18 Number (12),
The Impact of Different Tasks on Iranian EFL Students’ Vocabulary Learning
Ali Akbar Khansir, Seyed Ahmad Mousavi Basri and Abdollah Hajivandi
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ]
Optimizing Maintenance and Repair Policies by Reliability Modelling
G. Tamizharasi and S. Kathiresan
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ]
River Bed Erosion and Sedimentation Behavior in Discharge Fluctuation Condition
Kuntjoro, Mohammad Bisri, Agus Suharyanto and Aniek Masrevaniah
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ]
The Prediction Models of Motorcycle Accidents on Surabaya Arterial Roads Using Generalized Linear Models
Machsus, Harnen Sulistio, Achmad Wicaksono and Ludfi Djakfar
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ]
Assessment of Humoral Immune Response as a Guide for
Chlamydial Eye Infection Diagnosis Using Enzyme-Linked
Immunosorbent and Micro-Immunofluorescence Assays
Maha Mohssen, Magda Mahran, Manal Mikhail and Islam Abdallah
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text ]