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Dr. Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Abdel-Aziz

Personal Data:

Name: Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Abdel-Aziz
Date and Place of Birth:
16/09/1953, Alexandria, Egypt
Professor of animal breeding and
quantitative genetics

103 Abdel-Kareem El-Khataby Street
Ibrahimiah, Alexandria, Egypt Apt# 14

Department of Animal Production
Faculty of Agriculture
Alexandria University
Shatby, Alexandria

Home: 00203 425 75 88/427 9321
Work: 00203 592 1683
Fax: 00203 592 2780

Marital Status: Married with two children


B.Sc. Animal Production with an average grade excellent, 1975. Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt.

M.Sc. Dairy Cattle Breeding, 1980. Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt

Ph.D. Sheep Breeding and Genetics, 1989. Department of Animal Science, University of Minnesota, USA


Demonstrator: 1976-1980, Department of Animal Production, University of Alexandria, Egypt

Assistant Lecturer:
1981-1983, Department of Animal Production, University of Alexandria, Egypt.

Assistant Professor:
1990-1997, Department of Animal Production, University of Alexandria, Egypt.

Associate Professor:
1997-2003, Department of Animal Production, University of Alexandria, Egypt.

2003-now Department of Animal Production, University of Alexandria, Egypt.

Scientific Interests:

Estimation of variance components
Estimation  of  genetic  and  phenotypic  parameters  and breeding
Designing breeding programs
Research in the areas of growth, milk production, reproduction and   fiber.
Biotechnology  research  and  its  application  in  the  livestock
  industry, mainly QTL and gene markers.


Computer Literacy:

Word processors (typing in Arabic and English, using WORD and any   other word processor).
Spread sheets, suhc as EXCEL.
Data bases such as ACCESS and DBASEs.

Statistical Packages:
Graphic software, such as HARVARD GRAPHICS and GNUPLOT
Writing computer programs using FORTRAN

I teach the following classes for undergraudate and graduate students:

Animal Breeding (Animal Prod 103)
Animal Genetics (Anim Prod 102)
Animal Production (General, Anim Prod 1)
Principles of Statistics
Experimental Design
Animal Production in the Tropics (Anim Prod 204)
Advanced Animal Breeding (Anim Prod 216)
Quantitative genetics


:: Theses


Thesis Title " Sire evaluation and genetic parameters for some economic traits in cows and buffaloes". University of Alexandria, Egypt.

Thesis Title " Genetic and phenotypic variation in growth, reproduction and wool of several breeds of sheep and their crosses. University of Minnesota, USA.

:: Papers and articles:

M.A. Aziz; Sharaby, M.A. and I.S. El-Kimary. 1982. Sire evaluation and genetic parameters of first lactation length in Egyptian buffaloes and high grades of Friesian cows. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 31: 418-426.

M.A. Aziz; I.S. El-Kiamry and M.A. Sharaby. 1982. Genetic control and sire evaluation for age at first calving in Egyptian buffaloes and Friesian cows. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 31: 8-15.

3. Sharaby, M.A.; I.S. El-Kimary and M.A. Aziz. 1987. Genetic and environmental control of first lactation milk yield in cows and buffaloes. Live. Prod. Sci., 17: 225-233.

4. Badran, A.; M.A. Aziz and M.A. Sharaby. 1991. Performance of Friesian cattle under two environmental conditions. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 36: 83-93.

5. M.A. Aziz and A.E. Badran. 1992. Effect of age at first calving on milk yield and lactation length in Egyptian buffalo. International Symposium on Prospects of Buffalo Production in the Mediterranean/Middle East, Cairo, Egypt, 9-12 Nov., 1992.

6. Kosba, M.A.; M.F. Hassan; F.N.K. Soliman; M.A. Aziz and M. Bahie El-Deen. 1992. Selection for dressing percentage in Japanese quail. Egyptian Poultry Sci., 12: 333-346.

7. Sharaby, M.A. and M. A. Aziz. 1993. Factors affecting lactation curve of Friesian cows in Saudi Arabia. J. King Saud University (Agric. Sciences), 6: 253-259.

8. M.A. Aziz and M.A. Sharaby. 1993. Collinearity as a problem in predicting body weight from body measurements of Najdy sheep in Saudi Arabia. Small Ruminant Res., 12: 117-124.

9. M.A. Aziz and M.Abdelsalam. 1993. Additive and multiplicative correction factors for lamb birth weight in some Egyptian sheep breeds. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 38: 139-151.

10. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 1993. Origin and domestication of the Dromedary (Arabic camel). Proceedings of the 6th World Symposium on the History of Science of Arabs. Ras El-Kheimah, United Arab Emirates, December, 1996.

11. M.A. Aziz.; E. Kalm and A.E. Badran. 1994. Genetic merit of first lactation milk yield of water buffaloes using animal model. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 39: 61-70.

12. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 1994. Sire evaluation and environmental and genetic trends of milk yield in water buffalo. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 39: 129-148.

13. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 1994. Evaluation of some environmental factors affecting weaning weight of Rahmany and Barki sheep breeds. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 39: 149-166.

14. M.A. Aziz; M. Abdelsalam and E. Kalm. 1995. Frequency distribution of lambing month and its relationship with some environmental factors in some breeds of sheep on Egypt. Proceedings of the International Conference on Animal Production in Hot Climates. Oman, 8-10 January, 1995 (abstract). The paper was further published in the Egyptian Journal of Applied Science (Zagazig University), 15: 719-726.

15. M.A. Aziz; R. Rohe, and E. Kalm. 1995. Genetic and environmental factors associated with firmness of the mammary gland in sows using quasi-loglinear and linear models. Arch. Tirez. Dummerstorf, 38: 665-761.

16. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 1996. The effect of data imbalance and small herd size on heritability estimated by different methods. A case study on a buffalo herd. Proceedings of the Third Symposium on the FAO Inter-Regional Research Network on Buffalo, Cairo 14-17 October, 1996 (asbtract).

17. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 1997. Comparison of animal model evaluations for first lactation milk yield of Egyptian buffalo using different priors, (abstract). Proceedings of the Fifth World Buffalo Congress, October 13-16, 1997, Castera, Italy. P 545.

18. M.A. Aziz; A.E. Mahdy and O.B. El-Shafie. 1997. Frequency distribution of calving month in Egyptian buffaloes. Proceedings of the Fifth World Buffalo Congress, October 13-16, 1997, Castera, Italy. Pages, 706-709.

19. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 1997. Group breeding schemes as a method of choice for improving the productivity of livestock populations in the Arabic countries, (in Arabic). Development and Agriculture, 16(4): 23-26.

20. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 1999. The principles of genetic improvements of farm animals (In Arabic). Bovine and Ovine, 22: 8-11.

21. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 2000. Heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations between pre-weaning growth traits in Rahmany and Barki lambs. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 45:13-21.

22. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 2000. Evaluation of ram breeding values for pre-weaning growth traits in Rahmany and Barki lambs. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 45:1-11.

23. M.A. Aziz and A.E. Badran. 2000. Efect of data imbalance and small herd size on the heritability estimated by different methods (A case study of milk yield in a buffalo herd). Alexandria J. Agric. Res., 45(3): 1-7.

24. Abdelaziz, N.M.; M.M. Abdelsalam; M.A. Aziz and Eman Serag. 2000. Studies on some factors affecting some wool traits through vital stages of sheep. Proc. All Africa. Conf. Anim. Agric. & Conf. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Prod. Alexandria, Egypt, 6-9 November, 2000. pp. 707-711.

25. M.A. Aziz; S.J. Schoeman; G.F. Jordaan, O.M. El-Shafie and A.T. Mahdy. 2001. Genetic and phenotypic variation of some reproductive traits in Egyptian buffaloes. South African Jouranl of Animal Science, 31: 195-199.

26. M.A. Aziz; S.J.S. Schoeman and G.F. Jordaan. 2002. The influence of outliers on a model for the estimation of crossbreeding parameters for weaning weight in a beef cattle breed. South African Journal of Animal Science, 32: 164-170.

27. Schoeman, S.J.S., M.A. Aziz and G.F. Jordaan. 2002. The infleunce of multicollineairy on crossbreeding parameter estimates for weaning weight in beef cattle. South African Journal of Animal Science, 32(4): 239-246.

28. M.A.Aziz; M. Enoch; T. Kojima; K. Oshima and M. Komatsu. 2002. Estimation of Genetic and Phenotypic parameters and genetic and environmental trends of pre-weaning growth traits of Japanese Black calves using animal model. Poster presented in Annual Meeting of the Japanese Scoiety of Animal Breedcing and Genetic, held in Kyoto University 9-11 November 2002, (abstract).

29. Komatsu, M.; M.A. Aziz; Niibayashi; T. Kojima; K. Oshima; Y. Mizogichi and Y. Sugimoto. 2002. A primary screen of the bovine genome for quantitative trait loci affecting some growth traits of Japanese Black calves. Poster presented in Annual Meeting of the Japanese Scoiety of Animal Breedcing and Genetic, held in Kyoto University 9-11 November 2002, (abstract).

30. M.A. Aziz; Schoeman, S.J. and G.F. Jordaan. 2003. Estimation of additive, maternal and nonadditve genetic effects of pre-weaning growth traits in mutlibreed beef cattle project. Animal Science Journal, 74: 169-179

31. M.A. Aziz, J.B. Owen, S.A. Azhar, A.E. Mahdy and O.M. El-Shafie. 2003. Genetic and phenotypic variation of lactation length and milk yield of Pakistani and Egyptian buffaloes. Alexandria J. Agric. Res., 48(2): 11-22.

32. M.A. Aziz; A.E. Mahdy; O.M. El-Shafie and N.A. Shalaby. 2003. A comparison of different models of the lactation curve in Egyptian buffaloes. Journal of Agricutural Science, Mansoura Univ., 28(7): 5253-5268.

33. M.A. Aziz; S. Nishida, K. Suzuki and A. Nishida. 2004. Estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters for some growth and carcass traits of Japanese Black calves using a multi-trait animal model. Accepted as a poster presentation in the next EAAP meeting, held in Bled, Slovenia, during the period from 4 to 9 September, 2004.

34. M.A. Aziz; O.M. El-Shafie and A. Nishida. 2004. Genetic and phenotypic parameters of milk yield and lactation curve parameters estimated by the Gamma function in Egyptian buffaloes. Accepted as a poster presentation in the next EAAP meeting, held in Bled, Slovenia, during the period from 4 to 9 September, 2004.

35. M.A. Aziz , S. Nishida, K. Suzuki and A. Nishida. 2005. Estimation of direct and maternal genetic and permanent environmental effects for weights from birth to 356 days of age in Japanese Black cattle using random regression. Journal of Animal Science (USA), 83: 519-530.

36. M.A. Aziz, N.A. Shalaby, O.M. El-Shafie, H. Shinohara and A. Nishida. 2005. Comparison between the shapes of lactation curve of Egyptian buffalo milk yield estimated by the incomplete gamma function and a new model. Submitted to Buffalo Bulletin.

37. M.A. Aziz, N.A. Shalaby, O.M. El-Shafie and A. Nishida. 2005. Estimation of lactation curve parameters of Egyptian buffalo using the linear form of the gamma function, ridge regression and principal component regression. Submitted to Livestock Production Science.

38. A. Nishida, M.A. Aziz, S. Nishida and K. Suzuki. 2005. Modeling the genetic and permanent environmental effects on number of services to conception of Japanese Black cows by random regression. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics (Germany).

39. M.A. Aziz, S. Nishida, K. Suzuki and A. Nishida. 2005. Estimation of direct and maternal genetic parameters for growth and carcass traits in a herd of Japanese Black cattle in Miyagi prefecture, using a multitrait animal model. Animal Sceince Journal (Japan), 76 (3): 183-193.

40. M.A. Aziz, A. Nishida, S. Nishida and K. Suzuki 2004. Modelling the maternal effect for beef marbling score of Japanese Black calves by random regression. In preparation.

:: Books:

1. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. Principles of Statistics (in Arabic). 1998. Manshaat El-Maaref Publishing Co., Alexandria, Egypt.

2. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. The Arabic Camel. (in Arabic). 1999. Dar Al-Eshaa Publishing Co., Alexandria, Egypt.

3. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. Design of Agricultural Experiments (in Arabic). 1999. Dar El-Maaref El-Masriah, Publishing Co., Alexandria, Egypt.

4. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. The Arabic Camel. (in Arabic). 2003 (second reprint). The Egyptian Company for Publsihing and Distribution, Alexandria, Egypt.

5. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. Design of Agricultural Experiments. (in Arabic). 2003 (second reprint). The Egyptian Company for Publsihing and Distribution, Alexandria, Egypt.

6. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. The Horse (two parts, in Arabic). 2004. The Egyptian Company for Publsihing and Distribution, Alexandria, Egypt. (in prepration).

:: Scientific reports (unpublished):

1. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 1996. Future needs and priorities of biotechnology research in livestock.

2. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 1997. Genes with large effects and their utilization in breeding programs.

3. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 2000. Marker assisted selection (MAS) and the genetic response.

4. M.A. Aziz.; G.A. Bright and J.B. Owen. A spread sheet simulation model for calculating the nutrition requirements of Egyptian buffaloes (BUFFMOD).

5. Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz. 2002. Development of breeding program for improving body weight and mothering ability of the Japanese Black cattle based on selection index and utilization of QTL . A lecture given in the 2002 special meeting of Western Region of Japan on Animal Breeding and Reproduction.

6. Mahmoud Abdel Aziz 2003. Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci.

:: Projects:

Improving wool characteristics in Barki and Rahmany sheep breeds.
Determination of some factors affecting post-weaning growth traits   in local sheep breeds.
Genetic improvement of milk yield in some local goat breeds.
Estimation of direct, maternal and nonadditive genetic effects of   some pre-weaning growth traits in some goat breeds and their   crosses.
Determination of the reproductive efficiency of the Egyptian sheep   breeds.
Improving growth and body shape of the Japansese Black cattle.

Projects of interest to be done in the future whenever fund is available:

Determination of factors affecting reproduction traits in the Egyptian sheep breeds. (The traits of interest are litter size, ovulation rate and embryonic loss). It is also of interest to determine whether any of our local breeds has a major gene or not.

Genetic polymorphisms in local cows.

I wish, in the future, to establish a group breeding scheme in an area close to Alexandria. It is a newly agricultural community established West of Alexandria. This community contains about 40 villages. I hope to get fund to start this project.

There are many problems facing the reproduction of Egyptian buffalo and we need to determine the nature of its variation. The results we have obtained up to now indicated that there is a seasonality problem in breeding water buffalo.

:: Theses supervision:

Seasonal variation in wool traits and their relationship to blood parameters in Barki sheep breeds. (Ph.D student)

Factors affecting fattening steers under the Egyptian enviroment (M.Sc. student)

Conferences and visits attended:

1. The University of Minnesota, USA, to study for Ph.D. degree
   during the period from 1983 to 1990 on a governmental schoalrship

NC-111 meeting, Superior, Wisconsin, USA. 1986.

The National Meeting of the American Society of Animal
   Production, Athens, Georgia, USA, August, 1985.

The  Third  World  Congress  of  Genetics  Applied  to Livestock,
   Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, August, 1986.

International Symposium on Prospects of Buffalo Production in the
   Mediterranean/Middle East, Cairo, Egypt, 9-12, November, 1992.

A leave to Kiel University, Germany, to work with professor E. Kalm, Director of the Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics. December, 1992, sponsored by the German DFG.

A leave to Kiel University, Germany, to work with professor E. Kalm, Director of the Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics. July-October, 1994, sponsored by the German DFG.

The International Conference of Animal Production in Hot Climate, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, 8-10 January, 1995.

A leave to work at the Ministry of Agriculture in Oman, during the period from January, 1996 to August, 1996, to work as an animal breeding expert.

Third Symposium on the FAO Inter-Regional Research Network on Buffalo. Cairo, Egypt, 14-17, 1996.

A leave to the University of Wales, Bangor, UK, to work with Professor J.B. Owen, during the period from July, 1997 to December 1997, sponsored by the Royal Society.

Visiting Professor at the University of Zambia, during the period from 25 February, 2000 to 10 March, 2000 to give some lectures in the area of animal breeding and genetics. Sponsored by the Association of the African Universities.

The joint meeting of 3rd All Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture and 11th Conference of the Egyptian Society of Animal Production, November 6-9, 2000, Alexandria, Egypt.

Visiting professor at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa during the period from February 14, 2001 to July 15, 2001, on a grant offered by UNESCO.

Visiting professor at the Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Reproduction, National Agricultural Research Center of Western Region (WeNARC), the Japanese Minsitry of Agriculture. On a fellowship granted by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), during the period from February to December, 2002.

Visting professor at the unviersity of Tohoku, Japan, starting from January to November, 2004, on a grant from the JSPS to conintue the work on improving the growth of the Japanese Black cattle.

The 55th EAAP meeting, Bled, Slovenia, 4-9 September 2004.

The Egyptian community:

I have given several lectures to the newly graduates as well as the animal breeders of Egypt on the issue of animal imrpovement and the importance of designing breeding programs which is greatly needed in Egypt.

I gave also some lectures to the small entrepreneurs. This project is established in cooperation with the Minsitry of Agriculture to encourage unemployed people to esablish small projects in the area of agriculture.

I am also cooperating with the Egyptian Desert Institute on some projects, mainly on imporving the productivity of goats and sheep under the desert conditions.
Awards and Membership

The scientific merit of the University of Alexandria, Egypt in the year of 1997.

Member of the Japanese Society of Animal Science
Editorial Conultant for the EAAP from January to December 2005.


Professor Gamal El-Din Abdel-Raheem
Head of the Department of Animal Production
Faculty of Agriculture,
Alexandria University,
Shatby, Alexandria
Tel: 00203 5439425
Fax: 00203 592 2780

Professor Adel Hassan
Professor Emeritus
Department of Animal Production
Faculty of Agriculture
Alexandria University
Shatby, Alexandria
Tel: 00203 583 2869
Fax: 00203 592 2780

Professor Akira Nishida
Graduate School of Agricultural Science,
Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University,
Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Genetics,
981-8555 Amamiya-machi, Tsutsumi-dohri,
Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, JAPAN
Tel/Fax: 022-717-8692

Professor Farahy El Noty
Department of Animal Production
Faculty of Agriculture
Alexandria University
Shatby, Alexandria
Tel: 00203 583 2869
Fax: 00203 592 2780