Dr. María Rosa Simón
Contact Information :
María Rosa Simón
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
60 y 119- CC 31, 1900 La Plata
Tel : 54-221-4236758 (410)
Fax : 54-221-4252346
Date of
birth : March
10, 1955
General research interest
Cereals- Wheat- Breeding for resistance to diseases
Agricultural Engineer, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 1977
M.Sc. in Plant Breeding, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands, 1995
Ph.D. in Production Ecology and Resource Conservation, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands, 2003
Professor in Cereals, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales,
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, since 1996
Researcher, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales,
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, since 1977
of the Research group Resistance to wheat diseases,
since 2000
Director of 3 graduate thesis
Director of 4 MSc and PhD thesis
Reviewer for Crop Science, USA and Revista Facultad Agronomía La
Plata, Argentina
Award Accesit Set for the paper ¨Biocontrol de la mancha amarilla del
trigo (Drechslera trititi-repentis) con Trichoderma spp. XXXIV Congresso
Brasileiro de Fitopatología y XI Congresso Latino-Americano de Fitopatología.
Sao Pedro, SP, Brasil. 2001
Rotary Club International ¨Fellow propreservation of the Earth Planet¨
in ¨Who is who in Science and Engineering¨, ¨Who is who in the
world¨(New Providence, USA. Ed 2002-2003, Ed 2003-2004), 2000
Scientist of Today (International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, UK, ed
2003); 1000 Oustanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (International
Biographical Centre, Cambridge, UK, ed. 2003) and others.
Publications (last 10 years)
M.R. 2003. Genetic, environmental and cultural factors influencing the resistance
to septoria tritici blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) in wheat. Wageningen
University, The Netherlands, 137 p. ISBN 90-5808-912-6
Books chapters
C.A., Simón M.R., Perelló, A.E., Alippi, H.E. 1999. Spore
dispersal of leaf blotch pathogens of wheat (Mycosphaerella graminicola
(Fuckel) Schroeter and Septoria tritici Rob. ex Desm.). Septoria and Stagonospora
Diseases of Cereals. A compilation of global research. Ed. M. van Ginkel,
A. Mc. Nab and J. Krupinsky p. 98-101. ISBN 970-648-035-8
« Simón, M.R., Worland, A.J., Cordo, C.A., Struik, P.C. 2001. Chromosomal location of resistance to Septoria tritici in seedlings of a synthetic hexaploid wheat, Triticum spelta and two cultivars of Triticum aestivum. Wheat in a global environment. Developments in Plant Breeding. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Z. Bedo and L. Lang (Eds.) pp. 405-410. ISBN 0-7923-6722-7
3. Papers in Journals and Proceedings in International Congress
« Simón, M.R. 1994. Gene action and heritability for photosynthetic activity in two wheat crosses. Euphytica 76: 235-238
« Simón, M.R., Perelló A.E, Cordo C.A , H.O. Arriaga. 1996. Influencia de la infección tardía de Septoria tritici Rob. ex Desm. sobre el peso de mil granos y algunos parámetros de calidad en Triticum aestivum L. Investigación Agraria 11: 161-171
« Perelló, A.E., Cordo C.A, Simón M.R. 1996. A new disease of wheat caused by Alternaria triticimaculans in Argentina. Agronomie 16: 107-112
« Simón, M.R. 1997. Asociaciones entre marcadores morfológicos y bioquímicos con la resistencia a roya de la hoja de cebada (Puccinia hordei Otth) Agriscientia Vol XIV: 3-
« Simón, M.R., Cordo, C.A. 1997. Inheritance of partial resistance to Septoria tritici in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): limitation of pycnidia number and spore production. Agronomie 17: 343-347
« Simón, M.R. y Cordo, C.A. 1997. Diallel analysis of the resistance components to Septoria tritici in Triticum aestivum. Plant Breeding 117: 123-126
« Simón, M.R., Cordo, C.A. 1997. Herencia de componentes de la resistencia parcial a Septoria tritici en dos estadios de crecimiento del trigo. Fitopatología 33 (1):50
« Simón, M.R., Cordo, C.A.,Perelló A.E. 1997. Respuesta a la selección por resistencia a Septoria tritici en una F2 de trigo. Fitopatología 33 (1) 50-51
« Simón, M.R., Perelló, A.E., Cordo, C.A. 1997. Relaciones entre componentes de la resistencia a Septoria tritici en cultivares de trigo. Fitopatología 33 (1) 51
« Simón, M.R., Perelló A.E , Cordo, C.A. 1998. Response to selection in F2 populations of wheat crosses for resistance to Septoria tritici. Cereal Research Communications 26:275-279
« Simón, M.R., Cordo, C.A. 1999. Diallel analysis of incubation and latent period to Septoria tritici at two growth stages of wheat. Journal of Genetics and Breeding 53:73-78
« Simón, M.R. 1999. Inheritance of the flag leaf angle, flag leaf area nd flag leaf area duration in four wheat crosses. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 97: 310-314
« Perelló, A.E. Simón, M.R., Sisterna M., Cordo C., Arambarri A.M. 1999. Efecto de microorganismos saprótrofos del filoplano del trigo en el control de patógenos foliares. Fitopatología 34: 50
« Dal Bello, G.M., Sisterna M.N, Simón, M.R , Mónaco C.I. 1999. Control biológico del tizón de la plántula del trigo causado por Bipolaris sorokiniana. Fitopatología 34: 49
« Simón, M.R., A. J. Worland, C.A. Cordo, P.C. Struik. 2001. Chromosomal location of resistance to Septoria tritici in seedlings of a synthetic hexaploid wheat, Triticum spelta and two cultivars of Triticum aestivum. Euphytica 119 (vol 1 y 2): 151-155
« Perelló, A.E, Simón, M.R, Sisterna, M.N., Cordo, C.A., Arambarri, A.M. 2001. Microflora of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Buenos Aires Province (Argentina) and its possible significance in biological control of foliar pathogens. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und pflanzenschutz (Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection) 108: 459-471
« Perelló, A.E., Simón, M.R., Arambarri, A.M., Cordo, C.A. 2001. Greenhouse screening of the saprophytic resident microflora for control of leaf spots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Phytoparasitica 29: 351-354
« Perelló, A.E., Simón, M.R., Arambarri, A.M. 2002. Interactions between foliar pathogens and the saprophytic microflora of the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) phylloplane. Journal of Phytopathology (Phytopathologische Zeitschrift) 150 (4-5) 232-243
« Perelló, A.E., Moreno, V., Simón, M.R., Sisterna, M. 2001. Incidencia, severidad y progreso de la mancha amarilla de trigo bajo diferentes tipos y concentraciones de inóculo. Fitopatología brasileira 26: 467.
« Perelló, A.E., Mónaco, C., Simón, M.R., Sisterna, M., Dal Bello, G.M. 2001. Biocontrol de la mancha amarilla del trigo (Drechslera tritici-repentis) con Trichoderma spp. Fitopatología brasileira 26: 468.
« Simón, M.R., Perelló, A.E., Cordo, C.A., Struik, P.C. 2002. Influence of Septoria tritici on yield,yield components, and test weight of wheat under two Nitrogen fertilization conditions. Crop Science 42: 1974-1981
« Dal Bello, G.M., Mónaco, C. Simón, M.R. 2002. Biological control of seedling blight of wheat caused by Fusarium graminearum with beneficial rhizosphere microorganisms. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 18: 627-636
« Larrán, S., Perelló, A.E., Simón, M.R., Mónaco, C. 2002. Isolation and analysis of endophytic microorganisms in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 18: 683-686
« Perelló, A.E., Moreno, V., Simón, M.R., Sisterna, M. 2003. Effect of type and inoculum concentration on the progress of Drechslera tritici-repentis. Crop Protection 22 (1): 157-169
« Simón, M.R., Cordo, C.A. , Perelló, A.E. , Struik, P.C. 2003. Influence of nitrogen supply on the susceptibility of wheat to Septoria tritici. Journal of Phytopathology (Phytopathologische Zeitschrift) 151: 283-289.
« Perelló, A.E., Mónaco, C., Simón, M.R., Sisterna M., Dal Bello, G. 2003. Biocontrol efficacy of Trichoderma isolates for tan spot of wheat in Argentina. Crop Protection 22: 1099-1106
« Börner, A., Simón, M.R., Röder, M.S., Ayala, F.M., Cordo, C. 2003. Molecular mapping of QTLs determining resistance/tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress in hexaploid wheat. Proceedings Xth International Wheat Genetic Symposium p. 331-333
« Simón, M.R., Ayala, F.M., Cordo, C.A., Röder, M.S., Börner, A. 2004. Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci determining resistance to septoria tritici blotch caused by Mycosphaerella graminicola in wheat. Euphytica 138: 41-48.
« Simón, M.R., Struik, P.C. 2004. Influence of plant height and heading date on the expression of the resistance to septoria tritici blotch in near isogenic lines of wheat. Crop Science 44: 2078-2085.
« Simón, M.R., Perelló, A.E., Cordo, C.A. Larrán,S., van der Putten, P., Struik, P.C. 2005. Association between Septoria trititici blotch, plant height and heading date in wheat. Agronomy Journal 97: 1072-1081.
« Simón, M.R., Worland, C.A. Struik, P.C. 2005. Chromosomal location of two components encoding for to septoria tritici blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) in seedlings and in the adult stage of wheat. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science (in press)
« Perelló, A.E., Mónaco, C., Moreno, V., Cordo, C.A., Simón, M.R. 2005. Trichoderma spp. isolates as potential biological agents for foliar wheat diseases under field conditions in Argentina. Biocontrol Science and Technology (in press)