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Dr. Walid A. Kaakeh

Personal Information:

Date of Birth        : August 5, 1958
Place of Birth       : Aleppo, Syria.
Marital Status       : Married
Number of Dependents : Three
Languages            : Arabic and English.

Current Work Address :
Department of Arid land Agriculture,
College of Food Systems, United Arab Emirates University,
P.O. Box 17555, Al-Ain, UAE

Tel    : 971- 3-7133356
FAX    : 971-3-7632384

Permanent Home Address :

807 Cumberland Avenue, West Lafayette, Indiana 47906
(United States of America)
Tel: 001-765-463-6074


Ph.D. in Entomology (College of Agriculture)

Date       : 1989
University : Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
             (VPI & SU), Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
             (Advisor: Dr. Douglas Pfeiffer).
Dissertation Title : The effect of spirea aphid
(Homoptera: Aphididae) feeding and nitrogen fertilization on the growth of young apple trees, with comparison to apple aphid. Abstract International (B) 50: 3824 (1989), 184p.

M.S. in Entomology (College of Agriculture)
Date       : 1986
University : West Virginia University (WVU), Morgantown,
             West Virginia, USA
             (Advisor: Dr. Henry Hogmire).
Thesis Title : The biology and chemical control of green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphididae), on peach in West Virginia. 132p.

B.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences
Date       : 1981
University : Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University, Syria
Major      : Agriculture (General; Plant Protection and Production,
             and Animal Science).

Research Specialization and Area of Interest:

Development of integrated pest management programs (IPM) for fruit and nut pests (mainly on peach, apple, pecan, and date palm).

Development of IPM programs for urban and industrial pests (cockroaches and termites) in residences and historical buildings.

Development of a management program for soil pesticides in the UAE subsurface environment.

Development of an educational program on the safe use of pesticides.

Conducting research projects in the area of insect behavior, insect-plant interaction, insect and plant resistance, and biological control.

Research, Teaching, and Extension Work Experience:

Associate Professor - 5/2000 to Present. Department of Arid land Agriculture (previously Dept. of Plant Production), College of Food Systems (previously College of Agricultural Sciences), P. O. Box 17555, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, UAE.

Promotion documents for the rank of Associate Professor were submitted on November 1999; promotion granted on May 2nd, 2000.

Research responsibilities:

To develop and implement integrated pest management (IPM) programs for economic insects in UAE. Major projects being conducted:

IPM for the red palm weevil on date palm

IPM for the subterranean termites in residences and historical buildings.

Survey of insects in UAE.

Development of a management program for soil pesticides in UAE.

Teaching responsibilities:

Courses taught:

Integrated Pest Management (English)

Economic Entomology (Arabic)

Pesticides (English)

Principles of Plant Protection (Arabic & English)

Food Security in the Arab World (Arabic)

Weed Science (Arabic)

Agricultural Waste Management (English – Graduate Level)

Pesticides Pollution and Toxicity (English – Graduate Level)

Service Responsibilities:

to participate in all IPM field activities of major pests including workshops, short courses, and symposium.

to develop an educational and awareness program on the safe use of pesticides.

to work closely with all governmental agencies and schools when requested.

to participate in various governmental committees when requested.

to publish extension document of research results for major commodities in UAE.

Assistant Professor - 9/1997 to 5/2000. Department of Plant Production, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University. Major research, teaching, and extension responsibilities are listed above at the rank of Associate Professor.

Manager of Sponsored Product Research - 5/1993 to 8/1997. Center for Urban & Industrial Pest Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana (USA).

Research Responsibilities:

to independently provide leadership in planning, organizing, and implementing insecticide efficacy research projects for the urban entomology program at the Center,

to plan, design, implement and analyze toxicity studies and insecticide efficacy trials;

to develop innovative bioassay procedures for insect growth regulators and entomopathogenic fungi studies,

to actively secure new sources of funding, promote projects, and coordinate research interactions with corporate sponsors (pesticide manufacturers) and universities,

to supervise all aspects of research personnel,

to cooperate with municipal Housing Authority to secure cockroach field study sites,

to draft protocols/proposals, submit budgets, and write concise technical reports and other documents of research results,

to develop publications from research results for scientific journals, insecticide testing reports, trade journals, and

to communicate research results and exchange of information in oral presentations to the entomological research community.

Extension Responsibilities:

to participate in the Annual Pest Control Conference.

to provide current research results to pest control operators in Indiana.

to publish research articles in technical and trade journals.

to present research results at various Indiana associations (pest control and vector control associations).

Post-Doctoral Research Associate5/1990 to 5/1993. Department of Entomology, Coastal Plain Exp. Station., University of Georgia, Tifton, Georgia.

Research Responsibility:

Plan, design, and implement field, greenhouse, and laboratory research projects to determine the impact of red imported fire ant, aphidophagous insects, cover crops, and insecticides on a complex of pecan aphids.

   Conduct research projects on:

foraging of fire ants and identifying natural lethal products in cover crops for ant control,

estimation of life parameters and probing behavior of pecan aphids on pecan, and cowpea and pea aphids on cover crops,

interactions of predatory coccinellids with pecan, cowpea, and pea aphids, impact of late season pecan aphid population on yield, quality, foliage retention, and return bloom of pecan varieties, and

susceptibility of pecan cultivars to pecan aphids.

Extension Responsibility:

to participate in IPM field activities (e.g., Training Summer Tour and Field Day, and Pecan Pest Management Scout School)..

to provide current research results to farms in Georgia.

to publish research articles in trade and technical journals.

Post Doctoral Research Associate
5/1989 to 5/1990. Dept. of Entomology, VPI & SU.

Research Responsibilities:

To participate in a research program on Low Input Pest Management on apple, this included:

the effect of ground cover modification and mating disruption of leafrollers and codling moth on arthropod community structure, and

development and implementation of monitoring and control strategies for controlling fruit pests.

Extension Responsibility:

to participate in IPM field activities.
to provide current research results to farms in Virginia.

Research and Teaching Assistant - 6/1986 to 6/1989. Dept. of Entomology, VPI & SU.

Research Responsibility:

Doctoral research to investigate the effect of spirea aphid and nitrogen fertilization on the growth of young apple trees, with comparisons to apple aphid. The objectives were:

to determine the population abundance of aphids at different nitrogen rates, and to determine the effects of aphids on plant physiological and morphological characters (chlorophyll, photosynthesis, and continuity of the phloem), growth, dry matter accumulation, and carbohydrate concentration of apple trees.

Teaching Responsibility (Sept. 1987-April 1988):

to prepare and maintain all teaching collections for a number of course.

to prepare and deliver lectures for a senior level undergraduate course in Forest Entomology. Maintained teaching collections, wrote and graded quizzes and exams, and evaluated students.

Insect Taxonomist - 10/85 to 2/86. Department of Forestry, West Virginia University. Involved in project to determine the effects of Dimilin application on insect, bird and small mammal productions in Sleepy Creek Hunting and Fishing Area at Berkely Springs in WV..

Grants, Research Funding, Research Proposals and Projects

UAE University (September 1997-present):

Currently Funded Research Project:

Title: A Pesticide Application in Vegetable Production and Subsequent Pesticide Resistance and Residue Problems in Oman and UAE.

Type of Research :
Cooperative interdisciplinary research.
Type of Funding  : Internal and External.
Sponsor: UAE University in UAE and Sultan Qaboos University in Oman.
Investigation : Principal Investigator (UAE Team).
Period        : 2004-2006.
Amount of Funding : 130,000 AED.

Submitted Research Proposals:

Continuous communications are being made with sponsoring agencies
to obtain the necessary funds

Title: Pesticide resistance and residue problems in Omani and UAE Vegetable Production, Phase II: Solution through rapid and molecular detection techniques and farmers awareness.

Type of Research :
Cooperative interdisciplinary research.
Type of Funding  : Internal and External.
Sponsor          : UAE and Sultan Qaboos University.
Investigation    : Principal Investigator (UAEU Team).
Period           : 3 years.
Amount of Fund Requested: 290,750.00 AED.

Title: The Development of an Educational and Awareness Program on the Safe Use of Pesticides.

Type of Funding : External.
Submitted To    : Environmental Research and Wildlife Development
                  Agency, Abu-Dhabi, UAE.
Period          : 18 months.
Investigation   : Principal Investigator.
Amount of Fund Requested : 188,000 AED.

Title: Evaluation of an Injector and Several Systemic Insecticides for the Control of the Red Palm Weevil.

Type of Funding : External.
Submitted To    : Syngenta Co. (Switzerland).
Period          : 12 months.
Investigation   : Principal Investigator.
Amount of Fund Requested : 69,000 AED.

Title: Agricultural Pests Survey in Abu-Dhabi Emirate: An Integral Part of Integrated Pest Management Programs.

Type of Funding :
Submitted To    : Local and Federal Governmental Agencies in the UAE
Period          : 2-3 years.
Investigation   : Principal Investigator.
Amount of Fund Requested: 456,000 AED.

Completed Projects Using Internal and External Funds:

Title: Extension Needs for Plant Protection Workers and Supervisors.

Type of Research     :
Type of Funding      : Internal.
Sponsor              : UAE University Research Council.
Investigation        : Co-Investigator.
Period               : 2003-2004.
Amount of Funding    : 10,000 AED.
Refereed Publication : One.

Title: Evaluation of Confidor Systemic Insecticide for the control of red palm weevil: Laboratory and Field Evaluation.

Type of Research       : Individual.
Type of Funding        : External.
Sponsor                : Bayer Middle East AgriPest Co.
                         (a representative of Buyer Co.).
Investigation          : Principal Investigator.
Period                 : 2001-2002.
Amount of Funding      : 45,000 AED.
Refereed Publication(s): One.

Title: Survey, distribution of foraging populations in urban settings, and response of subterranean termites to treated woods and baits.

Type of Research       :
Type of Funding        : Internal.
Sponsor                : UAE University Research Council.
Investigation          : Principal Investigator.
Period                 : 1999-2001.
Date of Funding        : March 1999.
Amount of Funding      : 12,000 AED.
Refereed Publication(s): Three.

Title: The Fate of Pesticides in the UAE Subsurface Environment.

Type of Research       : Cooperative interdisciplinary research.
Type of Funding        : Internal.
Sponsor                : UAE University Research Council.
Investigation          : Co-Investigator.
Period                 : 1998-2002.
Date of Funding        : March 1998.
Amount of Funding      : 205,000 AED.
Refereed Publication(s): One.

Title: Control of the Red Palm Weevil on Date Palm.

Type of Research       :
Type of Funding        : Internal and External.
Sponsor                : UAE University Research Council and the
                         Dept. of Agriculture & Livestock in Al-Ain.

Investigation          :

Principal Investigator for the following projects:

Developmental of a pheromone-based trapping system for the red palm weevil.

Mass rearing of the date palm weevil on artificial diets for laboratory studies.

Life cycle of the red palm weevil.
Co-Investigator for the following projects:

Survey of the red palm weevil infestations in Al-Ain area.
Period                 : 1997-2001.
Date of Funding        : September 19979.
Amount of Funding      : 480,000 AED.
Refereed Publication(s): Five (5)

Purdue University, Indiana, USA (1993 – 1997):

Research Product :
Sixty (60) laboratory and field research projects on the biology and integrated management of German and American cockroaches.

Type of Research       :
Type of Funding        : External (gifts, contract & res. grants).

Sponsor                :
20 international chemical and pesticide manufacturing companies to support fundamental research at the Center for Urban & Industrial Pest Management.

Investigation           : Principal Investigator
Period                  : 1993-1997.
Amount of Funding       : Over 400,000 USD.
Refereed Publication(s) : Fifteen (15) + 60 Reports.

University of Georgia, Georgia, USA (1992):

Title: study the interaction of pecan aphids, red imported fire ants, and predators on warm and cool season’s cover crops.

Type of Research        : Individual.
Type of Funding         : External.
Sponsor                 : USDA (USA)
Investigation           : Co-Investigator
Period                  : 1992-1993.
Amount of Funding       : 82,000 USD.
Refereed Publication(s) : Three.

Membership in Professional Societies:

1. Entomological Society of America.
2. Arab Society for Plant Protection.
3. Friends of Palm Society.

Research Patent:

Purdue University (Indiana, USA) filled U.S. patent application in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: Purdue Ref. No.: P-97059.00 US, U.S. Serial No.: 09/213,164

One research article from the content of this Patent was published:

Al-Ali, F, W. Kaakeh, G. W. Bennett & J. L. McLaughlin. 1998. Annonaceous acetogenins (Annonaceae) as natural pesticides: Potent toxicity against susceptible and resistant German cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). J. Economic Entomology 91(3): 641-649 (USA).

The technology referenced in this patent has been licensed to Nature's Sunshine Products, USA.

National, Regional, and International Awards and Recognition:


1) Awarded the "Best Non-Funded Research Article" during the 6th Annual Research Conference, UAE University, Al-Ain, UAE; April 2005.

2) Recipient of the First Rank Honor Award (out of 221 students) as Outstanding Undergraduate Student (1977-1981), Aleppo University, Syria.


1) Recipient of “The 2001 Rashed bin Hameed Award for Education and Science” – Title of the Paper: Effects of Insecticides and Fungicides in the Arab Gulf Region. Award was sponsored by Um-Al-Momenin Organization, Ajman, UAE. (Region: Arab Gulf Countries)

2) Recipient of “The 2004 Rashed bin Hameed Award for Education and Science” – Title of the Paper: Date Palm Pests in Arab Gulf Region. Award was sponsored by Um-Al-Momenin Organization, Ajman, UAE. (Region: Arab Gulf Countries)


1) My biography profile is included in the 2005 Edition of "Who's Who in Science and Engineering".

2) My biography profile is being included in the 2006 Edition of "Who's Who in the World".

Dictionaries (Peer-reviewed)

Years of hard creative work was put into preparing a series of specialized dictionaries (English-Arabic) in the field of Agricultural Sciences, in general, and the area of Plant Protection, in particular. To my knowledge, these are the first attempts by a single University faculty member in the Arab World who tried to complete such creative efforts.

1. Kaakeh, W. 2004. Dictionary of Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology (English-Arabic). Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency, Abu-Dhabi, UAE. 390 pp.

2. Kaakeh, W. 2004. Dictionary of Environment and Pollution (English-Arabic). Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency, Abu-Dhabi, UAE 510 pp.

3. Kaakeh, W. 2005. Dictionary of Entomology and Integrated Pest Management
(English-Arabic). United Arab Emirates Printing Press, Al-Ain, UAE. 1000 pp.; Revised.

Dictionaries (In Preparation – to be completed December 2006)

1. Kaakeh, W. Dictionary of Plant Pathology and Nematology (English-Arabic; 1200 pp.).

2. Kaakeh, W. Dictionary of Weeds in the Arab World (English-Arabic; approx. 300 pp.).

3. Kaakeh, W. Dictionary of Plant Protection (English-English; approx. 850 pp.).

4. Kaakeh, W. Dictionary of Acarology (English-Arabic; approx. 400 pp.).

5. Kaakeh, W. Dictionary of Agricultural Education and Extension (English-Arabic; 300 p.).

Books (Peer-Reviewed, Published):

1. Kaakeh, W. 2004. Date Palm in the United Arab Emirates: Zayed Planting – Accomplishments During the Era of the Union - 1971 to 2004. Second Edition (A reference book, in Arabic). The Private Department of the President of the UAE 224 p.; in color. The first edition, published in 2003, covered the accomplishments of the UAE governmental agencies during the era of the union from 1971 to 2001 only.

2. Kaakeh, W. 2001. The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides. First Edition, United Arab Emirates University Printing Press, 780 p.; two volumes; in color (Textbook & Reference book translated from English to Arabic).

3. Kaakeh, W., A. A. Khamis, and M. Abu-Nour. 2001. The Red Palm Weevil: The Most Dangerous Agricultural Pest. First Edition (in Arabic). United Arab Emirates University Printing Press. 165 p.; in color (Reference book, in Arabic).

4. Kaakeh, W. 2000. Honeybees: Their Products and Medical Benefits. First Edition (in Arabic), The Cultural and Scientific Association, Dubai, UAE. 265 p.; in color.

Books (Submitted/In Preparation):

1. Kaakeh, W. & D. Pfeiffer. Understanding Insect Structures and Functions. (In English; 450 pp.). Prentice Hall Publishing Co., USA.(Submitted).

2. Kaakeh, W. Date Palm Pests in the United Arab Emirates and the Surrounding Countries (in Arabic; approx. 350 pp.; to be completed December 2005).

3. Kaakeh, W. & G. Bennett. Understanding Subterranean Termites: Biology and Integrated Control (in English; in preparation; approx. 400 pp. to be completed Oct. 2006)

4. Al-Ahmed, M and W. Kaakeh. Encyclopedia of the Insect World in the Holy Quran (in Arabic; in preparation; approx. 1100 pp. in 3 volumes; first volume is completed).

5. Kaakeh, W. Termites: The Most Dangerous Urban Pest in Residences and Historical Buildings (in Arabic; in preparation; approx. 300 pp.; to be completed May 2006).

Book Chapters:

1. Kaakeh, W. 1999. Human Resources. In: Food Security in The Arab World [prepared by several faculty members, Department of Arid land Agriculture- Previously the Department of Plant Production; First Edition], UAE University Press. P. 210.

2. Smith, M. T & W. Kaakeh, 1997. Aphid-host Plant Interactions in Pecan, pp 213-224 In New Development in Entomology, K. Bondari [editor], Res. Signpost, Trivandrum, India.

Peer-Reviewed Scientific Research Publications:

1. Kaakeh, W. 2005. Efficacy of Imidacloprid against developmental stages of Rhynchophorus ferrufineus (Curculionidae: Coleoptera): Laboratory and field tests. Crop Protection (in press; galley proofs attached).

2. Kaakeh, W. 2005. Survival and feeding responses of Anacanthotermes ochraceus (Hodotermitidae: Isoptera) to local and imported woods. J. Economic Entomology 98(4): In press (galley proofs attached).

3. Kaakeh, W. 2005. Identification, geographical distribution, and hosts of subterranean termites in the United Arab Emirates Ecosystems. Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences (In press, galley proofs expected October 2005).

4. Kaakeh, W. and G. Gadelhak. 2005. Sensory evaluation and physicochemical characteristics of Apis mellifera honey from Arab Gulf countries. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (In press, galley proofs expected October 2005).

5. Ameen, A., C. Wang , W. Kaakeh, G. W. Bennett, J. E. King, and L. L. Karr. 2005. Residual activity and population effects of noviflumuron SC formulation against the German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattidae). Journal Economic Entomology 98(3): 899-905.

6. Kaakeh, W., M. Maraqa, M. Hassan, and A. Al-Marzouqi. 2004. Management of Pesticides in the United Arab Emirates. Emirates J. of Agric. Sciences 16(1): 15-31.

7. Kaakeh, W. 2002. Insecticides and fungicides and their effects. Ajman Journal of Studies and Research 1 (2): 93-128.

8. Ameen, A., W. Kaakeh, C. Wang, and G. W. Bennett. 2002. Laboratory and field efficacy of noviflumuron formulations against the German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattidae). Pp. 147-153, in the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Entomology, South Carolina, USA , Edited by S. C. Jones, J. Zhai and W. H. Robinson, Pocahants Press, Inc.

9. Kaakeh, W., M. Aboul-Anour, and A. A. Khamis. 2001. Mass rearing of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv., on sugarcane and artificial diets for laboratory studies. pp. 344-357. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Date Palm (refereed), Al-Ain, UAE.

10. Kaakeh, W., F. E-Ezaby, A. A. Khamis, and M. M. Aboul-Anour. 2001. Management of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv., by a pheromone/food-based trapping system. pp. 325-343. Proceedings of the Second Inter. Conf. on Date Palm (refereed), Al-Ain, UAE.

11. Kaakeh, W., A. A. Khamis, and M. Aboul-Anour. 2001 Life parameters of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv., on sugarcane and artificial diet. pp. 310-324. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Date Palm (refereed), Al-Ain, UAE.

12. Deadman, M. L., K. M. Azam, s. A. Ravzi, and W. Kaakeh. 2001. Preliminary investigation into the biological control of the red palm weevil using Beauveria bassiana. pp. 225-232. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Date Palm (refereed), Al-Ain, UAE.

13. Ameen, A., W. Kaakeh, and G. W. Bennett. 2000. Integration of chlorfenapyr into a management program for the German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology (17)3: 135-142 (USA).

14. Kaakeh, W. 2000. The use of synthetic pheromones in integrated pest management program (Review). Emirates Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12: 1-32 (UAE).

15. Kaakeh, W. and G. W. Bennett. 1999. Developmental stage- and gender-dependent differential susceptibility of German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) to various commercial baits. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 16(1): 9-24 (USA).

16. Kaakeh, W. 1998. The mating behavior of the red palm weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Emirates Journal of Agricultural Sciences 10 (1): 24-47 (UAE).

17. Al-Ali, F, W. Kaakeh, G. W. Bennett & J. L. McLaughlin. 1998. Annonaceous acetogenins (Annonaceae) as natural pesticides: Potent toxicity against susceptible and resistant German cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). J. Economic Entomology 91(3): 641-649 (USA).

18. Kaakeh, W. 1997. The response of German cockroaches to several toxic bait formulations. Emirates Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9:1-22 (UAE).

19. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Rate determination, indirect toxicity, contact activity and residual persistence of lufenuron for the control of the German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 90: 510-522 (USA).

20. Scharf, M., W. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Changes in an insecticide resistant field-population of German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) following exposure to an insecticide mixture. Journal of Economic Entomology 90: 38-48 (USA).

21. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid, T. J. Bohnert & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Toxicity of imidacloprid in the German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae), and the synergism between imidacloprid and Metarhizium anisopliae (Imperfect Fungi: Hyphomycetes). Journal of Economic Entomology 90: 473-482 (USA).

22. Kaakeh, W., M. E. Scharf & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Efficacy of conventional insecticide and juvenoid mixtures on an insecticide resistant field-population of German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). Journal of Agricultural Entomology 14: 339-348 (USA).

23. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Evaluation of commercial sticky traps used for German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). Journal of Agricultural Entomology 14: 349-353 (USA).

24. Kaakeh, W., M. E. Scharf & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Comparative contact activity and residual life of juvenile hormone analogs for German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) control. Journal of Economic Entomology 90: 1247-1253 (USA).

25. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Toxicity of fipronil to German and American cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae and Blattidae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 84: 229-237 (Netherlands).

26. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Evaluation of trapping and vacuuming compared with low-impact insecticide tactics for the control of German cockroach infestations in residences. Journal of Economic Entomology 90: 976 - 982 (USA).

27. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Horizontal transmission of the entomophagous fungus, Metahrizium anisopliae (Imperfect Fungi: Hyphomycetes), and hydramethylnon among German cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). Journal of Entomological Sciences 31: 378-390 (USA).

28. Kaakeh, N., W. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Topical toxicity of imidacloprid, fipronil, and seven conventional insecticides to the adult convergent lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinelliae). Journal of Entomological Science 31: 315-322 (USA).

29. Kaakeh, W. & J. D. Dutcher. 1994. Probing behavior and density of Monelliopsis pecanis, Monellia caryella, and Melanocallis caryaefoliae (Homoptera: Aphididae) on leaves of pecan cultivars. Journal of Economic Entomology 87: 951-956 (USA).

30. Kaakeh, W. & J. D. Dutcher. 1993. Rates of increase and probing behavior of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Homoptera: Aphididae), on preferred and non-preferred host cover crops. Environmental Entomology 22: 1016-1021 (USA).

31. Kaakeh, W. & J. D. Dutcher. 1993. Survival of yellow and black Pecan aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) at different temperature regimes. Environmental Entomology 22: 810-817 (USA).

32. Kaakeh, W. & J. D. Dutcher. 1993. Effect of rainfall on population abundance of aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) on pecan. Journal of Entomological Science 28: 283-286 (USA).

33. Kaakeh, W. & J. D. Dutcher. 1993. Population parameters and probing behavior of cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora (Homoptera: Aphididae), on preferred and non-preferred host cover crops. Journal of Entomological Science 28: 145-155 (USA).

34. Pfeiffer, D. C., W. Kaakeh, J. C. Killian, M. Lachance & P. A. Kirsch. 1993. Mating disruption to control damage by leafrollers in Virginia apple orchards. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 67: 47-56 (Netherlands).

35. Pfeiffer, D. C., W. Kaakeh, J. C. Killian, M. Lachance & P. A. Kirsch. 1993. Mating
disruption for control damage by codling moth in Virginia apple orchards. Entomologia
Experimentalis et Applicata 67: 57-64 (Netherlands).

36. Kaakeh, W., D. G. Pfeiffer & R. P. Marini. 1993. Effect of Aphis spiraecola and Aphis pomi (Homoptera: Aphididae) on the growth of young apple trees. Crop Protection 12 (2): 141-147 (England).

37. Kaakeh, W., D. G. Pfeiffer & R. P. Marini. 1992. Combined effects of spirea aphid and nitrogen fertilization on shoot growth, dry matter accumulation, and carbohydrate concentration in young apple trees. Journal of Economic Entomology 85: 496-506 (USA).

38. Kaakeh, W. & J. D. Dutcher. 1992. Foraging preference of red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, among three species of summer cover crops and their extracts. Journal of Economic Entomology 85: 389-394 (USA).

39. Kaakeh, W. & J. D. Dutcher. 1992. Estimation of life parameters of Monelliopsis pecanis, Monellia caryella, and Melanocallis caryaefoliae (Homoptera: Aphididae) on single pecan leaflets. Environmental Entomology 21: 632-639 (USA).

40. Kaakeh, W., D. G. Pfeiffer & R. P. Marini. 1992. Combined effects of spirea aphid and nitrogen fertilization on net photosynthesis, greenness, and chlorophyll content of apple leaves. Journal of Economic Entomology 85: 939-946 (USA).

41. Kaakeh, W. & H. W. Hogmire. 1991. Biology and control of green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, on peach in West Virginia, USA. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 9 (2): 124-128 (Syria).

Peer-Reviewed Technical Research Publications:

1. Ameen, A., Kaakeh, W., and G. W. Bennett. 2002. Efficacy of Arthitrol bait formulations and Maxforce gel bait against an insecticide-resistant strain of the German cockroach. Arthropod Management Tests 27, Report No. 11 (electronic copy) (USA).

2. Ameen, A., Kaakeh, W., P. Blything, and G. W. Bennett. 2002. Field efficacy of victor roach magnet traps, combat bait stations, and boric acid bait stations against German cockroach populations. Arthropod Management Tests 27, Report No. 12 (electronic copy) (USA).

3. Ameen, A., Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 2000. Relative effectiveness of fipronil formulations on five surfaces. Arthropod Management Tests 25: 401-402 (USA).

4. Ameen, A., Kaakeh, W., P. Blything & G. W. Bennett. 2000. Relative efficacy of chlorfenapyr formulations. Arthropod Management Tests 25: 399 (USA).

5. Ameen, A., Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 2000. Field efficacy of arthitrol bait formulations for German cockroach control. Arthropod Management Tests 25: 400 (USA).

6. Ameen, A., Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 2000. Relative efficacy of fipronil EC for German cockroach control. Arthropod Management Tests 25: 402-403 (USA).

7. Kaakeh, W., M. E. Scharf & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Field trial of commodore and nylar. Arthropod Management Tests 21: 385 (USA).

8. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Field evaluation of victor roach magnet traps. Arthropod Management Tests 21: 385-386 (USA).

9. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Speed of action in siege and maxforce gel baits. Arthropod Management Tests 21: 391-392 (USA).

10. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Evaluation of the victor roach magnet traps. Arthropod Management Tests 21: 392 (USA).

11. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Long-term lufenuron residual study. Arthropod Management Tests 21: 392-393 (USA).

12. Kaakeh, W., M. E. Scharf, B. L Reid, G. W. Bennett, T. J. Bohnert. 1994. Field trials of cockroach baits. Arthropod Management Tests 19: 355 (USA).

13. Kaakeh, W., B. L Reid, G. W. Bennett, T. J. Bohnert. 1994. Residual activity of diazinon and chlorpyrifos formulations. Arthropod Management Tests 19: 359 (USA).

14. Kaakeh, W., B. L Reid, G. W. Bennett, T. J. Bohnert. 1994. Residual activity of type II pyrethroids. Arthropod Management Tests 19: 360 (USA).

15. Kaakeh, W., B. L Reid, G. W. Bennett, T. J. Bohnert. 1994. Residual activity of chlorpyrifos formulations. Arthropod Management Tests 19: 360-361 (USA).

16. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Speed of action in cockroach bait. Arthropod Management Tests 19: 361-362 (USA).

* Peer-Reviewed Scientific Research Publications (Submitted):

1. Al-Muhairi, T. and W. Kaakeh. Perceptions of the UAE extension agents regarding need and use of agricultural information sources. Journal of International Agriculture and Extension Education.

2. Kaakeh, W. Relative abundance and foraging behavior of subterranean termites in date palm plantations in the United Arab Emirates. Indian Journal of Entomology.

3. Kaakeh, W. Longevity, fecundity, and fertility of the red palm weevil, Rynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on natural and artificial diets. Emirates Journal of Agricultural Sciences.

* Peer-Reviewed Scientific Research Publications (In Preparation):

1. Kaakeh, W. Response of subterranean termites to baiting with diflubenzuron using Labyrinth Termite Baiting System.

2. Kaakeh, W. Entomofauna of the United Arab Emirates: A Check List of Insects and Mites from a General Survey.

3. Kaakeh, W., F. A. Talukder, J. H. Al Dahmani, M. Maraqa, M. L. Deadman, S. A. Al-Jabri, A. Al-Saadi, A. A. Al-Raeesi, H. Al Hasani and L. Al-Subhi. 2005. Assessment of pesticide use on vegetable farms in the United Arab Emirates and Sultanate of Oman.

Research & Extension Publications – Non-Refereed Proceedings Papers:

1. Kaakeh, W. 2005. The safe use of pesticides. In: Proceedings of The First Symposium on Integrated Pest Management in the UAE (Present Status and Future Outlook). A symposium sponsored by the Department of Aridland Agriculture, UAE University & the Municipalities and Agriculture Department (Al-Ain Agriculture), Al-Ain, UAE (May 2005) (In Press).

2. Kaakeh, W. 1999. Date palm insects in storage. In: Modern Trends in Fruit Handling and Storage. Symposium sponsored by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Plant Production, UAE University, Al-Ain, UAE (December 1998), p. 57-64.

3. Kaakeh, W. 1999. Problems associated with the handling of pesticides. In: Training in Agricultural Extension. Workshop sponsored by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Plant Production, UAE University, Al-Ain, UAE (February 1999), p. 22-46.

4. Kaakeh, W. 1998. The use of pheromones in an integrated pest management for the red date palm weevil. In: Date Palm Weevil. Workshop sponsored by the General Secretariat of Municipalities, Dubai, UAE (February 1998).

5. Kaakeh, W., M. E. Scharf & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Efficacy of a lambdacyhalothrin and pyriproxyfen mixture on an insecticide resistant field-population of the German cockroach (field trials). Proc. National Conference on Urban Entomology (Arlington, TX).

6. Scharf, M. E., Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Efficacy of a lambdacyhalothrin and pyriproxyfen mixture on an insecticide resistant field-population of the German cockroach (laboratory tests). Proc. National Conf. on Urban Entomology (Arlington, Texas).

7. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Laboratory and field performance of insecticide formulations for German Cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), control. Proc. National Conference on Urban Entomology, pp. 109-110 (Atlanta, Georgia).

8. Dutcher, J. D. & W. Kaakeh. 1992. Control of black pecan aphids. Proc. Annual Convention of Southeastern Pecan Growers Association (Pine Mountain, Georgia).

9. Pfeiffer, D. G. & W. Kaakeh. 1989. Mating disruption of leafroller complex on apples. Proc. Annual Cumberland Shenandoah Fruit Workers' Conf. (Harpers Ferry, WV).

10. Pfeiffer, D. G., W. Kaakeh, M. Lachance & J. C. Killian. 1990. Mating disruption of leafrollers. Proc. Annual Cumberland Shenandoah Fruit Workers' Conf. (Middleway, WV).

11. Pfeiffer, D. G., J. C. Killian, M. Lachance & W. Kaakeh. 1990. Mating disruption of codling moth. Proc. Annu. Cumberland Shenandoah Fruit Workers'Conf. (Middleway, WV).

12. Pfeiffer, D. G., W. Kaakeh & J. C. Killian. 1989. Mating disruption of codling moth on apples. Proc. Annual Cumberland Shenandoah Fruit Workers' Conf., Harpers Ferry, WV).

13. Pfeiffer, D. G., L. F. Ponton & W. Kaakeh. 1989. Savey trial in Virginia apple orchard (1988-89). Proc. Annu. Cumberland Shenand. Fruit Workers' Conf. (Harpers Ferry, WV).

14. Pfeiffer, D. G., L. F. Ponton & W. Kaakeh. 1989. Pyrethroid and predator trial in Virginia apple orchard. Proc. Annu Cumberland Shenand. Fruit Workers' Conf.(Harpers Ferry, WV).

15. Pfeiffer, D. G., L. F. Ponton & W. Kaakeh. 1989. Ryania trial in Virginia apple orchard (1988-89). Proc. Annu. Cumberland Shenand. Fruit Workers' Conf. (Harpers Ferry, WV).

16. Pfeiffer, D. G., R. Feng, W. Kaakeh & R. Marini. 1989. White apple leafhopper and apple leaf function. Proc. Annu. Cumberland Shenand. Fruit Workers' Conf. (Harpers Ferry, WV).

17. Kaakeh, W. & D. G. Pfeiffer. 1986. Effects of spirea aphid on leaf function in apple. Proc. Annual Cumberland Shenandoah Fruit Workers' Conference (Harpers Ferry, WV).

Reviewer, Editorial Secretary, and Member of the Editorial Board of Well-Known Professional Journals:

Reviewer of research manuscripts submitted to eight refereed journals:

(1) Journal of Economic Entomology (USA)
(2) Environmental Entomology (USA)
(3) Journal of Entomological Science (USA)
(4) Entomologia experimentalis et applicata (Netherlands)
(5) Journal of Agricultural Entomology (USA)
(6) Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology (USA).
(7) Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences (Oman)
(8) Emirates Journal of Agricultural Sciences (UAE)

Co-Editor of the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Date Palm (1998-2000). UAE University Printing Press, UAE University, Al-Ain, UAE.

Editor of the Proceedings of the First Symposium on Integrated Pest Management in the UAE (2005). UAE University Printing Press, UAE University, Al-Ain, UAE (In preparation).

Editor of the Journal of Food, Agriculture, and Environment (JFAE) (2006-2010) (Invited; contract signed).

Editorial Secretary of the Emirates Journal of Agricultural Sciences - EJAS (2004-present).

Member of the Editorial Board of :

Emirates Journal of Agricultural Sciences (EJAS) (2002-present).
World Journal of Agricultural Sciences (2006) (Invited)

Research Reports Submitted in Connection with Research Grants or Contracts

UAE University Research Reports:

Special reports were submitted, in a timely manner, to sponsors of grants or funding agencies and Universities:

Pesticide Residue Problems in Vegetable Production Farms (Current)
Semi-Annual progress reports were presented in Oman and the UAE.

Red palm Weevil Management Project (1997-2001)
Biannual reports were made by contribution of each research team member, based on the tasks assigned by each during the project period.

Each research report was compiled by the Department Head and Research Coordinator.

Confidor Project (2002)
Research sponsored by Bayer Corporation (Germany).

Report presented at the 3rd Annual research Conference, UAE University (April, 2002).

Extension Needs for Plant Protection Workers and Supervisors
Research sponsored by UAE University.

The report presented at the 5th Annual research Conference, UAE University (April, 2004).

Fate of Pesticide in UAE Subsurface Environment
Research sponsored by UAE University.

Report presented at the 3rd Annual research Conference, UAE University (April, 2002).

Al-Marzouqi, M. A., M. Maraqa, W. Kaakeh, K. Tarabily, M. Hassan, Y. Mechref. 2002. Fate of pesticides in UAE subsurface environment.

Purdue University Sponsored Research Reports (PTR):

Sixty sponsored research projects were completed at the Center for Urban and Industrial Pest Management, Purdue University, Indiana, USA. Reports were submitted, in a timely manner, to the chemical and pesticide manufacturing companies (sponsors) of research (gifts, contracts, research grants). Laboratory research projects on German and American cockroaches included: topical and dietary toxicity, flushing and knockdown effect of insecticides, repellency and attractancy bioassays, indirect or secondary toxicity, rate determination, contact activity and residual persistence of insecticides of different formulations, bait evaluation and development, cockroach-entomolpathogenic fungi interaction, insecticide resistance mechanisms, insect growth regulators (juvenile hormone analogs and chitin synthesis inhibitors), non-chemical alternative control strategies (trapping, aggregation pheromones, vacuuming, industrial equipment for repelling cockroaches), and the discovery of natural insecticides. Field trials were conducted to determine the efficacy of residual insecticides, baits, traps, and insect growth regulators. The effect of selected food on the efficacy of sticky traps was also determined.

1. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Evaluation of the Gentrol point source against the German cockroach. PTR #200

2. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Evaluation of Ecologix baits for the control of German cockroach infestations in multifamily housing. PTR #199

3. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Efficacy of XR-007 bait formulations for the control of German cockroaches in public housing. PTR #198.

4. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Efficacy of sticky traps against natural field populations of the German cockroach. PTR #197

5. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Efficacy of Arthitrol baits for the control of German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.), infestations in public housing. PTR #196

6. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Performance of Arthitrol granular bait against the German cockroach utilizing modified manufacturing procedure, compared to other Arthitrol formulations and other commonly available baits. PTR #195

7. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Contact activity and residual persistence of WP, SC, and EC formulations of AC 303,630. PTR #194.

8. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Contact activity and residual persistence of WG and EC formulations of fipronil (Phase III). PTR #193.

9. Kaakeh, W., P. Blything & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Efficacy of chlorfenapyr 2SC and 25WP formulations for the control of German cockroach infestations in multifamily housing. PTR #192.

10. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Laboratory evaluation of the flushing activity and knockdown effect of AC303,630 and Demon EC formulations for the control of the German cockroach. PTR #191.

11. Kaakeh, W., P. Blything & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Field evaluation of the Victor Roach Magnet traps, and Maxforce and Knockdown baits for the control of German cockroach population. PTR #190.

12. Kaakeh, W., P. Blything & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Field evaluation of Tempo, FCR 4545, and Suspend formulations for the control of German cockroach in residences. PTR #189.

13. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Toxicity of fipronil to German cockroaches - 1996 Phase II. Contact activity and residual persistence of technical solutions. PTR #188.

14. Kaakeh, P. Blything & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Performance of Lo-Line cockroach traps and Raid ant baits plus for the control of German cockroach in public housing. PTR #187.

15. Kaakeh, W., P. Blything & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Toxicity of fipronil to German cockroaches - Phase II (1996): Rate determination. PTR #186.

16. Kaakeh, W., P. Blything & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Comparative residual efficacy of Empire+ETOC and several competitive products against German cockroaches. PTR #185.

17. Kaakeh, W., P. Blything & G. W. Bennett. 1996. An investigation into the secondary toxicity characteristics of the Raid roach bait. PTR #184.

18. Kaakeh, W., P. Blything & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Laboratory evaluation of the Industrial Bug Banisher against German cockroaches. PTR #183.

19. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Effects of German cockroach infestations on range controls of automatic ovens. PTR #182.

20. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Contact activity and residual persistence of cyfluthrin and propoxur formulations against German cockroaches. PTR #181.

21. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Flushing activity and knockdown effect of microencapsulated chlorpyrifos formulations against the German cockroach. PTR #180.

22. Kaakeh, W, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Effect of aging on the efficacy of Siege gel insecticide and Maxforce roach killer bait gel for German cockroach control. PTR #179.

23. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Synergy in bait application of chlorpyrifos (NAF-110) with insect growth regulators and hydramethylnon for German cockroach control. PTR #178.

24. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Synergism between imidaclorprid bait and entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae. Phase II: "Feeding of German cockroaches on Imidacloprid bait following topical application of spores of M. anisopliae". PTR #177.

25. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Synergism between imidaclorprid bait and entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae. Phase I: "Feeding of German cockroaches on Imidacloprid bait following direct contact to the fungal conidia of M. anisopliae". PTR #176.

26. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Horizontal transmission of the entomophagous fungi, Metarhizium anisopliae, and hydramethylnon among individuals of German cockroaches. PTR #175.

27. Kaakeh, W, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Evaluations of chlorpyrifos baits against mixed-age groups of an insecticide-resistant strain of German cockroach. PTR #174.

28. Kaakeh, W, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Laboratory evaluations of the flushing activity and knockdown effect of microencapsulated chlorpyrifos formulations against the German cockroach. PTR #173.

29. Kaakeh, W, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Performance of Bitrex (Denatonium Benzoate) for controlling an insecticide-resistant strain of German cockroaches. PTR #172.

30. Kaakeh, W, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Topical spray bioassay for evaluation of the knockdown effect of microencapsulated chlorpyrifos formulations against German cockroaches. PTR #171.

31. Kaakeh, W, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Evaluation of the contact activity and residual persistence of cyfluthrin (Tempo)) and deltamethrin (Suspend) formulations against German cockroaches. PTR #170.

32. Kaakeh, W, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Evaluation of the Victor Roach Magnet sticky traps for reducing German cockroach populations. PTR #169.

33. Kaakeh, W, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Field evaluation of the Victor Roach Magnet sticky traps in a public housing for reducing German cockroach populations. PTR #168.

34. Kaakeh, W, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Contact activity and residual persistence of FCR 4545 1SC (cyfluthrin isomer) and deltamethrin (Suspend SC) against the German cockroach. PTR #167.

35. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1995. The effect of selected food on the efficacy of Lo-Line sticky traps for the control of German cockroach population in public housing. PTR #166.

36. Kaakeh, W, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Rate determination, indirect toxicity, contact activity and residual persistence of the chitin synthesis inhibitor lufenuron for German cockroach control. PTR #165.

37. Kaakeh, W, N. Kaakeh & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Synergism between chlorpyrifos and the insect growth regulator fenoxycarb against the German cockroach. PTR #164.

38. Kaakeh, W., M. E. Scharf & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Field evaluation of lambdacyhalothrin and pyriproxyfen mixture for the control of German cockroach in multifamily housing. PTR #163.

39. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Evaluation of chlorpyrifos (NAF-110 and formulation G), maxforce gel, magnetic roach food baits against mixed-aged groups of an insecticide-resistant strain of German cockroaches. PTR #162.

40. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Evaluation of non-chemical and low-pesticide impact techniques for the control of German cockroach infestations in residences. PTR #161.

41. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Evaluation of Diacap+Torus and Empire+ Gentrol mixtures for the control of an insecticide resistant population of the German cockroach in multi-family housing. PTR #160.

42. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1995. German cockroach knockdown effect of Empire + ETOC and competitive products. PTR #159.

43. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Efficacy of FICAM dust formulation, in combination with Agrisense GP2 attractant, against a mixed-age group of German cockroaches in large population chambers. PTR #158.

44. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Comparison of the efficacy of Diacap vs. other micro-encapsulated formulations against German cockroaches. PTR #157.

45. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Residual activity and persistence of fenoxycarb formulations for control of German cockroaches Part II. PTR #156.

46. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Efficacy of chlorpyrifos and cyfluthrin formulations for the control of German cockroach infestations in public housing. PTR #155.

47. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Evaluations of chlorpyrifos baits (Arthitrol # 2894 & 2194) against an insecticide-resistant strain of German cockroaches, . PTR #154.

48. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Laboratory evaluation of boric acid against the susceptible and resistant strain of German cockroaches. PTR #153.

49. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Efficacy of boric acid bait for the control of German cockroach infestations in public housing. PTR #152.

50. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Evaluations of the flushing activity and knockdown effect of cyfluthrin and propoxure formulations against German cockroaches. PTR #151.

51. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1994. The innate toxicity of Fipronil against the German and American cockroaches. PTR #150.

52. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Evaluation of Fipronil bait for the control of American cockroach, Periplaneta americana (L.), in large population chambers. PTR #149.

53. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1993. Evaluating three competitive chlorpyrifos baits against German cockroaches (Pt. X). PTR #148.

54. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1993. Efficacy of two chlorpyrifos formulations in NAF-95 baits against mixed-age groupings of German cockroaches. PTR #147.

Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1993. Efficacy of Diacap 300CS for the control of German cockroach infestations in public housing. PTR #146.

56. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1993. Field trials of Commodore formulations (10CS & 10TB) for the control of German cockroach infestations. PTR #145.

57. Kaakeh, W., M. E. Scharf, B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1993. Efficacy of Omicron for the control of German cockroach infestations in public housing. PTR #144.

58. Kaakeh, W., M. E. Scharf, B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1993. Field trials of Siege baits for the control of German cockroach infestations in public housing. PTR #143.

59. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1993. Efficacy of Maxforce and Raid roach Baits against a mixed-age group of German cockroaches in large population chambers - Phase I. PTR #142.

60. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1993. Efficacy of five chlorpyrifos bait formulations against a mixed-age group of German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), in large population chambers - Phase II. PTR #141.

Extension Publications:

Journals, Magazines, Pamphlets, Posters & Newsletters

1. Kaakeh, W., A. A. Khamis, and M. Abul-Anour. 2005. Pesticides: Toward the Safe Use and Maintenance of the Environment (In Arabic), in Al-Morshed Extension Publication 25: 14-19. Abu-Dhabi Municipality, Abu-Dhabi Emirate, UAE.

2. Kaakeh, W., A. A. Khamis, M. Abu-Anour & M. A. Khattab. 2004. Red Palm Weevil: Life Cycle and Damage Symptoms; Extension Publication (Poster, in Arabic), UAE University, UAE.

3. Kaakeh, W., A. A. Khamis, and M. Abul-Anour. 2003. The Fruit Stalk Borer (in Arabic), in Al-Morshed Extension Publication 20: 42-45. Abu-Dhabi Municipality, Abu-Dhabi Emirate, UAE.

4. Kaakeh, W., A. A. Khamis, and M. Abul-Anour. 2001. Liquid Pesticide Formulations. Al-Morshed Extension Publication 12: 30-35 (in Arabic). Abu-Dhabi Municipality, Abu-Dhabi Emirate, UAE.

5. Ameen, A., D, Brad, G. Bennett & W. Kaakeh. 2000. A resistance management program for the German cockroach in a low-income housing project. Resistant Pest Management 2(1): 34-36.

6. Kaakeh, W. 2000. Dust mites on date palm. An Extension Publication (Pamphlet, in Arabic), UAE University Printing Press, UAE University, UAE.

7. Kaakeh, W & M. A. Khattab. 1998. Termites. Extension Publication (Pamphlet, in Arabic), UAE University Press, UAE.

8. Kaakeh, W. 1997. Vacuuming cockroaches. IPM Practitioner Newsletter XIX (7): 12.

9. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. Trap & Vac. Pest Control Technology: 8: 52, 54-56, 68 (USA, in English)

10. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1997. How do residuals measure up?. Pest Control 7: 70-74 (USA, in English).

11. Dutcher, J. D. & W. Kaakeh. 1992. Improved technique helps better monitor black pecan aphids. Pecan South 25 (4): 8-11.

* National, Regional, and International Scientific Presentations:

1. Kaakeh, W., F. A. Talukder, J. H. Al Dahmani, M. Maraqa, M. L. Deadman, S. A. Al-Jabri, A. Al-Saadi, A. A. Al-Raeesi, H. Al Hasani and L. Al-Subhi. 2005. Assessment of pesticide use on vegetable farms in the United Arab Emirates and Sultanate of Oman. The 6th Annual research Conference, UAE University (April, 2005).

2. Kaakeh, W. 2005. Relative abundance and foraging behavior of subterranean termites in date palm plantations in the United Arab Emirates. The 6th Annual research Conference, UAE University (April, 2005).

3. Al-Muhairi, T. & W. Kaakeh. 2004. Extension needs for plant protection workers and supervisors. The 5th Annual Research Conference, UAE University (April, 2004).

4. Kaakeh, W. 2004. Relative abundance and foraging behavior of subterranean termites in date palm plantations in the United Arab Emirates. NCB of the Entomlogical Society of America. Kansas City, MO (March 2004).

5. Kaakeh, W. 2003. Insects and other foreign materials in our food: The defect action levels and the issue of food safety. . The first International Conference on Food Systems, Al-Ain, UAE (April, 2002).

6. Kaakeh, W. 2002. Response of subterranean termites to baiting with diflubenzuron using Labyrinth Termite Baiting System in the United Arab Emirates. Entomological Society of America (ESA) National Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida – November 2002 (USA).

7. Kaakeh, W., A. A. Khamis, and M. Aboul-Anour. 2002. Evaluation of the systemic insecticide Confidor for the control of the red palm weevil in United Arab Emirates. The 3rd Annual research Conference, UAE University (April, 2002).

8. Al-Marzouqi, M. A., M. Maraqa, W. Kaakeh, K. Tarabily, M. Hassan, Y. Mechref. 2002. Fate of pesticides in UAE subsurface environment. The 3rd Annual research Conference, UAE University (April, 2002).

9. Kaakeh, W. 2001. Development of an integrated management program for the red palm weevil in the Arab gulf region. Entomological Society of America (ESA) National Meeting, San Diego, California – December 2001 (USA).

10. Kaakeh, W., M. Aboul-Anour, and A. A. Khamis. 2001. Mass rearing of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv., on sugarcane and artificial diets for laboratory studies. The 2nd Int. Conf. on Date Palm, Al-Ain, UAE (March 2002).

11. Kaakeh, W., F. E-Ezaby, A. A. Khamis, and M. M. Aboul-Anour. 2001. Management of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv., by a pheromone/food-based trapping system. The 2nd Int. Conf. on Date Palm, Al-Ain, UAE (March 2002).

12. Kaakeh, W., A. A. Khamis, and M. Aboul-Anour. 2001 Life cycle of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliv., on sugarcane and artificial diet. The 2nd Int. Conf. on Date Palm, Al-Ain, UAE (March 2002).

13. Deadman, M. L., K. M. Azam, s. A. Ravzi, and W. Kaakeh. 2001. Preliminary investigation into the biological control of the red palm weevil using Beauveria bassiana. The 2nd Int. Conf. on Date Palm, Al-Ain, UAE (March 2002).

14. Kaakeh, W. 2001. Survey, distribution of foraging populations in urban settings, and response of subterranean termites in treated woods and baits. The 2nd Annual Research Conference at UAE University (April 2001).

15. Kaakeh, W. 2000. Species identification and foraging activity of subterranean termites in the United Arab Emirates. Entomological Society of America (ESA) National Meeting, Montreal – December 2000 (Canada).

16. Kaakeh, W. 1999. Introduction to Pesticides. Symposium on the Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides. Sponsored by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Plant Production, UAE University (November 1999).

17. Kaakeh, W. 1999. Pesticides Emergency. Symposium on the Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides. Sponsored by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Plant Production, UAE University (November 1999).

18. Kaakeh, W., F. Q. Alali, G. W. Bennett & J. L. McLaughlin. 1997. Annonaceous acetrogenins as natural pesticides for the German cockroach. ESA National Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee – December 1997 (USA).

19. Kaakeh, W. & G. W. Bennett. 1996. Trapping and vacuuming techniques for the control of the German cockroach. ESA National Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky – Dec. 1996 (USA).

20. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1995. Contact activity and residual persistence of the chitin synthesis inhibitor lufenuron on the German cockroach. ESA National Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada – December 1995 (USA).

21. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Transmission of the entomophagous fungi, Metahrizium anisopliae, among individuals of German cockroaches. ESA National Meeting, Dallas, Texas – December 1994 (USA).

22. Kells, S., W. Kaakeh, B. Reid & G. W. Bennett. 1994. Effect of an alternative food source on the efficacy of baits against German cockroach. ESA National Meeting, Dallas, Texas – December 1994 (USA).

23. Kaakeh, W. 1993. Pecan Research - Pecan aphids and associated insects. Coastal Plain Exp. Station, University of Georgia, Tifton, Georgia (USA).

24. Kaakeh, W., B. L. Reid, G. W. Bennett & T. J. Bohnert. 1993. Toxicity of imidacloprid to German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.). ESA Nat. Meet., Indianapolis, Indiana – December 1993 (USA).

25. Kaakeh, W. & J. D. Dutcher. 1993. The effect of temperature on survival of yellow and black pecan aphids. Georgia Entomol. Soc. Annual Meeting, Athens, Georgia (USA).

26. Kaakeh, W. & J. D. Dutcher. 1993. Comparisons of probing behavior and density of pecan aphids on ten pecan cultivars. Georgia Entomol. Soc. Annual Meeting, Athens, Georgia (USA).

27. Kaakeh, W. & J. D. Dutcher. 1992. Tolerance of yellow pecan aphid and black pecan aphid to different temperature regimes. ESA National Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland – December 1992 (USA).

28. Dutcher, J. D. & W. Kaakeh. 1992. A prediction model for pecan aphid outbreak. Georgia Entomol. Soc. Annual Meeting, Jekyll Island, Georgia (USA).

29. Kaakeh, W. & J. D. Dutcher. 1991. Reproductive rates of pecan aphids on pecan, and cowpea and pea aphids on six cover crops. ESA National Meeting, Reno, Nevada – December 1991 (USA).

30. Dutcher, J. & W. Kaakeh. 1991. Retaining beneficial insects in the pecan orchard. Georgia Entomol. Soc. Annu. Meeting, Pine Mountain, Georgia (USA).

31. Kaakeh, W. & J. Dutcher. 1991. Foraging preference of red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, to summer cover crops and their extracts. ESA Southeastern Branch Annual Meeting, Orange Beach, Alabama (USA).

32. Kaakeh, W. & D. G. Pfeiffer. 1990. Trap capture reductions in small plots and reduced rates for dispensers containing two leafroller pheromone blends. ESA National Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana – December 1990 (USA).
33. Pfeiffer, D. G., J. C. Killian, W. Kaakeh & M. W. Lachance. 1990. Mating disruption to control codling moth in Virginia apple orchard. ESA Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana – December 1990 (USA).

34. Pfeiffer, D. G., W. Kaakeh, J. C. Killian, M. W. Lachance & L. F. Ponton. 1990. Use of two pheromone blends in mating disruption for the leafroller complex in Virginia apple orchards. ESA Eastern Branch Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland (USA).

35. Kaakeh, W. 1990. Mating disruption of leafrollers in Virginia apple orchards. Annual Leafroller Worker's Conference, Geneva, New York (USA).

36. Kaakeh, W. & D. G. Pfeiffer. 1989. The effect of spirea aphid and nitrogen fertilization on the growth, dry matter accumulation, and carbohydrate concentration in young apple trees. ESA National Meeting, San Antonio, Texas – December 1989 (USA).

37. Kaakeh, W. 1989. The effect of spirea aphid and apple aphid on the growth of young apple trees. Annual Leafroller Worker's Conference, Kearneysville, West Virginia (USA).

38. Kaakeh, W., D. G. Pfeiffer, and R. P. Marini. 1987. The effect of spirea aphid, Aphis spiraecola Patch (Homoptera: Aphididae), on net photosynthesis and leaf chlorophyll content of nonbearing apple trees. ESA National Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts – December 1987 (USA).

39. Kaakeh, W., D. G. Pfeiffer & R. P. Marini. 1987. Effect of spirea aphid on dry matter accumulation and carbohydrate concentration of young apple trees. Annual Graduate Research Symposium of Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia (USA).

40. Kaakeh, W. 1986. Influence of spirea aphid and sooty mold on net photosynthesis and chlorophyll content of apple leaves. Annual Graduate Research Symposium of Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia (USA).

Invited Presentations:

1. Recent Termite Research Studies in the United Arab Emirates – Royal Court Affairs & Sultan Qaboos University (Oman) – September 2005.

2. The Current Status and Future of Pest Control in the UAE - Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (UAE) - March, 2003.

3. The Use of Dangerous Materials and Method of Storage - Abu-Dhabi Municipality (UAE) - April 2001.

4. The Use of Baiting Systems in Monitoring and Controlling Termites in Historical Buildings - Dubai Municipality, Historical Building Section, presented a lecture at a symposium on “Termites and Their Effects on Historical Buildings - September 1999.

The Use of Sex Pheromones in Agriculture and Storage - Invited as an interpreter for a lecture given by Mr. Bill Lingren, President of Trece Company (USA), and sponsored by Trece Company with the cooperation with Agricultural Materials Company and the Department of Agriculture in Al-Ain, UAE - March 1998.

6. The Use of Pheromones in an Integrated Pest Management for the Red Date Palm Weevil – Presented at the “Date Palm Weevil” workshop sponsored by the General Secretariat of Municipalities, Dubai, UAE - February 1998.

7. German Cockroach Control: Monitoring, Baiting, and Alternative Control Methods – Presented at the 61st Annual Purdue Pest Control Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA - January 1997.

8. Cockroach Biology & Management - Invited by Indiana Vector Control Association (Fort Wayne, IN) – March 1994.

9. Cockroach Control - Invited by Indiana Pest Control Association (Nashville, TN – October 1994.

10. Pecan Insecticides: Doing the Best with the Remaining Registered Materials – Presented at the Pecan Pest Management Scout School, Tifton, Georgia, USA – October 1992.

11. Cover Crops for Pecan Orchards – Presented to members of the Georgia Pecan Growers Association at their Training Summer Tour and Field Day, Tifton, Georgia – November 1992.

12. Warm and Cool Season Cover Crops Help Control Pecan Aphids – Invited by the Alabama Pecan Grower Association during their Training Summer Tour and Field Day, Tifton, GA, USA – November 1992.

Professional Research Interactions / Team Work Projects

1. Close cooperation with Al-Ain Municipality and the Department of Agriculture (Al-Ain). Research project dealing with the control of date palm pests.

2. Cooperating with a research team from Sultan Qaboos University in a multidisciplinary research projects. Phase (I) A Pesticide Application in Vegetable Production and Subsequent Pesticide Resistance and Residue Problems in Oman and UAE, and Phase (II) Pesticide Resistance and Residue Problems in Omani and UAE Vegetable Production: Solution Through Rapid and Molecular Detection Techniques and Farmers Awareness.

3. Cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries on a research project entitled "A Pesticide Application in Vegetable Production and Subsequent Pesticide Resistance and Residue Problems in Oman and UAE".

4. Worked closely, on a project dealing with the fate of pesticides in UAE subsurface environment, with several members of the College of Engineering, College of Sciences, and the College of Medicine at UAE University.

5. Worked closely, on a project dealing with the integrated management program for the red palm weevil, with several faculties of the Department of Production at the United Arab Emirates University. It was a joint team project with the Faculty of Agriculture at Sultan Qaboos University, the Ministry of Agriculture in Sultanate of Oman, and researchers from the Department of Agriculture in Ai-Ain (UAE).

6. At Purdue University, I worked closely with Dr. Nawal Kaakeh (a visiting Professor and Head of the Department of Plant Protection from Aleppo University, Syria) during her sabbatical leave in 1995. The cooperative work resulted in publishing two papers in refereed journals and submitting 12 technical reports to sponsors of contract research.

7. Acted as a liaison between the Center for Urban and Industrial Pest Management at Purdue University and other universities, and took a leadership role in planning and implementation of several research projects with other researchers.

8. Provided an extensive range of support to the graduate students at the Center for Urban and Industrial Pest Management (Purdue University) to assist them in their research activities, including maintenance of cockroach colonies, securing field research sites, sharing ideas and technical knowledge, and reviewing manuscripts.

9. Supervised a technical staff member and provided her with research advice on how to maintain cockroach rearing facilities.

10. Hired, trained, and supervised 6-8 student workers per year, at Purdue University, during the summer (full-time) and academic year (part-time) to conduct laboratory tests and field trials in public housing complexes.

University and Community Services:

1) University Service:
Participation in Committees:


University Academic Assessment & Program Review Committee (nominated) – Member (2005-1006)

Scientific Committee for the Third International Conference on Data Palm – Member (2005-2006).

Class Schedule and Academic Affairs Committee – Coordinator at the Department level (2005-2006).

Integrate Pest Management in the UAE Symposium Organizing Committee – Coordinator and Member (2005).

University and Community Services Committee – Member (2004-2005).

College Internship and Integrated Learning Committee – Member (2003-2004).

University and Community Services Committee – Member (2001-present).

Exams Committee – Member at the Department level (2003-2004).

Supervision and Proctoring of Final Exams of the General Education Courses – Member at the University level (1997-present).

Editorial Board of the Emirates Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Member (2002-present).

Media and Community Services Committee – Member (2002-2003).

Scientific Committee for Plant Protection at the Agricultural Universities of the Arab Gulf countries – Member (2002).

Outcome Assessment Committee – Head at the Department level (2001-present) and Member at the College level (2001-2002).

Teaching Innovation Committee - Member (2001-2002).

Organizing Committee for the Symposium on The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides - Coordinator and member (November 1999).

Scientific Committee for the First International Conference on Data Palm – Member (1997-2000).

Faculty Farm Committee – Member (1997-present). Members give recommendation on all aspects of research projects, organization, and all matters related to the Farm at the UAE University.

Evaluation of Research Projects Committee - Member (1997-1998). Members give recommendation on research projects submitted to the Council for Sci. Research.

Faculty/Lecturer Position Selection Committee – Member (1997-1999, 2003-2005). Members select a qualified candidate for the faculty and non-faculty teaching position at the Department level.

Graduate Booklet Committee – Member (1998-99). Participated in collecting information on all graduates from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences since its
establishment in 1981.

Committee for Self-Evaluation of the Plant Production Dept. – Member (1999-2001).

Purdue University:

Participated in the “Purdue Pest Control Conference Planning Committee” meetings (1993 to 1996).

Presentations of Lectures in Workshops or Symposiums

The safe Use of Pesticides. Lecture presented at the IPM in the UAE Syposium. Organized by the Department of Aridland Agriculture (May 2005).

Survey of Insects in UAE – Department Seminar, Arid land Agriculture Dept., College of Food Systems seminar, 2nd semester (2001-2002).

Implement Instructional Delivery on the Internet Using Video-to-VCCA Conversion – Sponsored by the Information Technology Center (November 1999).

Current Strategies for the Control of Red Palm Weevil - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences seminar, 1st semester (1999-2000).

The Use of Pheromone in Insect Pest Management Program - Department of Plant Production, UAE University (2nd semester, 1997-98).

Development of an Integrated Pest Management Program - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences seminar (2nd semester, 1997-98).

Attendance of Seminars, Workshops, and Symposiums:

Research and Extension Related

The 2nd Tissue Culture Workshop and its Prospects in Agricultural Investment in the Arab Countries. Workshop organized by the Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development, FAO, Islamic Development Bank, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and UAE University. Al-Ain, UAE (June 2005).

The Design and Implementation of Food-Safety Programs in the UAE. Workshop sponsored by the Department of Agribusiness and Consumer Science (CFS), and Municipalities and Agriculture Department (al-Ain Agriculture) (May 2005).

Food Products Developments in the UAE and Beyond. Symposium organized by the College of Food Systems, Al-Ain (May 2004).

Procedures of Internally Funded Research Projects – Workshop sponsored by Research Affair Council (February 2004).

Food Contaminants and Regulations. Regional workshop organized by Abu-Dhabi Municipality) (October 2002).

Funded Research Projects - Workshop sponsored by Research Affair Council (September 2002).

Modern Trends in Picking, Packing, Storage of Date Palm and Tissue Culture – Symposium sponsored by the College of Food Systems (April 2002).

First and Third Scientific Workshops on Ornamental Horticulture in the Arab Gulf Region – Organized by Al-Ain Municipality and UAE University (April 2001 and March 2003).

Food Quality Control: Its Effect in Securing Proper Nutrition in Gulf Region - Symposium organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Food Sciences and Nutrition Department (CFS) (April 1999).

Efficacy of SoilRich Applications to Different Crops – Symposium organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Plant Production Department, in cooperation with Gulf Commercial-US AmeriGro (April 1999).

Animal Production Information Network (API Net), Development of Courses in the Internet – Workshop organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Animal Production Department (November 1998).

Preparing and Submitting Research Proposals – Workshop sponsored by the Council for Academic Affairs (October 1998).

Teaching Related Activities

The Effective Use of Laptop in Active Learning. Workshop organized by the Laptop Committee of the College of Food Systems, UAE University. Al-Ain, UAE (April 2005).

I Wil on-Line System – Workshop sponsored by Internship and Integrated Learning Center (February 2004).

WACE Learning System: Interactive Learning workshop - Workshop sponsored by UAE University (December 2003).

Program Assessment and Development Committee – College representative to attend a workshop on date entry and outcome analysis (May 2004).

Best Practices for Internship Programs at an International Level and WACE Learning System Making Internship Programs More Effective Workshop - Workshop sponsored by Internship and Integrated Learning Center (November 2003).

ERMSS – Workshop sponsored by UAE University (September 2002).

- Development of Courses in the Internet – Workshop sponsored by UAE University (May 1999).

Other Activities

Writing extension articles in Al-Morshed magazine, published by Abu-Dhabi Municipality (2000-present).

Planning a training workshop in “Pest Control and Safe Use of Pesticides” for field supervisors of Al-Ain Municipality (to be held November 2004).

Preparing the Department of Aid land Agriculture brochure - College of Food Systems, 2nd semester (2001-2002).

Attended a training course on “Healthy Nutrition and Food Safety”, organized by the Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (December 1999).

Pecan aphid biology and management – Department of Entomology Seminar, Purdue University (1993).

2) Community Services:

Participation in Committees:


Date Palm Pests Control Research Team – Member (July 2005-present). Joint work team between the UAE University, Al-Ain Municipality, and Al-Ain Agriculture.

Committee for Reviewing of EIA Studies – Application filled for participation, requested by the Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency, Abu-Dhabi (December 2002).

Joint Research Team – Member (2002). Joint research team between the Private Department of H. H. The President of the UAE, Abu-Dhabi Municipality, and UAE University.

Joint Cooperation Committee – Joint research cooperation between the Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency and the UAE University (May 2003).

Survey of Pests in UAE Committee – Member (2001-2002). Supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, UAE.

Technical Committee for Studying Pesticide Residues in Food Products - Member (2001-2002). Supported by the Ministry of Finance and Industry, UAE.

Study the Fate of Insecticides in Vegetable Crops in the UAE – Member (2000-2001). Supported by the Federal Environmental Agency of the UAE.

Liaison Committee with the Environmental Health Program of the World Health Organization – Member (1997-98). Supported by the Ministry of Health, UAE.

Committee for Study of Agrichemicals and Agricultural Products – Member (1998-1999). Supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, UAE.

Other Arab Countries

Insects and Acari Committee – Member (2002-2003) - Supported by the Arab Organization for Plant Protection, to review and add terms used in plant protection sciences.

Presentations of Lectures in Workshops or Symposiums

Recent Termite Research Studies in the United Arab Emirates – Workshop organized by the Royal Court Affairs & Sultan Qaboos University (Oman) (September 2005).

Integrated Pest Management – Workshop organized by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (August 2003).

Current and Future Status of Pest Control in the UAE – Workshop, on the control of red palm weevil, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (March 2003).

The Use of Dangerous Materials and Methods of Storage – Workshop organized by Food and Environmental Control Center, Abu-Dhabi Municipality (April 2001).

Introduction to Pesticides – Symposium, on the Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, sponsored by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Plant Production, UAE University (November 1999).

Pesticides Emergency – Symposium, on the Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides, sponsored by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Plant Production, UAE University (November 1999).

The Use of Baiting Systems in Monitoring and Controlling Termites in Historical Buildings - Symposium sponsored by Dubai Municipality, Historical Building Section (September 1999).

Date palm insects in storage - Symposium on Modern Trends in Fruit Handling and Storage, which was sponsored by the Department of Plant Production, UAE University (December 1998).

Problems Associated with the Handling of Pesticides – Symposium entitled “Training Workshop in Agricultural Extension”, which was sponsored by the Department of Plant Production, UAE University (February 1999).

The Use of Pheromones in an Integrated Pest Management for the Red Palm Weevil – the “Date Palm Weevil” workshop sponsored by the General Secretariat of Municipalities, Dubai, UAE (February. 1998).

Attendance of Seminars, Workshops, and Symposiums:

Proclaim: a New Pesticide in the UAE. Seminar organized by the Agricultural Materials Co., Al-Ain, UAE (September 2005).

The Use of Viruses in Managing Insect: Red Palm weevil (Study Case). Seminar organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (March 2005).

Integrated Use of Pesticides (Calypso, Envidor, Flint). Seminar organized by Bayer CropScience, Al-Ain, UAE (February 2005).

Total Quality & Its Role in Developing Individuals and Corporation Performance – Seminar organized, in Al-Ain, by Abu-Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (June 2004).

New Pest Control Methods with Fiendly Pesticides – Workshop organized by Al-Mubarak Agricultural Chemicals Co. and Dow AgroSciences, Dubai (October 2003).

Environmental Protection: Responsibilities and Priorities – Seminar and Exhibition organized by Abu-Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (December 2002).

Food Contaminants and Regulations – Regional workshop sponsored by Abu-Dubai Municipality and Town Planning (October 2002).

Animal Production Under Arid Conditions – The 5th Annual Conference (May 2000) and the 6th Annual Conference (April 2001).

The Use of Integrated Pest Management for Preventing Environmental Pollution - Symposium sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (May 1999).

Control of Termites Using Backtop Microcapsule Insecticide – Workshop organized by the Agricultural Materials Co. (January 2004).

The Use of Information Technology in teaching and Learning – Organized by the College of Education (November 1999).

Salt Tolerant Plants – Organized by Biosaline Agriculture Center - Dubai (October 1999).

Training, Diagnosis, and Consultations

Siji Date Farm. Providing professional diagnosis of date palm pests in Siji date farm in Fujairah Emirate (May 2005).

Biological Control and Organic Agriculture - Providing professional opinion on a study on “Environmental Maintenance and Biological Diversity” prepared by the “National Company on Biological Agriculture” to the office of H.H. The President of the UAE (June 2004).

Cooperative Gulf Council Award for the Best Environmental Work selected as a Judge from the UAE to review research projects submitted to Arab Gulf Council (November 2002).

Herbal Treatment of the “Neem Guard” Botanical Insecticide for the Control of the Red Palm weevil – Providing professional opinion on this product received from Shalimar International L.L.C. (April 2004).

Introducing the College of Food Systems – Visiting High School student in Al-Fujayra Emirates to provide information on the College (April 2003).

Biological Control of Agricultural Pests - Providing professional opinion to the Office of the President of the UAE (June 2002).

Date Mites - Providing professional opinion to the Office of the President of the UAE (June 2001).

Forest Tree Samples – Diagnosis of plant samples of forest trees received from Twaisa Forest (December 2001).

Controlling termite infestations in several UAE University buildings - Organized a plan of control (October and November 2001).

Development of al-Sammaliah Island – Proposed research projects for developing the Island (November 2001).

Consultation and writing report on analysis of soil and plant samples to several agencies in the country.

Training of Agricultural High School students – Training laboratory sessions in our Plant Protection Laboratory (1997-98).

Examination of Several Compost Plant Samples for the Presence of Insects and Diseases. Samples received from Al-Ain Compost Plant of Al-Ain Municipality, Emirates of Abu-Dhabi.

Serving as a Judge for research papers on “ The Use of Chemicals in Agriculture” submitted by UAE University students for Sheik Mohamed bin Khaled Al-Nahayan award. The award was sponsored by Sheik Mohamed bin Khaled Educational and Religion Center (December 1998).

Preparing a color poster on red palm weevil life cycle and damage, as well as an extension publication on termites for the Agrofish exhibition (October 1998).

Visiting historical buildings in Dubai City to assess the level of termite infestations in historical buildings. Suggestions and comments to solve the problem were given to authority. Detailed research proposal on termites was submitted to Dubai Municipality for their consideration and funding (1998-1999).

Diagnosis of Symptoms of Mangrove trees received from the Committee of the Emirates Heritage Club, a part of the Commission of Environmental Researches of Al-Shammaliah Island (second semester 1997-98).

Selecting the Right Pheromone for the Control of Major Agricultural Pests – Consultation was given to the Department of Parks and Agriculture, Dubai Municipality (April 2001).

Served as a Judge for Poster sessions in the 2002 Entomological Society of America National Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida – (November 2002).

Frequent Consultation to Local Pest Control Operators from the State of Indiana.

Acted as a President of the Arab Community of Greater Lafayette, Indiana (1994-1997). Arrangement for meeting facilities and selecting guest speakers for the monthly meetings was made.

Invited to speak to second graders from Cumberland Elementary School in West Lafayette, Indiana, on “the World of Insects and Exotic Cockroaches” (September 1996).

Beetle Mythology of Ancient Egypt - 1996 Bug Bowl presentations to the general public (over 5,000 attendees) (April 1996).

Served as a Judge for the 1993 Southwest Georgia Regional Science Fair, Tifton High School, Tifton, Georgia (December 1993).

3- Guidance of Students:

UAE University:

Graduation Research Projects: Served as a Research Advisor for ten students: Titles of the projects were:

Male students:
(1) Preliminary survey of insects in the UAE.

(2) Fate of pesticides in the soil of the UAE.

(3) Fate of Marshal, a systemic insecticide, for the control of the red palm weevil.

(4) Survey of insects in the Agricultural Sciences Faculty farm.

(5) Estimation of whitefly and leafminer infestations on several vegetable crops.

(6) Distribution and foraging territories and densities of colonies of the sand termites.

Female students:

(7) Evaluation and determination of quality of honey.

(8) Performance of honeybee colonies in the production of honey and other products during the spring season.

(9) The consumption and nutritional value of honeybee products (Survey).

(10) The role of honeybee products in the prevention and cure of diseases (Survey).

Practical Field Training I - Trained over 10 students on “the safe and effective use of pesticides” and “Pesticide Safety” (from 1999 to 2003).

Practical Field Training II - Training program between the two semesters for the academic year 1999-2000 was completed for 13 students.

Academic Advisor to 15 undergraduate students – helped students in selecting their courses during their undergraduate years (1997-present).

Purdue University:

Directed undergraduate students in special research assignment for credit in the “Special Project” Course (Spring and Summer 1994) at the Department of Entomology. Students were taught how to conduct an experiment, collect and analyze data, and write a summary report. Research titles were:

(1) Transfer of entomopathogenic fungi among German cockroaches.
(2) Residual persistence of insect growth regulators used for German cockroach control.

* Certificates of Professional Development and Training Programs:

Certificates Awarded for Completing Workshops or Training:

1. “WACE Learning System: Interactive Learning” workshop – UAE University (2003).

2. “Blackboard Training workshop" workshop – UAE University (2002).

3. “Development of Courses in the Internet” workshop – UAE University (1999).

4. “Analytical Techniques in Marines Science” Training Program – a seven-day training program sponsored by the Faculty of Science at UAE University (Al-Ain, UAE) with the cooperation with the Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency (23-27 November, 1997).

5. “Pest Control Technology” - Certificate was awarded for completing the correspondence course at Purdue University (1994).

6. Computer Experience: Experience with Microsoft Office, Statistical Analysis System (SAS), and statistical methods and experimental design.

Professional References:

Dr. Salih Abdu A-Shorepy, Associate Professor and Head
Department of Arid land Agriculture
College of Food Systems
P. O . Box 17555
Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates
Tel: 971-3-7051249 FAX: 971-3-7632384
e-mail: Salih.Abdu@uaeu.ac.ae

Dr. Gary W. Bennett, Professor
Smith Hall, Center for Urban & Industrial Pest Management
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1158
Tel 317-494-4564 FAX 317-494-0535
e-mail: gbennett@purdue.edu

Dr. Douglas G. Pfeiffer, Professor
Department of Entomology
205C Price Hall, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Tel: (540) 231 4183 FAX: 540-231-9131
e-mail: dgpfeiff@vt.edu

Dr. James D. Dutcher, Professor
Department of Entomology
Coastal Plain Experiment Station, University of Georgia
Tifton, Georgia 31793
Tel: (912) 386-3567 FAX: 912-386-3086
e-mail: dutcher@tifton.cpes.peachnet.edu

Dr. Henry Hogmire, Professor
Center for Agricultural and Natural Resources Development
Tree Fruit Research & Education Center
Kearneysville, WV 25430-0609
Tel 304-876-6353 FAX 304-876-6034
e-mail: hhogmire@wvu.edu