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Dr. Kamel A. Abd-Elsalam

Personal Information

Dr. Kamel A. Abd-Elsalam
Agricultural Research Center (A.R.C)
Plant Pathology Research Institute
Biotechnology Lab.9-Gamaa St., Giza, Egypt

Phone  : 002027203650 (h)
Phone  : 002025734463 (w)
Mobile : 0106445496
Fax    : 002025723146 (w)

Working area

Full Name               : Kamel Ahmed Abd-Elsalam
Date and Place of Birth : 19 June 1969Sharqyia Governorate, Egypt
Age                     : 36
Population Group        : Male, white
Nationality             : Egyptian

Web Adresse http://aficanplantpathol.tripod.com/kaabdelsalam/

Marital Status :
Married to Amal-Asran. I have two Childs -Farah Kamel 3.7 years old and Youssef 1.5 months old.

Languages :
Arabic (the mother language), English, Germany

Schools Attended :
Saud El Keblyia Primary schools, Sharqyia Governorate, Egypt
Kamal Eldin Primary School, Sharqyia Governorate, Egypt
El-Hussinia secondary School, Sharqyia Governorate, Egypt

Matericulation Year : 1988

University Qulification :

B.Sc., Plant Pathology,
Zagazig University, Sharqyia Governorate, Egypt, 1992

M.Sc., Molecular Plant Pathology,
Zagazig University, Sharqyia Governorate, Egypt, 1998

Ph.D., Molecular Plant Pathology
Suez Canal University, Ismilia Governorate, Egypt, 2004

Membership in Professional Societies :

Egyptian Phytopathological Society, Egypt
International Society for Pest Information (ISPI), Germany
Phytoremediation Electronic Newsgroup Network, Italy
African Society for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (ASBCB)
New York Academy of Sciences (2005-2006).

Professional Activities :

Editor for Journal Research of Plant Pathology, USA
Editor for African Journal of Biotechnology (AJB)
Editor for Asian Journal of Biochemistry, Pakistan
Reviewer for Biotechnology Progress, USA
Reviewer for Plant Pathology, UK

Current Job :

Researcher in Biotechnology Lab. Plant Pathology Research Institute (PPathRI) Agricultural Research Center (A.R.C)

Work, Extension and Research Experience to Date

Work, Exension and Experience :

1995-1997 Cotton Diseases Department, PPathRI; A.R.C. Giza, Egypt M.Sc./ Assistant Researcher (Pathological and Biochemical studies on Flax Rust in Egypt ).

1997-2001 Biotechnology Lab. (MML) PPathRI; A.R.C.Giza ,Egypt Ph.D. / Researcher Assistant ( Using Biochemical and molecular to identify Fusarium spp. isolated from some Egyptian Cottons).

6/2001-6/2003 Ph.D student in Christian Alberchts Unvi. of Kiel, Institute of Phytopathology, Molecular Mycology Groups in a channel system scholarships programs between Egypt and Germany for complete Ph.D. Thesis.

Computer and bioinformatic experience :

Knowledge of scientific software for DNA Quantity, Primer Premier 5, Dnastar, Clustalx, Treeview, NTSYS. Design specific primers and sequence alignment.

Research experience :

1992, Final year B.Sc. project
  (Using some Plant Extract (Neem Oil) To Control (PVY) Potato Virus Y)

  The aim of this project was to control some plant virus Pathogen by using plant extracts especially (neem oil) extracted from the neem seeds. Zagazig Univ. Faculty of Agricultural, Agric. Bot. Department.

1995-1998, M.Sc. project
  (Pathological and Biochemical studies on Flax Rust in Egypt)
  The aim of this project was surveyed flax rust pathogen (Melampsora lini) in the major flax-producing area in 4 location and identification of Melampsora lini races by differentials cultivars, after then identification these races by using biochemical markers (Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis, PAGE staining by silver nitrate and Isozymes). Zagazig Univ. Faculty of Agricultural, Agric. Bot. Department and Cotton Diseases Department, PPathRI; A.R.C.Giza ,Egypt.

  Biotechnology Lab. PPathRI, A.R.C. Giza, Egypt Research Plan (Annually) , Using Molecular and Biochemical Markers To identify a Various Plant Pathogen (Fungi, Bacteria and nematodes), study interaction between Host-Pathogen (pathosystems) and Fast Detection of the major plant pathogen in Egypt after appearing the first symptoms on the host by Quantitative-PCR.

  Christian Alberchts Unvi. of Kiel, Institute of Phytopathology, Molecular Mycology Groups.

Common acronyms associated with molecular markers in Biotechnology Lab.

A. Molecular markers

TE-AFLP-Restriction endonucleases Amplified Length Polymorphisms
AFLP-Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism
AP-PCR-Arbitrarily Primed PCRDAF-DNA Amplification Fingerprinting
RAPD-Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA
Rep-PCR-Repetitive DNA Sequence Polymerase Chain Reaction
PCR-RFLP-Polymerase Chain Reaction -Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
SSR-Simple Sequence Repeat (microsatellite)

B.Biochemical markers

Protein stained by silver stainIsozymes.

1998-Persent, Ph.D. project
Title: Biochemical and molecular identification of Fusarium spp isolated from roots of some Egyptian cotton.

1. Isolation, purification and identification of Fusarium spp isolated from roots of some Egyptian cotton

2. Patogeneicity tests

3. Effect of sampling date on the isolation frequency of Fusarium spp.

4. Effect of cropping sequencing on the isolation frequency of Fusarium spp.

5. Effect of cultivars on the isolation frequency of Fusarium spp.

6. Biochmical characterization of the isolated fusaria by polacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).A-protein electrophoresisB-Isozymes analysis (Malate Dehydrogenase, Peroxidase, and Esterase).

7. Molecular characterization of the isolated Fusaria by using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD).

8. Molecular characterization of the isolated Fusaria by using Amplified Polymorphic Fragment length Polymorphisms (AFLP).

9. Identification of Fusarium spp. to genus level using 7 different species according to the DNA sequencing (i.e Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum, Fusarium oxysporum, F. moniliforme F solani F. aveneceum and F. chylamidosporum).

Ph.D Coursework


1-Molecular genetics
2-Biochmical genetics

Plant Pathology :
1-Epidemic Diseases
2-Fungi Taxonomy
3-Fungi physiology
4-Plant Diseases Control
5-Seeds Diseases
6-Plant breeding Methods

Others :
1-Computer Analysis
2-Germany languge

Research Grants and Awards

In 2003, I have awarded $9,000 for one year the project entitled: "DNA-Diagnostic Technology for Fusarium wilt in Egypt" funded by International Foundation of Science (IFS).

In 2005, I was invited to spend a full week in Europe entirely dedicated to Life Sciences Forum, it is built, BioVision.Nxt, which will take place within the context of The World Life Sciences Forum 2005 (April 11-15, 2005), and will bring together 100 of the most promising PhDs, Post-docs and MBAs from leading universities and research institutes around the world.

In 2005, I have awarded the project entitled: Tools for crop Biosecurity, Funded by NATO, Belgium (2005-Mid of 2006), as a meeting, and workshops only with partners from Italy, USA, Israel.


Prof. Dr. Mohmed Sayed Khalil
Plant Pathology Research Institute,
A.R.C,9-Gamma St. Giza,Egypt
Mobile : 002/0122144777
Fax    : 002/025723146 (w)
E-mail : ajpp@postmark.net

Prof. Dr. Aly Abd El-Hady
Plant Pathology Research Institute,
A.R.C, 9-Gamma St. Giza, Egypt
Phone  : 002/022746166(H)
Fax    : 002/025723146 (w)
E-mail : aly.a.a@post.com

Prof. Dr. Quirico Migheli
Dipartimento di Protezione delle PianteUniversità degli Studi di SassariVia Enrico De Nicola 9I - 07100 Sassari, Italy
Phone  : +39 079 229295
Fax    : +39 079 229316
E-mail: qmigheli@uniss.it

Prof. Dr. Joseph A. Verreet
Director of Institute of Phytopathology, Christian Alberchts Unvi.
of Kiel, D-24118, 9-Hermann Rodwaldstr., Kiel, Germany.
Mobile : +49/01708139404
Phone  : +49/431/8802996
Fax    : +49/431/8801583
E-mail : javerreet@phytomed.uni-kiel.de
URL    : http://www.uni-kiel.de/phytomed

Dr. Frank Schnieder
Institute of Phytopathology, Christian Alberchts Unvi. of Kiel,
D-24118, 9-Hermann Rodwaldstr., Kiel, Germany.
Mobile  : +49/0167559105
Phone   : +49/431/8804574
Fax     : +49/431/8801583
E-mail  : fschnieder@phytomed.uni-kiel.de
URL     : http://www.uni-kiel.de/phytomed
Hobbies : Photography

Recent publications
2002 :

1. Abd-Elsalam K. A., F. Schnieder and J. A. Verreet (2002) Population analysis of Fusarium spp. Phytomedizin 3: 18-19.

2. Abd-Elsalam K. A., M. S. Khalil, A. A. Aly, and A. Asarn-Amal (2002) Genetic diversity among Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum isolates revealed by UP-PCR and AFLP markers. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 41: 252-258.

3. Khalil M. S., A. A. Aly, F. Schnieder and K. A. Abd-Elsalam (2002) Effect of gel matrices on characterization of Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum by RAPD analysis. DNA Based Molecular Construction International Workshop, 23-25 May Jena, Germany.

4. Abd-Elsalam K. A., F. Schnieder, J. A. Verreet, M. S. Khalil, M. A. Abdel-Sattar and I. N. Mohmed (2002) Comparison of SDS-PAGE, Isozymes, RAPD and AFLP genetic markers in determining genetic similarity among 46 Fusarium spp. isolates. 53 Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung, in Bonn, Germany, 16-19 September, 2002. Abstract No. 289.


1. Abd-Elsalam K. A., F. Schnieder, M. S. Khalil, A.A. Aly and J. A. Verreet (2003) Genetic variation at the intra- and interspecific level in Fusarium spp. associated from Egyptian cottons. Journal of Plant diseases and Protection 110: 46-53.

2. Abdel-Sattar M. A., M. S. Khalil, I. N. Mohmed, K. A. Abd-Elsalam and J. A. Verreet (2003) Molecular phylogeny of Fusarium species by AFLP fingerprint. African Journal of Biotechnology 2: 51-55.

3. Abd-Elsalam K. A., I. N. Mohmed, M. A. Abdel-Sattar, M. S. Khalil and J. A. Verreet. (2003) PCR identification of Fusarium genus based on nuclear ribosomal-DNA sequence data. African Journal of Biotechnology 2: 82-85.

4. Abd-Elsalam K. A., F. Schnieder, M. S. Khalil, M. A.,Asran-Amal A. and J. A. Verreet (2003) Use of AFLP fingerprinting to analyze genetic variation within and between populations of Fusarium spp. derived from Egyptian cottons. Journal Plant Pathology 82: 99-103.

5. Abd-Elsalam K. A., F. Schnieder and J. R. Guo (2003) A modified DNA extraction minipreparation protocol for Fusarium isolates. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 11: 75-79.

6. Guo J., K. A. Abd-Elsalam, F. Schnieder and J. A. Verreet (2003) A rapid and effective method for total RNA extraction from conidia and mycelia of Septoria tritici. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 11:53-59.

7. M. S. Khalil, M. A. Abdel-Sattar, I. N. Aly, K. A. Abd-Elsalam and J-A. Verreet Genetic affinities of Fusarim spp. and their correlation with origin and pathogenicity African Journal of Biotechnology 2: 109-113.

8. Abd-Elsalam K. A., F. Schnieder, A. Asran-Amal, M. S. Khalil and J-A. Verreet (2003) Intraspecies genomic groups in Fusarium semitectum and their correlation with origin and morphological characteristics. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection.110: 409-418.

9. Abd-Elsalam K. A., F. Schnieder, A. Asran-Amal and J-A. Verreet (2003). Evolution of RAPD, AFLP and ITS-PCR-RFLP analysis for Molecular Typing of Fusarium oxysporum isolates in Egypt. Achen Arbeitskreise Mykologie 21-22 March 2003.


1. Abd-Elsalam K. A. (2003) Bioinformatic tools and guideline for PCR primer design. African Journal of Biotechnology 2: 91-95.

2. Abd-Elsalam K. A. (2003) Web-based bioinformatic resources for protein and nucleic acids sequence alignment. African Journal of Biotechnology 2: 714-718.

3. Abd-Elsalam K. A. (2003) Non-gel based techniques for plant pathogen genotyping. Acta Microbiologica Polonica 52:329-341.


1. Abd-Elsalam, K. A; M. S; Khalil, M.S; Schnieder F., Verreet J-A. (2004) Quantitative detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum in soil by Fov-targetedreal-time PCR assays. 54 Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung, in Hamburg, Germany, 20-32, September, 2004. Abstract No. 153.

2. Abd-Elsalam K. A. , J-R. Guo, F. Schnieder, A. A. Asran-Amal, and J-A. Verreet (2004) Comparative assessment of genotyping methods for study genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum isolates. Polish Journal of Microbiology 53: 167-174 .

3. Abd-Elsalam K. A., M. R. Omar, Q. Migheli and H. I. Nirenberg (2004) Genetic characterization of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum isolates by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 111:534-544.


1. Jian-Rong Guo, F. Schnieder, K. A. Abd-Elsalam, J-A. Verreet (2005) Rapid and efficient extraction of genomic DNA from different phytopathogenic fungi. Biotechnology Letters 27: 3-6.

2. Abd-Elsalam K. A., (2005) Molecular tools for quick and reliable diagnosis of pathogenic Fusaria. Chapter In: T. Pullaiah, D. Thangadurai, and M.A.A.P. Carvalho. Genetic Resources and Biotechnology. Regency Publishers: New Delhi, 250-266.

3. Abd-Elsalam K. A., A. A. Asran-Amal, M. R. Omar and A. A. Aly (2005) Frequency and diversity of Fusarium spp. colonizing Roots of Egyptian cottons. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 38: xxx-xxx (in press) accepted November 2004.

4. El-Naggar M.A. and K.A. Abd-Elsalam (2005) Detoxification of Fusarium moniliforme mycotoxins: An Overview. Chapter In: T. Pullaiah, D. Thangadurai, and M.A.A.P. Carvalho. Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (Volume 3). Regency Publishers: New Delhi, xxx-xxx. (in press) Accepted April 2005.

5. Asran-Amel, A,. K. A. Abd-Elsalam, M. R. Omar, A. A. Aly (2005) Antagonistic potential of Trichoderma spp. against Rhizoctonia solani and Use of M13 Minisatellite-primed PCR to evaluate of the antagonist genetic variation. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection. (accepted July 2005).