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Dr. Pavlina Dolashka-Angelova

First Name              : Pavlina
Surname                 : Dolashka-Angelova
Date and place of birth : 21.09.1954
Nationality             : Bulgarian

Affiliation and official address:
Institute of Organic Chemistry,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
G. Bonchev 9, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel                : +359 2 9606163
Fax                : +359 2 8700225
Date of Graduation : 1. 02.1993

Career/Employment (employers, positions and dates)

Since 1982 till 1987 :
Technical Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Sofia, Research Scientist

Since 1987 till now :
Institute of Organic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Since 2003
Assoc. Professor in Institute of Organic Chemistry

Specialization (specify)

Main field :
Structural and functional investigations on proteins with biomedical and industrial importance

Current research interest :

Isolation and purification of proteins, antibiotics, proteinases, inhibitors and hemocyanins.

Investigations on the reactivity of functional groups in proteinases, hemocyanins and their role in catalysis.

Stability of proteinases in the presence of denaturing agents.

Spectroscopic studies on the structure in solution of proteins: absorption, emission spectroscopy and circular dichroism.

Kinetic investigations on the mechanism of enzymes.

Structure and function of oxygen - transporting proteins in invertebrates (hemocyanins and superoxide dismutases).

Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies
1990             Halle University, Germany       DLR
1995 and 1996    Tübingen University, Germany    Volkswagen-Stiftung
1995 and 1996    Tübingen University, Germany    BMBF
1997, 1998       Tübingen University, Germany    BMBF and DFG
1998-1999        Padova University, Italy        BMBF
1999             Tübingen University, Germany    EMBO
1999 and 2000    Tübingen University, Germany    DAAD and DFG
2001             Tübingen University, Germany    DFG and NATO
2001             Padova University, Italy        NATO
2002             Tübingen University, Germany    DFG and NATO
2002             Padova University, Italy        NATO
2003             Tübingen University, Germany    BMBF and NATO
2003             Padova University, Italy        NATO
2003-2004        Gent University, Belgium        DWRB
2004             Tübingen University, Germany    BMBF
2005             Tübingen University, Germany    DFG
2005             Gent University, Belgium        Gaust Professor

Dr. Dolashka is coordinating several projects sponsored by NATO (Brussels; No973968/2002; No978560/2001); No978560/2004) and by the Bulgarian National Found for Scientific Researches (X-16, X-499-3, X-235, X-424, X-622, X-822, X-1202, K-1309, N-5012) and also guides collaborative projects with Germany (DFG 4636/2000, DLR, 001/01 - 2003-2004) and Italy (Vigoni/ 1998 and 1999) .

Number of papers in refereed journals: 55
Number of communications presented at scientific meetings: 27
Number of chapters of books: 1

List of publications, Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Dolashka-Angelova

1. D. Douchanov, G. Angelova, P. Dolashka and M. Rasvigorova, "Interaction of mineral matter with additives during coal gasification". Priv. Communic. (1990).

2. A. Ermer, H. Baumann, G. Steude, K. Peters, S. Fittkau, P. Dolacshka and N. Genov, "Peptide diazo methyl ketones are inhibitors of subtilisin-type serine proteinases". J. Enzyme Inhib. (UK) 4, 35-42 (1990).

3. P. Dolashka, I. Dimov, N. Genov, I. Svendsen, K. Wilson and C. Betzel. "Fluorescence properties of native and photooxidised proteinase K: the X-ray model in the region of the two tryptophans". Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1118, 303-312 (1992).

4. P. Dolashka, B. Filippi, K. Wilson, C. Betzel and N. Genov. "Spectrscopic studies on proteinase K and subtilisin DY: Relation to X-ray models". Int. J. Peptide Protein Res. 40, 465-471 (1992).

5. D. Douchanov, P. Dolashka and M. Rasvigorova. "Interaction of mineral matter of coal with additives during gasification". Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Scien. 45, 1 17-20 (1992).

6. C. Betzel, R. Rachev, P. Dolashka and N. Genov. "Actinomycins as proteinase inhibitors". Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1161, 47-51 (1993).

7. P. Dolashka, N. Genov, A. Ermer, K. Peters and S. Fittkau, "Kinetic characterization of alkaline mesentericopeptidase. Comparison with serine proteinases from different origins". Int. J. Peptide Protein Res. 42, 560-564 (1993).

8. N. Genov, P.Nicolov, C. Betzel, K. Wilson and P. Dolashka. "Fluorescence properties of subtilisins and related proteinases (subtilases): relation to X-ray models". J. Photochem. Photobiol.B: Biol.18, 265 -272 (1993).

9. N. Genov, B. Filippi, P. Dolashka, K. Wilson and C. Betzel, "Stability of subtilisins and related proteinases (subtilases)". Int. J. Peptide Protein Res. 45, 391-400 (1995).

10. N. Genov and P. Dolashka, "Ionization behaviour of tyrosyl residues in Proteinase K". Commun. Dept. Chem. Bulg. Acad. Sci. 4, 68-72 (1995).

11. S. Stoeva, P. Dolashka, B. Bankov, W. Voelter, B. Salvato and N. Genov. ”Spectroscopic properties of Callinectes sapidus hemocyanin subunits". Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 51, 1965-1974 (1995).

12. L. Genova, P. Dolashka, B. Stefanov, M. Angelova, “A novel MnSOD from filamentous fungus Humicola lutea 110”. Eur. Congress of Biotechnology 1, p.p. LUP-20 (1995).

13. P. Dolashka, N. Genov, K. Pervanova, W. Voelter, M. Geiger and S. Stoeva. "Rapana thomasiana grosse (gastropoda) haemocyanin: spectroscopic studies of the structure in solution and the conformational stability of the native protein and its structural subunits". Biochem J. 315, 139-144 (1996).

14. M. Angelova, L. Genova, S. Pashova, L. Slokovska and P. Dolashka. "Effect of cultural conditions on the synthesis of superoxid dismutase by Humicola lutea 110". J. of Ferment. and Bioengin. 82, 5, 464-468 (1996).

15. R. Hristova, P. Dolashka, S. Stoeva, W. Voelter, B. Salvato and N. Genov. "Spectroscopic properties and stability of hemocyanins”. Spectrochim. Acta A 53, 471-478 (1997).

16. D. Georgieva and P. Dolashka. "Spectroscopic properties of subtilisin DY selectively modified with fluorescein isothiocyanate". Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 53, 1515-1520 (1997).

17. S. Stoeva, P. Dolashka, N. Genov, W. Voelter. "Domain structure of the Rapana thomasiana (Gastropod) hemocyanin". GIT Special "Prof. Bayer" 75-79 (1997).

18. S. Stoeva, P. Dolashka, K. Pervanova, N. Genov and W. Voelter. "Multidomain structure of the Rapana thomasiana (Gastropod) hemocyanin structural subunit RHSS1". Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 118B, 4, 927-934 (1997).

19. P. Dolashka, D. Georgieva, S. Stoeva, N. Genov, R. Rachev, A. Gusterova and W. Voelter. "A novel termostable neutral proteinase from Saccharom-onospora canescens". Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1382, 207-216 (1998).

20. P. Dolashka-Angelova. "Molecular structure of the four arthropod hemocyanins: amino acid sequences of the functional subunits", XII conference of chemistry (Plovdiv) (1998) p.93.

21. N. Genov, P. Dolashka, B. Aleksiev, I. Mancheva, K. Rajashankar and C. Betzel. ”Spectroscopic properties and stability of the neurotoxic complex Vipoxin and its components”. Spectrochim. Acta Part A 54, 1117-1125 (1998).

22. M. Angelova, L. Slokoska, S. Pashova, L. Genova, P. Dolashka, S. Stoeva and W. Voelter, “Superoxide stress response in fungal strain Humicola lutea ”. IX ??????? ?? ????????????? (1998) ?????.

23. S. Stoeva, P. Dolashka, R. Hristova, N. Genov and W. Voelter, "Subunit composition and N-terminal analysis of arthropod hemocyanins”. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B 122, 69-75 (1999).

24. P. Dolashka-Angelova, L. Genova, S. Stoeva, B. Stefanov, M. Angelova, R. Hristova, S. Pashova and W. Voelter. "Isolation and characterization of a superoxide dismutase from fungal strain Humicola lutea 110". J. Peptide. Res. 54, 4, 279-289 (1999).

25. P. Dolashka-Angelova, M. Angelova, L. Genova, S. Stoeva and W. Voelter. "A novel Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase from the fungi strain H. lutea 110: isolation and characterization". Spectrochim. Acta 55, 2249-2260 (1999).

26. S. Stoeva, P. Dolashka, N. Genov and W. Voelter, "Domain structure of the Rapana thomasiana (Gastropod) hemocyanin". J. Chem. Soc. Pak. 21, 229-238 (1999).

27. P. Dolashka-Angelova, S. Stoeva, R. Hristova, J. Schuetz, M. Beltramini, B. Salvato, H. Schwartz and W. Voelter. "Structural organization of hemocyanin from lobster Homarus americanus and spectroscopic studies of the native protein and structural subunits". Current Topics in Peptide & Prot. Res. vol.3 19-36 (1999).

28. S. Pashova, L. Slokoska, P. Dolashka-Angelova, S. Vassilev, P. Sheremetska and M. Angelova. ”Effect of dissolved oxigen concentration on superoxide dismutase production by H. lutea cells”. Z. Naturforsch. 54C, 1049-1054 (1999).

29. P. Dolashka-Angelova, R. Hristova, S. Stoeva and W. Voelter, ”Spectroscopic properties of Carcinus aestuarii hemocyanin and its structural subunits”. Spectrochim. Acta Part A 55, 2927-2934 (1999).

30. R. Hristova, P. Dolashka-Angelova, M. Gigova and W. Voelter. "Fluorescence properties of the arthropodan hemocyanin Carcinus aestuarii”. Oxidation Commun. 23, 1, 145-152 (2000).

31. P. Dolashka-Angelova, S. Stoeva and W. Voelter, ”Spectroscopic properties of a novel neutral proteinase from Saccharomonospora canescens”. Comp. Biochim. Physiol. Part B 125 11-19 (2000).

32. P. Dolashka-Angelova, M. Schick, S. Stoeva and W. Voelter. ”Isolation and partial characterization of the N-terminal functional unit of subunit RtH1 from Rapana thomasiana grosse hemocyanin”. Int. J. Biochem. & Cell Biology 32, 529-538 (2000).

33. P. Dolashka-Angelova, S. Stoeva, R. Hristova, J. Schuetz and W. Voelter, "Structural and spectroscopic studies of the native hemocyanin from Maia squinado and its structural subunits". Spectrochim. Acta A 56, 1985-1999 (2000).

34. P. Dolashka-Angelova, S. A. Ali, K. Demirevska-Kepova, S. Stoeva and W. Voelter. ”Purification, characterization and thermostability of Rubulose 1,5-Biphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase from barley leaves”. Z. Naturforsch. 55C, 611-619 (2000).

35. R. Toshkova, P. Dimitrova, E. Ivanova, P. Dolashka, M. Angelova, S. Pashova, L. Slokoska, W. Voelter. ”Immunoprotective effect of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase on myeloid Graffi tumor-bearing hamsters”. Z. Naturforsch. 55C, 649-656 (2000).

36. P. Dimitrova, R. Toshkova, E. Ivanova, Z. Stefanova, M. Angelova, P. Dolashka and W. Voelter. ”Superoxide production by phagocytes in myeloid Graffi tumor-bearing hamsters”. Z. Naturforsch. 55 C, 799-805 (2000).

37. S. Ali, A. Abbasi, S. Stoeva, R. Kayed, P. Dolashka-Angelova, H. Schwarz, W. Voelter. ”Oxygen transport proteins: III. Structural studies of the scorpion (Buthus sindicus) hemocyanin, partial primary structure of its subunit Bsin1”. Comp. Biochim. Physiol. Part B 126, 361-376 (2000).

38. K. Kolev and P. Dolashka-Angelova, "Fluorescence studies on native and bound to trifluraline soy beans Lb“d” in the enhanced N2 fixation". Spectrochim. Acta A 57, 12, 2535-2545 (2001).

39. M. Angelova, P. Dolashka-Angelova, E. Ivanova, J. Serkedjieva, L. Slokoska, S. Pashova, R. Toshkova, S. Vassilev, I. Simeonov, H.-J. Hartman, S. Stoeva, U. Weser, W. Voelter. ”A novel glycosylated Cu/Zn-containing superoxide dismutase: production and potential therapeutic effect”. Microbiology UK 147, 6, 1641-1650 (2001).

40. J. Schütz, P. Dolashka-Angelova, R. Abrashev, P. Nicolov, and W. Voelter. ”Isolation and spectroscopic characterization of the structural subunits of keyhole limpet hemocyanin”. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1546, 325-336 (2001).

41. V. Raykovska, P. Dolashka-Angelova, D. Paskaleva, S. Stoeva, J. Abrashev, L. Kirkov, W. Voelter. ”Isolation and characterization of a xylose-glucose isomerase from a new strain Streptomyces thermovulgaris 127, var 7-86”. Biochem. Cell Biol. 79, 195-205 (2001).

42. P. Dolashka-Angelova, S. Stoeva, M. Beltramini, B. Salvato and V. Voelter. ”Carbohydrate composition of Carcinus aestuarii hemocanin”. Arch. of Biochem. Biophys. 389, 2, 153-158 (2001).

43. E. Ivanova, M. Angelova, L. Slokoska, S. Pashova, R. Toshkova, P. Dolashka-Angelova, P. Dimitrova, W. Voelter. “Effect of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase from the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103 on antioxidant defense of Graffi tumor-bearing hamsters. Z. Naturforsch C. 57, 197-204 (2002).

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45. M. Guncheva, P. Dolashka-Angelova, N. Stambolieva. “Arylamidase activity of neutral proteinase from Saccharomonospora canescens. Comparison with other Zn-proteinases that exhibit the same activity”. Biocim. Biophys. Acta 1597, 2, 335-338 (2002).

46. R. Toshkova, E. Ivanova, M. Angelova, P. Dolashka and V. Woelter. “Effect of fungal Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase on the cell-mediated immune response in tumor Graffi bearing hamsters“.Z. Naturforsh. 58c, 128-134 (2003).

47. P. Dolashka-Angelova, H. Schwarz, A. Dolashki, M. Beltramini, B. Salvato, M. Schick, M. Saeed and W. Voelter. “Characterization of the reassociation and oligomeric stability of Rapana venosa hemocyanin (RvH) and its structural subunits”. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1646 (1-2) 77-85 (2003).

48. J. Serkedjieva, I. Roeva, M. Angelova, P. Dolashka, W. Voelter. "Combined protective effect of a fungal Cu/Zn-containing superoxide dismutase and rimantadine hydrochloride in the murine experimental influenza A virus infection". Acta virologica 47, 53–56 (2003).

49. P. Dolashka-Angelova, A.Beck, A.Dolashki, M. Beltramini, S. Stevanovic, B. Salvato and W. Veolter, “Characterization of the carbohydrate moieties of the functional unit RvH1-a of Rapana venosa haemocyanin using HPLC /electrospray ionization MS and glycosidase digestion” Biochem. J. 374, 185–192 (2003).

50. P. Dolashka-Angelova, A. Beck, A. Dolashki, M. Beltramini, S. Stevanovic, B. Salvato, R. Hristova, L. Velkova, W. Voelter, “Carbohydrate moieties of molluscan Rapana venosa hemocyanin”. Micron 35, 101–104 (2004).

51. R. Stefanov, M. Angelova, T. Stefanova, M. Subev, P. Dolashka, W. Voelter and Z. Zachariev, “Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase from the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103 improves ram spermatozoa functions in vitro”. Andrologia 36, 51–56 (2004).

52. P. Dolashka-Angelova, S. Stevanovic, A. Dolashki, M. Angelova, J. Serkedjieva, E. Krumova, S. Pashova, S. Zacharieva, and W. Voelter, “Structural and functional analysis of glycosylated Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase from the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103”. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 317, 1006–1016 (2004).

53. P. Dolashka-Angelova, A. Dolashki, S. Stevanovic, R. Hristova, B. Atanasov, P. Nicolov and W. Voelter. “Structure and stability of arthropodan hemocyanin Limulus polyphemus”. Spectrochim. Acta 61 (6) 1207-1217 (2005).

54. I. Abrashev, G. Dulguerova, P. Dolashka-Angelova, and W. Voelter, “Purification and characterization of a novel sialidase from a strain Arthrobacter nicotianae“. J. Biochemistry 137, 365-371 (2005).

55. P. Dolashka-Angelova, A. Dolashki, S. N. Savvides, R. Hristova, J. Van Beeumen, W. Voelter, B. Devreese, U. Weser, P. Di Muro, B. Salvato and S. Stevanovic, “Structure of Hemocyanin Subunit CaeSS2 of the Crustacean Mediterranean Crab Carcinus aestuarii“. J. Biochemistry 138 (3) 303-312 (2005).

56. R. Abrashev, P. Dolashka-Angelova, R. Hristova, L. Stefanova, M. Angelova, „Role of antioxidant enzymes in survival of condiospores of Aspergillus niger 26, under conditions of temperature“ J. Applied Microbiology 99 (4) 902-909 (2005).