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« World Journal of Agricultural Sciences »
Dr. Muhammad Saleem

Dr. Muhammad Saleem
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

Qualification : Ph.D.

Field of Specialization: Pulses / Maize Breeding & Genetics

Number of Research publications     : 55

Number of Ph.D students supervised  : 6
(2 completed, 2 submitted thesis, 2 in progress)

Number of M.Sc. students supervised : 110
(105 completed, 5 in progress)

B.Sc. (Hons) Agri. in Plant Breeding and Genetics from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in 1973.

M.Sc. (Hons) Agri. in Plant Breeding and Genetics from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in 1976.

Awarded “Sir William Roberts Scholarship” for the year 1980-84 for the study of Ph.D.

Completed Ph.D from University College of North Wales, Bangor, UK. in 1984.

Worked as Research Officer, from 22/10/1973 to 26/1/1977 in Cereal Section (Wheat Directorate) AARI, Faisalabad.

Appointed as Lecturer in 1977, Assistant Professor in 1985, Associate Professor in 1995 and Professor in 2004 in the Dept. of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

Teaching graduate and postgraduate courses on Genetics and Plant Breeding, conducting and supervising postgraduate / departmental research on pulses/maize breeding and genetics for yield improvement and disease resistance.

Participated in ten weeks training “Crop Research Management Programme” in USA under MART project sponsored by USAID.

Completed as P.I. the research project entitled “Evolution of gram varieties resistant to blight and wilt” funded by Punjab Agricultural Research Coordination Board in 1992

Executed as P.I. a research programme entitled “Cooperative Research Programme on Pulses” sponsored by PARC from 1990 to 2000.

Completed as P.I. research project entitled “Breeding chickpea for improvement in yield and disease resistance” sponsored by UGC in 1997.

Completed research project sponsored by UGC on mungbean entitled “Breeding mungbean for high yield potential, early maturity and improved physiological efficiency” as P.I. in 1998.

Completed as P.I. research project entitled “Morphogenetic analysis of seed yield parameters and inheritance of yellow mosaic virus in mungbean (Vigna readiata L. Wilczek) sponsored by UGC in 2002.

Completed research project entitled “ Evaluation of drought related traits and improved yield potential in maize germplasm” funded by UGC 2003.

Awarded a research project entitled “ DNA markers for wilt (Fusarium oxysporum) resistant genes in chickpea ” for Rs. 2.893 million by PARC under Agricultural Linkages Programme.