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Dr. Zhang Yingjun

Personal Data :

Name          : Zhang Yingjun
Sex           : Male
Date of birth : August 5,1971
Nationality   : China
Health        : Excellent

Present address :

Department of Grassland Science,
Animal Science and Technology College,
China Agricultural University,
No. 2 Yuan Ming Yuan Xilu,
Beijing 100094 PR China
Tel : 86-10-62733409

Education :

Doctor of Agronomy :
Gansu Agricultural University.
From 1996 to 1999

Master of Grassland Science :
Gansu Agricultural University.
From 1993 to 1996

Bachelor of Grassland Science :
Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, in Zhelimu.
From 1989 to 1993

Experiences :

Researcher: Studied on optimization of mixed Pasture Combinations and their ecological adaptability in semi-desert area, Gansu Agricultural University and Gansu Endangered Wild Animal Reproduction Center,
From Jan. 1994-March 1996

Researcher: Studied on targets of grazing system management of Qujing and Beidaying temperate pasture, Yunnan Province,
From Jan.1997- Dec.1997

Researcher : Mechanism of removing native plants by sheep night penning, Guizhou Grassland Station, Weining County, Yunnan Agricultural University and Yunnan Herbage and Beef Cattle Research Center, Kunming City,
From Jan.1998-April 1999

Postdoc Fellow : Study on the animal intake and diet composition on natural grassland with n-alkane technique. National Institute of livestock and Grassland Science, Tochigi, Japan.
From 26 July 1999 to 5 August 2001

Associate Professor: Department of Grassland Science, Animal Science and Technology College, China Agricultural University, Beijing, August 2001 to present.

Visiting Scientist : Agricultural Research Center for Tohoku Region, National Agriculture Bio-oriented Research Organization, Japan, March, 2004.

Visiting Scientists : Kort Keogh Livestock and Range Laboratory, USDA-ARS. August to November, 2005


Zhang YJ, Fu YK, Li YC 1998. Study on optimization of mixed Pasture Combinations and their ecological adaptability in semi-desert area. Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 2: 113~123. (in Chinese)

Zhang YJ, Jiang WL 1998. The changes of permeability of cell membrane of root and leaf by sheep urine and dung. Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 4: 23-27. (in Chinese)

Zhang YJ 1999. Gansu animal husbandry development strategies. Journal of Gansu Agricultural University, 4: 112-115. (in Chinese)
Zhang YJ 1999. Discussion on Yunnan pastoral livestock industry developement. Herbage and Grassland, 1: 5-7. (in Chinese)

Zhang YJ, Jiang WL, Fu YK, Fan XD 1999. Study on the shrub and weed controlled on the grassland by sheep night penning. I. Research Progress Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 8 (Suppl): 76-81. (in Chinese)

Jiang WL, Zhang YJ, Fu YK, Ran FJ 1999. Study on the shrub and weed controlled on the grassland by sheep night penning. II. Effect on the soil physical property and plant biomass by sheep defoliation and trampling. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 8 (Suppl): 82-89. (in Chinese)

Zhang YJ, Jiang WL, Fu YK, Yu YW 1999. Study on the shrub and weed controlled on the grassland by sheep night penning. III. Effect on the plant cell structure and physiology sheep defoliation and trampling. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 8 (Suppl): 90-94. (in Chinese)

Zhang YJ, Jiang WL, Fu YK, Xu Z 1999. Study on the shrub and weed controlled on the grassland by sheep night penning. IV. Effect on the mineral element content in plant and soil by sheep defoliation and trampling. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 8 (Suppl): 95-105. (in Chinese)

Jiang WL, Zhang YJ, Fu YK, Zhang ZH 1999. Study on the shrub and weed controlled on the grassland by sheep night penning. II. Effect on the soil exchangeable nitrogen and plant protein defoliation and trampling. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 8 (Suppl): 106-115. (in Chinese)

Luo HL, Huang YD, Zhang YJ, Yan SL, Xiao XS, Li CK 2001. Study on the sulphur nutrient of sheep. Chinese Herbivore .3 (1): 17-19. (in Chinese)

Luo HL, Huang YD, Zhang YJ, Yan SL, Xiao XS, Li CK 2001. Seasonal changes of nitrogen and surphur contents in the water, soil and grass on the alpine sward. Pratacultural Science 18 (4): 39-42. (in Chinese)

Zhang YJ, Jiang WL, Ren JZ 2001. Effect of sheep night penning on soil and plant growth. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research.44: 149-155.

Zhang YJ, Togamura Y, Otsuki K, Akiyama F 2001. N-alkane content of some native grasses in Japan. 2001?The 47th Proc. of Japan Assoc.of Grassl. Sci. 144-145

Otsuki K, Togamura Y, Zhang YJ 2001. The grazing characters of hybrid Festulolium pasture.The 47th Proc. of Japan Assoc.of Grassl. Sci. 168-169

Togamura Y, Otsuki K, Zhang YJ 2001. The effect of grazing pressure on the vegetation composition and production and nutrition of the sowing pasture. The 47th Proc. of Japan Assoc.of Grassl. Sci. 164-165

Zhang YJ, Togamura Y, Otsuki K 2002. Differences in the n-alkane concentration of four species wild plants in japan. Grassland Science, 48 (1): 50-52

Zhang YJ 2002. Introduction of Plant Wax Alkane Technique. Proceedings of China International Grassland Conference. 77-82

Zhang YJ, Togamura Y, Otsuki K 2002. Study on the determining method on n-alkane in the cuticular wax of plants. Acta Agrestia Sinica. 10 (2): 88-91.

Wang K, Zhang YJ, Rong YP (Edn). Grassland Vegetation Recovery and Reconstruction. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press, Beijing, 2002. (in Chinese)

Hong FZ, Ren JZ, Han JG, Zhou H, Zhang YJ (Edn). Progress of Grassland Science in China: Proceedings of Chinese Grassland Conference. Beijing, 2002.

Wang MJ, Zhang YJ (Edn). Agro-pasture Establishment and Utilization. Chemical Industry Press, Beijing, 2003. (in Chinese)

Zhang YJ, Togamura Y, Otsuki K 2003. Spatio-temporal Effects on the Concentrations of Individual Alkanes in Miscanthus sinsensis. Proceedings of the 7th international rangeland conference, 978-980.

Zhang YJ 2003. Integration of crop and pasture systems. Acta Prataculturae Sinica. 12 (6): 10-17. (in Chinese)

Zhang YJ, Han JG, Wang XS 2003. Plant Pueraria lobata resources utilization and research progress. Chinese Grassland. 120-126. (in Chinese)

Li CL, Zhou HP, Zhang GF, Zhang YJ, Meng L. 2004. M Effects of Salt stress on the alfalfa seed germination. Chinese Grassland, 26 (2): 21-25. (in Chinese)

Zhang YJ, D. Huang and JG Han 2004. The diurnal pattern of net photosynthesis, transpiration, light and water use efficiency of some imported species in China. Grassland Science,50: 468-469.

Zhang YJ, Y Togamura, K Otsuki 2004. Study on the n-alkane patterns in some grasses and factors affecting the n-alkane patterns. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge, 142 (4): 469-475.

Yan M, Zhang YJ, Han JG, Gen WC, Yang SL. 2005. Water management research in white clover(Trifolium repens L.)seed production: I. Effects on plant growth development. Acta Agrestia Sinica. 13 (1): 16-22. (in Chinese)

Zhang YJ, Y Togamura, K Otsuki. Using the n-alkane technique to estimate the herbage intake and diet composition of cattle grazing a Miscanthus sinensis grassland. In the XX International Grassland Congress: Offered papers, published by Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands 2005: 492.

Zhang YJ, Y Togamura, K Otsuki. 2005. Using the n-alkane technique to estimate the herbage intake of steers grazing Zoysia japonica grassland. Journal of Animal Science, 83(suppl.1): 286.