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International Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
                                   Volume 5 Number 1, 2013

Effect of Lifting Time and Tuber Size on Ambient Storage Performance of Potato Derived from True Potato Seed

J.S. Nipa, T.S. Roy, A.K.M.R. Amin and M. Hasanuzzaman

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Toxicity Effect of Commonly Used Indigenous Plant Extracts in Controlling Rice Moth, Sitotroga cerealella Oliv. In Stored Rice Grain

T. Akter and M. Jahan

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Growth, Dry Matter Production and Yield Performance of Transplanted Aman Rice Varieties Influenced by Seedling Densities per Hill

J.A. Mahamud, M.M. Haque and M. Hasanuzzaman

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Growth and Yield of Summer Tomato as Influenced by Plant Growth Regulators

S. Choudhury, N. Islam, M.D. Sarkar and M.A. Ali

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Effect of Spacing and Sowing Time on Growth and Yield of Carrot (Daucus carrota L.)

M.S. Adamu, H.I. Kubkomawa, U.D. Doma and A.T. Duduwa

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Economic Performance of Transplant Aman Rice under Different Methods of Land Preparation and Weeding Regime

S.M.A. Hoque, M.D. Hossain, D.N.R. Paul, M.A. Miah and S. Khandker

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