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Academic Journal of Plant Sciences
                                    Volume 5 Number 2, 2012

Analysis of Market Chains of Forest Coffee in Southwest Ethiopia

Zekarias Shumeta, Kaba Urgessa and Zerihun Kebebew

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Genetic Divergence and Character Association in Micromutants of Green Gram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] Variety Sujata

Dayanidhi Mishra and Baburam Singh

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Punicalagins-A Large Polyphenol Compounds Found in Pomegranates: A Therapeutic Review

Satyanand Tyagi, Ajeet Singh, Poonam Bhardwaj, Sandeep Sahu, A.P. Yadav and M.L. Kori

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Variation in Pod Yield Characters and Heritability Estimates in Some Cultivars of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.

P.M. Jonah, B. Aliyu, A.M. Kadams and D.T. Wamannda

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Evaluation of Wild Edible Mushrooms for Amino Acid Composition

S.K. Sharma, N.S. Atri, R. Joshi, Ashu Gulati and Arvind Gulati

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