Protective Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Chuquiraga spinosa Less
(Huamanpinta) and Senecio rhizomatus Rusby (Llancahuasi) on
Prostatic Neoplasia Induced with Testosterone, N-Methylnitrosourea
(NMU) and Cyproterone in Rats
Jorge Luis Arroyo-Acevedo, Juan Pedro Rojas-Armas, Hugo Jesús Justil-Guerrero,
James William Calva-Torres, Edwin Carlos Cieza-Macedo, Yovani MartinCondorhuamán-Figueroa,
Lester Dominguez Huarcaya, Carlos Orlando García-Bustamante, Magaly Villena-Tejada,
Roberto Jesús Chavez-Asmat, Dalila Fernanda Chamba-Granda and Jorge Alejandro Arroyo-Sandoval