Variations in Paragnath Number of the Different
Morphs of the Polychaete Perinereis Cf. Cultrifera in Relation to
Geographical Location and Type of Reproduction
Abdelkader Rouabah, Leila Rouabah, Ali Tahar and Patrick
The Most Common Insect Species in Alfalfa Field in Egypt
Mohamed A. Shebl, Soliman M. Kamel, Talaat A. Abu Hashesh
and Mohamed A. Osman
Heterosis Potential in Selective Parental F1 Hybrids of Divergent Geographic
Ecoraces of Tropical Tasar Silkworm, Antheraea mylitta D (Lepidoptera:
R. Manohar Reddy, N. Suryanarayana and N.b. Vijaya Prakash
Micro Arthropods Recovery Rates from 0-5 cm Depth Within 5 Months Period Following
Endosulfan (Organochlorine Pesticide) Treatment in Designated Plots in Benin
City, Nigeria