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Dr. Andrzej Aniol

Name : Andrzej Aniol

Plant Breeding & Acclimatization Institute,

Job Title:
Department Head (Plant Physiology & Biochemistry), Research Director

Address   : 05-870 Blonie, Poland
Telephone : (48) 22 7254711
Facsimile : (48) 22 7319617

Year of Birth : 1940
Gender        : Male
Nationality   : Polish

Details of Current Employment :

Start Date of Employment (year): 1975

Organization Type              : Government

Main Areas of Responsibility :

Formal education and other qualifications:
M.Sc. in agriculture Agricultural University , Poznan; D.Sc. and Ph.D in plant physiology & genetics Plant Breeding & Acclimatization Institute and Plant & Soil Institute, respectively.

This section allows you to specify your main expertise for contribution to the roster. Areas of expertise are organized under 8 broad subheadings as follows:

1. Data Management and Information Sharing
2. Institutional Development
3. Legislation and Regulation
4. Public Awareness and Participation
5. Research and Development
6. Risk Assessment and Risk Management
   (including specification of organisms and traits)
7. Social and Economic Sciences
8. Teaching and Training

Legislation and Regulation : Biosafety regulation

Public Awareness and Participation : Biotechnology research

Risk Assessment and Risk Management : Agriculture & Plant physiology

Organisms : (specify organisms for which you have expertise, indicating Genus and species where possible) Wheat, rye and triticale

Organism Traits : (specify organism traits for which you have expertise) : Marker genes

Social and Economic Sciences : Sustainable development & Informal teaching (e.g., workshop facilitation)

Employment History
Main Countries or Regions Worked: Poland, Sweden, Canada, U.S.A.

Previous Employer 1

Name of the Employer / Organization :
Plant & Soil Institute
Job Title : Research Associate
Duration of Time Employed : 1969-1975
Address : Osada Palacowa, Pulawy, Poland
Main Areas of Responsibility: Research on protein quality in cereals

Previous Employer 2
Name of the Employer / Organization : Plant Breeding Station Choryn
Job Title : Assistant
Duration of Time Employed : 1965-1968
Address : 64-005 Racot, Poland
Main Areas of Responsibility : Sprouting resistance breeding in rye and triticale

Previous Employer 3
Name of the Employer / Organization: Agricultural University,
Job Title : Assistant
Duration of Time Employed : 1963-1964
Address : 60-637 Poznan, ul.Wojska Polskiego 28
Main Areas of Responsibility : Alkaloid metabolism in lupine

Other Relevant Work Experience(e.g. volunteer work experience)


Plant breeding training, Svalov, Sweden 1966/67, sprouting in cereals

Post-doc position, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada 1977/78, aluminum toxicity in cereals

FEO Fellowship, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA, 1983 Al-toxicity/tolerance in cereals

ENEA, Cassacia, Italy, fellowship 1986, Al-toxicity in wheat.

Responsibilities: Genetic and physiological experiments with cereals tolerance to aluminium


Three most relevant publications:

1. A. Aniol. 1984.Induction of aluminum tolerance in wheat seedlings by low doses of aluminum in the nutrient solution. Plant Physiol. 75: 551-555.

2. A. Aniol, J.P. Gustafson. 1984.Chromosome location of genes controlling aluminum tolerance in wheat,rye and triticale. Can.J. Genet. Cytol. 26:701-705.

3. A.Aniol.1990. Genetics of tolerance to aluminum in wheat (T Triticum aestivumL.Thell.).Plant and Soil, 123:223-227.

List of publications
(please list complete citations of all peer-reviewed articles, books, book chapters, conference papers and other publications; you may send a file if the list is long)): The list of publications (below)

1. A. Aniol, T. Kazimierski, E. Nowacki. 1968: Further studies on a species hybrid Lupinus albus L. x L.jugoslavicus Kazim.et Now. Z. Pflanzenzuchtg. 59 : 317-326.

2. E.Nowacki, A.Aniol , W. Prus-Glowacki.1972 : Metody oznaczania , bialek wlasciwych w materiale roslinnym. Postepy Nauk Rolniczych. z.132 s.101-117.

3. E. Nowacki, A. Aniol, D. Bieber. 1972: An attempt to cross of Zea mays and Coix lacryma jobi and the serological relationships of these species. Bulletin de Academie polonaise des sciences. biologiques. CI. II.vol.XX no.10.s.695-698.

4. A. Aniol, E. Nowacki. 1973: Serological relationships in genus Hordeum. Genetica Polonica 14:255-267.G

5. A. Aniol. 1974. A serological investigation of wheat evolution. Z. pflanzenzuchtg.73:194-203.

6. A. Aniol. 1974. Is Triticum macha ssp. tubalicum var. subletschumicum an ancient triticale? Serological approach. Z. Pflanzenzuchtg. 72:226-232.

7. A. Aniol. 1976. Serological studies within the tribeTriticeae. IV. Serological affinity of species in the genus Aegilops. Genetica polonica. 17 : 113-122.

8. A. Aniol V. Serological affinity of species in the genus Secale . bid .s .123-131.

9. A. Aniol VI. Serological affinity of species in the genus Agropyron. ibid. s.334-342.

10. A. Aniol VII. Serological affinity within the genus Elymus. . bid. s.343-351.

11. A. Aniol .VIII. Serological affinity between genera.ibid.s.523-529.

12. A.Aniol.1975.Aktywnosc alfa-amylazy w dojrzewajacym ziarnie róznych odmian zyta w zaleznosci od niektórych czynników srodowiska.Pam.Pul.62 109-119.

13. A.Aniol.1975. Wplyw mieszanek herbicydów na zawartosc i sklad frakcji azotowych w ziarnie kilku odmian pszenicy jarej. Pam.Pul .62 : 169- 172.

14. A.Aniol A.Rudnicka.1975.Zmiany w skladzie frakcji azotowych w dojrzewajacym ziarnie zbóz.Pam.Pul.62:88-98.

15. A.Aniol.Th.Weznikas.1975. Wplyw nawozenia azotowego na sklad frakcji azotowych w dojrzewajacym z iarnie zbóz . Pam. Pu! .64 :45-54.

16. E.Nowacki.A.Aniol.1975. Protein and alkylorasorcinols in rye grain. Hod.Alim.Nas. 19: 609-616.

17. A.Aniol.1977.Metody serologiczne w fitochemii .Wiad.Bot. XXI. 17-28.

18. E.Nowacki,A.Aniol,A.Rudnicka.1979.Trigrneric hybrid of Triticum x Agropyron x Secale (TAS).Genet.Pol.20: 189-196.

19. A.Aniol.1977.Tolerancja roslin na niskie pH gleby .Postepy Nauk Rolniczych. 4:91-108.

20. A.Aniol,J.Kaczkowski.1979.Wheat tolerance to low 'pH and aluminum: comparative aspects.Cer.Res. Comm.7 : 113-122.

21. A.Aniol, R.D.Hill, E.N. Larter.1980.Aluminum tolerance of spring rye inbred lines. Crop Sci.20: 205-208.

22. A.Aniol.R.D.Hill.1980. The aluminum uptake by roots of triticale. Hod.Rosl.Nas.24 : 669- 676.

23. A.Aniol.1981.Aluminum and phosphorus content in wheat varieties of different tolerance to aluminum toxicity.Biul.IHAR.143 :15-19.

24. A.Aniol.1981.Metody okreslania tolerancyjnosci zbóz na toksyczne dzialanie jonów glinu.Biul.IHAR.143 : 3-14.

25. G.Niedziela,A.Aniol.1983. Subcellular distribution of aluminum in wheat roots. Acta Bioch.Pol.30:99-100.

26. A.Aniol.1983. Aluminum uptake by roots of two winter wheat cultivars of different tolerance to aluminum. , Biochem. Physiol. pflanzen. 178 : 11-20.

27. A. Aniol.1984. Introduction of aluminum tolerance into aluminum sensitive wheat cultivars. Z. .Pflanzenzuchtg.43:331-339.

28. A.Aniol.1984.Induction of aluminum tolerance in wheat seedlings by low doses of aluminum in the nutrient solution. Plant Physiol.75:551-555.

29. A. Aniol, J.P. Gustafson.1984.Chromosome location of genes controlling aluminum tolerance in wheat,rye and triticale. Can.J. Genet. Cytol. 26:701-705.

30. A.Aniol.1985.Tolerancyjnosc zbóz na toksyczne dzialanie jonów glinu. Biul. IHAR. 171/172 :215-221.

31. A. Aniol, T. Kazimierski, E. Nowacki, G. Waller. The biosynthesis and degradation of quinolizidine alkaloids in plants.IV Internationales symposium Biochemie und Physiologie der' Alkaloide. Halle/Salle 1969. Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Akademieverlag- Berlin, 481-491.

32. A.Aniol .A serological investigation of wheat evolution. Fourth International Wheat Genetics Symposium,Columbia Missouri,USA, 1973.59.

33. A. Aniol, E. Nowacki, A. Rudnicka. Zawartosc alkilowych pochodnych rezorcyny w zycie ,triticale i gatunkach pokrewnych. . Materialy XI Zjazdu polskiego Towarzystwa Biochemicznego, Bialystok, 1973.

34. E. Nowacki , A. Aniol . Th. Weznikas , H. Pskit . Zmiany skladu chemicznego i spadek jakosci materialu roslinnego jako paszy pod wplywem nawozenia azotowego. .Materialy ze zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Genetycznego, Lublin,1974.

35. A.Jaworski, A.Aniol , E.Nowacki. Badania nad dziedziczeniem indywidualnych bialek w miedzyodmianowych krzyzówkach grochu.

36. E. Nowacki, A. Aniol. Badania nad dziedziczeniem cech biochemcznych: bialka i "secondare pflanzenstoffe"

37. A. Aniol , A. Jaworski, E. Nowacki. Pokrewienstwa serologiczne w plemieniu Maydae i próby krzyzówek miedzyrodzajowych.

38. A. Aniol, G. Niedziela. The inheritance and mechanism of aluminum tolerance in wheat .Six Int.Wheat Genetics Symp. Kyoto, Japonia 1984.

39. A. Aniol. 1984. Breeding of triticale for aluminum tolerance. Third Eucarpia Triticale Meeting , Clermrmont-Ferrand ,-Francja.

40. Slaski J., A. Aniol. 1987. Effect of calmodulin inhibitors on aluminum toxicity in cereals. Acta Physiol. Plant. 9:13-23

41. A.Aniol.1989.Podstawy hodowli zbóz tolerancyjnych na niskie pH gleby. Biul.IHAR,171/172,215-221.

42. A.Aniol.1990. Genetics of tolerance to aluminum in wheat (Triticum aestivumL.Thell.).Plant and Soil,123:223-227.

43. A.Aniol,Gustafson, J.P.1990.Genetics of tolerance in agronomic plants. W "Heavy Meta1 Tolerance in Plants" A.J.1 Shaw,ed.,CRC Press,Boca Raton,USA, 255-267.

44. A.Aniol.1991. Genetics of acid tolerant plants. W "Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH" R.J.Wright et al.ed.,Kluwer . Academic Publ. 1007-1017 .

45. A.Aniol. 1985.Possible role of proteins in the mechanism of aluminum tolerance in wheat.Special FEBS Meeting"Metal Ions,Proteins and Membranes", Algavre, Portugalia.

46. A.Aniol.1986..Inheritance of aluminum tolerance in triticale and parental species. Int. Tritcale Symp.,Sydney,Australia..

47. A.Aniol .1986.Genetics of aluminum tolerance in cereals.Third Int. Symp. "Genetic Aspects of Plant Mineral Nutrition" , Braunschweig , Niemcy .

48. A.Aniol.1988.Postep hodowlany waznym czynnikiem w produkcji zdrowej zywnosci. W "Problemy rolnictwa ekologicznego w aspekcie maksymalizacji produkcji zdrowej zywnosci" ,Materialy z Konferencji SITR, Gorzów Wlkp.

49. A.Aniol.1990.Genetics of acid tolerant plants. Second Int. Symp. "Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH", Beckley,USA.

50. A. Aniol. Aluminium uptake by roots of rye seedlings of differing tolerance to aluminium toxicity. Euphytica, 92:155-162, 1996

51. A. Aniol, L. Madej. Genetic variation for aluminium tolerance in rye. Vortrage fur Pflanzenzuchung.35:201-211,1996.

52. A. Aniol. Crop Adaptation to Environmental Stress: The Implications for Plant Breeding. European Commission: Agriculture COST 814-II, str.15-22, 1997.

53. A. Aniol. The inheritance of aluminium stress response in rye (Secale cereale L) inbred lines. W ksiazce pod redakcja T. Ando i inni „ Plant Nutrition for Sustainable Food Production and Environment” str. 453-454, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1997.

54. A. Aniol. Current Procedures for Applying Risk Assessment in Genetically Modified Crops. W ksiazce “ Use of Agriculturally Important Genes in Biotechnology” pod red. Geza Harazdina, NATO Science Series vol.319, str.160-170, 2000r.

55. A.Aniol. 1997. The aluminium tolerance in wheat. Proceedings of the International Conference: Plant Breeding: Theories, Achievements and Problems. Dotnuva, Litauenia 14-16 July 1997, pp 14-22.

56. K.M. Swiezynski, A.Aniol.2001. Problem dostosowania w Polsce Hodowli roslin i nasiennictwa oraz ich naukowego zaplecza do wymogów gospodarki rynkowej. Postepy Nauk Rolniczych. 1/289, str.87-96.

57. A.Aniol.1998. Crop Adaptation to Environmental Stress: the implications for plant breeding.Proc. of thee Workshop “Crop Development for the cool and wet regions of Europe- COST 814_II” . P.Sowninski, B.Zagdanska, A. Aniol and K.Pithan (Eds.) EUR 1715, str.15-22.

58. A.Aniol. 1999. Ocena i minimalizacja ryzyka stosowania genetycznie modyfikowanych organizmów. W materialach z II warsztatów organizowanych w ramach projektu GF 1200-98-94 „Przygotowanie Krajowego programu Bezpieczenstwa Biologicznego”, Radzików, str.43-53.

59. A.Aniol. 1997. The resistance of root apical meristem to aluminium injury as a criterion of Al-tolerance in cereals. Int. Symp. On Plant Response to Ionic Stress: Aluminium and other Ions. Kurashiki, Japan, str.18-19.

60. A. Aniol. 2001. Genetic variation, development and availability of useful germplasm for crop improvement.Plant Breeding and Seed Science, v.45 pp33-43.

61. A.Aniol.2004. Chromosomal location of aluminium tolerancje genes In rye. Plant Breeding.v.123.pp132-136.

62. G.Brookes, A. Aniol.2005. The farm level impact of using GM agronomic traits in Polish arable crops. Biotechnologia,1(68) pp 7-46.


1. Biotechnologia Roslin.(Plant Biotechnology) S. Malepszy (Ed.) PWN, Warszawa, 2001. ( 2 chapters)

2. "Gospodarka azotowa roslin uprawnych" .E.Nowacki.(Ed.) PWRiL,Warszawa, 1980, pp.30-81oraz 267- 295.

3. E. Nowacki, A.Aniol. "Nowe oblicze biologii" Nasza Ksiegarnia, Warszawa,1976.

4. A.Aniol."Laboratorium przyrody" ,Nasza Ksiegarnia, Warszawa, 1984.

Awards and Memberships
Scientific awards, professional societies, honorary memberships, and membership in advisory committees/panels:

Full professor title granted by the President of the Republic of Poland, 1993.

Elected member of the Plant Physiology,Genetics and Breeding Committee of the Polish Academy of Science, since 1990, as a Chairman from 1998

Chairmen of GMO Commission at Ministry of Environment since 2001

Member of a Plant Science panel under State Committee of Research, For a second term

Fellow of a Polonia Restituta Cross awarded by Presidant of the Polish Republic, 2001.

Knowledge of Languages

Mother Tongue : Polish
Speak well    : English
Read well     : English
Write well    : English


Reference 1: Dr.J.Perry Gustafson, USDA-ARS, Plant Genetics Research Unit 206 Curtis Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia Mo 65211 U.S.A.

Reference 2: Dr. Hideaki Matsumoto, Research Institute for Bioresources, Okayama University, 2-20-1, Cuou, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0046, Japan

Reference 3: Dr. Lajos Bona, Cereal Research Non-Profit Co. 6701 Szeged, P.O. Box 391, Hungary