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European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS)


                                  Volume 7 Number 5, 2015

Prevalence and Public Health Significance of Cysticercus Bovis in and Around Debreberhan City

Kifle Wondimagegnei and Shiret Belete

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Prevalence of Lungworm Infection in Small Ruminants in Ambo Town

Yimer Muktar, Abdallahi Abdureman and Solomon Shiferaw

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


A Review on African Horse Sickness

Grmanesh Tkuwet and Atsedewoyne Firesbhat

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Epidemiology and Impacts of Trypanosomiasis in Cattle

Atsedewoyne Firesbhat and Chaltu Desalegn

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


The Comparative Nutrient Utilization and Economic Efficiency of Mineral Supplements with Concentrates in Sheep

Muluken Zeleke, Yisehak Kechero and Mohammed Y. Kurtu

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Review on Reproductive and Productive Performance of Fogera Cattle

Kassahun Desalegn

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Risk Factors and Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Pets

Ayana Wubie and Gashaw Getaneh

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]

