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Dr. B. B. Mekki

Corresponding Address :

Dr. B. B. Mekki
Professor Researcher, Field Crops Research Dept.
Agric. Div. National, Research, Center

Name           : Bahaa El- Din Bastawy Mekki.
Date of Birth  : 15-3-1953.
Place of Birth : Esna –Kena - Egypt.
Social Status  : Married +2.

Address :

Home   : 19 Hassan Mohamed Street Hadayek El- Maadi, Cairo, Egypt.

Office : National Research Center, El- Tahrir Street,
         Dokki, Giza, Egypt
Tele   : Home: (202) 3795441- 3584772
Office : (202) 3371433- 3371362 –3371499.
Fax    : (202) 3370931

Scientific Qualifications:

B.Sc. in Agriculture Sci. ( Agronomy ), June, 1976, Faculty of Agriculture Al – Azhar Univ. Egypt with final grade “ Very Good “

M. Sc.Thesis In Agric. Sci. ( Agronomy ), January 1985, Faculty of Agric. Cairo Univ. with Title : Effect of different levels of water supply and plant population on some growth and physiological characters, yield and yield components in sunflower.

Ph. D. Thesis in Agric. Sci. ( Agronomy ) June 1990, Faculty of Agric. Cairo Univ. Egypt with Title : Effect of fertilization with some macro elements, water supply and other culture treatments on oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)

Professional Carrier:

Agricultural Specialist at Botany Department National Research Center (NRC), Cairo, Egypt (from 24 / 7 /1979 – 28 / 9 / 1984).

Assistant Researcher at Botany Department, NRC
(from 29 / 9 / 1984 – 1 / 5 / 1985)

Researcher Assistant at Botany Department, NRC
(from 2 / 5 / 1985 – 27 / 6 / 1990)

Researcher Botany Department, NRC
(from 28 / 6 / 1990 – 16 /10 / 1994).

Researcher at Field Crops Research Department, NRC
(from 17 / 10 / 1994 – 28 / 6 / 1995).

Assistant Professor Researcher at Field Crops Research Department, NRC (from 29 / 6 / 1995 – 30 / 7 / 2000).

Professor Researcher at Field Crops Research Department, NRC
(from 31 / 7 / 2000)

Contribution in National Projects :

1- Research team member in the Integrated Rural Development in Giza Governorate, Egypt since 1990 - 1994

2- Scientific team member in the National Campaign of rising corn yield since, Egypt 1991 - 2001

3- Scientific team member for cultivation and development of field and vegetable, which tolerance to drought and salinity in Sinai, Egypt.

4- Scientific team member for the evaluation of growth and productivity of some halophytic plants under Egyptian conditions from 1994- 1998.

5- Scientific team member for Relationship of Soil, Water with Yield in Oasis , Egypt since 1999 - 2001.

6- Scientific team member for Improving grains sorghum yield in Upper Egypt since 1999-2001.

Training Courses:

1. Participate in the running of the training courses organized by the Technology Transfer Component in the area of “ Fertigation Technology” December 27-31, 1992 at the Agriculture Research Center. Giza. Egypt.

2. Participate in the running of the training courses organized by the Technology Transfer Component in the area of “ Future Prospects of Improving Egyptian cotton Productivity and Quality” at Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt, April 25-29, 1993.

3. Participate in the running of training courses organized by the International Program for Agriculture Knowledge System ( INTERPAKS) at Illinois University at Urbana- Champaign, USA in “Extension Methodology and Communication”, October,22- November 19, 1993

4. Participate in the Running of the training courses organized by the Nile Center of Information and Training at El Agozza, Giza, Egypt in “ Moubarak National Project”, October, 16-19, 1995.

5. Participate in the Running of the training courses in (ON- FARM IRRIGATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT IN OLD AND NEW LANDS) organized by Irrigation Technology Project (WM7) sponsored by Agriculture Technology Utilization and Transfer “ATUT “. Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt and Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Egypt May 19-24, 2001.

Contribution in the scientific seminars and conferences:

1. The 4th Conference of Agronomy, Fac. of Agric. Cairo Univ., Egypt September 1990.

2. Th 5th Conference of Agronomy, Fac. of Agric. Zagazig Univ., Egypt September 1992.

The 6th Conference of Agronomy, Fac. of Agric. Al -Azhar Univ., Egypt September 1994.

4. The 7th Conference of Agronomy Fac. of Agric. Mansoura Univ., Egypt September 1996.

5. The 11th International Rapeseed Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July, 6– 10 (2003).


1. Kandil, A.; A.H. El-Hattab; M.T. El-Saidi and B.B. Mekki (1987). Effect of different levels of water supply and plant population on growth, yield and yield components in sunflower. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ.Egypt 13(1): 63-78.

2. Kandil, A.; N.M. Abu-Hagaza and B.B. Mekki (1990). Response of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) to N, P and K. Proc.4th Agron. Faculty of Agric. Cairo Univ.Egypt Sept. 15-16 Vol. II: 29-43.

3. Kandil, A.; N.M. Abu- Hagaza and B.B. Mekki (1990). Response of oilseed rape to seeding rates and row spacing. Proc.4th Agron. Faculty of Agric. Cairo Univ.Egypt Sept. 15-16 Vol. II: 45-59

4. Abd El- Hafeez, A.A.; M.T. El- Saidi; N.M. Abu-Hagaza and B.B. Mekki (1990). Effect of different levels of water supply on some varieties of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Proc.4th Agron. Faculty of Agric. Cairo Univ.Egypt Sept. 15-16 Vol. II: 79-90.

5. El - Saidi, M.T.; A. Kandil and B.B. Mekki (1992). Effect of different levels of water supply on growth, yield, oil and fatty acids contents of some varieties of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.).Proc. 5th Conf. Argon. Faculty of Agric. Zagazig Univ.Egypt Sept.15 Vol. II: 889-907.

6. Mekki, B.B.; S.A. Kandil and M.S A. Abu El-Kheir (1993). Significance of potassium application on soybean plant grown under drought conditions. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, Egypt Vol. 31(1): 125-139.

7. Kandil, S.A; M.S.A. Abu El-Kheir and B.B. Mekki (1993). Effect of omitting irrigation at different reproductive stages on three soybean cultivars. Egyptian J. Appl. Sci. 8(6): 775-790.

8. Mekki, B.B.; M.S.A. Abu El-Kheir and S.A. Kandil (1993). Effect of water stress on some safflower varieties. Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, Egypt Vol. 31(2): 739-749.

9. Mekki, B.B. (1993). Effect of water deficit and spraying with mepiquat chloride on yield and fiber properties of cotton (G. barbadense). Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, Egypt Vol.31 (3): 1421-1434.

10. Mekki, B.B.; M.S.A. Abu El-Kheir and E.E. Habba (1993). Response of two sunflower cultivars to salt stress. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.8 (12): 142-154.

11. Mekki, B.B.; S.Y. Besheit and Maria G. Beshay (1994). Effect of water stress and spraying with the Bioregulator CKB 1709 on sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). 1. Growth and photosynthetic pigments. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.9 (4): 80-92.

12. Mekki, B.B.; S.Y. Besheit and Maria G. Beshay (1994). Effect of water stress and spraying with the Bioregulator CKB 1709 on sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). II. Root yield, root quality, consumptive use and water use efficiency. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.9 (4): 93-104.

13. Abu El-Kheir, M.S.A; S.A Kandil and B.B. Mekki (1994). Physiological response of two soybean cultivars grown under water stress conditions as affected by CCC treatments. Egyptian J. Physio. Sci., Egypt 18,No.1, pp.179-200.

14. Abu El-Kheir, M.S.A; Z.A.Ali and B.B. Mekki (1994). Influence of different levels of water supply on growth, yield and anatomical structure of oil lettuce ( Lactuca scariola L.). Egypt, J Appl. Sci. 9(8): 698-706.

15. Abu El-Kheir, M.S.A. and B.B. Mekki (1994). Effect of foliar applicaton of manganese on three oilseed rape varieties. Egypt. J . Agron. 19:35-46.

16. Besheit, S.Y.; B.B.Mekki and M.A. Sayed (1995). Yield and technological characters of sugar beet as affected by rates and time of nitrogen application. J. Agri. Sci., Mansoura Univ. Egypt 20 (1): 61-69.

17. Mekki, B.B. and M.S. Hassanein (1995). Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and plant spacing on growth and yield of safflower. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.10 (3): 249-261.

18. Mekki, B.B. and M.A. Kortam (1995). Effect of spraying with the Bioregulator CKB 1709 on growth, yield and fiber properties of cotton (G.barbadense L.) under water deficit conditions. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. 10(9): 251-265.

19. Shaaban, M.M. and B.B.Mekki (1996). Effect of sowing date and micronutrients foliar application on growth, yield and yield components of cotton plants. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. Egypt, 21 (2): 467-475.

20. Besheit, S.Y.; B.B.Mekki and Marria G, Beshay (1996). Effect of different levels of water supply on sugar beet yield and quality in calcareous soils. J. Agric, Sci. Mansoura Univ. Egypt, 21(10): 3429-3436.

21. Ashour, N.I.; M.S.Serage; A.K.Abd El-Haleem and B.B.Mekki (1997). Forage production from three grass species under saline irrigation in Egypt. J. of Arid Environments 37:299-307.

22. Mekki, B.B.; M.A. El-Kholy and E.M. Mohamed (1998). Effect of foliar application of potassin- p and plant spacing on seed yield, oil and fatty acid contents of prickly oil lettuce ( Lactuca scariola L.). 8th Conf. Argon. Fac. Of Agric. Suez Canal Univ. Egypt, Nov 28-29.

23. Selim, M.M.; B.B. Mekki and M.O. Kabesh (1998). Utilization of organic and biofertified systems for increasing maize production under new reclaimed sandy soils. 8th Conf. Argon. Fac. Of Agric. Suez Canal Univ., Egypt, Nov 28-29.

24. Mekki, B.B. and A.A El-Sayed (1998). Differential response of some maize hybrids to nitrogen, zinc and manganese foliar spray. J Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. Egypt, 23 (12): 5701-5712.

25. Mekki, B.B. and M.M. El-Gazzar (1999). Response of root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) to irrigation with saline water and foliar potassium fertilization. Annals Agric. Sci. Ain Shams Univ.Cairo, Egypt, 44(11): 213-225.

26. Mekki, B.B.; M.M. Selim and M.S.M. Saber (1999). Utilization of Biofertilizers in Field Crop Production. 12. Effect of organic manuring, chemical and Biofertilizers on yield and nutrient content of millet grown in newly reclaimed soil. Egypt. J. Argon. 21:113-124.

27. Mekki, B.B.; M.A. El-Kholy and E.M. Mohamed (1999). Yield, oil and fatty acid contents as affected by water deficit and potassium fertilization in two sunflower cultivars Egypt. J. Argon. 21:67-85.

28. Mekki, B.B. and M.A. El-Kholy (1999). Response of yield, oil and fatty acids contents in some oilseed rape varieties to mepiquat chloride. Bull. N.R.C Egypt.24 (3): 349-360.

29. Ashour, N.; S.M.Arafat; A.Abd El-Haleem; M.Serage; S.Mandour and B.B. Mekki (1999) Growing halophytes in Egypt for forage production and desertification control. Bull.N.R.C.Egypt, 24 (3): 349-360.

30. Ashour, N.; A.K.Abd El-Haleem; M.Serage; and B.B. Mekki (1999). Halophytes – A potential source of forage production in salt – affected desert land. Proc. 5th Inter. Conf. Desert Development, August 12 – 17 (1996), Lubbock, Texas, USA, Vol. II, 985 – 997.

31. Mekki, B.B. (1999). Effect of mepiquat chloride on growth, yield and fiber properties of some Egyptian cotton cultivars. Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci. Ain Shams Univ.Cairo, Egypt 7 (2): 455-466.

32. Mekki, B.B. (2000). Yield and fiber properties of cotton as affected by spraying with vapor guard under water deficit conditions. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci.15 (1): 111-121.

33. Ashour, N.I.; M.Serage; A.K. Abd El-Haleem; S.Mandour; B.B, Mekki and S.M Arafat (2000). Leptochloa fusca P.Beauv: A halophytic summer green fodder in Egypt. International Seminar Prospects for Saline Agriculture. April 10-12,2000, Islam abad Pakistan.

34. Abo El-Kheir, M.S.A.; S.A.Kandil and B.B.Mekki (2001). Evaluation of some rapeseed varieties grown under saline irrigation conditions. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci. 16(1): 64-81.

35. Nadia, H. El- Greedly and B.B Mekki (2001). Growth, yield and endogenous hormones of canola plants as affected by uniconazole. J. Agric, Sci. Mansoura Univ., Egypt 26(5): 2777-2787.

36. Ashour, N.I.; M.Serage; A.K. Abd El-Haleem; S.Mandour; B.B, Mekki and S.M Arafat (2002). Use of Kallar Grass (Leptochloa fusca L.) Kunth in Saline Agriculture in Arid Lands in Egypt. Egypt. J. Agron. 24, pp. 63 –78.

37. Mekki, B.B (2003). Yield and chemical composition of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) varieties in response to nitrogen fertilization. 11th International Rapeseed Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 6 – 10, Vol. III, 915 – 917.

38. Ahmed, Amal, G.and B.B. Mekki (2004). Effect of soil and foliar application of potassium on yield and yield components of two corn crosses. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ.Egypt, 29 (10): 5421- 5429

39. Ahmed, Amal, G. and B.B. Mekki (2005). Yield and yield components of two maize hybrids as influenced by water deficit during different growth stages. Egyptian J. Appli. Sci., 20(2): 64 – 79.

40. Mekki, B.B. (2005). Yield and nutrient uptake of wheat in response to potassium and sulphur fertilization in newly reclaimed sandy soils. Accepted in the 15th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium. Sept.14 – 19, 2005, Beijing, China, pp.1040 – 1041.

41. El-Greedly, Nadia, H.M. and B.B. Mekki (2005). Growth, yield and endogenous hormones as influenced by stigmasterol. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, Punjab, Pakistan 1 (1): 63 – 66.