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Department of Agricultural Economics,
University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
Tel : +92-41-9200161-69, Ext: 2802
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2000, Ph.D. Applied/Agricultural Economics,
            Mississippi State University, USA.

1994, M. S. Applied/Agricultural Economics,
            Mississippi State University, USA.

1986, M. Sc (Hon’s). Agricultural Economics,
            University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.


Proficient with @RISK, SAS, Eviews, Shazame, SPSS, MS Office, Word Perfect and Reactive Programming.


04/2003-Present Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

05/2001-04/2003 Agricultural Officer (Economics and Marketing), Government of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

01/2003-04/2003 Instructor of Economics, Pak-American Institute of Management Sciences (Pak-Aims), Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan.

01/2001-05/2001 Instructor of Economics, East Mississippi Community College, Mayhew, Mississippi, USA.

08/1987-01/1995 Agricultural Officer (Economics and Marketing), Government of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

02/1987-04/1987 CIMMYT (International Research Center for the Improvement of Maize and Wheat), Islamabad.


Maqsood Hussain and Albert J. Allen. 2004. “An Economic Evaluation of Alternative Highway Routings on the Interregional Competition in the Potato Industry.” Intl. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 6, No. 2, 2004. (378-382)

Allen, Albert J. and Maqsood Hussain. 1993. "An Economic Evaluation of Highway Infrastructural Changes on Interregional Competition in the Potato Industry With Reference to Mississippi." J. Food Distribution Res., Volume XXIV, Number 1, February 1993. (179-180)

Maqsood Hussain, Stan R. Spurlock and Glover P. Triplett. 2004. “Risk Analysis and Sustainability of Alternative Cotton Production Systems in Mississippi.” Submitted for publication in the Journal of Sustainable Agriculture.

Maqsood Hussain and Fariha Rehman. “Export of Cotton from Pakistan.” Agric.Sci. J. Pak. Volum2 1, No. 1, 2004. 21-23.

Maqsood Hussain and Albert J. Allen. 2004. “A Transportation Model of Interregional Competition in the Potato Industry.” Pak. J. Life Soc. Sci. (2004). 2(2): 163-167.

Asmat-ullah, Maqsood Hussain, M. Yayoob Wahla, Abdul Saboor and M. Ishaque. “A Critical Analysis of Grain Market Management and Operation of the Wholesale Grain Market, Faisalabad.” Indus J. Biol. Sci., 1(2): 97-101, July 2004.

Abdul Saboor, Zakir Hussain, M. Siddique Javed and Maqsood Hussain. “Agricultural Growth, Rural Poverty and Income Inequality in Pakistan: Emerging Evidences.” Pak. J. Life Soc. Sci. (2004). 2(2): 168-173.

Melinda Smale, Maqsood Hussain, K. Perveen, M.S. Rehman, and M.A. Maqbool. 1987. "Wheat Harvest Technology in Punjab's Rice wheat Zone: Combines, Laborers and the Cost of Harvest Delay." CIMMYT/PARC, Paper No. 87 - 23, 1987.

Maqsood Hussain and Juan C. Batista. 2000 “An Initial Economic Assessment of Agricultural Biotechnology in Mississippi.” A report to the Agribusiness Institute, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, USA.


1. “Policy Research and proposal writing workshop in Environmental Economics in Kathamandu”, Nepal (May 13-16, 2004)., South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) and IUCN.

2. “Research Methodology and Analytical Techniques”, Department of Statistics and Mathematics, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan (June 15-30, 2004).
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1. Maqsood Hussain. “Discount Rate for Investments: Some Basic Considerations in Selecting a Discount Rate.” Paper presented at the 80th Annual Conference of the Southwestern Economics Association (SWEA) in Galveston, Texas, USA. March 15-18, 2000.

2. J. Swindell, Maqsood Hussain, G. Mumma., and D. Rainey. “Analysis of Supply for Highly Skilled Workers in the Rural South: The Case of Mississippi. Paper presented in the Annual Conference of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) at Lexington, Kentucky, USA. January 29 ? February 2, 2000.

3. Allen, Albert J. and Maqsood Hussain. “Impact of Alternative Highway Routings and Transportation Costs on Interregional Competition in Fresh Potato Markets.” Paper presented at the 35th Annual Conference of the Food Distribution Research Society, Seattle, Washington, USA. October 30 - November 2, 1994.


Omicron Delta Epsilon (International Honor Society in Economics).
Graduate Research Assistantship, MSU, USA 1996-1999.