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 Soil Sci & Agri Chemistry
Dr. R. Jagadeeswaran

Father’s name : Mr. S. RAMASAMY
Date of birth : July 15, 1973

Address for communication :
Teaching Assistant (Soil Science),
Centre for Soil & Crop Management Studies,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore, India

641 003
Tel: 91-422-5511316
Fax: 91-422-5511416
Mob: 91-9443027095

Nationality :


Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India
Subject: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
OGPA : 9.69/10.0
Year : 2003

M.Sc.(Ag) Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India Subject : Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
OGPA : 9.56/10.0
Year : 1999

B.Sc.(Ag) Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, India
Subject : Agriculture
OGPA : 9.12/10.0
Year : 1996


Awards / Fellowships
Name of the award / Fellowship : Dr.G.V.Kothandaraman Award
Organization : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore
Purpose : Awarded for the Best Ph.D Thesis in Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
Year : 2003

Name of the award / Fellowship : Commendation Certificate
Organization : Indian Society of Soil Science, New Delhi
Purpose : For the presentation of Ph.D Research work at
      "ISSS Best Doctoral Research Presentation Award Contest"
Year : 2003

Name of the award / Fellowship : Senior Research Fellowship
Organization : Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Limited (FACT), Cochin
Purpose : Awarded for Ph.D Programme
Year : 2000

Name of the award / Fellowship : Junior Research Fellowship
Organization : Kilburn Chemicals, Tuticorin (TN)
Purpose : Awarded for M.Sc Programme
Year : 1998

Other Qualifications:

Qualified in the National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lecturers/Assistant Professors in State Agricultural Universities, conducted by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in the year 2001.

Diploma holder in Business Management (DBM)

PRESENT EMPLOYMENT: Teaching Assistant

Institution: Centre for Soil and Crop Management Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Period : December, 2004 onwards

EXPERIENCE IN RESEARCH - Research Projects Handled

:: A. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - Kilburn chemicals, Tuticorin Scheme on

Name of the Employer : The Registrar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, India
Post held : Junior Research Fellow,
Period of service : March, 1998 – May, 1999

Nature of duties
Identification of problem soils, particularly sodic soil
Reclamation of sodic soil using the amendments viz., ferrogypsum and gypsum
Planning and execution of field experiments in rice (in sodic soil) and peanut
(in calcareous soil) crops
Collection and analysis of soil and plant samples
Interpretation of results and report writing

:: Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Limited, Cochin Scheme on

Name of the Employer : The Registrar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, India
Post held : Senior Research Fellow,
Period of service : September, 2000 – June, 2002

Nature of duties

Planning and execution of laboratory incubation experiment to study the nutrient release pattern of slow release NPK fertilizers.
Planning and execution of green house experiment to study the nitrogen use efficiency in turmeric crop using 15N urea (stable isotope).
Planning and execution of field experiments with turmeric in two seasons to evaluate the efficacy of slow release NPK fertilizers on turmeric as a best management practice (BMP) to increase nutrient use efficiency, yield and quality.
Collection and analysis of soil and plant samples.
Interpretation of results and report writing.

:: Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - Potash and Phosphate Institute of Canada (PPIC) Scheme on
“Balanced fertilization for yield maximization in Cassava and Peanut”

Name of the Employer : The Director, Centre for Soil and Crop Management Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, India
Post held : Senior Research Fellow
Period of service : December, 2002 – March, 2004

Nature of duties

Farm survey to asses the fertilizer use scenario in the study area
Planning and execution of field experiments on cassava and peanut
Periodical collection and analysis of soil and plant samples
Data analysis and optimization of fertilizer requirement for maximum yield and profit
Planning and execution of on-farm trails on cassava and peanut at different farm holdings to transfer the developed technology on fertilizer optima
Interpretation of results and report writing

:: Tamil Nadu Agricultural University – Sumitomo Chemicals India Limited Scheme on
“Evaluation of new herbicides products on Soybean and Rice”

Name of the Employer : The Director, Centre for Soil and Crop Management Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, India
Post held : Senior Research Fellow
Period of service : December, 2002 – March, 2004

Nature of duties

Planning and execution of field experiments on soybean and rice

Periodical collection and analysis of soil and plant samples for herbicide residue

Data analysis and optimization of herbicide doses for effective weed control and minimal residue in soil and crops

Interpretation of results and report writing

M.Sc (Agriculture)

Specific area of discipline : SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY – Soil Fertility (Soil reclamation & Nutrient management)

Research Guide : Dr. V. Murugappan, M.Sc (Ag), Ph.D, Director, Centre for Soil and Crop Management Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore

Keywords :
Ferrogypsum, sodic soil, rice, calcareous soil, groundnut


Specific area of discipline : SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY – Soil Fertility (Nutrient monitoring & fertility management)

Research Guide : Dr. V. Murugappan, M.Sc (Ag), Ph.D.
Director, Centre for Soil and Crop Management Studies,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore

Keywords : Nutrient monitoring (NUTMON), slow release fertilizers, turmeric, 15N tracer technique

Technology Developed

Decision Support System for Integrated Fertilizer Recommendation (DSSIFER):
This DSSIFER software was developed in Visual Basic (6) utilizing the crop and location specific fertilizer prescription equations viz., Soil Test crop Response Correlation Studies and Mitcherlich and Bray percentage sufficiency concept to generate crop and location specific balanced fertilizer prescriptions. While generating the fertilizer prescriptions DSSIFER takes into consideration the genetic potential of the crop variety, production potential of the soil, efficiency of the organic manures and biofertilizers. It also gives information on the method of application, total cost of fertilizers and farmers' ability to invest. Thus the generated fertilizer recommendation is well balanced with NPK. It also gives recommendation on micronutrient management, irrigation water quality and management and problem soil management.

As course associate

Advances in Soil Fertility - For Ph.D Scholars - Taught on Mathematical and Simulation Models in Nutrient Management - 2001-2003

   Practical expertise in

Conducting laboratory experiments

Greenhouse experiments

Field experiments

Conducting on-farm trails and organizing farmers' participatory meet

Soil, plant, water, fertilizers and chemicals analysis

Working knowledge and handling stable isotope (  N)

   Working knowledge in
DSSAT Crop Simulation Models

GIS Packages viz., ArcView and MapInfo

NUTMON-Toolbox (Nutrient Monitoring Toolbox)

QUEFTS (Quantitative Evaluation of Fertility of Tropical Soils)

DSSIFER (Decision Support System for Integrated Fertilizer Recommendation)

   Technical Experience and Expertise:
a. Computer Skill

Programming languages : FOXPRO; Visual Basic

Statistical analysis tool – “IRRISTAT” (DOS and Windows version)

Operating systems: Micro Soft WINDOWS 98, 2000NT


Assembling maintenance and trouble shooting of computer hardware

Installation and trouble shooting of computer software

Membership in Scientific Societies:

Indian Society of Soil Science - New Delhi, India

Indian Society of Agricultural Resource Management - Coimbatore, India

Indian Society of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning - Nagpur, India

Madras Agricultural Journal - Coimbatore, India

Agricultural Research Information Centre - Hisar, India

Association of Soil and Crop Research Scientists - Nagpur, India

International Society For Environmental Protection - Gorakhpur, India

The Academy of Plant Sciences, India

Conference / Seminar attended:

2004 : Zonal Conference on Hybrid Rice – Problems and Prospects for Increasing Rice Production and Quality – Coimbatore, India

2003 :
National Seminar on Developments in Soil Science - Kanpur, India

2003 : National Seminar on Advances in Agricultural Resource management - Killikulam, India

2001 : National Seminar on Pulses and Oilseeds for Sustainable Agriculture - Coimbatore, India

2001 : First Post Graduate Seminar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - Coimbatore, India

2000 : National Symposium on Balanced Nutrition of Groundnut and other Field Crops grown on Calcareous Soils of India - Junagath, India

1999 : National Seminar on Developments in Soil Science - Coimbatore, India

Associated with organizing training:

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU)-Potash & Phosphate Institute Canada (PPIC) - Farmers’ Meet on “Balanced Fertilization”- April 2001- Dept of Soil Science, TNAU, Coimbatore

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU)-Tamil Nadu Department of Agriculture (TNDA) - “Training to Sensitize and Empower Soil Chemists to Launch INM in Tamil Nadu” - June 2002 - Dept of Soil Science, TNAU, Coimbatore

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU)- Potash & Phosphate Institute Canada (PPIC) - “Interactive Workshop to Review and Refine Fertilizer Recommendation in Tamil Nadu” - January 29-30, 2003 - Dept of Soil Science, TNAU, Coimbatore

Professional Interest:

Monitoring soil nutrient balance
Simulation modeling
Balanced fertilization for yield maximization
Slow release fertilizers
Problem soil management

Research articles

1. Jagadeeswaran, R., K.Arulmozhiselvan, M.Govindaswamy and V. Murugappan. 2004. Studies on nitrogen use efficiency in turmeric using 15N tagged urea. J. Nuclear Agriculture and Biology 33(2):69-76.

2. Aruna Geetha, S., P.S. Senthil Kumar, K. Arulmozhiselvan, R. Jagadeeswaran and M. Govindaswamy. 2004. Labelled nitrogen studies on fertilizer nitrogen derivation, partitioning and efficiency of soybean and blackgram as influenced by sulphur nutrition. Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplan., 8(2):339-342.

3. Jagadeeswaran, R., S. Aruna Geetha, S. Maragatham, V. Murugappan, and M. Govindaswamy. 2004. Oxidation of sulphur from Cochin Refinery Sulphur Material in a Vertisol. Crop Research, 27(2&3): 200-204.

4. Aruna Geetha, S., P.S. Senthil Kumar, R. Jagadeeswaran and
M. Govindaswamy. 2004. Interaction of sulphur with the uptake of micronutrients in soybean. Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplan., 8(2):499-502.

5. Senthil Kumar, P.S., S. Aruna Geetha, P. Savithri, R. Jagadeeswaran and K.P. Ragunath. 2004. Effect of Zn enriched organic manures and zinc solubilizer application on the yield, curcumin content and nutrient status of soil under turmeric cultivation, J. Applied Horticulture, 6(1).

6. Senthil Kumar, P.S., S. Aruna Geetha, P. Savithri, and R. Jagadeeswaran. 2003. Evaluation of the effect of Zn and Fe treatments for the alleviation of nutrient imbalances at various stages in rhizomes of turmeric crop using Diagnostic and Recommendation Integrated System. J. Agricultural Resource Management, 2 (3&4): 44-49.

7. Jagadeeswaran, R., V. Murugappan and M.Govindaswamy. 2003. Studies on Nutrient Release Pattern of Slow Release NPK Fertilizers. J. Agricultural Resource Management, 2 (1&2):35-40.

8. Jagadeeswaran,R., S. Aruna Geetha, S. Maragatham, M. Govindaswamy and
V. Murugappan. 2004. Oxidation rate of Cochin Refinery Sulphur Material in an Inceptisol. Advances in Plant Sciences, 17 (I); 251-258.

9. Senthil Kumar,P.S., S. Aruna Geetha, P. Savithri, R. Jagadeeswaran and P.P. Mahendran. 2003. Diagnosis of nutrient imbalances and derivation of new RPZI (Reference Population Zero Index) values using DRIS / MDRIS and CND approaches in the leaves of turmeric crop (Curcuma longa), J. Applied Horticulture, 5(1).

10. Senthil Kumar, P.S., S. Aruna Geetha, P. Savithri, P.P. Mahendran, R. Jagadeeswaran and K.P. Ragunath. 2003. Comparison of CVA, DRIS, MDRIS and CND norms on leaves of turmeric crop in Erode District of Tamil Nadu State, India. Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplan., 7(3):511-518.

11. Jagadeeswaran, R and V. Murugappan. 2003. Effect of ferrogypsum on yield and nutrient uptake in paddy grown on an alkali soil. J. Soils and Crops, 13(2):191-195.

12. Murugappan, V. and R. Jagadeeswaran. 2003. On-farm nutrient budgeting in a tropical eco-system. In: N.Sankaran et al. (Eds.) Sustainable eco-system maintenance through farming system approach. Centre of Advanced Studies in Agronomy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Pp:43-47.

13. Murugappan, V., M.R. Latha, R. Jagadeeswaran and S. Sheeba. 2002. Nutrient sorption studies in benchmark soils of Tamil Nadu. J. Agricultural Resource Management, 1(2):70-76.

14. Jagadeeswaran, R., P. Singaram and V. Murugappan. 2002. Industrial waste ferrogypsum -A substitute for gypsum to alleviate sodicity. Australian J. Experimental Agriculture, 42:1-5.

15. Jagadeeswaran, R., V. Murugappan and P. Singaram. 2001. Effect of Ferrogypsum on yield, nutrient uptake and quality in groundnut. Madras Agric. J.,88(4-6):210-213

16. Murugappan, V., P. Santhy, R. Jagadeeswaran and D. Selvi. 2001. Effect of organic and conventional farming on nutrient cycling in agro-ecosystem. J. Environ. Res., 11(1):19-26

17. Jagadeeswaran, R. and V. Murugappan. 2001. Ferrogypsum to boost groundnut production in Calcareous Soils. Research on Crops, 3(1): 48-53.

18. Jagadeeswaran, R. and V. Murugappan. 2000. Ferrogypsum to alleviate iron stress in groundnut grown on calcareous soil. GAU-PRII-IPI National symposium on "Balanced nutrition of groundnut and other field crops grown on calcareous soils of India", Vol (I):83-87.

Seminar / symposia papers

1. Jagadeeswaran, R. and V. Murugappan and M.Govindaswamy. 2003. Evaluation of slow release NPK sources in Turmeric. National Seminar on Advances in Agricultural Resource Management held during September 22-23, 2003 at Agricultural College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University), Killikulam.

2. Surendran, U., A. Bhaskaran, R. Jagadeeswaran and V. Murugappan. 2003. Predicting the potential production of various rice genotypes using CERES-Rice model and estimating the yield gap under various Agro-ecological Regions of Tamil Nadu. National Seminar on Advances in Agricultural Resource Management held during September 22-23, 2003 at Agricultural College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University), Killikulam.

3. Jagadeeswaran, R. and V.Murugappan. 2001. Decision support system for soil fertility management - Calibration and validation of QUEFTs. Paper presented in PG Seminar 2001, held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.

4. Jagadeeswaran, R. and V.Murugappan. 2001. Nutrient Management in groundnut with ferrogypsum. Paper presented in the "National Seminar on Pulses and Oil seeds for sustainable agriculture" held during 29-31st July, 2001 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.

5. Jagadeeswaran, R., P. Singaram and V. Murugappan. 2000. Industrial waste ferrogypsum - an alternative to alleviate soil sodicity. International Sodicity Conference held on Feb.28-March 3, 2000 at Tatura, Australia.

6. Jagadeeswaran, R. and V. Murugappan.1999. Evaluation of Ferrogypsum as a Soil Amendment. Paper presented in 64th Annual Convention of ISSS held during November 26-30, 1999 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.

7. Jagadeeswaran, R. and V. Murugappan. 1999. Evaluation of Ferrogypsum as a Plant Nutrient Source. Paper presented in 64th Annual Convention of ISSS held during November 26-30, 1999 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.

Papers in review

1. Murugappan, V., M.R.Latha, R.Jagadeeswaran, A.Bhaskaran and P.Malarvizhi. 2003. Balanced fertilizer use for sustaining soil fertility and maximizing crop yield. Fertilizer News.

2. Murugappan, V., R. Jagadeeswaran, A. Bhaskaran, P. Malarvizhi and M.R. Latha 2004. Balanced Fertilization for Food Production in Rice Based Cropping Systems. Fertilizer News - Agronomy Special.

3. Surendran, U., V. Murugappan, R. Jagadeeswaran and A. Bhaskaran. 2004. Nutrient budgeting at district scale in a semi-arid tropical region of Asia. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment.


Dr. V. Murugappan,
Centre for Soils and Crop Management,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu, India PIN: 641 003
Tel: (O): 91-422-5511316
Tel: (R): 91-422-2431444

Dr. T. Nagendra Rao,
Deputy Director,
Potash & Phosphate Institute of Canada-India Programme,
33, Ashok Colony, Gowdapuri,
Kapra, ECIL Post, Hydrabad, India, PIN : 500 062
Tel: 91-40-7127377

Dr. K.S. Subramanian
Associate Professor,
Dept. Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore,
India ; PIN: 641 003
Tel : (O): 91-422-5511235
Fax :      91-422-5511435