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« World Journal of Agricultural Sciences »
Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Mostafa Aboul-Enein

Ahmed Mahmoud Mostafa Aboul-Enein
Date of Birth  : Dec. 16, 1945
Place of Birth : Sharkia, Egypt
Nationality    :
Marital Status : Married, 3 childern

Present Position : Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Specialization :

Biochemistry, Natural products bioassay, toxicology and molecular biology


Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

Telefax : (202) 7742600
Home    : El Nadi Str. 32, Nasr El Din Harram, Giza, Egypt,
Tel     : (202) 7499319, Mobile 010615112


June 1986 – Present: Professor, Biochemistry Department,
Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

June 1981 – May 1985: Associate Professor, Biochemistry
Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

June 1976 – May 1981: Assistant Professor, Biochemistry Department, Fac. of Agric. Cairo University, Egypt

June 1972 – May 1976: Lecturer Assistant, Biochemistry Department, Fac. of Agric., Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

Sept. 1967 – May 1972: Demonstrator, Biochemistry Department,
Fac. Agric., Cairo University


(Under-graduate courses) Most of the chemistry courses (organic, analytical, general biochemistry, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids,

(Post-graduate courses) Advanced biochemistry, Biological
changes,Metabolism, Nucleic acids chemistry, Molecular Biology, Metabolic Regulation and chemical Toxicology)


The previuos courses were teached in Faculties of Agriculture (Cairo
University, Giza and Fayum as well as Minia University, Egypt) and Faculty Medical Technology, University of Trypolli, Libia)


1- (Oct. 1982-Jan. 1983): Postdoctorate fellow World Bank), Biochemistry and Nutrition Department, Maryland University, USA

2- (Oct. 1985 – Dec. 1987): Research Visitor fellow, Max-Planck Institute for Radiation Chemistry, (Radiation Biology), Mulheim a.d. Rhur, West Germany


In M.S. study the meat proteins of Egyptian poultry was analyzed for their amino acid contents and electrophoretic separation of soluble proteins. The analysis included the different organs of each poultry

For Ph.D research, different tumor cells were transplanted into mice, then the carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism were studied at different periods of tumor growth. The analysis of different chemical compounds and enzymes activities was proceeded in different organs blood, liver and spleen) as well as in tumor cells.

After the Ph.D study until now several research studies were done on the different subjects of biochemistry, natural products and chemical toxicology. The effect of plant extracts and their active principles as hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic and anticancers was studied.

The effect of irradiation and chemical drugs and insicticides on the metabolic consequences and nucleic acids was also evaluated.

During that period about 40 M.Sc. and 27 Ph.D thesis were done under my supervision on the area of biochemistry, molecular biology biotechnology, medical sciences and environmental toxicology.

A lot of research work have been done in the area of natural products , extracts and compounds as antioxidants, antimutagens and anticancers. The mode of action of the effect was evaluated at the biochemical and molecular levels.


Participation in several scientific meetings, workshops and conferences, local and abroad. (Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Gaza- Palastien, Germany and Turkay.
( 9 Training coarses, 15 workshops and 27 Meeting and Conferences)


More than 75 published papers in local and international Journals (see attached)


1- The Egyptian Society of Chemistry
2- The Egyptian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
3- The Egyptian Society of Toxicology
4- The Society of Environment Protection (Youth Researchers)
5- Pan African Environmental Mutagen Society (PAEMS)


1- Scientific Consultant of Interfarm Medical Compan

2- Scientific Advisor of Protein Engineering Program,    Mobark City for Scientific and Applied Technology (Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology)

Member in different committees of scientific equipment, laboratory requirments, foreign affairs in the faculty and university.

4- Member of Scientific Committee for associate professors evaluation in Egypt and Arab countries

5- Member of Scientific Committee for professors promotion and evaluation in biochemistry (Egypt).

Member of Scientific Committee for associate professors and professors in biological and medical sciences, Radiation Research and Technology Institute, Atomic Agency, Cairo, Egypt.

Member of Committee evaluation for associate professors and professors in Drug Research and Control Agency, Cairo Egypt. and in agricultural biochemistry, nutritional and pharmacological sciences (Saudi Arabia universities).


1- Electrophoretic analysis of poultry muscle proteins. Youssef, A.M.; El-Nakkadi, A.M. and Aboul-Enein, A.M. Alexandria J. Agric. Res., 22(2): 195-203, (1974)

2- Amino acid composition of Egyptian poultry muscles. Youssef, A.M.; El-Nakkadi, A.M. and Aboul-Enein, A.M. Pakistan J. Sci., 27 Nos. 1-7: 37, (1975)

3- Disturbances in lipid metabolism in non-immunized versus immunized tumor bearing mice. Aboul-Enein, M.I.; Youssef, A.M.; Osman, S.A. Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Attia, A.A. Arab J. Lab. Med., 2(2): 93 (1976)

4- Biochemical changes in the tumor cells of Ehrlich Ascites and Sarcoma 180. Osman, S.A.; Aboul-Enein, M.I.: Aboul-Enein, A.M. Youssef, A.M. and Attia, A.A. Arab J. Lab. Med., 2(20: 33, (1977)

5- Absorption and distribution of 7-I131 Iodocholesterol in tissues of normal and hypercholesterolemic rats. Osman, S.A. and Aboul-Enein, A.M. Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ., XXVIII: 339, (1977)

6- The changes in fatty acids composition of blood and tissues of rats as influenced by induced hypercholesterolemia. Osman, S.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Farag, R.S. and Ibrahim, A. Arab J. Lab. Med. 2(3): 21, (1978)

7- The effect of repeated doses of Phosvel and Dimethoate on blood enzyme activities and blood protein patterns of rats. Osman, S.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Afifi, M.A. Salem, H.M. Arab J. Lab. Med. 2(4): 11, (1978)

8- The effect of induced hypercholesterolemia on blood and tissue lipids of rats. Osman, S.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Ibrahim, A. and Salem, H.M. Arab J. Lab. Med. 3(2): 34 (1979)

9- Studies on the effect of the administration of single dose of Phosvel in serum GOT, GPT, Choline esterase and alkaline phosphatase activities in rats. Osman, S.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Ibrahim, A. and Salem, H.M., Arab J. Lab. Med., 3(4): 41, (1979)

10- Dynamic changes in hexophosphate contents and the rate of glycolysis in rate liver ytoplasm duing carcinogensis. Abd El-Rahim, E.A. and Aboul-Enein, A.M., Bull. Fac. Agric. Ain Shams Univ.1284, May (1980)

11- Chemical analysis of Egyptian onion and garlic. Youssef, A.M.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Osman S.A. and Hewedi, F.M. Pev. Bull. Fac. Agric. Ain Shams Univ., 1968, March (1980)

12- The effect of certain herbicides and Indol Acetic Acid (IAA) on growth and crude protein content of certain Actinomucor repens and Rhizopus cohnii. Ghali, Y.S.; Abdel-Baky, A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Habib, M.W. First Conference, Plant Protection Research Institute, Dec. 13-15, (1980) Egypt

13- The effect of certain herbicides and IAA on the major chemical constituents of Actinomucor repens. Ghali, Y.S.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Abdel-Baky, A. and Habib, M.W. First Conference, Plant Protection Research Institute, Dec. 13-15, (1980) Egypt

14- Chemical studies on the unsaponifiable matter of cotton seed and peanut oils infected by Aspergillus flavus. Farag, R.S. Khalil, F.A.; Taha, R.A. Aboul-Enein, A.M. Grasas Y Acites, Spain, 32:Fasc. 2, (1981)

17- Effect of certain herbicides and IAA on the major chemical constituents of Rhizopus cohnii. Ghali, Y.S.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Abdel-Baky, A. and Habib, M.W. The first National Congress of Biochemistry , March (1981), Egypt

18- Chemical analysis of Egyptian onion and garlic (II-Hypoglycemic extracts). Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Youssef, A.M. and Hewedi, F.M. The First National Congress of Biochemistry, March, (1981), Egypt

19- Hypoglycemic effect of petroleum ether and ethyl alcohol extracts of Egyptian onion and garlic. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Youssef, A.M; Osman, S.A. and Hewedi, F.M. The first National Congress of Biochemistry, March, (1981), Egypt

20- Antibacterial effect of honey on certain microorganisms involved in dental caries and periodontal disease. El Gally, K.A.; El-Motayam, K.; Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Mitkees, F. Den. Med. J. Egypt, 9(3): 12, (1982)

21- Studies on protein metabolism during growth of certain tumor in non-immunizes and immunized mice. Aboul-Enein, M.I.; Youssef, A.M.; Osman, S.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Attia, A.A. The Egyptian Journal of oncology, 2(1):9, Nov. (1982)

22- Effect of Inisitol Hexanicotinate as antilipemic agent on normal and hypercholesterolemic rabbits. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Salem, H.M.; and Abdel-Laif M.S. Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ. Vol. XXXIV: 1047, (1983)

23- Biochemical studies on normal and irradiated tomato fruits. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Sharabash, M.T and Zahran M.M. Annals. Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, Vol. 20: 81, (1983)

24- The hypoglycemic effect of B-Pyridoxyl Carbinol (Ronicol). Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Salem, H.M. and Abdel-Latif, M.S. Annals. Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, Vol. 20: 93, (1983)

25- The effect of gamma irradiation on mango volatiles during ripening. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Salem, H.M. and Zahran, M.M. Chem. Mikrobiol. Technol. Lebensm. 8: 0-63, (1983), Germany

26- The role of nicotinic acid and Inositol Hexanicotinate as anticholesterolemic and antilipemic agents. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Salem, H.M. and Abdel-Latif, M.S. Nutrition Reports International, 28(4): 899-901, (1983), USA

27- The effect of Egyptian onion extracts as hypocholesterolemic and hypolipemic agents in experimental animals. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Abd El-Rahim, E.A.; Youssef, A.M. and Afifi, A.S. Chem. Mikrobiol. Technol. Lebensm

28- Effect of onion extracts on liver-lipid constituents and dehydrogenases of normal and Triton- induced hypercholesterolemic mice. Abd El-Rahim, E.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Youssef, A.M. and Afifi, A.S. The First Arab Conference of Medicinal Plants, Nov. 17-21, (1984) Cairo, Egypt

29- Effect of nutrient solutions, carbon sources,culture, age and volume on growth and nitrogen fixation of local and imported strains of Nostoc and Anabeana El-Baz, F.K.; Youssef, A.M.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; El-Fouly, M.M. and Salama, Z.A. Bull. Egyptian Soc. Physiol. Sci., 32:543, (1984)

30- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase of chicken erythrocytes: Purification, properties and kinetic studies. Abd El-Rahim, E.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Osman, M.A. Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ., Vol. 35(3): 187, (1984)

31- Stimulating effect of sublethal doses of herbicides on fungi used for single cell protein production Ghali, Y.S.; Abdel-Baky, A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Habib, M.W. Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ., Vol. 35(3):1605, (1984)

32- Changes of volatiles in tomato juices induced by gamma irradiation of the fruits. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; El-Sharabash and Zahran, M.M. Mikrob. Technol. Lebens. (CMTL), 9: 112-116, (1985)

33- The effect of gamma irradiation on ripening and chemical constituents of mango fruits. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Abd El-Rahim and Zahran, M.M. Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ., 36(1): 67-68 (1985)

34- Studies on the hypocholesterolemic activity of Egyptian garlic: I-Effect on plasma lipids of normal and Triton induced hypercholesterolemic mice. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Abd El-Rahim, E.A. and Afifi, A.S. The Second National Congress of Biochemistry, March (1985), Egypt

35- Studies on the hypocholesterolemic activity of Egyptian garlic: II-Effect on liver glycogen, lipid fraction and lipogenesis dehydrogenases. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Abd El-Rahim, E.A. and Afifi, A.S. The Second National Congress of Biochemistry, March, (1985), Egypt

36- The microbial metabolism & co-metabolism of Chlornitrofen (CNP).
Tewfik, M.S.; Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Habib, M.W. The Second National Congress of Biochemistry, March, (1985), Egypt

37- The microbial transformation of Chlomethoxynil (X-52) Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Tewfik, M.S. and Habib, M.W. The Second National Congress of Biochemistry, March, (1985), Egypt

38- Co-metabolism of Oxyfluorfen by soil microorganisms. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Tewfic, M.S. and Habib, M.W. The Second National Congress of Biochemistry, March, (1985), Egypt

39- The effect of Triton WR-1339 on lipid metabolism in mice. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Abd El-Rahim, E.A.; Youssef, A.M. and Afifi, A.S. Fette Seifen Arstrichmittel, 88(6):226-237, (1986), Germany

40- The Anti-tumor effect of soybean trypsin inhibitor on Ehrlich Ascites tumor as well as its role in prevention tumor dissimination.
Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Aboul-Enein, M.I.; Hindawi, D.S. and Khorshid, A.M. J. Egypt. Natl. Cancer Inst. 9(4); 473-483, (1986)

41- Inhibition of tumor growth with possible immunity by Egyptian garlic extracts. Aboul-Enein, A.M. Die Nahrung, 30(2), 161-169, (1986), Germany

42- Improving efficiency of bacterial alpha-amylase during desizing of textiles. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Abdel-Azize, R.M.; Youssef, A.M. and Dawood, M.A. Egypt. J. Nutr. Sci., 15(1): 1-7, (1987)

43- Biological deactivation and single-strand breakage of plasmid DNA by photosensitization using Tris (2,2’bipyridyl) ruthenium(II) and peroxodisulphate. Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Schulte-Frohlinde, D. Photochem. Photobiol., 48(1): 27-34, (1988)

44- Interaction of ruthenium complexes with nucleic acids. DNA damage via photosensitized radical production. Tossi, A.; Gorner, H.; Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Schulte-Frohlinde, D. Free Rad. Res. Comms., 6(2-3): 171-173, (1989)

45- The antileukemic effect of willow plant extracts: An in-vitro study. Aboul-Enein, M.I.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Issa, S.I.; Abdel-Moean, N. and Abdel-Aziz. Egypt. J. Haematol., 16(3): 225-234, (1991)

46- Effect of Ru(bpy)3+3 on the biological activity of single-stranded DNA (ØX174) and double-stranded DNA (pBR322). Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Schulte-Frohlinde, D. Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ., VIII: 234- 244 (1991)

47- Carbohydrate metabolism during growth of Ehrlich Ascites tumor and Sarcoma 180 in non-immunized versus immunized mice. Aboul-Enein, M.I.; Youssef, A.M.; Osman, S.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Attia, M.A. J. Egypt. Natl. Cancer Inst. Vol. 5(3): 431-441, (1992)

48- Purification and enzymatic properties of a-galactosidase from Penicillium janthinellum. Elshafei, A.M.; Foda, M.S.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Afify, A.S. and Ali, N.H. Acta Biotechnol., 13(14): 351-359, (1993)

49- Study of the intracellular enzymes and nucleic acids in acute leukemias. Aboul-Enein, M.I.; Issa, S.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; El-Mahdy; Zahran, M.M.; El- Bayoumi, S.M.S and El-Guibaly, M. Egypt. J. Tumour Marker Oncol. 6(1): 15-20(1995)

50- Physiological studies on the formation of alpha-galactosidase by fungi. Foda, M.S.; Elshafei, A.M.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Afifi, A.S. and Ali, N.H. Chem. Mikrobiol. Technol. Lebensm., 17(1/2): 25-32, (1995)

51- Natural occurrence of Fumonosin B1 in Egyptian-markets corn. Amra, H.A.; Ragab, A.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M. and Mohamed, M.I. J. Union Arab Biol., Cairo, Vol. 4(B); 13-26, (1997)

52- A study of serum and cellular trace elements in acute and chronic leukemias. Aboul-Enein, M.I.; El-Demerdash; S.A.;Aboul-Enein, A.M.; El-Beddini, M.A.; El- Mokadem, M.; Ziada, K.M.; Aboul-Enein, K.M. and Emara, K.A. Egpt. J. Lab. Med. Vol. 9(3): 691-702, (1999)

53- The occurrence of fumonisin B1 in Egyptian-market corn: Screening, processing and toxicology. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Amra, H.A.; Ragab, A.A. and Mohamed, M.I. 9th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment (ISTA9), Sep.26-Oct.1, (1999), Pretoria, South Africa. (The First Symposium of Food Safety, Oct.9-11 ,2000, King Faisal Univ. Saudi Arabia).

54- The effects of some natural antitumors on the biochemical behaviour of neoplastic cells. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; El-Sharkawy, A. and Abou-Ella, F. Mutation Research (Abst.).483 (Suppl. 1) 5108 (07-77) 8th ICEM, Japan, Oct. 21-26, (2001)

55- Biochemical and histopathological studies on the effects Bacillus thuringiensis toxins on albino rats. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Farag, M.M.; El-Herrawie, M. and Tolba, H. The 6th National Conference of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dec. 25-27, (2002)
Cairo, Egypt.

56- Accumulation of antioxidant vitamins in Dunalieea Salina. El-Baz, F.K.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; El-Baroty, G.S.; Youssef, A.M. and Abdel-Baky, H.H. Online J. Biol. Sci., 2(4): 220-223, (2002)

57- Anticarcinogenic activity of algae extracts. El-Baz, F.K.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; El-Baroty, G.S. and Abdel-Baky, H.H. J. Med. Sci., :2(506), 243-251, (2002)

58- Antioxidant activity of algal extracts on lipid peroxidation. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; El-Baz, F.K.; El-Barotyy, G.S.; Youssef, A.M. and Abdel-Baky, H.H. J. Med. Sci. 3(1): 87-98, (2003)

59- The effect of willow leaf extracts on human leukemia cells in vitro. El-Shemy, H.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Aboul-Enein, M.I.; Issa, S.I. and Fujita, K. J. Biochem. and Molecular Biology, 36(4): 387-389, (2003)

60- Phytosiderophore release and superoxide dismutase activity as a tool for evaluation of zinc efficiency in Barly. Mohamed, A.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Salama, Z.A. and El-Baz, F.K. Egypt. J. Agric. Res. NRC: 1(2): 293-304, (2003)

61- A55 minute silver stain able to detect less than 1ng of bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Radawan, R.M.; Aboul-Enein, A.M.and El-Awady, M.M. The Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 21(2): 201-213, (2003)

62- Alteration in root exudates level during Fe-deficiency in two cacumber cultivars. El-Baz, F.K.; Mohamed, A.A.; Aboul-Enein, A.M and Salama, Z.A. Int. J. Agric. & Biol., 6(1): 45-48, (2004).

63- Effect of some antioxidants on nutritional status of elderly. Hassanin, E.A. ; Abdalla, E.S.; Aboul-Enein , A.M.; Abdel-Kader, M.Kh. and Anies, W.I. Bull. Nat. Nutr. Inst. Arab Reb.Egypt (special Issue, 3rd Conference of Nat.. Nutr. Instit. Nov. pp. 170-209, (2004).

64- Molecular changes on cancer cells as affected by willow extracts. Zahran, M.; Aboul-Enein, A. and F. Aboll-Ella. Res. J. Agric. & Biol. Sci. 1(3):284-287, (2005).

65- An additional mechanism for fumonisin B1 toxicity. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Zahran, M.M. and Mohamed, I.M. Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci. 9 (Nov.), (2005).

66- Fate of Fumonisin B1 during starch processing. Soher, E. Ahmed; Mohamed I. Mohamed; Ahmed M. Aboul-Enein, Awad A. Ragab and Hassan Amra. 2nd International Conference of the Food Technology and Nutrition Division on Future Trend in Food Science Nutrition, 27-29 Nov. pp 233-243, Egypt (2005).

67- Cloning of human insulin gene into yeast. Aboul-Enein, A.M.; Dewany, A.I.; Bakry, A. and El-Gamal, A. 2nd Intenational Conference of Pharmaceutical & Drug Industries Division, NRC, " Applied Research for Drug Industry", 7-9 March, 2005, Egypt.

68- Fermentative production of phytase and acid phosphatase from local isolate of bacillus sp. 48. Danial, E.N.; Abdel-Hadi, M.A. and Aboul-Enein, A.M. Egypt. J. Biotechnol. Vol. 21, Oct., 295-306, (2005).

Papers Under Publications

69- Production of fumonisin by Antibody from Rabbits for Mycotoxin Detection Aboul-nein, A.M; Amra, H. and Mohamed. M.I

70- The effect of food processing on fumonisins. Amra, H.; Aboul-Enein, A.M, and Mohamed, M.I

71- The mode of action of B-carotene as antitumor for EACC. Aboul- Ehein, A.M. and Abo-Ella, F.

72- The effect of diets and natural antioxioxidants on the effeciency of Immune system of rats. Aboul-Enein, A.M., Khalil, M. and Khadnour, S.

73- Biochemical changes on fish meat as affected by some herbal pesticides Aboul-Enein, A.M. El-Khatib, H and Mahdy, A.

74- The biological functions of some undigested soybean-short peptides. Aboul- Enein , A.M. and El-Sawy, K.

75- Lipid profile in elderly fed with different fish meats. Khalil,M; Aboul-Enein, A.M and Olowy, y.76- Biological evaluation and screening of antinutrional factors of some legumes. Aboul-Enein, A.M., Saeb, A.M. and Zein-ElDin, H.

77- The biochemical changes in experimental animals by administration with synthetic and normal food additives. Abouel-Enein, A.M., Abdel Halim,M.,E., and El-bbaz, R.

78- Molecular changes in rats exposed to some pesticides Aboul-Enein, A.M., Nagaub, A. and Abdel-Aziz ,M.

79- DNA damage in cancer cells by antioxidant-vitamins. Aboul-Enein , A.M., and Abo-Ella, F.

80- Calcium and vitamin A supplemention in some Egyptian diet preparations. Aboul-Enein A.M., Basuni, A., and Said,O.

81- Detection of urinary proteins as tumor markers for patients with
lymphomas Aboul-Enein ,A.M., Aboul-Enein, M.I. and Basiuny, N.