Sexual Compatibility of LeConte Pear Cultivar
M.A. Shaheen, M.A. Essa, R.A. Sayed and Y.S.G. Abd El-Aziz
Growth and Cytogenetical Properties of Micro-propagated and Successfully Acclimatized
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Clones with a Modified Shoot Tip Culture
Seif El-Nasr H. GadEl-Hak, Kasem Z. Ahmed, Yasser M.M.
Moustafa and Asmaa S. Ezzat
Effect of Biofertilizers as a Partial Substitute
for Nitrogen on Vegetative Growth, Yield, Fruit Quality and Leaf Mineral Content
of Two Seedless Grape Cultivars I: Vegetative Growth and Yield
of Biofertilizers as a Partial Substitute for Nitrogen Fertilzier on Vegetative
Growth, Yield, Fruit Quality and Leaf Mineral Content of Two Seedless Grape
Cultivars II: Fruit Quality and Leaf Mineral Content