Chemical and Technological Characteristics of White Dent Maize
(Zea mays Var. Identata) Grains as Affected by Different Treatments. 1-Effect of Boiling, Nixtamalization and Soaking Treatments on Some Chemical Characteristics of White Dent Maize Grain whole Flour
Manal A.M. Hassan
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjdfs.2018.46.56
Chemical and Technological Characteristics of white Dent Maize
(Zea mays Var. Identata) Grains as Affected by Different Treatments.
2- Physicochemical, Technological Properties, Phytate Phosphorus,
Phytic Acid Contents of Wheat Toast Bread and their
Mixtures with Treated Whole white Dent Maize Grains Flour
Manal A.M. Hassan
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ] DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjdfs.2018.63.73