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« World Journal of Agricultural Sciences »
 Plant Biochemistry
Dr. Amal Amin Mohamed

Personal data :

Name                    :
Amal Amin Mohamed
Nationality             : Egyptian
Position                : Researcher
Date and place of birth : 20.12.1967, Giza – Egypt

Work address :
Plant Biochemistry Department;
Agriculture Division -National Research Center- Postal Code,
12311, 31-El-Tahrir St., Dokki, Cairo – Egypt

Tel : (+202) 3377164
Fax : (+202) 3370931


Primary and Secondary schools in Giza- Egypt (1975 - 1985)

University education:

B.Sc. Degree (1990): Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University.
Branch studied: Plant Biochemistry, with final grade Excellent with Honor

M.Sc. Degree (1995), Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University.
Branch studied : Plant Biochemistry
Title of thesis: Biochemical studies on the relation between enzymes activity and micronutrients deficiency in plant.

Ph.D. Degree (2000), Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University.
Title of thesis: Biochemical and molecular studies on the evaluation of some micronutrients efficient cultivars.

Positions :

• From September (1991) to (1995): Researcher Assistant,
  Micronutrients Project, Botany Department, National Research Centr

• From September (1995) to September (2000): Associate Researcher,
  Plant Nutrition Department , National Research Center,

• From December (2000) up till now : Researcher ,
Plant Biochemistry Department , National Research Center,

Awards :

National Research Center prize for Scientific encouragement (2004)

Computer skills :

Work with computer programs(MS Office,Word,Excel,power point)
Other program for finger printing analysis( www.labimaging.com )

Travel Abroad:

From February (1993) to February (1994):
Training on some biochemical markers for the appraisal of micronutrient imbalance in plant, In Institute of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Udine, Italy. Head Prof. Dr. Z. Varanini, E.mail (zeno.varanini@dpvta.uniud.it) Supported by Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Italy.

From June (1997) to August (1997):
Training on the some Biochemical marker for cultivar efficiency evaluation in dicotyledanos plants grown in calcareous soil, supported by Italian National Research Council, Ercolano, Napoli-Italy and institute of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Udine, Italy

From September (1998) to November (1998):
Training on some biochemical indicators of Zn- deficiency in different barley genotypes, Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. University of Kiel, Germany. Head Prof. Dr. Sattelmacher, E.mail (bsattelmacher@plant-nutrition.uni-kiel. de),
Supported by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)-Germany

From September (2004) to November (2004):
Training on some biochemical and molecular markers indicators to select Salt stress tolerance in Maize plant,. Institute of plant nutrition, Interdisciplinary research center for environmental research (Ifz) Justus-Liebig- Giessen-Germany ,Head Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Sven Schubert.
Supported by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)-Germany

From March (2005) to April (2005):
Training short term at the Department of plant nutrition of the EEAD-CSIC ,Zaragoza-Spain - Supported by official program CSIC and Egyptian Academy of sciences.

Other Training course:

“Modern methods in plant molecular biology and biochemistry” Provided by National Research Centre-Cairo -Egypt (1998).

“Electrophoresis techniques of subunits separation of proteins”
Provided by Biochemistry Dep., Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo Univ.-Egypt (2001).

“Application of diagnostic molecular biology, polymerase chain reaction, a world wide tool”. Provided by Faculty of Science, Ain-Shams Univ. -Egypt (2002).


2 Ph.D. and 1 M.Sc.-Univeristy of Cairo-Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Agriculture


Prof. Dr. Farouk K. El-Baz, Vice president of National Research Centre (Prof. of Plant Biochemistry). Plant Biochemistry Dept., Dokki- Cairo, Egypt
( e.mail: felbaz@nrc.org.eg )

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Aboul Enein, Prof. of Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
( e.mail: aboul_enein1@go.com.)

Prof. Dr. Pinton Roberto ,Full Professor of Agricultural Chemistry at the Department of Crop Science and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Udine, Italy
( e.mail :roberto.pinton@dpvta.uniud.it)

List of publications (1994-2005)

Plant Biochemistry Department

1- Pinton, R.; Amal, A. Mohamed and Varanini, Z. (1994):
Subcellular localization of zinc in zinc-sufficient and zinc-deficient Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants.
3rd congress of the European Society for Agronomy (ESA)
18-22 Sep. Abano- Padova (ITALY), 512-513.

2- El-Baz, F.K.; Salama ,Z.A. and Amal, A. Mohamed (1996):
Evaluation of catalase, carbonic anhydrase (CA), aldolase activities and chlorophyll as indicators for Fe and Zn deficiency in Snap Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and Faba Bean (Vicia faba) plants.
J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 21 (7): 2569 - 2581.

3- El-Baz, F.K.; Pinton, R; Salama, Z. A. and Amal, A. Mohamed (1996): Changes in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, lipid peroxidation and membrane permeability in zinc deficient plant. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 21 (7): 2583 – 2589.

4- El-Baz, F.K.; El-Mobde, E.A.; Zeinab ,A .Salama, and Amal, A. Mohamed (1998): Determination of Fe2+ and soluble zinc as biochemical indicators for the diagnosis of iron and zinc deficiency in Snap Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and Faba Bean (Vicia faba) plants.
Egypt J. Physiol. Sci., 22 (1): 25 - 39.

5- El-Baz,F.K. ; Pinton, R. and Amal, A. Mohamed (1998):
Diagnosis of zinc deficiency in phaseolus plants by means of water-soluble zinc, total zinc and protein content in the sub- cellular fraction of leaves and roots. Egypt. J. Physiol. Sci., 22 (1): 13 - 23.

6- Amal, A. Mohamed; Agnolon ,F.; Cesco, S. ; Varanini,Z. and Pinton,R. (1998): Incidence of lime-induced chlorosis: Plant response mechanisms and role of water-soluble humic substances.
Agrochimica, Vol. XLII, (6): 255 – 262.

7- Amal, A. Mohamed; I. Khalil; Z. Varanini and R. Pinton (2000):
Increase in NAD(P) H - dependent generation of active oxygen species and changes in lipid composition of microsomes isolated from roots of zinc deficient Bean plants. J. Plant Nutrition, 23 (3): 285 - 295.

8- Amal, A. Mohamed (2003): Oxidative damage and free radical formation in maize seedlings after exposure to cadmium stress. Egypt. J . of Botany, 43(1-2): 43-54.

9- El-Baz, F. K.; Amal, A. Mohamed and Amina, A.Aly (2003): Development of biochemical markers for salt stress tolerance in cucumber plants.
Pakistan. J. of Biological Sciences, 6 (1): 16 – 22.

10- Amal, A. Mohamed; El-Baz, F. K.; and Khalifa , R. Kh. M. (2003):
Genotypic differences of two wheat cultivars for the enzymes activity, amino acids and protein profile under Fe-deficiency. J. of Biological Sciences, 3(10): 864-874.

11- Abd El-Baky, H.Hanaa, Amal, A. Mohamed and Hussein, M.M. (2003):
Influence of salinity on lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes and electrophoretic patterns of protein and isozeymes in leaves of some onion cultivars. Asian J. of Plant Sciences, 2 (17-24):1220-1227.

12- Amal, A. Mohamed;Aboul-Enein, A. M.; Zeinab, A .Salama and El-Baz, F.K. (2003): Phytosiderophore release and superoxide dismutase activity as a tool for evaluation of zinc efficiency in barley.
Egypt .J. Agric .Res. NRC- 1, (2): 293-304.

13- El-Baz, F.K.; Amal, A. Mohamed; Zeinab ,A .Salama, Aboul-Enein, A.M. (2004) : Alteration in root exudates level during Fe-deficiency in two cucumber cultivars. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 6 (1): 45-48.

14- Amal ,A. Mohamed and Shaaban, M. M. (2004): Nutrient status and enzyme activity alteration in cucumber seedlings as a response to boron deficiency Acta Agronomica hungarica, 52 (1): 9-17.

15- Amal ,A. Mohamed and Khalifa, R.Kh.M. (2004): Biochemical responses of some wheat cultivars to iron deficiency; defenses against oxidative stress. Second Conference on the Role of Biochemistry in Environment and Agriculture. Faculty of Agric. Cairo Univ., Egypt, 1(1): 15-25.

16- Amal, A. Mohamed; Abd El-Kader M. Abd El-Samad; Mohamed, M. Rashed, and Hossam, E. S. El-Beltagi. (2004) : Response of antioxidative enzymes to cadmium stress in leaves and roots of radish. Second Conference on the Role of Biochemistry in Environment and Agriculture. Faculty of Agric. Cairo Univ., Egyp, 1 (1): 159-171.

17- Amal ,A. Mohamed and Amina ,A. Aly (2004):
some biochemical variabilitties in wheat callus : nitrate reductase, ascorbate peroxidase and protein electrophoretic patterns under iron stress.
International J. of Agriculture & Biology, 7 (1): 45-49.

18- Amal , A. Mohamed and Amina A. Aly (2004): Iron deficiency stimulated some enzymes activity, lipid peroxidation and free radicals production in Borago officinalis induced in vitro. International J. of agriculture & biology, 6 (1): 179-184.

19- Amina, A. Aly and Amal, A. Mohamed (2005): Natural antioxidants in maize callus tissue as enhanced by gamma irradiation. Egypt. J.Rad. Sci.Applic .,18( 1): 221-236.

20- Amina, A. Aly and Amal, A. Mohamed (2005): Leaf lipids: Gamma-18-3 fatty acid of borage (Borago officinalis L.) induced in vitro International J. of Biotechnology & Biochemistry,1 (1):1-10.

21- Amal, A. Mohamed (2005): Two-dimensional electrophoresis of soluble proteins and profile of some isozymes isolated from maize plant in response to NaCl. Research Journal of Agriculture & Biological Sciences, 1(1):38-44.

22- Amal, A. Mohamed and Farag, S. T . (2005): Variation in the contents of amino acids, phytic acid, tannin, vicine and electrophoretic protein patterns in pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds. Egypt. J .of Applied Science Sciences, 20 (11):106-115.