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Personal Information

Name           : Filiz ADIYAMAN AKBAS
Date of Birth  : April 23,1971
Place of Birth : Batman, Turkey
Nationality    : Turkish
Marital Status : Married, Two Children

Contact Information :
Department of Biology, Faculty of Art & Science,
University of Dicle, Diyarbakir 21280 , Turkey

Tel : +90-488-2132782 Ext. 424
Fax : +90-488-2133869

General research interest

In vitro propagation of fruit trees, plant physiology, Plant tissue culture

Ph.D. Enstitue of science, Departman of Biology, University of Dicle, Diyarbakir, Turkey. Title: The Studies on the Micropropagation of Pecan (Carya illinoensis) and Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). Year : 2003

M.Sc. Enstitue of science, Departman of Biology, University of Dicle, Diyarbakir, Turkey, Title: The comparison on the proliferation capacity of lateral buds, stem and flowers of Vitis vinifera L.cv. Perle de Csaba during different periods of the year in in vitro conditions. Year : 1998

B.Sc. Faculty of Art & Science, University of Dicle, Diyarbakir, Turkey
Subject : Biology
Year    : 1995

Work Experiance

Research assistant: University of Dicle, Faculty of Art & Science, Department of Biology, Since 2/7/1996 -present Diyarbakir, Turkey.


Turkish and English

List Of Publications

1. In Conferences:

Adiyaman, F., Ç.Isikalan ve D. Basaran, “The comparison on the proliferation capacity of lateral buds of Vitis vinifera L.cv. Perle de Csaba during different periods of the year in in vitro conditions”, XXV. Conferences of Biology, Turkey, 2000. In turkish

Isikalan, Ç., F.Adiyaman, V.Pirinç, A.Onay ve D.Basaran, “Vegetative propagation of Zygotic embryos of Nonpareil almond (Amygdalus communis) on in vitro condition”, XXVI. Conferences of Biology, Malatya, Turkey, 2002. In turkish

Adiyaman Akbas, F., Ç.Isikalan ve D. Basaran, “Plant regeneration from callus of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)”, XXVII. Conferences of Biology, Adana, Turkey, 2004. In turkish

Adiyaman Akbas, F., Ç.Isikalan, E. Tilkat ve D. Basaran, “In vitro micropropagation of Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)”, XXVII. Conferences of Biology, Adana, Turkey, 2004. In turkish

2. In Journals

Onay, A., V. Prinç, Ç. Isikalan, F. Adiyaman, E. Tilkat ve D. Basaran, “In vivo and in vitro Micrografting of Pistachio, Pistacia vera L. cv. “Siirt”, Tur J Biol 27, 95-100, (2002).

Prinç, V., A. Onay, Ç. Isikalan, F. Adiyaman ve D. Basaran, “Adventitious Shoot Organogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Cotyledons of Diploid Diyarbakir Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus cv. “Sürme”)”, Tur J Biol 27, 101-105, (2002).

Isikalan, Ç., F. Adiyaman ve D. Basaran, “The Comparison Studies on the Proliferation of Lateral Buds of Vitis vinifera L.cv. Alphonse during Different Periods of the Year at in vitro Conditions,” Biochemical Archives, 14, 319-325 (1998).

Adiyaman Akbas, F., Ç. Isikalan, Y. Kara ve D. Basaran, “The Comparison on the Proliferation of Lateral Buds of Vitis vinifera L.cv. Perle de Csaba during Different Periods of the Year in in vitro Conditions,” Int. J.of Agriculture&Biology, 6(2), 328-330 (2004).

3. Books chapters

Onay, A., Ç. Isikalan ve F. Adiyaman, “Micropropagation of Pistachio”, Biotechnology of Fruit and Nut Crops, ed. R.E. Litz, Biotechnology in Agriculture Series; 29, 62-72, Cromwell, Trowbridge, 2003.