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Academic Journal of Plant Sciences
                                  Volume 16 Number 2, 2023

Effect of Girdling and Foliar Spraying of Potassium and Cobalamin on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Crimson Seedless Grapevines

Samir Gh. Farag, Haitham M.A. Mohamed and Shimaa M.M. El-Mogy

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Improving Growth and Cluster Quality of Crimson Seedless Grapevines Through the Application of Effective Micro-Organisms (EM) and Seaweed Extract

Samir Gh. Farag

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of Silver Nanoparticles on Microbial Contaminants and Growth of in vitro Olive Shoot cv. Sourani

E.S. Hegazi, Aml R.M. Yousef, A.M. Abdallatif, Thanaa Sh. M. Mahmoud, Mona K.M. Mostafa and Ahmed A. Suliman

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Effect of Banana and Pomegranate Peels Extracts on Pea Growth and Productivity

Hala, H. Abou El-Nour and Nabila, A. Ewaisg

[ Abstract ]   [ Full Text ]


Mitigating the Harmful Effect of Irrigation Salinity on Poinsettia Plants by Using of Koalin Antitranspirant

Magda A. Ahmed and Sayed M. Shahin

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