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Academic Journal of Plant Sciences
                                  Volume 16 Number 3, 2023

Metabolomic Profiling, Industrial and Commercial Prospectives of C. procera

Basma R. Aljabarti, Sabah M. Hassan and Ahmed M. Ramadan

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Weed Challenging Sorghum Production: The Distribution, Impacts and Possible Management Practices of Striga Species in Sorghum Fields

Bogale Ayana and Garuma Nemera

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Optimization of Spacing and Phosphate Fertilizer Rate for Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Production on Acidic Nitisols in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia

Mebrate Tamrat, Sakatu Hunduma, Abdisa Mekonnen, Kebede Dinkecha and Sisay Argaye

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]
