levin, R. M., Strong, G., Brenman, H., Hayes, L., Memberg, W., O'Brien, C. P., Ternes, J. W. and Wein, A.: Effect of opiate dependence on erectile function in primates. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 5: 397-402, 1986.

73. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R., Velagapudi, S., Gordon, D., Altman, B. and Wein, A. J.: Relevence of spontaneous activity to urinary bladder function: an in-vitro and in-vivo study. J. Urology, 136: 517-521, 1986.

74. Lathers, C. M., Spivey, W. H., Suter, L. E., Lerner, J. P., Tumer, N. and Levin, R. M.: The effect of acute and chronic administration of timolol on cardiac sympathetic neural discharge, arrhythmia, and beta receptor density associated with coronary occlusion in the cat. Life Sci, 39: 2121-2141, 1986.

75. Lathers, C. M., Levin, R. M. and Spivey, W. H.: Regional distribution of myocardial beta receptors in the cat. European J. Pharmacol, 130: 111-117, 1986.

76. Haugaard, N., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: In-Vitro studies of glucose metabolism of the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urology, 137: 782-784, 1986.

77. Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Spontaneous activity and urinary bladder function. Surgical Forum, 37: 645-647, 1986.

78. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R., Hypolite, J. A., Malkowicz, S. B. and Wein, A. J.: Surface spectrofluorometry of the rabbit urinary bladder. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 6: 109-118, 1987.

79. Malcowicz, S. B., Wein, A. J., Ruggieri, M. R. and Levin, R. M.: Comparison of calcium antagonist properties of antispasmotic agents. J. Urol., 138: 667-670, 1987.

80. Ruggieri, M. R., Hanno, P. M. and Levin, R. M.: Nitrofurantoin is not a surface active agent in the rabbit urinary bladder. Urology, 29: 534-537, 1987.

81. Levin, R. M., Haugaard, N., Ruggieri, M. R. and Wein, A. J.: Biochemical characterization of the rabbit urinary bladder base and body. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 6: 57-61, 1987.

82. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R., Gill, H. S., Haugaard, N. and Wein, A. J. Studies on the biphasic nature of urinary bladder contraction and function, Neurourol. Urodyn., 6: 339-350, 1987.

83. Ruggieri, M. R., Hanno, P. M. and Levin, R. M.: Reduction of bacterial adherence to catheter surface with heparin. J. Urology, 138: 423-426, 1987.

84. Batra, A. K., Wein, A. J., Ruggieri, M. R. and Levin, R. M.: Comparative response of smooth muscle strips of bladder and bowel to various pharmacological agents. Neurourol Urodyn., 6: 351-358, 1987.

85. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R. and Wein, A. J.: Receptor subtypes in the rabbit and human urinary bladder. Surgical Forum, 39: 654-656, 1987.

86. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R., Lee, W. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of chronic atropine administration on the muscarinic receptor density of the rat urinary bladder. Surgical Forum, 39: 659-661, 1987.

87. Ruggieri, M. R., Bode, D. C., Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Muscarinic receptor subtypes in human and rabbit bladder. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 6: 119-128, 1987

88. Ruzich, J. V., Gill, H., Wein, A. J., Van Arsdalen, K., Hypolite, J. and Levin, R. M.: Objective assessment of the effect of caffeine on sperm motility and velocity. Fertility and Sterility, 48: 891-893, 1987.

89. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R., Barasha, B., Kramen, D. and Wein, A. J.: Comparison of the in-vitro isolated strip methodology with superfused technique. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 6: 381-388, 1988.

90. Levin, R .M., Ruggieri, M. R., Lavkar, R. L, Hanno, P. M. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of chronic nitrofurantoin on the urinary bladder. J. Urol., 139: 400-404, 1988.

91. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R., Gill, H. S., Haugaard, N. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of bethanechol on glycolysis andhigh energy phosphate metabolism of the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urology, 139: 646-649, 1988.

92. Batra, A. K., Wein, A. J., Ruggieri, M. R. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of ileocystoplasty on contractile response of bladder, ileum, and cystoplastic ileal segment. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 6: 363-368, 1988

93. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M .R. and Wein, A. J.: Identification of receptor subtypes in the rabbit and human urinary bladder. J. Urology, 139: 844-848, 1988.

94. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R., Lee, W. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of chronic atropine administration on the rat urinary bladder. J. Urology, 139: 1347-1349, 1988.

95. Grover, R. Wein, A. J., Ruggieri, M. R. and Levin, R. M.: Functional effects of Imipramine on the rabbit urinary bladder: An in-vitro study. Pharmacology 37: 148-153, 1988.

96. Ruggieri, M. R., Wein, A. J., Hypolite, J. A. and Levin, R. M.: Dissociation of the metabolic from contractile response to muscarinic receptor stimulation in the rabbit urinary bladder. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 81: 137-143, 1988.

97. Gill, H. S., Van Arsdalen, K., Hypolite, J., Levin, R. M. and Ruzich, J. V.: Comparative study of two computerized semen analyzers. Andrologia, 20: 433-440, 1988.

98. Gill, H. S., Monson, F. C., Wein, A. J., Ruggieri, M. R. and Levin, R. M.: The Effects of short-term in vivo ischemia on the contractile function of the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urology, 139: 1350-1354, 1988.

99. Monson, F. C.,Goldschmidt, M. H., Zderic, S. A., Ruggieri, M. R., Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J. Use of a previously undescribed elastic lamina of the serosa to characterize connective tissue hypertrophy of the rabbit bladder wall following partial outlet obstruction. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 7: 385-396, 1988.

100. Chun, A. L., Wallace, L. J., Gerald, M. C., Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of age on in vivo urinary bladder function in the rat. J. Urol., 139: 625-627, 1988.

101. Ruggieri, M. R., Levin, R. M., Hanno, P. M., Witowski, B. A., Gill, H. and Steinhardt, G. F.: Defective antiadherence activity of bladder mucin from patients with recurrent urinary tract infection. J. Urol., 140: 157-159, 1988.

102. Kato, K., Wein, A. J., Kitada, S., Haugaard, N. and Levin, R. M.: The functional effect of mild outlet obstruction on the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urol., 140: 880-884, 1988.

103. Lin, A. T., Wein, A. J., Gill, H. S. and Levin, R. M. Functional effect of chronic ischemia on rabbit urinary bladder. Neurourol. Urodyn., 7: 1-12, 1988.

104. Levin, R. M., Chun, A. L., Kitada, S., Ruggieri, M., Garber, B. B. and Wein, A.J.: The effect of contractile activity on muscarinic receptor density and the response to muscarinic agonists. J. Pharmac. Exp. Ther., 247: 624-629, 1988.

105. Lathers, C. M., Spivey, W. H. and Levin, R. M.: The effect of chronic timolol in an animal model for myocardial infarction. J Clin. Pharmacol. 28: 736-745, 1988.

106. Levin, R. M., Kitada, S. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of uninhibited bladder contraction on muscarinic receptor density and response to muscarinic stimulation. Surgical Forum, 1988.

107. Ruzich, J. Wein, A. J., Keating, M. A., Ruggieri, M. R. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of urinary bladder obstruction on the rabbit ureter. Neuroruology and Urodynamics, 7: 483-492, 1988

108. Kitada, S., Wein, A. J., Kato, K. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of acute complete obstruction on the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urol., 141: 166-169, 1989.

109. Levin R. M., Moore, D., Ruggieri, M. R., Haugaard, N. and Wein, A. J.: Biochemical characterization of the rabbit urinary bladder II: Intracellular concentration of nucleotides. Neurourol. Urodyn. 8: 63-71, 1989.

110. Kitada, S., Kato, K., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Experimental models of reflex contractile activity in the rabbit bladder, Neurourol. Urodyn. 8: 255-262, 1989.

111. Lin, A. T-L., Kato, K., Monson, F., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Pharmacological responses of rabbit urinary bladder after subtotal cystectomy. J. Urol., 142: 409-412, 1989.

112. Kato, K., Kitada, S., Chun, A. L., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: In-vitro intravesical instillation of anticholinergic, antispasmodic, and calcium blocking agents. J. Urol., 141: 1471-1475, 1989.

113. Chun, A. L., Wallace, L. J., Gerald, M. C., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The functional whole rat bladder model Neurourol. Urodyn., 8: 73-84, 1989.

114. Chun, A. L., Wallace, L. J., Gerald, M. C., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effects of age on urinary bladder function in the male rat. J. Urol., 141: 170-173, 1989.

115. Chun, A. L., Ruzich, J. V., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Functional and pharmacological effects of ureteral diversion. J. Urol., 141: 403-407, 1989.

116. Elbadawi, A., Meyer, S., Malcowicz, S. B., Wein, A. J., Levin, R. M. and Atta, A.: Effects of short term partial bladder outlet obstruction on the rabbit detrusor: an ultrastructural study. Neurourology and Urodyn., 8: 89-116, 1989.

117. Meyer, S., Atta, M. A., Wein. A. J., Levin, R. M., Elbadawi, A.: Morphometric analysis of muscle cell changes in the short-term partially obstructed rabbit detrusor. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 8: 117-131, 1989.

118. Meyer, S., Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R., Wein, A. J. and Elbadawi, A.: Quantitative analysis of intercellular changes in the short-term partially obstructed rabbit detrusor. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 8: 133-140, 1989.

119. Chun, A. L., Gill, H. S., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Pharmacological comparison of the isolated whole urethra model to urethral strip methodology. Pharmacology, 39: 192-199, 1989.

120. Hypolite, J. A., Wein, A. J., Ruggieri, M. R., Haugaard, N. and Levin R. M.: Comparison of palmitic acid and glucose metabolism in the rabbit urinary bladder. Neurourol. Urodyn., 8: 599-606, 1989.

121. Gill, H. S., Wein, A. J., Ruggieri, M. R., Whitmore, K. E. and Levin, R. M.: Functional and biochemical alterations in the rabbit urinary bladder following ileocystoplasty. J. Urology, 142: 860-864, 1989.

122. Lin, A. T-L., Kato, K., Haugaard, N., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of chronic ischemia on glucose metabolism of the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urol., 142: 1127-1133, 1989.

123. Freedman, A. I., Wein, A. J., Whitmore, K. and Levin, R. M.: In Vitro effects of intravesical DMSO, Neurourol. Urodyn., 8: 277-284, 1989.

124. Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J., Ruggieri, M. R., Longhurst, P. A. and Wein, A. J.: Effects of muscarinic stimulation on intracellular calcium in the rabbit bladder: Comparison with metabolic response, Pharmacol. 39: 69-77, 1989.

125. Levin, R. M., Longhurst, P. A. and Wein, A. J.: Correlation of intracellular free calcium with the metabolic response of the rabbit urinary bladder to bethanechol. Surgical forum, 1989.

126. Lathers, C. M., Spivey, W. H., Levin, R. M. and Tumer, N.: The effect of dilevalol on cardiac autonomic neural discharge, plasma catecholamines, and myocardial beta receptor density associated with coronary occlusion. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 241-253, 1990.

127. Kato, K., Lin, A. T-L., Haugaard, N. Longhurst, P.A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of outlet obstruction on glucose metabolism of the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urol., 143: 844-847, 1990.

128. Levin, R. M., Whitmore, K, Monson, F. C., Witkowski, B. A. and Ruggieri, M.: Trypan blue as an indicator of urothelial integrity, Neurourol Urodyn., 9: 269-280, 1990.

129. Keating, M. A., Duckett, J. W., Snyder, H. M., Wein, A. J., Potter, L. and Levin, R. M.: Ontogeny of bladder function in the rabbit. J. Urol., 144: 766-769, 1990.

130. Kato, K., Wein, A. J., Longhurst, P. A., Haugaard, N. and Levin, R. M., The functional effects of longterm outlet obstruction on the rabbit urinary bladder, J. Urol., 143: 600-606, 1990.

131. Levin, R. M., Longhurst, P. A., Kato, K., McGuire, E. J., Elbadawi, A. and Wein, A. J.: Comparative physiology and pharmacology of the cat and rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urol., 143: 848-852, 1990.

132. Kato, K., Wein, A. J., Radzinski, C., Longhurst, P. A., McGuire, E. J., Miller, L. F., Elbadawi, A. and Levin, R. M.: Short term functional effects of bladder outlet obstruction in the cat. J. Urol., 143: 1020-1025, 1990.

133. Chun, A. L., Wein, A. J., Gill, H. S. and Levin, R. M.: Response of the whole bladder-urethra model (Rabbit) to autonomic drugs Neurourol. Urodyn., 9: 165-170, 1990

134. Longhurst, P. A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M., In-Vivo urinary bladder function in rats following prolonged diabetic and non-diabetic diuresis. Neurourol. Urodyn. 9: 171-178, 1990

135. Chun, A. L. Wein, A. J., Harkaway, R. and Levin, R. M.: comparison of urinary bladder function in sexually mature and immature male and female rats. J. Urol., 143: 1267-1271, 1990.

136. Hanno, P., Levin, R. M., Monson, F. C., Teuscher, C., Zhou, Z. Z., Ruggieri, M. and Wein, A.J ., Diagnosis of Interstitial Cystitis, J. Urol., 143: 278-281, 1990.

137. Ruggieri, M. R., Whitmore, K. E. and Levin, R. M.: Bladder purinergic receptors. J. Urol., 176-181, 1990.

138. Kato, K., Kitada, S., Longhurst, P. A., Monson, F. C., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Time-course of alterations of bladder function following acetone-induced cystitis, J. Urol. 144: 1272-1276, 1990.

139. Levin, R. M., Longhurst, P. A., Levin, S. S., Haugaard, N. and Wein, A .J.: Creatine kinase activity of urinary bladder and skeletal muscle isolated from normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rat. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 97: 153-159, 1990.

140. Longhurst, P. A., Kang, J., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M. Comparative length-tension relationship of urinary bladder strips from hamsters, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and cats. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 96A: 221-225, 1990.

141. Zderic, S.A., Duckett, J.W., Wein, A.J., Snyder, H. M. III and Levin, R. M. Developmental factors in the contractile response of the rabbit bladder to both autonomic and non- autonomic agents. Pharmacology 41: 119-123, 1990.

142. Zderic, S. A., Plzak, J. E., Duckett, J. W., Snyder, H. M. III, Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The effect of pregnancy on rabbit urinary bladder physiology I: The effects of extracellular calcium. Pharmacology, 41: 124-129, 1990.

143. Levin, R. M., Zderic, S. A., Van Arsdalen, K., Duckett, J. W. and Wein, A. J.: Developmental factors in the contractile response to bethanechol: Role of calcium translocation. Surg. Forum, 41: 703-705, 1990.

144. Spivey, W. H., Skobeloff, E. and Levin, R. M.: The effect of magnesium chloride on rabbit bronchial smooth muscle. Ann. Emerg. Med., 19: 1107-1112, 1990.

145. Levin, R. M., Longhurst, P. A. and Wein, A. J.: Neuro-pharmacologic investigations of the lower urinary tract. World Journal of Urology, 8: 180-188, 1990.

146. Longhurst, P. A., Kang, J., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Length-tension relationship of urinary bladder strips from streptozotocin diabetic rats. Pharmacology, 40:110-121, 1990.

147. Longhurst, P. A., Kang, J., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The influence of intravesical volume upon contractile responses of the whole bladder preparation from streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Gen. Pharmacol., 21: 687-692, 1990.

148. Zdeic, S. A., Duckett, J. W., Snyder, H. M., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Ontogeny of bladder compliance Neurourol. Urodyn., 9: 595-600, 1990.

149. Levin, R. M., Ruggieri, M. R., Kato, K., Lin, A. T. and Wein, A. J.: Correlation of in-vitro pressure generation with urinary bladder function. Neurourol. Urodyn., 10: 185-192, 1991.

150. Radzinski, C., McGuire, E. J., Smith, D., Wein, A. J., Levin, R. M., Miller, L. F., Meyer, S. and Elbadawi, A.: Creation of a feline model of obstructive uropathy. J. Urol., 145: 859-863, 1991.

151. Kaplan, S. A., Blaivas, J. G., Brown, W. C. and Levin, R. M.: Parameters of detrusor contractility I: The effects of electrical stimulation, hysteresis and bladder volume in an in-vitro whole rabbit bladder model. Neurourology and Urodyn., 10: 53-60, 1991

152. Van Arsdalen, K. N., Kurzweil, S. J., Smith, J. E. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of lithotripsy on immature rabbits. J. Urol., 146: 213-216 1991.

153. Monson, F. C., Wein, A. J., McKenna, B. A., Whitmore, K. and Levin, R. M.: Indigocarmine as a quantitative indicator of urothelial integrity. J. Urol., 145: 842-845, 1991.

154. Zderic, S. A., Hypolite, J., Duckett, J. W., Snyder, H. M., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Developmental aspects of contractile function: Sensitivity to extracellular calcium. Pharmacology 43: 61-68, 1991.

155. Hypolite, J., Wein, A. J., Haugaard, N., Levin, R. M.: The role of substrates in the maintainence of contractility of the rabbit urinary bladder. Pharmacology, 42: 202-210, 1991.

156. Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J., Longhurst, P. A. and Wein, A. J. Comparison of the contractile and metabolic effects of muscarinic stimulation with those of KCl. Pharmacol., 42: 142-150, 1991.

157. Longhurst, P. A. and Levin, R. M.: Changes in urinary bladder function in the one year spontaneously diabetic BB rat. J. Urol., 146: 81-485, 1991.

158. Longhurst, P. A., Kauer, J. and Levin, R. M.: The ability of insulin treatment to reverse or prevent the changes in urinary bladder function caused by streptozotocin-induced diabetes melitis Gen. Pharmacol., 22: 305-311, 1991.

159. Levin, R. M., Kitada, S., Hayes, L., Kau, S. T., Fromm-Freeck, S., Howe, B. B. and Wein, A. J.: Experimental hyperreflexia: Effect of intravesical administration of various agents. Pharmacology 42: 54-60, 1991

160. Levin, R. M., Haugaard, N., Levin, S. S. and Wein, A. J.: Creatine kinase activity in normal and hypertrophied rabbit urinary bladder tissue (following partial outlet obstruction). Mol. and Cell. Biochem., 106: 143-149, 1991.

161. Broderick, G., Hypolite, J. and Levin, R. M.: In-vitro contractile response of the rabbit corpus cavernosa to field stimulation and autonomic agonists and antagonists: A qualitative study. Neurourology and Urodynamic, 10: 507-515, 1991.

162. Levin, R. M., Zderic, S. A., Ewalt, D. H., Duckett, J. W. and Wein, A. J.: Effects of pregnancy on muscarinic receptor density and function in the rabbit urinary bladder. Pharmacol., 43: 69-77, 1991.

163. Kim, Y. S., Longhurst, P. A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effects of sensitization on female guinea pig urinary bladder function: In-vitro and in-vivo studies. J. Urol., 146: 454-457, 1991.

164. Zhou, Z. Z., Heng, Y., Monson, F. C., Wein, A. J., Ruggieri, M. R., Levin, R. M., Hanno, P., McKenna, B. A. W. and Teuscher, C.: Immunohistochemical analysis of the urinary bladder: A comparative study of the cellular immune response of patients diagnosed as having interstitial cystitis, non-interstitial cystitis voiding dysfunctions, and normal controls. Seminars in Urology, 9: 115-119, 1991.

165. Kato, K., Kondo, A., Saito, M., Miyake, K., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: In vitro intravesical instillation of anticholinergic, antispasmodic, and calcium blocking agents to decrease bladder contractility. Urol. Int., 47: 36-38, 1991.

166. Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J. A. and Broderick, G.: Correlation of contraction of the rabbit corpus cavernosum with calcium movements. Surg. Forum, 42: 682-685, 1991.

167. Samuel, M., Kim, Y., Kurumi, Y., Levin, R. M. and Chacko, S.: Smooth muscle myosin isoform distribution and myosin ATP'ase in hypertrophied urinary bladder. Biochem. Internat., 26: 645-652, 1992.

168. Chancellor, M. B., Blaivas, J. G., Levin, R. M., Kaplan, S. A., Otter, M. W. and Schussler, G.: A new method of measuring uroflow in the rat bladder. Neurourol. Urodyn., 11: 123-130, 1992.

169. Monson, F. C., McKenna, B. A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of outlet obstruction on 3H-Thymidine uptake and metabolism: A radiographic and biochemical study. J. Urol. 148: 158-162, 1992.

170. Kim, Y. S., Levin, R. M., Wein, A. J. and Longhurst, P. A.: Effects of sensitization on the permeability of urothelium in the guinea pig urinary bladder. J. Urol., 147: 270-273, 1992.

171. Tong, Y-C, Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effects of acid-base changes on rabbit urinary bladder contractility. Neurourol. Urodyn., 11: 41-46. 1992.

172. Levin, R. M., Tong, Y-C, Hypolite, J. A. and Broderick, G.: Correlation of calcium movements with the contractile response of the rabbit corpus cavernosum to field stimulation and autonomic agonists using FURA-2 calcium fluorescence. Int. J. Imp. Res., 3: 141-153, 1992.

173. Haugaard, N., Potter, L., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of partial obstruction of the rabbit urinary bladder on malate dehydrogenase and citrate synthase activity. J. Urol., 147: 1391-1393, 1992.

174. Zhao, Y., Wein, A. J., Bilgen, A. and Levin, R. M.: The effect of anoxia on in-vitro bladder function. Pharmacology, 43: 337-344, 1992.

175. Bilgen, A., Wein, A. J., Zhao, Y. and Levin, R. M.: The effects of anoxia on the biphasic response of isolated strips of rabbit bladder to field stimulation, bethanechol, methoxamine, and KCl. Pharmacol. 44: 283-289, 1992

176. Levin, R. M., Hays, L., Eika, B., McGuire, E. J., Elbadawi, A. and Wein, A. J.: Comparative autonomic responses of the cat and rabbit urinary bladder and urethra. J. Urol., 148: 216-219, 1992.

177. Eika, B., Levin R. M. and Longhurst, P. A.: Collagen and bladder function in strepozotocin-diabetic rats: Effects of insulin and aminoguanidine. J. Urol., 148: 167-172, 1992.

178. Kang, J., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Bladder functional recovery following acute overdistension. Neurourology and Urodynamics: 11: 253-261, 1992.

179. Buttyan, R., Jacobs, B., Blaivis, J. G. and Levin, R. M.: Early molecular response to rabbit bladder outlet obstruction. Neurourol. Urodyn., 11: 253-260, 1992.

180. Levin, R. M., Hayes, L., Zhao, Y. and Wein, A. J.: The effect of pinacidil on spontaneous and evoked contractile activity. Pharmacol., 45: 1-8, 1992.

181. Levin, R. M., Haugaard, N., Packard, D., Kaplan, M. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of ryanodine on mitochondrial function. Pharmacol., 45: 117-120, 1992.

182. Samadzadeh, S., Tong, Y-C, Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The influence of the bathing medium on the contractile response of the rabbit urinary bladder. Pharmacology, 45: 999- 106, 1992.

183. Longhurst, P. A., Brotcke, T. P., Leggett, R. E. and Levin, R. M.: The influence of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus on the sensitivity of rat urinary bladder body to changes in extracellular calcium. Gen. Pharmacol., 23: 83-88, 1992.

184. Longhurst, P. A., Kauer, J., Leggett, R. E. and Levin, R. M.: The influence of Ovariectomy and estradiol replacement on urinary bladder function in rats. J. Urol., 148: 915-919, 1992.

185. Levin, R. M., Longhurst, P. A., Barasha, B., McGuire, E. J., Elbadawi, A. and Wein, A. J.: Studies on experimental bladder outlet obstruction in the cat: Long-term functional effects. J. Urol., 148: 939-943, 1992.

186. Tong, Y-C, Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effects of pregnancy on adrenergic function in the rabbit urinary bladder. Neurorurology and Urodynamics, 11: 525-535, 1992.

187. Tong, Y-C, Monson, F. C., Eika, B. and Levin, R. M.: Effects of acute in-vitro overdistension of the rabbit urinary bladder on DNA synthesis. J. Urol., 148: 1347-1350, 1992.

188. Longhurst, P. A., Eika, B., Leggett, R. E. and Levin, R. M.: Comparison of urinary bladder function in 6 and 24 month male and female rats. J. Urol., 148: 1615-1620, 1992.

189. Longhurst, P. A., Eika, B., Leggett, R. E. and Levin, R. M.: Urinary bladder function in the tight-skin mouse. J. Urol., 148: 1611-1614, 1992

190. Tong, Y-C, Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J. A. and Broderick, G.: Correlations of purinergic, cholinergic, and adrenergic functions in rabbit corporal cavernosal tissue. Pharmacology, 45: 241-249, 1992.

191. Ewalt, D. H., Howard, P. S., Blyth, B., Snyder, H. M. III, Duckett, J. W. and Levin, R. M. and Macarak, E. J.: Is lamina propria matrix responsible for normal bladder compliance? J. Urol., 148: 544-549, 1992.

192. Tammela, T., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of tetrodotoxin blockade as an in vitro model of bladder neuropathy in the rabbit. J. Urol., 148: 1937-1940, 1992.

193. Lin A T-L, Chang, L. S., Chen, M-T, Yang, C-H, Shiao, M-S, Chen, C-J, Levin, R. M.: Energetics of detrusor contraction: Effects of outlet obstruction. Neurourol. Urodyn., 11: 605-614, 1992.

194. Bilgen, A., Wein, A. J., Haugaard, N., Packard, D. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of outlet obstruction on pyruvate metabolism of the rabbit urinary bladder. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 117: 159-163, 1992.

195. Longhurst, P. A. Brotcke, T. P., Leggett, R. E., Levin, R. M.: The influence of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus on the sensitivity of rat urinary bladder body and base strips to changes in extracellular calcium. Gen Pharmacol, 23: 83-88, 1992

196. Tammela, T., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Urothelial permeability of the isolated whole bladder. Neurourol. Urodyn., 12: 39-47, 1993.

197. Tong, Y-T, Broderick, G., Hypolite, J. and Levin R. M.: Relaxant effect of ATP on rabbit corporal tissue. Int. J. Imp. Res., 4: Supp. 111-114, 1993.

198. Saito, M., Kondo, A., Gotoh, M., Kato, K. and Levin, R. M.: Age-related changes of the rat urinary bladder to neurotransmitters. Neurourol, Urodyn., 12: 191-200, 1993.

199. Zhao, Y., Levin, R. M., Monson, F. C. and Chacko, S.: Expression of constitutive heat shock protein-70 in non-stressed rabbit urinary bladder tissue. Cellular and Molecular Biochemistry, 121: 13-19, 1993.

200. Hess, M. E., Barasha, B., Winters, S. and Levin, R. M.: The effect of thyroxine on urinary bladder autonomic receptor densities and contractility. Pharmacology, 46: 248-252, 1993.

201. Levin, R. M., Saito, M., Wein, A. J., Packard, D., Cohen, A. and Haugaard, M.: Effect of partial outlet obstruction on choline acetyltransferase activity in the rat and rabbit. Neurourol. Urodyn., 12: 255-262, 1993.

202. Saito, M., Longhurst, P. A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of potassium on the contractile response of the rat detrusor muscle to field stimulation at increasing calcium concentrations. Gen. Pharmacol., 24: 89-93, 1993.

203. Longhurst, P. A., Briscoe, J. A. K., Legett, R. E., Samadzadeh, S. and Levin R. M.: The influence of diabetes mellitus on glucose utilization by the rat urinary bladder. Metabolism 42: 749-755, 1993.

204. Tammela, T. L. J., Longhurst, P. A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The effect of furosemide-induced diuresis on rabbit micturition and bladder contractile function. J. Urol., 150: 204-208, 1993.

205. Hypolite, J. A., Broderick, G. A. and Levin, R. M.: Correlation of contractile function of the rabbit corpus cavernosum with NADH fluorescence, Pharmacology, 46: 353-361, 1993.

206. Levin, R. M., Scheiner, S., Zhao, Y. and Wein, A. J.: The effect of terodiline on hyperreflexia (in vivo) and the in-vitro response of isolated strips of rabbit bladder to field stimulation, bethanechol, and KCl. Pharmacol. 46: 346-352, 1993.

207. Zhao, Y., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Role of calcium in mediating the biphasic contraction of the rabbit urinary bladder. Gen. Pharmacology 24: 727-731, 1993.

208. Zderic, S. A., Sillen, U., Liu, G. H., Snyder, H. McC., Duckett, J. W., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M. Developmental aspects of urinary bladder contractile function: Evidence for an intracellular calcium pool. J. Urol., 150: 623-625, 1993.

209. Saito, M., Longhurst, P. A., Tammela, T. J. J., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effects of partial outlet obstruction of the rat urinary bladder on micturition characteristics, DNA synthesis, and the contractile response to field stimulation and pharmacological agents. J. Urol., 150: 1045-1052, 1993.

210. Eika, B., Levin, R. M., Monson, F. C., Murphy, M. and Longhurst, P. A.: 3H-Thymidine uptake by the rat urinary bladder after induction of diabetes mellitus. J. Urol. 150: 1316-1320, 1993.

211. Levin, R. M., Zderic, S. A., Yoon, J-Y, Sillen, U. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of ryanodine on the contractile response of the normal and hypertrophied rabbit urinary bladder to field stimulation. Pharmacol., 47: 244-251, 1993.

212. Haugaard, N., McKenna, B. A. W., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of partial urinary outlet obstruction in the rabbit on the incorporation of adenine into adenine nucleotides in bladder smooth muscle. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 12: 473-480, 1993.

213. Lee, J. G., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The effect of caffeine on the contractile response of the rabbit urinary bladder to field stimulation. Gen. Pharmacol., 24: 1007-1011, 1993.

214. Tammela, T. L. J., Levin, R. M., Monson, F. C., Wein, A. J. and Longhurst, P. A.: The influence of acute overdistension on rat bladder function and DNA synthesis. J. Urol., 150: 1533-1539, 1993.

215. Lee, J. G., Wein, A. J. and Levin R. M.: Distribution and function of the adrenergic and cholinergic receptors in the fetal calf bladder during mid-gestational age. Neurourol. Urodyn., 12: 599-608, 1993.

216. Saito M., Wein, A. J. and Levin R. M.: Effect of partial outlet obstruction on contractility: Comparison between severe and mild obstruction. Neurourol. Urodyn., 12: 573-584, 1993.

217. Levin, R. M., Gordon, D., Krasnopolsky, L., Hypolite, J. A. and Broderick, G. A.: Anoxia and corporal smooth muscle dysfunction: A model for ischemic priapism. J. Urol., 151: 259-262, 1993

218. Saito, M., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of partial outlet obstruction of the rat urinary bladder on the response to alterations in the concentrations of potassium and calcium. Gen. Pharmacol. 2: 1495-1500, 1993.

219. Wu, H-Y, Broderick, G. A., Suh, Jun-Lee and Levin, R. M.: Effects of purines on rabbit corpus cavernosal contractile activity. Int. J. Imp. Res., 5: 161-167, 1993.

220. Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J. A., Longhurst, P. A., Briscoe, J. and Broderick, G. A.: Metabolic studies on the rabbit corpus cavernosum. J. Andrology, 14: 329-334, 1993.

221. Broderick, G. A., Gordon, D., Krasnopolsky, L., Hypolite, J. A. and Levin, R. M.: Anoxia and corporal smooth muscle dysfunction. Surg. Forum, 44: 750-752, 1993.

222. Hypolite, J. A., Longhurst, P. A., Gong, C., Briscoe, J., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Metabolic studies on rabbit bladder smooth muscle and mucosal epithelium. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 125: 35-42, 1993

223. Saito, M., Kondo, A., Kato, T. and Levin, R. M.: Response of isolated human neurogenic detrusor smooth muscle to intramural nerve stimulation. Br. J. Urol., 72: 723-7, 1993.

224. Saito, M., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M. Effect of partial outlet obstruction of the rat urinary bladder on the response to alterations in the concentrations of potassium and calcium, Gen Pharmacol, 24: 1495-500, 1993.

225. Saito, M., Longhurst, P. A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of potassium on the contractile response of the rat detrusor muscle to field stimulation at increasing calcium concentrations. Gen Pharmacol., 24: 89-93, 1993

226. Longhurst, P. A., Briscoe, J. A. K., Leggett, R. E., Samadzadeh, S. and Levin, R. M.: The influence of diabetes mellitus on glucose utilization by the rat urinary bladder. Metabolism, 42: 749-755, 1993.

227. Eika, B., Levin R. M. and Longhurst, P. A.: Comparison of urinary bladder function in rats with hereditary diabetes insipidus, streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus, and non-diabetic osmotic diuresis. J. Urol., 151: 496-502, 1994.

228. Tammela, T. L., Briscoe, J. A., Levin, R. M. and Longhurst, P.A.: Factors underlying the increased sensitivity to field stimulation of urinary bladder strips from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Br. J. Pharmacol., 113: 195-203, 1994.

229. Monson, F. C., Wein, A. J., Eika, B., Murphy, M. and Levin, R. M.: Stimulation of the proliferation of rabbit bladder urothelium by partial outlet obstruction and acute overdistension. Neurourol. Urodyn., 13: 51-62, 1994.

230. Saito, M., Longhurst, P. A., Murphy, M., Monson, F. C., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: 3H-Thymidine uptake by the rat urinary bladder after partial outflow obstruction, Neurourol. Urodyn. 13: 63-70, 1994.

231. Lee, J. G., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The effects of pregnancy on urethral and bladder neck function. Urology, 42: 747-752, 1993.

232. Tammela, T. L. J., Levin, R. M., Monson, F. C. and Longhurst, P. A.: Temporal changes in rabbit urinary bladder function and DNA synthesis during chronic treatment with furosemide. J. Urol., 151: 503-508, 1994.

233. Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J. A. and Broderick, G. A.: Comparative studies on rabbit corpus cavernosal contraction and relaxation: An in-vitro study. J. Andrology, 15: 36-40, 1994.

234. Zhao, Y., Chacko, S. and Levin, R. M.: Expression of stress proteins (Hsp-70 and Hsp-90) in the rabbit urinary bladder subjected to partial outlet obstruction. Mol. Cell Biochemistry, 130: 49-55, 1994.

235. Lee, J. G., Coplen, D., Macarak, E., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Comparative studies on the ontogeny and autonomic responses of the fetal calf bladder at different stages of fetal development: Involvement of Nitric Oxide. J. Urol., 151: 1096-1101, 1994.

236. Coplen, D. E., Macarak, E. J. and Levin, R. M.: Developmental changes in normal bovine whole bladder physiology. J. Urol., 151: 1391-1395, 1994..

237. Levin, R. M., Monson, F. C., Longhurst, P. A. and Wein, A. J.: The rabbit as a model of urinary bladder function. Neurourol. Urodyn., 13: 119-136, 1994.

238. Lee, J. G., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Comparative pharmacology of the male and female rabbit bladder neck and urethra. Pharmacology, 48: 250-259, 1994.

239. Saito, M., Wein, A. J., Broderick, G. A., Hypolite, J. A. and Levin, R. M.: Pharmacologic effect of ethanol on the function of rabbit corporal cavernosal tissue. Pharmacology, 48: 335-339, 1994.

240. Saito, M., Hypolite, J. A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of partial outflow obstruction on rat detrusor contractility and intracellular free calcium concentration. Neurourol. Urodyn., 13: 297-305, 1994.

241. Levin, R. M., Haugaard, N., Eika, B., McGuire, E. J., Elbadawi, A. and Wein, A. J.: Comparative biochemical characteristics of the cat and rabbit urinary bladder. Neurourol. Urodym., 13: 307-314, 1994.

242. Santarosa, R., Colombel, M., Kaplan, S., Monson, F., Levin, R. and Buttyan, R.: Hyperplasia and apoptosis: Opposing cellular forces that regulate the response of the rabbit bladder to transient outlet obstruction. Lab Invest., 70: 503-510, 1994

243. Kim, Y. S., Wang, Z., Levin, R. M. and Chacko, S.: Alterations in the expression of the bcytoplasmic and the gsmooth muscle actins in hypertrophied urinary bladder smooth muscle. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 131: 115-124, 1994

244. Chen, MW., Krasnapolsky, L., Levin, R. M. and Buttyan, R.: An early molecular response induced by acute overdistension of the rabbit bladder. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 132: 39-44, 1994.

245. Eika, B., Levin R. M. and Longhurst, P. A.: Modulation of urinary bladder function by sex hormones in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. J. Urol., 152: 537-543,1994.

246. Zderic, S. A., Liu, GH, Haab, J. P., Monson, F. C., Gong, C. and Levin, R. M.: What is the most accurate way to study the active properties of bladder smooth muscle? Pharmacology, 48: 380-384, 1994

247. Zderic, S. A., Sillen, U., Liu, GH., Snyder, H. McC., Duckett, J. W., Gong, C. and Levin, R. M. : Developmental aspects of excitation contraction coupling of the rabbit urinary bladder smooth muscle J. Urol., 152: 679-684, 1994.

248. Yoon, J-Y, Zderic, S. A., Duckett, J. W. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of partial outlet obstruction on the biphasic response to field stimulation at different concentrations of calcium Pharmacology, 49: 167-172, 1994.

249. Trivedi, S., Stetz, S., Levin, R., Li, J. and Kau, S.: The effect of cromakalim and pinacidil on 86RB afflux from guinea pig urinary bladder smooth muscle. Pharmacology, 49: 159-166, 1994.

250. Tammela, T. L. J., Briscoe, J. A. K., Levin, R. M. and Longhurst, P. A.: Factors underlying the increased sensitivity to field stimulation of urinary bladder strips from streptozotocininduced diabetic rats. Br. J. Pharmacol., 113: 195-203, 1994

251. Saito, M., Longhurst, P. A., Murphy, M., Monson, F. C., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of slow and rapid in-vitro cystometry on DNA synthesis in the rabbit urinary bladder. Gen. Pharmacol., 25: 1021-1025, 1994.

252. Schoor, R. A., Canning, D. A., Bella, R. D., Broderick, G. A., Snyder, H. McC; Duckett, J. W., Krasnapolski, L., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Ultrasound diagnosis of bladder outlet obstruction in rabbits. Neurourol. Urodyn., 13: 559-569, 1994.

253. Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J. A. and Broderick, G. A.: Comparative studies on intracellular calcium and NADH fluorescence of the rabbit corpus cavernosum. Neurourol. Urodyn., 13: 609-618, 1994.

254. Gong, C., Zderic, S. A. and Levin, R. M.: Ontogeny of the ryanodine receptor in rabbit urinary bladder smooth muscle. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 137: 169-172, 1994.

255. Hsu, T. HS, Levin, R. M., Wein, A. J. and Haugaard, N.: Alterations of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism in rabbit urinary bladder after partial outlet obstruction. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 141: 21-26, 1994.

256. Zhao, Y., Levin, R. M., Levin, S. S., Nevel, C. A., Haugaard, N., Hsu, T. HS. and Hudson, A. P.: Partial outlet obstruction of the rabbit bladder results in changes in mitochondrial genetic system. Mol. Cell Biochem., 141: 47-55, 1994.

257. Saito, M., Broderick, G. A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of chronic ethanol consumption on the function of the rabbit corpora cavernosum. Pharmacol., 49: 386-391, 1994.

258. Zderic, S. A., Liu, GH, Haab, J. P., Monson, F. C., Gong, C. and Levin, R. M.: What is the most accurate way to study the active properties of bladder smooth muscle? Pharmacology, 48: 380-384, 1994.

259. Levin, R. M., Levin, S. S., Zderic, S. A., Yoon, J-Y. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of partial outlet obstruction of the rabbit urinary bladder on ryanodine binding to microsomal membranes. Gen. Pharmacol., 25: 421-425, 1994

260. Saito, M., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Biphasic response of the rabbit detrusor muscle to changing the extracellular concentrations of potassium and calcium Gen. Pharmacol., 25: 11011107, 1994.

261. Broderick, G. A., Longhurst, P. A., Juniewicz, Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: A novel canine model of partial outlet obstruction secondary to prostate hypertrophy. World Journal of Urology, 12: 245-248, 1995.

262. Levin, R. M., Wein, A. J., Krasnopolsky, L., Atta, M. A. and Ghoneim, G. M.: Effect of mucosal removal on the response of the feline bladder to pharmacological stimulation. J. Urol., 153: 1291-1294, 1995

263. Levin, R. M., Wein, A. J., Eika, B., Tammela, T. L. J. and Longhurst, P. A.: Effects of diuresis on micturition. Neurourol. Urodyn., 14: 169-176, 1995

264. Roelofs, M., Wein, A. J., Barasha, B., Monson, F. C., PasseriniGlazel, G., Koteliansky, V. E., Sartore, S. and Levin, R. M.: Contractility and phenotype transitions in serosal thickening of obstructed rabbit bladder. J. Applied Physiol., 78: 1432-1441, 1995.

265. Canning, D. A., Seibold, J., Saito, M., Zderic, S. A., Snyder, H. M., Duckett, J. W. and Levin, R. M.: Use of injectable fat to obstruct the urethra in rabbits. Neurourol. Urodyn., 14: 259-268, 1995

266. Yoon, JY, Zderic, S. A., Duckett, J. W., Snyder, H. M. III and Levin, R. M.: Developmental factors in the contractile response of rabbit urinary bladder: Effect of anoxia and extracellular acidosis. Biology of the Neonate, 67: 370-375, 1995

267. Lee, J. G., Levin, R. M., Krasnopolsky, L., Wein, A. J. and Longhurst, P. A.: Effects of the peptide leukotriene receptor antagonist ICI 198,615 on the in vivo and in vitro changes in guinea pig bladder function which occur after sensitization with ovalbumin. J. Urol., 154: 1217-1221, 1995.

268. Kwon, HY., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of anoxia on the urethral response to phenylephrine. J. Urol., 154: 1527-1531, 1995.

269. Wang, Ze, Levin, R. M. and Chacko, S.: Expression of smooth muscle myosin isoforms in urinary bladder smooth muscle during hypertrophy and regression. Lab Investigation, 73: 244-251, 1995.

270. Krasnopolsky, L. Levin, R. M. and Longhurst, P. A.: The role of the mucosa in the invitro changes in guinea pig bladder function which occur after sensitization with ovalbumin. Pharmacology, 50: 119-127, 1995.

271. Zhao, Y., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Assessment of stress gene mRNAs (HSP27, 60, and 70) in obstructed rabbit urinary bladder using a semiquantitative RTPCR method. Mol Cell. Biochem., 148: 1-7, 1995.

272. Yu, HJ, Hypolite, J. A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of magnesium ions on rabbit detrusor contractility and intracellular free calcium. Pharmacol., 51: 186-194, 1995.

273. Koo, H. P., Macarak, E. J., Zderic, S. A., Duckett, J. W., Snyder, H. M., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The ontogeny of bladder function in the fetal calf: Demonstration of an active relaxant response. J. Urol., 154: 283-287, 1995.

274. Broderick, G. A. Haugaard, N., Gong, C. and Levin, R. M.: Evidence for a role of intracellular calcium storage and release in erectile function. Surgical Forum, 46: 764-766, 1995.

275. Tammela, T. L., Leggett, R. E., Levin, R. M. and Longhurst, P. A.: Temporal changes in micturition and bladder contractility after sucrose diuresis and streptozotocin induced diabetes mellitus in rats. J. Urol., 153: 2014-2021, 1995.

276. SionVardy, N., Vardy, D., Rodeck, U., Kari, C., Levin, R. M. and Malkowicz, S. B.: Antiproliferative effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (Tyrphostins) on human bladder and renal carcinoma cells. J. Surg. Res., 59: 675-680, 1995.

277. Chen, MW, Levin, R. M. and Buttyan, R.: Peptide growth factors in normal and hypertrophied bladder. World J. of Urol., 13: 344-348, 1995.

278. Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J. A. and Broderick, G. A.: Comparison of the pharmacological response of human corpus cavernosal tissue with the response of rabbit corpus cavernosal tissue to various forms of stimulation. Gen. Pharmacol., 26: 1107-1111, 1995.

279. Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J. A. and Broderick, G. A.: Metabolic response of rabbit corpus cavernosa tissue to various forms of stimulation. Int. J. Imp. Res., 7: 187-194, 1995.

280. Malkowicz, S. B., Thomas, J. and Levin, R. M.: The effect of cholinergic stimulation on cultured smooth muscle cells. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 385: 7-19, 1995.

281. Koo, H. P., Macarek, E. J., Duckett, J. W., Snyder, H. M.3rd; Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Fetal bovine bladder: physiology and pharmacology. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 385: 251-253, 1995.

282. Zderic, S. A., Gong, C., Hypolite, J. and Levin, R. M.: Developmental aspects of excitation contraction coupling in urinary bladder smooth muscle. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 385: 105-115, 1995.

283. Macarak-EJ; Ewalt-D; Baskin-L; Coplen-D; Koo-H; Levin-R; Duckett-JW; Snyder-H; Rosenbloom-J; Howard-PS. The collagens and their urologic implications. Adv-Exp-Med-Biol. 385: 173-177, 1995.

284. Monson, F. C., Sun, L., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Hyperplasia in the rabbit urothelium following partial outlet obstruction. Autoradiographic evidence. Mol. and Cell. Biochemistry, 152: 167-173, 1995.

285. Zderic, S., Rohrmann, D., Gong, C., Snyder, H. McC. Duckett, J. W., Wein, A.J., and Levin, R. M.: The decompensated detrusor II: Evidence for loss of sarcoplasmic reticulum function following bladder outlet obstruction in the rabbit. J. Urol. 156:587-592, 1996.

286. Chen, MW, Buttyan, R. and Levin, R. M.: Genetic and cellular response to unilateral ischemia of the rabbit urinary bladder. J. Urol., 155: 732-737, 1996.

287. Kim, N. N., Kim, J. J., Hypolite, J., GarciaDiaz, J. F., Broderick, G. A., Tornheim, K., Dailey, J. T., Levin, R. M. and Saenze de Tejada, I.: Altered contractility of rabbit penile corpus cavernosum smooth muscle by hypoxia. J. Urol., 155: 772-778, 1996.

288. Rohrmann, D., Zderic, S., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of thapsigargin on the contractile response of the normal and obstructed rabbit urinary bladder. Pharmacol., 52: 119-124, 1996.

289. Levin, R M, Riffaud, JP, Bellamy, Dorothea Rohrmann, F., Habib, M., Krasnopolsky, L., Zhao, Y. and Wein, A. J.: Protective effect of Tadenan on bladder function secondary to partial outlet obstruction. J. Urol., 155: 1466-1470, 1996.

290. Kwon, HY, Longhurst, P. A., Parsons, K., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Effects of glucose deprivation on the contractile response of the rabbit bladder to repetitive stimulation. Neurourol. Urodyn., 15: 71-78, 1996.

291. Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J. A., Haugaard, N. and Wein, A. J.: Comparative response of rabbit bladder smooth muscle and mucosa to anoxia. Neurorurol. Urodyn., 15: 79-84, 1996.

292. Kwon, HY, Longhurst, P. A., Parsons, K., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: The effects of partial outlet obstruction on bladder strip sensitivity to glucose deprivation: an invitro study in the rat. World J. of Urol., 14: s38-42, 1996.

293. Saito, M., Broderick, G.A., Wein, A.J. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of alteration in the extracellular potassium and calcium on fieldstimulated relaxation of the rabbit corpus cavernosum. Gen. Pharmacol., 27: 375-378, 1996.

294. Chun, A., Bertelsen, D. L., Murphy, J., Kau, S., and Levin, R. M.: Comparative effects of intravesical vs extravesical administration of ZD6169 and cromakalim on the response of the invitro whole bladder to field stimulation. Pharmacology 52: 347-352, 1996.

295. Yu, HJ, Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Agerelated Differential Susceptibility to Calcium Channel Blocker and Low Calcium Medium in Rat Detrusor MuscleResponse to Field Stimulation, Neurourol. Urodyn. 15: 563-576, 1996.

296. Rohrmann, D., Levin, R. M. Duckett, J. and Zderic, S. The decompensated detrusor I: The effects of bladder outlet obstruction on the use of intracellular calcium stores. J. Urol. 156:578-581, 1996.

297. Zderic, S., Rohrmann, D., Gong, C., Snyder, H. McC. Duckett, J. W., Wein, A.J., and Levin, R. M.: The decompensated detrusor II: Evidence for loss of sarcoplasmic reticulum function following bladder outlet obstruction in the rabbit. J. Urol. 156:587-592, 1996.

298. Haugaard, N., Wein, A. J., Chandy, B., Soyupak, B, Zderic, S., and Levin, R. M.: Properties of Ca++Mg++ATPase in Rabbit Bladder Muscle and Mucosa: Effect of Urinary Outlet Obstruction. Neurorurol. Urodyn. 15:555-561, 1996

299. Soyupak, B., Wein, A. J., Levin, R. M. and Haugaard, N.: Effect of ischemia of the rabbit urinary bladder on CaMg activated ATPase activity. Neurourol. Urodyn. 15: 666-671, 1996.

300. Levin, R.M. Developmental aspects of urinary bladder physiology and pharmacology. Dialogues in Pediatric Urology, 19:2-3, 1996.

301. Habib, M., Krasnopolsky, L., Gaafar, S. and Levin, R. M.: Comparative studies on urethral function. World Journal of Urology 14: 388-392, 1996.

302. Levin, R. M., Riffaud, JP, Bellamy, F., Rohrmann, D., Krasnopolsky, L., Haugaard, N., Zhao, Y. and Wein, A. J.: Effects of Tadenan pretreatment on bladder physiology and biochemistry following partial outlet obstruction. J. Urol. 156: 2084-2088, 1996.

303. Hass, M., Geloso, D., Leggett, R. Horan, P., and Levin, R.M. Physiological effects of a novel bioactive agent. Pharmacology 53: 320-327, 1997.

304. Damaser, M. S., Kim, KB, Longhurst, P. A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Calcium regulation of urinary bladder function. J. Urol. 157:732-738,1997.

305. Tejada, I. S. de, Kim, N. N., Daley, J. T., Royai, R., Hypolite, J. A., Broderick, G. A., GarciaDiaz, F. and Levin, R. M.: Acidosis impairs trabecular smooth muscle contraction. J. Urol. 157: 722-726,1997.

306. Zhao, Y., Levin, S.S., Wein, A.J., and Levin, R.M. Correlation of ischemia / reperfusion and partial outlet obstruction induced spectrin proteolysis by calpain with contractile dysfunction in the rabbit bladder. UROLOGY 49: 293-300, 1997.

307. Hypolite, J. A., Longhurst, P. A., Haugaard, N. and Levin, R. M.: Effect of partial outlet obstruction on 14Cadenine incorporation in the rabbit urinary bladder. Neurourol. Urodyn. 16:20-1208, 1997.

308. Rohrmann, D., Zderic, S. A., Duckett, J. W., Levin, R. M., and Damaser, M. S.: Compliance of the obstructed fetal rabbit bladder. Neurourol. Urodynamics, 16: 179-200, 1997.

309. Levin, R.M., Hypolite, J.A., and Broderick, G.A. Evidence for a role of intracellular calcium release in nitricoxide stimulated relaxation of the rabbit corpus cavernosum. J. Androl. 18: 246-249, 1997.

310. Yu, HJ, Levin, R. M., Longhurst, P. A. and Damaser, M. S.: Effect of age and outlet resistance on rabbit urinary bladder emptying. J. Urol. 158: 924-930, 1997.

311. Rohrmann, D., Monson, F.C., Damaser, M.S., Levin, R.M. Duckett, J.W. Jr., and Zderic, S.A. Partial outlet obstruction in fetal rabbits. J. Urol. 158: 1071-1074, 1997.

312. Dean, G.E., Cargill II, R.S., Macarak,E., Snyder, H.M. Jr., Duckett, J.W. and Levin, R.M. Active and passive compliance of the fetal bovine bladder. J. Urol. 158: 1094-1099, 1997.

313. Yu, H. J., Levin, R. M., Longhurst, P. A. and Damaser, M. S.: Ability of obstructed bladders to empty is dependent on the method of stimulation. Urol. Res . 25: 291-297, 1997.

314. Yu, HJ, Wein, A.J. and Levin, R. M.: Contractile Responses and Calcium Mobilization Induced by Muscarinic Agonists in the Rat Urinary Bladder: Effects of Age. Gen. Pharmacol.28: 623-628, 1997.

315. Levin, RM, Das, AK, Haugaard, N Novitsky, Y, Horan, P Leggett, RE, Riffaud, JP, and Longhurst, PA. Beneficial effects of Tadenan Therapy following two weeks of Partial outlet obstruction in the rabbit. Neurourol. Urodyn. 16:583-599, 1997

316. Levin, R.M., Nicholas1, T.J., Snitkoff, G.G., Mandell, J., Russell, D., Wilbur, H.J., and Mogavero, L.J.: Subcellular distribution of SERCA and calciumactivated ATPase in rabbit and human urinary bladder smooth muscle Pharmacology 55: 136-143, 1997.

317. NevelMcGarvey, C. A., Levin, R. M. and Hudson, A. P.: Transcription of mitochondrial and mitochondriarelated nuclear genes in rabbit bladder after partial outlet obstruction. Cell. Mol. Biochem. 173: 95-102, 1997.

318. Levin, R.M. Potential future pharmacologic approaches. In The Overactive Bladder: From Basic Science to Clinical Management Concensus Conference, UROLOGY 50: Suppl. 87-88, 1997

319. Liu, SP, Hass, M.A., and Levin, R.M.: Physiological effects of Macrocycle1 on rabbit corpus cavernosum. Pharmacology 56:144-149, 1998

320. Liu, SP, Horan, P., and Levin, R.M.: Digital analysis of the pharmacological effects of invitro ischemia on rabbit corpus cavernosum. Pharmacology. 56: 216-222, 1998

321. Das, A. K., Ohnishi, N., Horan, P., Leggett, R.E., and Levin, R.M., Use of abdominal Fascia to create a partial outlet obstruction in rabbits. Neuroruol. Urodyn. 17: 213-240, 1998

322. Geloso, D.A. and Levin, R.M.: Effect of partial outlet obstruction on the myogenic response to field stimulation. Gen. Pharmacol. 31: 291-295, 1998.

323. Ohnishi, N., Liu, SP, Horan, P., and Levin, R.M. Effect of repetitive stimulation on the contractile response of rabbit urinary bladder subjected to in vitro hypoxia or in vitro ischemia followed by reoxygenation Pharmacology, 57: 139-147, 1998.

324. Liu, SP, Volfson, I, Horan, P. and Levin, R.M.: Effects of Hypoxia, Calcium, Carbachol, Atropine And Tetrodotoxin on The Filling of The Invitro Rabbit Whole Bladder. J. Urol.160: 913-919, 1998.

325. Liu, SP, Horan, P., and Levin, R.M. Effects of atropine, isoproterenol and propranolol on the rabbit bladder contraction induced by intraarterial administration of acetylcholine and ATP J. Urol. 160: 1863-1866, 1998.

326. Lowe, F.C., Dreikorn, K., Borkowski, A., Braeckman, J., Denis, L., Ferrari, P., Gerber, G., Levin, R., Perrin, P., and Senge, T. Review of recent placebo-controlled trials utilizing phytotherapeutic agents for treatment of BPH. Prostate, 37:187-193, 1998.

327. Levin, R.M., Whitbeck, C., and Horan, P. Effect of calcium and calcium chelators on the response of the bladder to in vitro ischemia. Br. J. Urol. 82: 882-887, 1998.

328. Levin, R.M., Haugaard, N., Mogavero, L., Leggett, R.E., and Das, A.K. Biochemical Evaluation of Obstructive Bladder Dysfunction in Men Secondary to BPH: A Preliminary Report. Urology 53: 446450, 1999.

329. Levin, R.M., Whitbeck, C., and Horan, P. Correlation of EGTA and calcium blocking agents on the response of the bladder to in vitro ischemia. Pharmacology, 58: 113-119, 1999

330. Levin, R.M, Leggett, R.E., Whitbeck, C and Horan, P., Effect of diltiazem and pinacidil on the response of the bladder to in vitro hypoxia and ischemia, Neurourol. Urodyn. 18: 129-137, 1999.

331. Liu, SP; Mogavero, L,J; and Levin, R.M: Correlation of Calciumactivated ATPase Activity, Lipid Peroxidation, and the Contractile Response of Rabbit Corporal Smooth Muscle Treated with invitro Ischemia, Gen. Pharmacol.32: 345-349, 1999.

332. Ohnishi, N., Horan, P., Levin, S.S., and Levin, R.M. Sucrose Diuresis Protects the Rat Bladder from Partial Outlet Obstruction Induced Contractile Dysfunction, UROLOGY, 54: 183-187, 1999.

333. O’Connor, L.J., Nicholas, T., and Levin, R.M. Subcellular distribution of free fatty acids, phospholipids, and endogenous lipase activity of rabbit urinary bladder smooth muscle and mucosa. Adv. in Exp. Med.& Bio. 462: 265-273, 1999

334. NevelMcGarvey, C.A., Levin, R.M., Haugaard, N., Wu, X., and Hudson, A.P. Mitochondrial and mitochondriarelated nuclear genetic function in rabbit urinary bladder following reversal of outlet obstruction. Mol. Cell Biochemistry 197: 161-172, 1999

335. Whitbeck, C., Barreto, M., Horan, P., Levin, S.S., and Levin, R.M. Rabbit vs. rat urinary bladder: Effects of in vitro hypoxia, Pharmacology 59: 156-164, 1999.

336. Bratslavsky, G., Whitbeck, C, Horan, P. and Levin, R.M. Effect of in vivo ischemia on the contractile response of the rabbit bladder to various contractile agents, Pharmacology 59: 221-226, 1999.

337. Hass, M.A., Leonova, E., and Levin, R.M. Fatty Acid Profiles in Normal and Obstructed Rabbit Bladder Smooth Muscle and Mucosa. Neurourol. Urodyn. 18:697-711,1999.

338. Nigro, D. A., Haugaard, N., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: Cellular basis for contractile dysfunction following chronic partial outlet obstruction in rabbits. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 200:1-6, 1999

339. O’Connor, L.J., Goldner, C.W., Lau, S.T., Hass, M.A., and Levin, R.M. The effect of partial outlet obstruction on the distribution of free fatty acids and phospholipids, World, J. Urol. 17: 261-265, 1999.

340. Levin, R.M., Horan, P., and Liu, SP.: Metabolic aspects of urinary bladder filling. Scand. J. Urol. Nephrol. Suppl. 201: 59-66, 1999.

341. Chen, MW, Levin, R.M., Horan, P., and Buttyan, R. Effects of unilateral ischemia on the contractile response of the bladder: Protective effect of Tadenan. Mol. Urol.. 3: 510, 1999.

342. Hass, M.A., Nowak, D.M., Leonova, E., Levin, R.M., and Longhurst, P.A. Identification of components of Prunus africana extract that inhibit lipid peroxidation. Phytomedicine, 6: 379-388, 1999.

343. Ohnishi, N., Horan, P., Levin, S.S., and Levin, R.M. Intermittent Catheterization Limits Rabbit Bladder Dysfunction in Response to Partial Outlet Obstruction, J of Urology, 163: 292-295, 2000.

344. Shabsigh,A., Hayek, O.H., Weiner, D., Saidi,J., Kaplan, S.A., Kiss, A., Burchardt, M., Buttyan, R. and Levin, R.M. Acute Increase in Blood Flow to the Rat Bladder Subsequent to Partial Bladder Outlet Obstruction, Neurourology and Urodynamics 19: 195-208, 2000.

345. Damaser, M.S., Whitbeck, C., Barreto, M., Horan, P., Benno, H., O’Connor, L.J., and Levin, R.M. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry of the Rat and Rabbit Urinary Bladder. Brit. J. Urol. 85: 518-525, 2000.

346. Gosling, J.A., Kung, L.S., Dixon, J.S., Horan, P., Whitbeck, C., and Levin, R.M. Correlation Between the Structure and Function of the Urinary Bladder Following Partial Outlet Obstruction. J. Urol. 163: 1349-1356, 2000.

347. Gomes, C.M., DiSanto, M., Horan, P., Levin, R.M., Wein, A.J., and Chacko,S. Improved contractility of obstructed bladders after Tadenan treatment is associated with reversal of altered myosin isoform expression. J. Urol. 163:2008-2013, 2000.

348. Chichester, P., Lieb, J., Levin, S.S., Buttyan, R., Horan, P.,and Levin, R.M. Vascular Response of the Rabbit Bladder to Short Term Partial Outlet Obstruction, Mol. Cell. Biochem. 208: 19-26, 2000.

349. Lieb, J., Chichester, P., Kogan, B., Das, A.K., Leggett, R.E., Schroeder, A., and Levin, R.M. Rabbit urinary bladder blood flow changes during the initial stage of partial outlet obstruction. J. Urol. 164: 1390-1397, 2000.

350. Levin, R.M., Haugaard, N., O’Connor, L., Buttyan, R., Das, A.K., Dixon, J.S., and Gosling, J.A., Obstructive response of human bladder to BPH vs., rabbit bladder response to partial outlet obstruction: A direct comparison. Neurourol. Urodyn. 19: 609-629, 2000.

351. Levin, R.M., English, M., Barretto, M., Dubuc, M., O’Connor, L., Leggett, R., and Whitbeck, C. Normal detrusor is more sensitive than hypertrophied detrusor to invitro ischemia followed by reoxygenation. Neurourol. Urodynam 19: 701-712, 2000.

352. Schröder, A., Levin, R.M., Kogan, B.A., Kay, F., and Mahashabde, A. Absorption of oxybutynin from vaginal implants and the response of the rabbit bladder A preliminary Study Urology, 56: 1063-1067, 2000.

353. Haugaard, N. and Levin, R.M. Regulation of the activity of choline acetyl transferase by lipoic acid. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 213:61-63, 2000

354. Lieb, J., Kogan, B., Das, A.K., Leggett, R.E., Schroeder, A., and Levin, R.M.The Effect of Urine Volume and Nitric Oxide on Basal Bladder Blood Flow: Response to Catheterization and Drainage, Neurourology and Urodynamics 20: 115-124, 2001.

355. Schröder, A. Chichester, P., Kogan, B.A., Longhurst, P.A., Lieb, J., and Levin, R.M. Effect of Chronic Bladder Outlet Obstruction on the Blood Flow of the Rabbit Urinary Bladder, J. Urol. 165: 640-646, 2001.

356. Bratslavsky, G., Kogan, B., and Levin, R. M. Urethra Is More Sensitive than Bladder to Ischemia: Evidence From In Vitro Rat Study, J. Urol. 165: 20862090, 2001

357. Nichol P, Lee L, Parekh MH, Levin RM, Hass MA. The effects of ovariectomy on and prostaglandin levels in the rabbit urinary bladder. Urology 57: 1-12, 2001.

358. Parekh, M.H., Lobel, R., O’Connor, L.J. Leggett, R.E., Levin, R.M. Protective Effect of Vitamin E on the Response of the Rabbit Bladder to Partial Outlet Obstruction. J. Urol. 166: 341-346, 2001.

359. Levin, R.M., Macarak, E., Howard, P., Horan, P., and Kogan, B. The response of the fetal sheep urinary bladder tissue to partial outlet obstruction. J. Urol., 166: 1156-1160, 2001

360. Masick, J.M., Levin, R.M., and Hass, M.A., Prostaglandin levels in the smooth muscle and mucosa of the partially obstructed rabbit urinary bladder. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat 66: 211-219, 2001.

361. Schröder, A., Levin, R.M., Kogan, B.A., Longhurst, P.A. Aspirin treatment improves bladder function after outlet obstruction in rabbits. Urology 58: 604-613, 2001.

362. Wang, Z., Wu, X., Levin, R.M., and Hudson, A.P. Loss of mitochondrial DNA in rabbit bladder smooth muscle following partial outlet obstruction results from lack of organellar DNA replication. Mol Urol. 5: 99-104, 2001

363. Chichester, P., Schroder, A., Horan, P., and Levin, R.M. Vascular response of the rabbit bladder to chronic partial outlet obstruction, Mol. Cell Biochem. 226: 18, 2001.

364. Schröder, A. Lieb, J., Kogan, B.A.,and Levin R.M. Increased blood flow after catheterization and drainage in the chronically obstructed rabbit urinary bladder. , Urology, 58: 295-300, 2001.

365. Ghafar, M.A., Shabsigh, A., Chichester, P., Anastasiadis, A.G., Levin, R.M., and Buttyan, R. Effects of chronic partial outlet obstruction on blood flow and oxygenation of the rat bladder. J. Urol. 167: 1508-1512, 2002.

366. Das, A.K., Leggett, R.E., Whitbeck, C., Horan, P., and Levin, R.M. Effect of Doxazosin on bladder function following partial outlet obstruction in rats Neurourol. Urodyn 21: 160-166, 2002.

367. Haugaard, N. and Levin, R.M. Activation of choline acetyl transfersase by dihydrolipoic acid. Mol. Cell Biochem. 229: 103-106, 2002.

368. Levin RM, Kawashima Y, Leggett RE, Whitbeck C, Horan P, Mizutani K. Effect of oral Kohki tea on bladder dysfunction induced by severe partial outlet obstruction. J. Urol. 167: 2260-2266, 2002

369. Levin, R.M., Hass, M.A., Bellamy, F., Horan, P., Whitbech, K., Chow, PH, Kung, L.S., and Gosling, J., Effect of Oral Tadenan Treatment following Partial Outlet Obstruction on Rabbit Bladder Structure and Function. J. Urol., 16: 2253-2259, 2002.

370. Ghafar, M.A., Anastasiadis, A.G., Olsson, L.E., Chichester, P., Kaplan, S.A., Buttyan, R., and Levin, R.M. Hypoxia and an Angiogenic Response in The Partially Obstructed Rat Bladder. Lab. Invest. 82: 903-909, 2002

371. Wu, X., Wang, Z., Levin, R.M., and Hudson, P. Cloning of Cox4 from the NZ white rabbit and expression of this gene in bladder smooth muscle following partial outlet obstruction. World J. Urol. 20: 255-259, 2002.

372. Chaqour, B., Whitbeck, C., Horan, P., and Levin, R.M. Cysteinerich 61 (Cyr61) and Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF) Gene expression in Detrusor Bladder is an Early Marker of Phenotypical Remodeling After Outlet Obstruction in the Rat Model. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 283: E765-774, 2002.

373. Matsumoto, S., Chichester, P., Bratslavsky, G., Kogan, B.A., and Levin, R.M.. Functional and structural response to distension of the rabbit whole bladder in vitro J. Urol. 168: 2677-2681, 2002.

374. Malkowicz, S.B., Liu, SP, Broderick, G.A., Wein, A.J., Kennedy, A.R., and Levin, R.M. The effect of the BowmanBirk inhibitor (a soy protein) on invitro bladder neck / urethral and peinile corporal smooth muscle activity. Neurourol. Urodyn. 221: 54-57, 2003.

375. Matsumoto, S., Kogan, B.A., Levin, R.M., Howard, P.S., and Macarak, E.J. Response of the fetal sheep bladder to urinary diversion. J. Urol.169: 735-739, 2003.

376. Levin, R.M., O’Connor, L.J., Leggett, R.E., Whitbeck, C., and Chichester, P. Focal Hypoxia of the Obstructed Rabbit Bladder Wall Correlates with Intermediate Decompensation. Neurourol. Urodyn 22: 156-163, 2003.

377. Buttyan, R., Chichester, P., Matsumoto, S., Stisser, B., Ghafar, M.A., and Levin, R.M. Acute intravesical infusion of a cobalt solution stimulates a hypoxia response, growth, and angiogenesis in the rat bladder. J. Urol. 169: 2402-2406, 2003.

378. Levin, R.M., Borow, A., Levin, S.S., and Haugaard, N., Effect of DHLA on the response of isolated rat urinary bladder to repetitive field stimulation. Cell. Mol. Biochemistry, 246: 129-135, 2003

379. Levin, R.M., Whitbeck, C., Leggett, R.E., Borow, A., Burden, O., and Leggett, R. Effectiveness of vaginally administered oxybutynin on bladder function and response to acetylcholine. Urology 61: 1273-1277, 2003.

380. Aikawa, K., Sugino, T., Matsumoto, S., Chichester, P., Whitbeck, C., and Levin R.M. The Effect of Ovariectomy and Estradiol on Rabbit Bladder Smooth Muscle Contraction and Morphology, J. Urol. 170: 634-637, 2003.

381. Aikawa, K., Leggett, R.E., and Levin, R.M. Effect of Age on Hydrogen Peroxide-Mediated Contraction Damage in the Male Rat Bladder. J. Urol. 170: 2082-2085, 2003.

382. Bratslavsky, G., Kogan, B.A., Matsumoto, S., Aslan, A.R., Levin, R.M. Reperfusion Injury of the Rat Bladder is Worse Than Ischemia. J. Urol. 170: 2086-2090, 2003.

383. Chou, E. C-L Capello, S.A. Levin, R.M., and Longhurst, P.A. Excitatory ?1 Adrenergic receptors predominate over inhibitory ?-receptors in rabbit dorsal detrusor. J. Urol. 170: 2503-2507, 2003

384. Matsumoto, S., Chichester, P., Kogan, B.A. and Levin, R.M. The Structural and vascular response of normal and obstructed rabbit whole bladders to distension. Urology 62: 1129-1133, 2003

385. Matsumoto, S., Leggett, R.E., Levin, R.M.. The effect of vitamin E on the response of rabbit bladder smooth muscle to hydrogen peroxide. Mol Cell Biochem. 254: 347-351, 2003.

386. Yu, H.J., Chien, C.T., Lai, Y.J., Lai, M.K., Chen, C.F., Levin, R.M., Hsu, S.M.. Hypoxia Preconditioning Attenuates Bladder Overdistension-Induced Oxidative Injury by Upregulation of Bcl-2 in the Rat. J Physiol. 554: 815-828 2004

387. Chou, E, C-L, Whitbeck, C., Borow, A., Burden, O., Mays, P., and Levin, R.M. Inhibition of hyperreflexia by vaginal administrered oxybutynin: A novel rabbit model J. Urol. 171: 958-962, 2004.

388. Valentini, F.A., Levin, R.M., Besson, G.R., Nelson, P.P. Study of detrusor dysfunction due to outlet obstruction: link between analysis of uroflows of men with benign prostatic hyperplasia and animal studies. Adv Exp Med Biol. 539: 297-309, 2004.

389. Matsumoto, S., Goto, Y., Levendusky, M.C., Longhusrt, P.A., Levin, R.M., and Millington, W.R. Activation of MU opiod receptors in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray region inhibits volume-evoked mictution. Neuroscience Letters, 363: 116-119, 2004.

390. Levin RM, Leggett RE, Whitbeck C, Murakami T, Kambara T, Aikawa K. Oral Kohki Tea and its protective effect against in vitro ischemic damage to the bladder. Neurourol Urodyn. 23: 355-360, 2004.

391. Matsumoto, S., Hanai, T., Yoshioka, N., Ohnishi, N., Kurita, K., and Levin, R.M. Effect of timing of diuresis on response of rat bladder to outlet obstruction Urology, 64: 608-510, 2004.

392. Parekh, M.H., Chichester, P.C., Lobel, R.W., and Levin, R.M. Effects of castration on female rabbit bladder physiology and morphology, UROLOGY . 64: 1048-1051, 2004.

393. Levin, R.M., Whitbeck, C., Horan, P., and Bellamy, F. Low-dose Tadenan? protects the rabbit bladder from bilateral ischemia / reperfusion-induced contractile dysfunction, Phytomedicine 12: 17-24, 2005.

394. Agartan, C.A., Whitbeck, C., Leggett, R.E., Chichester, P., and Levin, R.M. Protection of Urinary Bladder Function by Grape Suspension Phytotherapy Research, 18: 1013 – 1018, 2004.

395. Agartan, C.A., Whitbeck, C., Chichester, P., Kogan, B.A. and Levin, R.M. Effect of Age on Rabbit Bladder Function and Structure Following Partial Outlet Obstruction. J. Urol. 173: 1400-1405, 2005.

396. Levin, R.M., Danek, M., Whitbeck, K, and Haugaard, N.. Effect of Ethanol on the Response of the Rat Urinary Bladder to In-Vitro Ischemia: Protective effect of alpha-Lipoic Acid Mol Cell Biochem 271: 133–138, 2005.

397. Erdem, E., Leggett, R.E., Dicks, B., Kogan, B., and Levin, R.M. Effect of bilateral ischemia followed by reperfusion on superoxide dismutase activity and contraction. BJU 96: 169-174, 2005

398. Agartan, C.A., Whitbeck, C., Leggett, R.E., Chichester, P., and Levin, R.M. Effect of ethanol on the protection of urinary bladder function by grape suspensions. Urology 66: 213-217, 2005.

399. Levin, R.M, Agartan, CA, Whitbeck, C, Leggett, R.E., Chichester, P., Neuman, P., and Johnson, A. Effect of Partial Outlet Obstruction On Nitrotyrosine Content and Distribution Within the Rabbit Bladder Mol Cell. Biochemistry. 276: 143-148, 2005

400. Aikawa, K., Chichester, P., Whitbeck, C., and Levin, R.M. The effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibition on changes induced by estradiol in bladders from ovariectomized rabbits Urol Int, 75: 133-138, 2005.

401. Levin, RM, Reed, TP, Whitbeck, C. Chichester, P, and Damaser, M. Effect of strip length on the contractile dysfunction of bladder smooth muscle following outlet obstruction. UROLOGY 66: 659-664, 2005.


R1. Weiss, B., Levin, R. M. Mechanism for selectively inhibiting the activation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase and adenylate cyclase by antipsychotic agents. Adv. Cyclic Nucleotide Res., 9: 285-303, 1978.

R2. Weiss, B., Levin, R. M. and Greenberg, L. H.: Modulation of cyclic nucleotide metabolism by antipsychotics through a non-dopamine receptor. In: Catecholamines: Basic and clinical Frontiers. Edited by E. Usdin and J. Barchas. New York: Pergamon Press, 1979.

R3. Wein, A. J., Van Arsdalen, K. and Levin, R. M.: Adrenergic corporal receptors. In: Male Sexual Function. Edited by R. J. Krane, M. B. Siroky, I. Goldstein. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1983.

R4. Levin, R. M., Malkowicz, S. B. and Wein, A. J.: Laboratory models for neuropharmacologic studies. World Journal of Urology, 2: 222--233, 1984.

R5. Levin, R. M., Malkowicz, S. B. and Wein, A. J.: Basic research models and methods in neuromuscular studies of the lower urinary tract. In: Neurourology and Urodynamics. Edited by S. V. Yalla, E. J. Mc Guire, A. Elbadawi and J. G. Blavais. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., pp. 122-146,1988.

R6. Keating, M. A. and Levin, R. M.: Experimental observations of bladder outlet obstruction. Dialogues in Pediatric Urology, 12: 1-8, 1989.

R7. Levin, R. M., Longhurst, P. A., Monson, F. C., Kato, K., and Wein, A. J.: Effect of bladder outlet obstruction on the morphology, physiology, and pharmacology of the bladder. Prostate, Supp. 3: 9-26, 1990.

R8. Levin, R. M., Longhurst, P. A. and Wein, A. J. Neuropharmacologic investigations of the lower urinary tract. World J. Urol. 8: 180-188, 1990.

R9. Wein, A. J., Levin, R. M. and Barrett, D. M.: Voiding Function: Relevant Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology. In: Adult and Pediatric Urology. Edited by J. Y. Gillenwater, J. T. Grayhack, S. S. Howards and J. D. Duckett. Chicago: Mosby Year Book Medical Publishers, Second Edition, pp. 933-999, 1991.

R10. Wein, A. J., Van Arsdalen, K. N., and Levin, R. M.: Non-surgical treatment of voiding dysfunction: Pharmacologic therapy. Clinical Neuro-Urology, Edited by R. Crane, M. Siroki and S. Staskin. New York: Little, Brown, & Co. pp. 523-558, 1991.

R11. Longhurst, P. A., Wein, A. J. and Levin, R. M.: In-vitro models of bladder contraction and function. Neurourol. Urodyn. 10: 97-110, 1991.

R12. Levin, R. M., Hypolite, J., Longhurst, P. and Wein, A. J.: Energetics of muscarinic stimulation of smooth muscle. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 311: 323-324, 1992.

R13. Levin, R. M., Haugaard, N., and Wein, A. J.: Metabolic alterations induced by obstructive hypertrophy of the rabbit urinary bladder. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium "Smooth Muscle". Jap. J. Pharmacol., 58 Supp. II, 1992, pp 341.

R14. Levin, R. M., Haugaard, N. and Wein, A. J. Metabolic alterations induced by obstructive hypertrophy of the rabbit urinary bladder. Jap. J. Pharmacol. T.58, #S2: 341, 1992.

R15. Levin, R. M., Longhurst, P. A., Monson, F. C., Haugaard, N., and Wein, A. J.: Experimental studies on bladder outlet obstruction. In: Prostate Diseases. Edited by H. Lepor MD, R.K. Lawson MD. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., pp. 119-130, 1993.

R16. Levin, R. M., Tammela, T. L. J. and Wein, A. J.: The effects of increased functional demands on the urinary bladder. Finnish Urological Club Procedings, Kabi Pharmacia, 45-58, 1993

R17. Levin, R. M., Tammela, T. L. J. and Wein, A. J.: What's new in Urology, USA. Finnish Urological Club Procedings, Kabi Pharmacia, 67-77, 1993.

R18. Levin, R. M., Zderic, S. A. and Wein, A. J.: Effect of the intravesical administration of calcium channel inhibitors and potassium channel openers on experimental hyperreflexia. Dialogues of Pediatric Urology 16: 47, 1993.

R19. Buttyan, R., Chen, M.W., Monson, F., and Levin, R. M.: Molecular control of rabbit urinary bladder hypertrophy. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy. 48: 27S-34S. 1994.

R20. Levin, R. M., Monson, F. C., Longhurst, P. A. and Wein, A.J.: The rabbit as a model of urinary bladder function, Neurourol. Urodyn. 13: 119-136, 1994.

R21. Levin, R. M., Wein, A. J., and Longhurst, P. A.: Neuropharmacology of the lower urinary tract. In: Urodynamics, Principles, Practice, and Application. Edit by A. R. Mundy, T. P. Stephenson, A. J. Wein. New York: Churchill Livngstone, pp, 29-42, 1994.

R22. Wein, A. J., Longhurst, P. A., and Levin, R. M.: Pharmacologic treatment of voiding dysfunction. In: Urodynamics, Principles, Practice, and Application. Edited by: A. R. Mundy, T. P. Stephenson, A. J. Wein. New York: Churchill Livngstone, pp. 43-70, 1994.

R23. Levin, R. M., Monson, F. C., Haugaard, N., Buttyan, R., Hudson, A., Roelofs, M., Sartore, S. and Wein, A. J.: Genetic and cellular characteristics of bladder outlet obstruction. Adv. Ben. Prost. Hyperpla., 22: 263-283, 1995.

R24. Broderick, G. A., Saito, M. and Levin, R. M.: The effects of acute and chronic alcohol exposure on rabbit corpus cavernosum. Sing. J. Obst. and Gynacol., 26: 42-50, 1995.

R25. Levin, R. M., Wein, A. J., Buttyan, R., Monson, F. C., and Longhurst, P. A.: Update on bladder smooth muscle physiology. World Journal of Urology, 12: 226-232, 1995.

R26. Levin, R. M., Wein, A. J., Saito, M. and Longhurst, P. A.: Factors that modulate the initiation of micturition. Scand. J. Urol. Neph. Suppliment 175: 3-10, 1995.

R27. Levin, R. M., Haugaard, N., Levin, S. S, Buttyan, R., Chen, M.W., Monson, F. C. and Wein, A. J.: Bladder function in experimental outlet obstruction.: Pharmacologic responses to alterations in innervation, energetics, calcium mobilization, and genetics. In: Muscle, Matrix, and Bladder Function. Edited by S. Zderic. New York: Plenum Press, pp 7-19, 1995.

R28. Levin, R. M., Monson, F. C., Haugaard, N., Buttyan, R., Hudson, A., Roelofs, M., Sartore, S. and Wein, A. J.: Genetic and cellular characteristics of bladder outlet obstruction. Urol. Clin. North Am., 22: 263-283, 1995.

R29. Levin, R. M. and Wein, A. J.: Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology. In: “Bladder”. Edited by J. M. Fitzpatrick and R. J. Krane. New York: Churchill Livingston, pp. 47-70, 1995.

R30. Zderic, S. A. , Levin, R. M., and Wein, A. J.: Voiding Function and Dysfunction: A Relevant Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology, and molecular biology. In: Adult and Pediatric Urology. Edited by J. Y. Gillenwater, J. T. Grayhack, S. S. Howards and J. D. Duckett. Chicago: Mosby Year Book Medical Publishers, Third Edition, pp. 1159-1219, 1996.

R31. Fitzpatrick, J. M., Braeckman, J., Denis, L., Dreikorn, K., Khoury, S., Levin, R. and Perrink P.: The medical management of BPH with agents other than hormones or alpha blockers. In: Proceedings from the 3rd International Consultation on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Edited by A.T.K. Cockett, S. Khoury, Y. Aso, C. Chatlain, L. Denis, K. Griffits and G. Murphy. SCI Ltd., pp. 489-496, 1996.

R32. Levin, R. M. and Longhurst, P. A.: Pharmacological basis of bladder and urethral function in the female. In: Female Urology. Edited by S. Raz M.D. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., The Curtis Center. 43-56, 1996.

R33. Zderic, S.A., Rohrmann, D., Gong, C.L., Nigro, D., Monson, F., Haugaard, N., and Levin, R.M. (1996): Mechanisms of bladder smooth muscle hypertrophy and decompensation: lessons from normal development and the response to outlet obstruction. In: The Bladder: Basic and Clinical Research. Ed. Atala, A., Plenum, NY.

R34. Levin, R. M., Levin, S. S. and Wein, A. J.: Etiology of Incontinence: A review and hypothesis. Scandanavian J. Urol., Nephrol. 30 (Supp): 15-25, 1996.

R35. Fitspatrick, J.M., Braeckman, J., Denis, L., Dreikorn, K., Khoury, S., Levin, R., and Perrin, P., The Medical Management of BPH with agents other than hormones or alphablochers. in Procedings from the 3rd International Consultation on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Eds. Cockett, Khoury, Aso, Chatelain, Denis, Griffiths, and Murphy)., Scientific Communications, International, Ltd, 1996., pp 489-494.

R36. Damaser, M. S., Yu, HJ, Longhurst, P. A., and Levin, R. M.: The concept of bladder work: Work and power in bladder emptying. Scand. J. Urol. Neph. Suppl. 184: 35-41, 1997.

R37. Levin, R. M., Yu, H.J., Kim, K.B., Longhurst, P. A. and Damaser, M. S.: Etiology of bladder dysfunction secondary to partial outlet obstruction. Scand. J. Urol. Neph. Suppl. 184: 43-50, 1997.

R38. Buttyan, R., Chen, M.W. and Levin, R.M. Animal models of bladder outlet obstruction and molecular insights into the basis for the development of bladder dysfunction. Eur. Urol., (supp) 32: 3239,1997.

R39. Levin, R.M., Levin, S.S., Zhao, Y., and Buttyan, R. Cellular and molecular aspects of bladder hypertrophy. Eur. Urol. 32: (supp) 15-21, 1997.

R40. Hald,T., Brading, A.F., Elbadawi, A., Horn, T., Keuppens, F., Rocha, F.T., Steers, W., Thuroff, J., Van Mastrigt, R., Wein, A., and Levin, R. Pathophysiology of the urinary bladder in obstruction and ageing. in Procedings from the 4th International Consultation on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Eds.Denis, Griffiths, Khoury, Cockett, McConnell, Chatelain, Murphy, and Yoshida)., Scientific Communications, International, Ltd, 1998., pp 131-178.

R41. Dreikorn, K., Borkowski, J., Braeckman, J., Denis, L., Gerber, G., Levin, R., Lowe, F., Perrin, P., and Senge, T. Other Medical Therapies. in Procedings from the 4th International Consultation on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Eds.Denis, Griffiths, Khoury, Cockett, McConnell, Chatelain, Murphy, and Yoshida)., Scientific Communications, International, Ltd, 1998., pp 635-659.

R42. Zderic, S.A., Wein, A. Rohrman, D. Gong, C.L., Nigro, D., Haugaard, N., and Levin, R. Mechanisms of bladder smooth muscle hypertrophy and decompensation: Lessons from normal development and response to outlet obstruction. World J. Urol 16: 350-358, 1998

R43. Levin, R. M., Haugaard, N., Hypolite, J. A. Wein, A. J. and Buttyan, R.: Metabolic factors influencing lower urinary tract function. Experimental Physiology 84: 1711194, 1999.

R44. De Groat, W.C., Downie, J.W., Levin, R.M., Long, A.T., Morrison, J.F.B., Nishizawa, O., Steers, W.D., and Thor, K.B. Basic Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology; in: Incontinence (Eds Paul Abrams, Saad Khoury, and Alan Wein), proceedings from the W.H.O. First International Consultation on Incontinence, June 28July 1, 1988, Monaco.Plymbridge Distributers Ltd, Health Publications Ltd, 1999. pp 105-154.

R45. NevelMcGarvey, C.A., Levin, R.M., Haugaard, N., Wu, X., and Hudson, A.P. Mitochondrial involvement in bladder function and dysfunction Mol. Cell Biochemistry, 194: 115, 1999.

R46. Levin, R.M. Overview of nerves and pharmacology in the bladder Adv. Exp. Med. & Bio. 462: 237-240, 1999.

R47. Levin, R.M., Brading, A.F., Mills, I.W., and Longhust, P.A. Experimental Models of Bladder Obstruction. In: Prostatic Disease. Ed. H. Lepor, W.B. Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 2000, pp 169-196.

R48. Levin, R.M. and Das, A.K. A scientific basis for the therapeutic effects of Pygium africanum and Serenoa repens. Urol. Res. 28:201-209, 2000

R49. Nordling, J., Artibani, W., Hald, Tl, Keuppens, F., Levin, R., and Thuroff, J. Pathophysiology of the urinary bladder in obstruction and ageing. In “Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia”, eds C. Chatelain, L. Denis, K.T. Foo, S. Khoury, and J. Mc Connell. 5th International Consultation on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Plymbridge Distributors, Ltd., UK. 2001.

R50. Schroeder, A., Lieb, J., O’Connor, L., Horan, P., Leggett, R., and Levin, R.M., Role of calcium and calcium modulation in the control of urethral tone, Scand. J. Urol. Nephrol. Suppl. 207: 19-25, 2001.

R51. New Therapeutics Bulletin: Detrol LA. (Eds. Sussman, D.O., Levin, R.M., McGriff, N.J., and Snella, K.A.) Monograph published by the American Pharmaceutical Association, 2001.

R52. Levin, R.M. Bladder Function and Dysfunction: Biochemical and Molecular Genetic Basis. in Drugs of Today, 37: 33-37, 2001.

R53. Morrison, J., Steers, W.D., Brading, A., Blok, B., Fry, W.C., Kakizaki, H., Levin, R., and Thor, K. Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology; in: Incontinence (Eds Paul Abrams, Linda Cardoza, Saad Khoury, and Alan Wein), proceedings from the W.H.O. Second International Consultation on Incontinence, July 1-3, 2001, Monaco.Plymbridge Distributers Ltd, Health Publications Ltd, 85- 163, 2002.

R54. Levin, R.M., Chichester, P., Hass, M.A., Gosling, J.A., and Buttyan, R. Obstructive bladder dysfunction: Morphological, Biochemical, and Molecular Changes. European Urology Supplements 1: 14-20, 2002.

R55. Hass, M..A. and Levin, R.M. The role of lipids and lipid metabolites in urinary bladder dysfunction induced by partial outlet obstruction. Bladder Disease: Research Concepts and Applications, (Anthony Atala and Debra Slade Eds), Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, NY pp 217-238, 2003.

R56. Levin, R.M. and Hudson, A.P. The molecular genetic basis of mitochondrial malfunction in bladder tissue following outlet obstruction. J Urol. 172: 438-447, 2004.

R57. Levin, R,M., Chichester, P., Levin S.S., and Buttyan, R. Role of angiogenesis in the bladder’s response to partial outlet obstruction: A review. Scand. J. Urology and Nephrology 38: 37-47, 2004.

R58. Uvelius, B., Levin, R.M., and Longhurst, P.A. Regulation of bladder function. In Pathology of the Urinary Bladder (eds. Christopher S. Foster and Jeffrey S. Roth), Saunders, Philadelphia, pp 35-47, 2004.

R-59. Mannikarottu, AS, Kogan, B, and Levin, RM Ischemic etiology of obstructive bladder dysfunction: A review. Recent Res. Devel. Mol. Cell Biochem, 2: 15-34, 2005.


» Conners, W., Whitebeck, C., Chicester, C. Legget, R.E. Johnson, A. Kogan, B. Levin, R.R. and Mannikarottu, A. N(G)-nitro-L- arginine methy ester (L-NAME), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, diminishes oxidative damage in rabbit urinary bladder smooth muscles following partial bladder outlet obstruction Am. J. Physiol. (in press)

» Matsumoto, S., Aikawa, K., O’Connor, J.J., Leggett, R.E., and Levin, R.M. The Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on In Vitro Rabbit Bladder Contraction and Biochemistry. Neurourol. Urodyn. (in press)

» Levin, R.M., Leggett, R.E., Whitbeck, C., Matsumoto, S., Ohto, N., Ikeda, T., and Mizutani, K. Kohki tea protects the rabbit bladder from ischemia / reperfusion induced contractile dysfunction. Neurourology and Urodynamics (in press).

» Damaser, M.S., Whitbeck, C., Chichester, P., and Levin, R.M., Reduced blood flow and hypoxia of the female rat due to vaginal distension. J. Applied Physiol. (in press, Dec 2004)

» Levin, RM, Longhurst, PA, Whitbeck, C, and Korstanje, C. The Effect of Tamsulosin on the Response of the Rabbit Bladder to Partial Outlet Obstruction (in press Neurourol. Urodyn. March, 2005)


» Chou, E, C-L, Whitbeck, C., Borow, A., Burden, O., Mays, P., and Levin, R.M. The effect of intravesical ketoprofen on Ach-evoked urinary bladder contractility and hyperreflexia in the anesthetized rabbit model. (J. Urol.)

» Agartan, C.A., Leggett, R.E., Kogan, B.A., and Levin, R,M. Effect of Age on the Response to In-vitro Ischemia of the Rabbit Bladder Brit. J. Urol (submitted oct 2004).

» Lin, A D-Y, Mannikarottu, A.S, Chaudhry, A, Whitbeck, C, Kogan, B.A. Chichester, P, and Levin, R,M, Protective Effects of Grape Suspension on in-vivo ischemia / reperfusion of the rabbit bladder (Submitted for consideration

» Badger, WJ, Whitbeck, C., Kogan, B., Chichester, P., and Levin, RM. The Immediate Effect of Castration on Female Rabbit Bladder Blood Flow and Tissue Oxygenation, J. Urol. (Submitted for publication)

» Barendrecht, M.M., Chichester, P., Michel, M.C., and Levin, R.M. Effect of short-term outlet obstruction on rat bladder nerve density and contractility. Neurourol. Urodyn. (Submitted 7/27/05)


Government Grants:

1. Biomarkers Predicting the Severity of Obstruction-induced Bladder Dysfunction VA Merit review grant 62770016: 1978-1982, 1982-1985, 1985--1988, 1989-1994; 1995-2000, 2001-2006 $ 140,000 / yr (PI)

2. Ischemic Etiology of Obstructive Bladder Dysfunction, NIH, 1-RO-1-DK067114, 2004 – 2008, $288,570 / yr.

Pharmaceutical Grants:

California Table Grape Commission (PI)
Protective effect of grape suspensions on obstructive bladder dysfunction, 7/1/2003 – 6/30/2004, $ 25,000

Yamaneuchi USA Research Foundation (PI)
Role of Nitric Oxide on the Acute Response of the Rabbit to Partial Outlet Obstruction, 12/1/03 – 11/30/04, $ 30,000


1. Develop and direct basic research program for Albany College of Pharmacy.

2. Supervise basic research laboratory.

3. Advisor for research activities of pharmacy, graduate, and postdoctoral students.

4. Individual lectures on specific topics in several courses.

5. Ad hoc reviewer for the following Journals: Neurourology and Urodynamics, Molecular Pharma-cology, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, European Journal of Pharmacology, American Journal of Physiology, and other jured journals.

6. Member of the IACUC Committee at the Stratton VAMC