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Dr. Safaa M. Ghassan Kumari


Name           : Safaa M. Ghassan Kumari
Birthday       : June 19, 1963
Family Status  : Single
Health         : Excellent
Office Address : ICARDA, P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo - SYRIA.
Telephone      : 00963-21-2213433/ 2225112
Fax            : 00963-21-2225105/ 2213490

Home address : P.O. Box 1770, Aleppo, Syria.
Telphone     : 00963-21-5718029/5718022
Fax          : 00963-21-5757926

Position :

Manager of the Virology Lab, ICRADA, Aleppo, Syria


High school
1978-1981 : Baccalaureate, scientific section, Aleppo, Syria.

1982-1985 : B.SC. Aleppo University, Faculty of Agriculture, Syria. Degree conferred August 1985.

1990-1991 : Diploma of higher studies, Damascus University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Syria. Degree conferred November 1991.

1992-1994 : Master of Science, Tishreen University, Faculty of Agriculture, Departemnt of Plant Protection, Syria. Thesis title A STUDY ON SEED-BORNE VIRUSES OF LENTIL IN SYRIA "distribution, economic losses, detection, seed transmission rate and thermal treatment of seed as a control measure". Under the supervision of both Dr. Khaled Makkouk from ICARDA and Dr. Imad Ismail from the Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University. Degree conferred July 1994, with honours (96/100).

1996-2002 : Ph.D., Aleppo University, Faculty of Agriculture, Departemnt of Plant Protection, Syria. Thesis title “An Study on Luteoviruses Affecting Cool-Season Food Legumes”. Under the supervision of both Dr. Khaled Makkouk from ICARDA and Dr. Bassam Bayaa from the Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University. Degree conferred July 2002, with honours (97/100).


1987 -2003 : Research Technician (1987-1992), Research Assistant

(1992-2002): Research Associate (2002-2003) in the virology Lab, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, Working on legume and cereal viruses: survey for virus diseases in West Asia and North Africa region (WANA), detection, host range, crop losses, screening, transmission, control, serology, production of antisera, preparation of diagnostic kits for the detection of specific cereal and legume viruses and use a variety serological techniques.

2003-present : Manager of the Virology Lab, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria


Award of the best research work for a graduate student (financial + certificate) in Fourth Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Cairo, Egypt, December 1-5, 1991. The presentation was entitled "Pea seed-borne mosaic virus: host range, purification, serology, transmission characteristic and occurrence in West Asia and North Africa".

Award of the the best junior scientist of the year (1999) at ICARDA. (ICARDA staff of the year for 1999).


Received a fellowship from the British Council and spent three months as a Visiting Researcher at the Scottish Crop Research Institute, Dundee, Scotland from July 29 until October 25, 1997, working in the lab. of Dr. Mike Mayo with the participation of Drs. Lesely Torrance and Angelika Ziegler on cloning and expression of recombinant antibody (scFv) genes.

Received a fellowship from the ICPP98 Bursary and Assistance Funds, UK to attend the 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology which held in Edinburgh, Scotland, August 9-16, 1998.

Received a fellowship from the GRDC and ACIAR, Australia to attend the 6th Australasian Plant Virology Workshop, Gold Coast, Queensland, August 30 – September 2, 2004, and visit pulse virus research programs in New South Wales, Victoria and West Australia.

Received a fellowship from the the Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC), Australia and will be spent three months as a Visiting Scientist at Knoxfield Center, Melbourne, Australia from July 17 until October 15, 2005, working on “Development of rapid diagnostics for identification and differentiation of endemic and exotic yellowing viruses in faba bean”.


1. Arab Journal of Plant Protection; Assistant Editor (1996 – 2003); Associate Editor (2003-present)

2. Arab and Near East Plant Protection Newsletter, A Newsletter Published by the Arab Society for Plant Protection and FAO; Assistant Editor (1996 - 2003); Editorial Board (2003-Present)

3. Chairperson of the Publication Committee of the Arab Society for Plant Protection (2004 – 2006).


Over the past 15 years I trained more than 200 individual trainees from different counties of WANA, either at the Virology Lab of ICARDA or in collaboration with NARS (in country).


Surveys for legume and cereal viruses in the following countries: Lebanon and Syria (May 1991); Lebanon, Turkey and Syria (May 1992); Egypt (February 1993, March 1993 & February 1994); Sudan (February 1994); Jordan (January 1996); Turkey (May 1996); Syria (April-May 1996); Pakistan (March 1997); Ethiopia (November 1998, September 2003, September 2004); Tunisia (April 2000, April 2001 & April 2003)); Iraq (April 2000); Iran (May – June 2001 & May 2002); China (March 2004); Yemen (September 2004).


Arab Society for Plant Protection
Australiasian Plant Pathology Society
International Working Group on Legume Viruses.
Mediterranean Phytopathological Union
Syndicate of Agricultural Engineers


Dr. Khaled Makkouk,
Regional Coordinator, Nile Valley and Red Sea Regional Program, ICARDA, 15 G Radwan Ibn El-Tabib Street, Giza, P. O. Box 2416; Cairo, EGYPT; Telephone (+202) 5724358/5735829/5725785; Fax (+202) 5728099;

Dr. Lukas Brader,
Grote Molenweg 106, 3020 Herent, BELGIUM, Tel: 016 228688;

Mr. Joop A.G. van Leur,
Senior Pulse Pathologist, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Tamworth Agricultural Institute, RMB 944, Tamworth 2340; Direct phone +61 2 6763 1204; Fax +61 2 6763 1222;


1. Makkouk, K.M., O.I. Azzam, L. Katul, A. Rizkallah and S. Kumari. 1986. Seed transmission of broad bean stain virus in the wild legume Vicia palaestina Boiss. FABIS Newsletter 16:40-41.

2. Makkouk, K.M., L. Bos, O.I. Azzam, S. Kumari and A. Rizkallah. 1988. Survey of viruses affecting faba bean in six Arab countries. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 6:53-61.

3. Makkouk, K.M., L. Bos and S. Kumari. 1988. Broad bean wilt virus: host range, purification, serology, transmission characteristics and occurrence in West Asia and North Africa. Third Arab Congress of plant protection, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, December 5-9, 1989. No. 25. (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 7(1):87-88, 1989, No. 25).

4. Makkouk, K.M., S. Kumari and W. Ghulam. 1988. Luteoviruses affecting cereals and food legumes in West Asia and North Africa. Third Arab Congress of plant protection, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, December 5-9, 1989. No. 82. (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 7(1):100, 1989, No. 82).

5. Makkouk, K.M. and S. Kumari. 1989. Apion arrogans, a weevil vector of broad bean mottle virus. FABIS Newsletter 24:26-27.

6. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and L. Bos. 1990. Broad bean wilt virus: host range, purification, serology, transmission characteristics, and occurrence in faba bean in West Asia and North Africa. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 96:291-300.

7. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1990. Variability among 19 lentil genotypes in seed transmission rates and yield loss induced by broad bean stain virus infection. LENS Newsletter 17(2):31-33.

8. Makkouk, K.M, S.G. Kumari and L. Bos. 1990. Broad bean wilt virus: host range, purification, serology, transmission characteristics and occurrence in West Asia and North Africa. Abstract book of 8th International Virology Congress, Berlin, August 26-31, 1990. No. P79-003, pp 444.

9. Makkouk, K.M., S. Kumari and H. Kawas. 1990. Luteoviruses affecting food legumes in countries of West Asia and North Africa. Proceedings of 8th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, Agadir, Morocco, October 28 - November 3, 1990. pp 79.

10. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1991. Pea seed-borne mosaic virus: host range, purification, serology, transmission characteristic and occurrence in West Asia and North Africa. Abstract book of Fourth Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Cairo, Egypt, December 1-5, 1991. (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 10(1):114, 1992, No. 206).

11. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari, L. Katul and R. Casper. 1991. Faba bean necrotic yellows virus (FBNYV): A possible New virus disease of faba bean (Vicia faba) and lentil (Lens culinaris) in West Asia and North Africa. Abstract book of Fourth Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Cairo, Egypt, December 1-5, 1991. (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 10(1):114, 1992, No. 204)

12. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and A. Shehadeh. 1992. Seed transmission of pea seed-borne mosaic virus in Lathyrus and Vicia forage legume species. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 99 (6): 561-563.

13. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and R. Al-Daoud. 1992. Survey of viruses affecting lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) in Syria. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 31:188-190.

14. Makkouk, K.M., H.T. Hus and S.G. Kumari. 1993. Detection of three plant viruses by Dot-Blot and Tissue-Blot immunoassays using chemiluminescent and chromogenic substrates. Journal of Phytopathology 139:97-102.

15. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and L. Bos. 1993. Pea seed-borne mosaic virus: occurrence in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) in West Asia and North Africa, and further information on host range, purification, serology and transmission characteristics. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 99:115-124.

16. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1993. Movement of bean yellow mosaic virus in susceptible and resistant faba bean genotypes. FABIS Newsletter 32:35-38.

17. Kumari, S.G., K.M. Makkouk and I.D. Ismail. 1993. Survey of seed-borne viruses in lentil in Syria and their effects on lentil yield. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 11(1):28-32.

18. Kumari, S.G. and K.M. Makkouk. 1993. Evaluation of different ELISA procedures for the detection of pea seed-borne mosaic potyvirus and broad bean stain comovirus in lentil leaf extracts. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 11(2):86-91.

19. Makkouk, K.M and S.G. Kumari. 1993. Production of antisera for sensitive detection of two cereal viruses by different ELISA variants. RACHIS Newsletter 12(1/2):24-27.

20. Kumari, S.G., K.M. Makkouk and I.D. Ismail. 1994. Seed transmission and yield loss induced in lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) by bean yellow mosaic potyvirus. LENS Newsletter 21(1):42-44.

21. Makkouk, K.M., L. Rizhallah, M. Madkour, M. El-Sherbeeny, S.G. Kumari, A. W. Amriti and M.B. Solh. 1994. Survey of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) for viruses in Egypt. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 33: 207-211.

22. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and W. Ghulam. 1994. Tissue-blot immunoassay, a sensitive, quick and economical test for the detection of plant viruses. Proceedings of 9th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union (MPU), Kusadasi, Aydin, Turkey, September 18-24, 1994. pp 3-4.

23. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and W. Ghulam. 1994. Detection of plant viruses by the Tissue-blot Immunoassay. Abstract book of Fifth Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Fes, Morocco, November 27 - December 2, 1994. No. C23, pp 187 (En), pp 199 (Ar). (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 12(1):64, 1994, No. 243).

24. Kumari, S.G., K.M. Makkouk and I.D. Ismail. 1994. Seed-borne viruses of lentils in Syria: distribution, economic losses, detection, Seed transmission rate and thermal treatment of seed as a control measure. Abstract book of Fifth Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Fes, Morocco, November 27 - December 2, 1994. No. C18, pp 194 (En), pp 206 (Ar). (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 12(1):65, 1994, No. 253).

25. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and W. Ghulam. 1994. Detection of barley stripe mosaic hordeivirus and barley yellow dwarf luteovirus in cereals and faba bean necrotic yellows virus and pea seed-borne mosaic potyvirus in legumes by tissue-blot immunoassay. Abstract book of Fifth Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Fes, Morocco, November 27 - December 2, 1994. No. C29, pp 190 (En), pp 202 (Ar). (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 12(1):65, 1994, No. 249).

26. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1995. Transmission of broad bean stain comovirus and broad bean mottle bromovirus by weevils in Syria. Journal of Plant Disease and Protection 102(2):136-139.

27. Kumari, S.G. and K.M. Makkouk. 1995. Variability among twenty lentil genotypes in seed transmission rates and yield loss induced by pea seed-borne mosaic potyvirus infection. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 34: 129-132.

28. Makkouk, K.M., G. Dafalla, M. Hussein and S.G. Kumari. 1995. The natural occurrence of chickpea chlorotic dwarf geminivirus in chickpea and faba bean in the Sudan. Journal of Phytopathology 143: 465-466.

29. Horn, N.M., K.M. Makkouk, S.G. Kumari, J.F.J.M. Van Den Heuvel and D.V.R. Reddy. 1995. Survey of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) for chickpea stunt disease and associated viruses in Syria, Turkey and Lebanon. Phytopathologia Medit. 34:192-198..

30. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1995. Screening and selection of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) germplasm for resistance to ben yellow mosaic potyvirus. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 102(5): 461-466.

31. Makkouk, K.M., L. Katul, S.G. Kumari and H. Naasan. 1995. Preliminary identification of a distinct Luteovirus affecting lentils in Syria. Abstract no. 635 in Abstracts of Presentations, 1995 APS annual meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, August 12-16, 1995. [Available from: America Phytopathological Society (APS), 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA].

32. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1996. Detection of ten viruses by the tissue-blot immunoassay (TBIA). Arab Journal of Plant Protection 14(1): 3-9.

33. Kumari, S.G. and K.M. Makkouk. 1996. Inactivation of broad bean stain comovirus in lentil seeds by dry heat treatment. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 35: 124-126.

34. Kumari, S.G., K.M. Makkouk and I.D. Ismail. 1996. Variation among isolates of two viruses affecting lentils: their effect on yield and seed transmissibility. Arab J. Pl. Prot. 14(2): 81-85.

35. Makkouk, K.M., V. Damsteegt, G.R. Johnstone, L. Katul, D.-E. Lesemann and S.G. Kumari. 1996. Identification and some properties of soybean dwarf luteovirus affecting lentils in Syria. Page 10 In: Program and Abstracts book, 14th meeting of the International Working Group on legume Viruses (IWGLV), Cairo, Egypt, August 18-19, 1996. Abstract No. 20.

36. Salama, M.I., S.G. Kumari and A.S. Sadik. 1996. Detection of pea seed-borne mosaic potyvirus using different techniques. Page 7 in Program and Abstracts book, 14th meeting of the International Working Group on legume Viruses (IWGLV), Cairo, Egypt, August 18-19, 1996. Abstract No. 14.

37. Makkouk, K.M., V. Damsteegt, G.R. Johnstone, L. Katul, D.-E. Lesemann and S.G. Kumari. 1997. Identification and some properties of soybean dwarf luteovirus affecting lentil in Syria. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 36:135-144.

38. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1997. Natural occurrence of wheat streak mosaic virus on wheat in Syria. Rachis Newsletter 16 (1/2): 74-76.

39. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1997. Control of two persistently transmitted viruses by aphids affecting faba bean using Imidacloprid (Gaucho) as a seed-dressing insecticide treatment. Page 206-207 in Sixth Arab Congress of Plant Protection: Abstract book, ASPP/CNRSL, 27-31 October, 1997, Beirut, Lebanon (W. Khoury and B. Bayaa, eds.). [Ar, En]. Abstract No. V32. (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 15(2):102, 1997, No. 99).

40. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1997. Screening of lentil (Lens culinaris) germplasm for resistance to three persistently aphid transmitted viruses. Page 208 in Sixth Arab Congress of Plant Protection: Abstract book, ASPP/CNRSL, 27-31 October, 1997, Beirut, Lebanon (W. Khoury and B. Bayaa, eds.). [Ar, En]. Abstract No. V33. (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 15(2):102, 1997, No. 100).

41. Kumari, S.G., K.M. Makkouk and B. Bayaa. 1997. Viruses causing yellowing symptoms affecting cool-season food legumes in some West Asia and Red Sea Countries: distribution and some control measures. 209-210 in Sixth Arab Congress of Plant Protection: Abstract book, ASPP/CNRSL, 27-31 October, 1997, Beirut, Lebanon (W. Khoury and B. Bayaa, eds.). [Ar, En]. Abstract No. V34. (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 15(2):102, 1997, No. 101).

42. Hussein, M.M., G.A. Dafalla, K.M. Makkouk and S.G. Kumari. 1997. Faba bean virus disease situation in Sudan. Page 125 in Sixth Arab Congress of Plant Protection: Abstract book, ASPP/CNRSL, 27-31 October, 1997, Beirut, Lebanon (W. Khoury and B. Bayaa eds.). [Ar, En]. Abstract No. V39. (Published in Arab Journal of Plant Protection 15(2):103, 1997, No. 106).

43. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1997. Etiology and control of soybean dwarf luteovirus affecting lentils (Lens culinaris) in Syria. Proceedings of 10th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union. June 1-5, 1997, Montpellier – Lec Corum (France), 731-734.

44. Bayaa, B., S.G. Kumari, A. Akkaya, W. Erskine, K.M. Makkouk, Z. Turk and I. Ozberk. 1998. Survey of major biotic stresses of lentil in South-East Anatolia, Turkey. Phytopath. Medit., 37:88-95.

45. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1998. Further serological characterization of two tobravirus isolates from Algeria and Libya. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 1(4):303-306.

46. Torrance, A. Ziegler, K. Harper, S.M. Macintosh, B. Zange, S. Kumari and M.A. Mayo. 1998. Novel Molecular tools for plant virus detection: recombinant antibodies specific for luteoviruses and geminiviruses. In 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology: Abstract book, Volume 2 (Offered Papers), 9-16 August 1998, Edinburgh, Scotland. Abstract No. 1.11.49.

47. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1998. Further serological Characterization of two tobravirus isolates from Algeria and Libya. . In 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology: Abstract book, Volume 2 (Offered Papers), 9-16 August 1998, Edinburgh, Scotland. Abstract No. 1.11.75.

48. Makkouk, K.M., L. Katul, S.G. Kumari and H.J. Vetten. 1998. Characterization and control of faba bean necrotic yellows Nanovirus affecting legume crops in west Asia and North Africa. Pp. 210-217 In: Proceedings of the Eighth Turkish Phytopathological Congress, 21-25 September, 1998. Ankara University, Turkey.

49. Makkouk, K.M., H.S. Bahamish, S.G. Kumari and A. Lotf. 1998. Major viruses affecting faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in Yemen. Arab J. Plant Protection 16(2): 98-101.

50. Bashir, M., R. Jones, K.M. Makkouk, S. Kumari, and M.H. Munawar. 1998. Survey for chickpea and lentil viruses in Pakistan. Pages 491 in 3rd European Conference on Grain Legumes: Opportunities for High Quality, Healthy and Added-Value Crops to Meet European Demands: Proceedings, 14-19 Nov. 1998, Valladolid, Spain. AEP/UNIP/PGRO. [Available from: AEP, 12 Avenue George V, 75008 Paris, France].

51. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and Bassam Bayaa. 1999. First report of pea enation mosaic virus affecting lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) in Syria. Plant Disease 83(3):303.

52. Tadesse, N., K. Ali, D. Gorfu, A. Abraham, A. Lencho, M. Ayalew, A. Yusuf, K.M. Makkouk and S.G. Kumari. 1999. First report of soybean dwarf virus infecting lentil and beet western yellows virus infecting lentil and chickpea crops in Ethiopia. Plant Disease 83: 589.

53. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari, L. Katul and H.J. Vetten. 1999. Polyclonal antibodies to the bacterially expressed coat protein of faba bean necrotic yellows nonovirus. Abstract book of the XI th international Congress of Virology. 9-13 August, 1999, Sydney, Australia. Page 368, Abstract No. VP65.42.

54. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and J.A.G. van Leur. 1999. Screening faba bean (Vicia faba L.) for bean leaf roll virus resistance. Proceedings of the 15th meeting of the International working Group on Legume Viruses. 15-17 August, 1999. Fremantle, Western Australia. Page 19.

55. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1999. Resistance in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) to three persistently transmitted viruses. Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Symposium for Cereal and Legume Diseases, Nabeul, Tunisia, 10-12 November, 1999. Pages: 395-401.

56. Tadesse, N., K. Ali, D. Gorfu, A. Abraham, A. Lencho, M. Ayalew, A. Yusuf, K.M. Makkouk and S.G. Kumari. 1999. Survey for chickpea and lentil virus diseases in Ethiopia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 38:149-158.

57. Najar, A., K.M. Makkouk and S.G. Kumari. 2000. First record of Barley yellow striate mosaic virus, Barley stripe mosaic virus, and Wheat dwarf virus infecting cereal crops in Tunisia. Plant Disease 84: 1045.

58. Najar, A., K. M. Makkouk and S.G. Kumari. 2000. First record of Faba bean necrotic yellows virus and Beet western yellows virus infecting faba bean in Tunisia. Plant Disease 84: 1046.

59. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 2000. Virus Diseases of Food Legume Crops Causing yellowing/Stunting Symptoms and Their Control in the west Asia and North Africa Region. Seventh Arab Congress of Plant Protection, October 22-26, 2000, Amman, Jordan. Abstract book, page 319.

60. Kumari, S.G., K. M. Makkouk, B. Bayaa and M. Al-Khalaf. 2000. Pea Enation Mosaic Virus infecting lentil in Syria, and further information on its host range, Purification, Serology and transmission Characteristics. Seventh Arab Congress of Plant Protection, October 22-26, 2000, Amman, Jordan. Abstract book, page 342.

61. Najar, A., K.M. Makkouk, H. Boudhir, S.G. Kumari, R. Zarouk, R. Bessai and F. Ben Othman. 2000. Survey for Legume and Cereal Viruses in Tunisia. Seventh Arab Congress of Plant Protection, October 22-26, 2000, Amman, Jordan. Abstract book, page 311.

62. El-Muadhidi, M.A., K.M. Makkouk, M. Jerjess, S.G. Kumari, S.S. Murad, R.R. Mustafa and F. Tarik. 2000. Survey for Legume and Cereal Viruses in Iraq. Seventh Arab Congress of Plant Protection, October 22-26, 2000, Amman, Jordan. Abstract book, page 345.

63. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and J.A.G. van Leur. 2000. Genetic variability in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) for Bean leaf roll virus resistance. In the International Symposium in Durable Disease Resistance: Key to Sustainable Agriculture, Ede, Wageningen, The Netherlands, November 28 – December 1, 2000. Page 5, Abstract No. P3-16.

64. Najar, A., K.M. Makkouk, H. Boudhir, S.G. Kumari, R. Zarouk, R. Bessai and F. Ben Othman. 2000. Viral diseases of cultivated legume and cereal crops in Tunisia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 39:423-432.

65. Makkouk, K.M., W. Ghulam and S.G. Kumari. 2001. First report of Barley yellow striate mosaic virus infecting barley and wheat in Lebanon. Plant Disease, 85: 446.

66. Makkouk, K.M., M.A. El-Muadhidi and S.G. Kumari. 2001. First record of beet western yellows, chickpea chlorotic dwarf and faba bean necrotic yellows viruses affecting faba bean (Vicia faba L.) crops in Iraq. Plant Pathology, 50 (6): 793.

67. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 2001. Reduction of spread of three persistently aphid-transmitted viruses affecting legume crops by seed-treatment with Imidacloprid (GauchoÒ). Crop Protection, 20(5): 433-437.

68. Makkouk, K.M., M. Bashir, R.A.C. Jones and S. G. Kumari. 2001. Survey for viruses in lentil and chickpea crops in Pakistan. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 108(3):258-268.

69. Makkouk, K.M., S. Kumari, A. Sarker and W. Erskine. 2001. Registration of six lentil germplasm lines with combined resistance to viruses. Crop Science 41(3):931-932..

70. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and J. van Leur. 2001. Selection in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) for Bean leaf roll virus resistance. Pages 97-100, In: Proceeding of 11th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union and 3rd Congress of the Sociedade Portuguese de Fitopatologia, September 17-20, 2001, University of Évora, Évora, Portugal.

71. Najar, A., K.M. Makkouk and S.G. Kumari. 2001. Identification and seasonal variation of virus diseases of cereal and legume crops in Tunisia. Pages 314-317, In: Proceeding of 11th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union and 3rd Congress of the Sociedade Portuguese de Fitopatologia, September 17-20, 2001, University of Évora, Évora, Portugal.

72. Makkouk, K.M., S. G. Kumari, and D.-E. Lesemann. 2001. First Record of Pea enation mosaic virus Naturally Infecting Chickpea and Grasspea Crops in Syria. Plant Disease, 85(9): 1032.

73. Kumari, S.G., K.M. Makkouk, L. Katul and H.J. Vetten. 2001. Polyclonal Antibodies to the Bacterially Expressed Coat Protein of Faba Bean Necrotic Yellows Virus. Journal of Phytopathology 149:543-550.

74. Makkouk, K.M., S. G. Kumari, Z. Kadirova, and A. Zueva. 2001. First Record of Barley yellow striate mosaic virus and Cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV Infecting Wheat in Uzbekistan. Plant Disease, 85(10):1122.

75. Makkouk, K.M., A. Najar and S. Kumari. 2001. First record of Barley yellow dwarf and Cereal yellow dwarf viruses in Tunisia. Plant Pathology, 50 (6):806.

76. Makkouk, K.M., A. Najar and S. Kumari. 2001. Virus diseases and sources of resistance in cool season food legumes in the Mediterranean Region: a review. In: Abstracts of Contributions of the Symposium of LEGUMED, Grain Legumes in the Mediterranean Agriculture (faba bean and other grain legumes in today Mediterranean agriculture: biotic constraints and integrated regional strategy). 25-27 October, 2001, IAV Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco. Session No. 2.2.

77. El-Muadhidi, M.A., K.M. Makkouk, S.G. Kumari, M. Jerjess, S.S. Murad, R.R. Mustafa and F. Tarik. 2001. Survey for legume and cereal viruses in Iraq. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 40(3): 224-233.

78. Kumari, S.G., K. M. Makkouk and B. Bayaa. 2001. Pea Enation Mosaic Virus-1 Infecting Lentil in Syria, and Further Information on its Host range, Purification, Serology and Transmission Characteristics. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 19 (2): 65-72.

79. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 2001. In the fight against viruses, knowing the enemy is half the battle. ICARDA Caravan, Aleppo, Syria. Vol. 15: 43-44.

80. Makkouk, K.M., Y. Fazlali, S.G. Kumari and S.Farzadfar. 2002. First record of Beet western yellows, Chickpea chlorotic dwarf, Faba bean necrotic yellows and Soybean dwarf viruses affecting chickpea and lentil crops in Iran. Plant Pathology, 51(3): 387.

81. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and G. Jbara. 2002. Virus movement as a marker for resistance to Bean leaf roll virus and Faba bean necrotic yellows virus in lentil and faba bean genotypes. Page 34. Joint Conference of the International Working Groups on Legume Viruses and Vegetable viruses. 4-9 August, 2002, Bonn, Germany. 65 pp. Published in Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 2003, 110(1): 88.

82. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 2002. The use of regular paper as the solid phase in tissue-blot immunoassay for virus detection. Page 44. Joint Conference of the International Working Groups on Legume Viruses and Vegetable viruses. 4-9 August, 2002, Bonn, Germany. 65 pp. Published in Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 2003, 110(1): 94.

83. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari and J.A.G. van Leur. 2002. Screening and selection of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) germplasm resistant to Bean leafroll virus. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 53: 1077-1082.

84. Najar, A., K.M. Makkouk, S.G. Kumari, H. Boudhir et R. Zarrouk. 2002. Infections Virales sur les Feves et les Pois Chiches en Tunisie Durant les Annees 2000 et 2001. Proceedings du 2eme Seminaire du Reseau REMAFEVE/REMALA, “Le devenier des legumineuses Alimentaires dans Le Maghreb”, Hammamet, Tunisie, 2002. Edited by M. Kharrat, F. Abbad Andaloussi, M.E.H. Maatougui, M. Sadiki and W. Bertenbreiter. Page 87

85. Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 2002. Low-cost paper can be used in tissue-blot immunoassay for detection of cereal and legume viruses. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 41: 275-278.

86. Makkouk, K.M., A. Najar and S.G. Kumari. 2002. Virus diseases and sources of resistance in cool season food legumes in the Mediterranean Region: a review. Pages 75-81. In: Symposium Proceeding of LEGUMED: Grain Legumes in the Mediterranean Agriculture (faba bean and other grain legumes in today Mediterranean agriculture: biotic constraints and integrated regional strategy). 25-27 October, 2001, IAV Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco. 180 pp.

87. Kumari, S.G. and K.M. Makkouk. 2003. Differentiation among Bean leafroll virus susceptible and resistant lentil and faba bean genotypes on the basis of virus movement and multiplication. Journal of Phytopathology, 151: 19-25.

88. Kumari, S.G. and K.M. Makkouk. 2003. Differentiation among BLRV susceptible and resistant legume genotypes on the basis of virus movement and multiplication. 8th International Congress of Plant Pathology, 2-7 February, 2003, Christchurch, New Zealand, Volume 2-Offered papers. Page 205.

89. Najar, A., K.M. Makkouk and S.G. Kumari. 2003. Viral diseases of legume and cereal crops in Tunisia. 8th International Congress of Plant Pathology, 2-7 February, 2003, Christchurch, New Zealand, Volume 2-Offered papers. Page 309.

90. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari, N. Shahraeen, Y. Fazlali, Sh. Farzadfar, T. Ghotbi and A. Reza Mansouri. 2003. Identification and seasonal variation of viral diseases of chickpea and lentil in Iran. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 110(2): 157-169.

91. Makkouk, K.M., A.A. Hamed, M. Hussein and S.G. Kumari. 2003. First report of Faba bean necrotic yellows virus (FBNYV) infecting chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and faba bean (Vicia faba) crops in Sudan. Plant Pathology, 52(3): 412

92. Makkouk, K.M., L. Rizkallah, S.G. Kumari, M. Zaki and R. Abul Enein. 2003. First record of Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus (CpCDV) affecting faba bean (Vicia faba) crops in Egypt. Plant Pathology, 52(3): 413.

93. Najar, A., S.G. Kumari, K.M. Makkouk and A. Daaloul. 2003. A Survey of Viruses Affecting Faba Bean (Vicia faba) in Tunisia Includes First Record of Soybean dwarf virus. Plant Disease, 87(9): 1151.

94. Schwinghamer, M., M. Schilg, K. Moore, S. Kumari, M. Srivastava, K. Wratten, T. Knights, R. Bambach and R. Southwell. 2003. Virus situation in chickpea, faba bean and canol. Pages 25-25. In: 2003 National Farm Groups’ Manual-GRIST. O’Connell, L., Ed. Austrlian Grian, PO Box 766, Toowoomba, Qld., Australia, 140 pp.

95. Schwinghamer, M., M. Schilg, K. Moore, S. Kumari, M. Srivastava, K. Wratten, T. Knights, R. Bambach and R. Southwell. 2002. The virus situation in chickpea, faba bean and canola in New South Wales and Southern Wueensland. Pages 44-47. In: Update of Research in Progress at the Tamworth Agricultural Institute 2002. Agdex 100/005. Martin, R., Ed. NSW Agriculture. 222 pp.

96. Kumari, S.G. and K.M. Makkouk. 2003. Diagnostics for legume and cereal viruses at ICARDA. Joint Workshop on Molecular Diagnostics of Plant Pathogens, Lametia Terme, Italy, November 20-23, 2003. Page 32.

97. Kumari, S.G. and K.M. Makkouk. 2003. Occurrence and management of bean leafroll virus in food legume crops in West Asia and North Africa Region. 8th Arab Congress of Plant Protection, 12-16 October, 2003, El-Beida, Libya. Abstract Book, Page 56-E (English) and 58-A (Arabic).

98. Bayaa, B., K.M. Makkouk, S.G. Kumari and I. El-Ghariani (Editors). 2003. Abstract Book of Eight Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, El-Beida, Libya, 12-16 October, 2003. 143 Pages (English) & 149 Pages (Arabic).

99. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari, J.d’ A. Hughes, V. Muniyappa and N.K. Kulkarni. 2003. Other legumes: Faba bean, chickpea, lentil, pigeonpea, mungbean, blackgram, lima bean, horegram, bambara groundnut and winged bean. Pages 447-476. In: Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Major Crops in Developing Countries. G. Loebenstein and G. Thottappilly (editors). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 800 pages

100. Kumari, S.G., K.M. Makkouk, N. Attar, W. Ghulam and D.-E. Lesemann. 2004. First Report of Chickpea Chlorotic Dwarf Virus Infecting Spring Chickpea in Syria. Plant Disease, 88: 424.

101. Makkouk, K.M., S.G. Kumari, W. Ghulam and N. Attar. 2004. First Record of Barley yellow striate mosaic virus (BYSMV) Affecting Wheat Summer Nurseries and its Vector Laodelphax striatella (Fallen) in Syria. Plant Disease, 88: 83.

102. Van Leur, J., A. Freeman and S. Kumari. 2004. Faba bean viruses - Disease threat needs constant vigilance. GRDC's Ground Cover, February 2004, issue 48, GRDC RESEARCH CODE DAV411, program 3,

103. Ali, Mai Abdalla, S.G. Kumari, K.M. Makkouk and M.M. Hassan. 2004. Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus (CpCDV) Naturally Infects Phaseolus Bean and Other Wild Species in the Gezira Region of Sudan. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 22(1): 96.

104. Kayali, M., A. El-Ahmed, B. Debs, K.M. Makkouk, S. Asaad, S.G. Kumari and N. Attar. 2004. Production of Specific Antiserum to Xanthomonas translucens pv. undulosa the Causal Organism of Bacterial Stripe on Wheat in Syria. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 22(1): 72-76.

105. Kumari, S.G., K.M. Makkouk, J.A.G. van Leur, A. Sarker and S. Khalil. 2004. Research on resistance to viruses in cool season food legumes at ICARDA. Page 325. In: Conference Handbook of 5th European Conference on grain legumes. AEP 2004, Dijon, France, 7-11 June, 2004.

106. Kumari, S., K.M. Makkouk, J. van Leur and A. Freeman. 2004. ICARDA’s international collaboration and links to Australia in plant virology research. Page 74. In: Abstract book of 6th Australasian Plant Virology Workshop, Sea World Nara Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, August 30 – September 2, 2004. 92 Pages.

107. Parry, J.N., J.E. Thomas, E.K. Dann, M.W. Schwinghamer, S. Kumari and M.A. Schilg. 2004. Three novel mastreviruses from chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in Australia. Page 33. In: Abstract book of 6th Australasian Plant Virology Workshop, Sea World Nara Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, August 30 – September 2, 2004. 92 Pages.

108. Al-Menoufi, O., S. Kumari and A.Yahyaoui (Editors). 2004. Integrated Mangment of Orobanche and Viral Diseases of Faba bean. Proceedings of the Workshop held at El-Fayoum Governorate, Egypt, September 20-21, 2003. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, Aleppo, Syria, 71 Pages.

109. Kumari, S.G., B. Bayaa, K. Makkouk, M. Pala, A. Yahyaoui, W. Erskine, A. Sarker, A. Haddad and N. El-Hussein. 2004. Faba bean necrotic yellows virus and Orobanche Management at ICARDA and in West Asia and North Afria. Pages 36-45. In: Integrated Mangment of Orobanche and Viral Diseases of Faba bean. Proceedings of the Workshop held at El-Fayoum Governorate, Egypt, September 20-21, 2003. O. Al-Menoufi, S. Kumari and A.Yahyaoui (Editors). International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, Aleppo, Syria, 71 Pages.

110. El-Bouhssini, M., B. Parker, M. Skinner, W. Reid and S. Kumari (Editors). 2004. Abstracts Book of Second International Conference on Sunn Pest. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, July 19-22, 2004. International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, Aleppo, Syria, 74 Pages.

111. Mando, J.S., H.Z. Kawas, K.M. Makkouk and S.G. Kumari. 2004. Forage legume viruses in Syria: economic importance and seed transmission. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 22(2): 122-127.

112. Kumari, S.G., I. Muharram, R. El-Pasha, W.A. Al-Motwkel and A. Al-Ansi. 2005. First report of viruses that naturally infect alfalfa and fenugreek; and of Beet western yellows virus that infects legume crops in Yemen. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 23(1): 57.

113. Kumari, S.G. and K.M. Makkouk. 2005. Occurrence and management of Faba bean necrotic yellows virus in food legume crops. 15th Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, 26-29 September 2005. Page No. 303.

114. van Leur, A.G. and S.G. Kumari. 2005. Bean yellow mosaic virus studies in faba bean. 15th Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, 26-29 September 2005. Page No. 311.

115. Makkouk, K.M., R.A.C. Jones, F. Morales and S.G. Kumari. 2005. Management of viruses in food legumes. Page 29. In: Abstract book of 4th International Food Legumes Research Conference: Food legumes for Nutritional Security and Sustainable Agriculture, New Delhi, India, October 18-22, 2005. M.C. Kharkwal (Editor). 502 pp.

116. Bekele, B., S.G. Kumari, K. Ali, A. Yusuf, K.M. Makkouk, M. Aslake, M. Ayalew, G. Girma ad D. Hailu. 2005. Survey for viruses affecting legume crops in Amhara and Oromia Regions in Ethiopia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 44: (in press),

117. Kumari, S.G., K.M. Makkouk and N. Attar. 2005. An improved antiserum for sensitive serologic detection of Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus. Journal of Phytopathology 153: (in press).

118. Kumari, S.G., I. Muharram, K. M. Makkouk, R. El-Pasha, W. A. Al-Motwkel, A. Al-Ansi, A. Haj Kassem. 2005. Identification of viral diseases affecting barley and bread wheat crops in Yemen. Plant Disease and Protection (Germany), submitted.