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Academic Journal of Plant Sciences
                                    Volume 2 Number 4, 2009

Prospects and Challenges of Production and Marketing of Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs) by Rural Farmers in Southwest Nigeria

F.D. Babalola

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Antimicrobial Activities of Lawsonia inermis - A Review

P. Dinesh Babu and R.S. Subhasree

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Dry Matter Partitioning in Garden Pea (Pisum sativum L.) As Influenced by Different Light Levels

N. Akhter, M.M. Rahman, Mirza Hasanuzzaman and Kamrun Nahar

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Moisture Content and Germination of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Under Different Storage Conditions

Kamrun Nahar, M.H. Ali, A.K.M. Ruhul Amin and Mirza Hasanuzzaman

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Pollination System and ex Situ Fruit Set in Ceropegia juncea Wight (Apocynaceae)-an Endemic Species of India

S. Karuppusamy and T. Pullaiah

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Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Some Medicinal Plants Used in Sudanese Traditional Medicine for Treatment of Wound Infections

Hatil Hashim El-Kamali and Ehsan Musa Awad EL-Karim

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Subacute Effect of Euphorbia neriifolia Linn. On Hematological, Biochemical and Antioxidant Enzyme Parameters of Rat

P. Bigoniya and A.C. Rana

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Effect of Media on Some in vitro and ex-vitro Parameters in Micropropagation of Gypsophila paniculata L.

Kwadwo Owusu Ayeh, Ravichandran Selliah and Anne Kathrine Hvoslef-Eide

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Effect of Arginine on Growth, Yield and Chemical Constituents of Wheat Grown under Salinity Condition

Amira M.S. Abdul Qados

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Antifungal Activities of Heart Wood Extract (HWE) of Teak Tectona grandis Against Two White Rots in Woods of Gmelina arborea and Triplochiton scleroxylon

A.O. Adegeye, O.Y. Ogunsanwo and S.O. Olajuyigbe

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