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Present Post :

Professor of Agricultural Engineering,
University of Jordan.
Amman 11942, Jordan
Tel : +962-6-5512674
home: +962-6-5355000 (work)
Fax : ++ 962-6-5355577 (work)

Personal Infomation :

Date of Birth  : November 13, 1943,
Place of Birth : Jaffa, Palestine
Citizenship    : Jordanian
Marital Status : Married with three daughters

Present Activities :
Teaching, Research and Consultancy.

Member in the Management Committee of the Club of Bologna, Italy.

in the FAO Oversight Panel of the Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS). The SPFS Oversight eight panel members are prominent figures in their field in the world. The members were selected by the Director General of FAO to advice him on the SPFS project activities in over 70 developing countries.

Member of the Board of Mechanization Section of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR).

Member in the Badia Research and Development Committee of the Higher Council of Science and Technology.

Academic Degrees and Ranks
B.Sc. { 1967 }in Agricultural Engineering,
Alexandria University, (Egypt)

M.Sc. { 1970 }in Agricultural Engineering,
Michigan State University (USA)

Ph.D. { 1973 } in Agricultural Engineering,
Michigan State University (USA).

Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Jordan from 1974 to 1979.

Associate Professor from 1979 to 1984.

Professor from 1984 to present.

Professional Experience :
Vice-President at the Jordan University of Science and Technology from August, 1998 to August, 2004 during which my responsibilities included the overall administration affairs and operation of the following faculties, centers, units and departments:

Faculty of Engineering.
Faculty of Agriculture.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
Computer and Information Center.
Queen Rania Center for Environment.
Unit of Employee’s Affairs.
Unit of Engineering Projects.
Unit of Central Supplies.
Unit of Maintenance and Operations.
Unit of Engineering Workshops.
Department of Tendering.

In addition to, the completion of the King Abdulla Hospital building and purchasing of all needed medical equipments and supplies.

Dean of Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Jordan
from 1993 to 1997.

Vice Dean and Acting Chairman
of Agricultural Mechanization Department in the Faculty of Agricultural at the University of Jordan from 1990 to 1993.

Chairman of Plant Production Department at the University of Jordan from 1984 to 1990.

Director of Application of Biotechnology to the Development of Agriculture in Jordan Project (01133 S32792) funded by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) from 1993 to 1997.

Director of Improvement of Agricultural Productivity in Arid and Semi- Arid Zones of Jordan Project (SEM/03/628/021) funded by European Union (EU) from 1993 to 1997.

Chairman of Jordan Badia Research and Development Committee of the Higher Council of Science and Technology from 1993 to 1997.

Member in the Steering Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture from 1993 to 1997.

Member in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Panel of Experts on Agricultural Engineering
from 1990 to 1994.

Team Leader of Food Legume Improvement and Mechanization Project from 1989 to 1994. As a result of research work, field demonstrations, field days and training of farmers, food legume yields were increased significantly and became part of the crop rotation in the rainfed areas .

Member in the Steering Committee of the National Center for Agricultural Research and Technology Transfer (NCARTT)
from 1994-1997 and from 2001 to 2002.

Vice-President of the Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering (AAAE), 2000 and 2001.

National Project Coordinator of Strengthening Farm Mechanization Project (JOR/89/003) funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) from 1989 to 1998.

Team Leader of research project on Tillage and Wheat Residue Management in Crop Rotation in rainfed areas from 1989 to 2000.

Awarded three DAAD research fellowships in Germany in 1982, 1988 and 1998.

Member in the Royal Committee for Agricultural Strategy in Jordan.
In addition to my position at the University, I was consultant to Jordan Cooperative Organization from 1981 to 1986 during which I participated in establishing two farm machinery hiring stations and two seed cleaning units in Madaba and Irbid and one farm machinery hiring substation in Karak. My participation included site selection, design development and construction follow up of buildings, specification, tender evaluation and purchasing of farm machinery, hiring staff and training staff and follow up the organization and administration of these stations. As a result of providing farm machinery services in the rainfed areas through these stations, cereal yields were doubled, forage production became feasible and grain legume production became profitable.
Also I carried out several consultancy missions, to Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE and Oman, delivered several short term training courses in Jordan, Syria and Iraq and conducted several studies for international and national organizations.

Spent one sabbatical year in the Agricultural Engineering Department at University of Hawaii 1980-1981.

Research Assistant
in Agricultural Engineering Department, Michigan State University and Colorado State University, from 1968 to 1973.

Area of Interest :

Power machinery, machine design, solar energy for agricultural use, environment, post harvesting and handling systems and physical properties of agricultural products and socio-economic studies as related to technology transfer and adoption and to agricultural education and development of natural resources.

Membership :

1. American Society of Agricultural Engineers,
   (Full member).

2. Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering
  (Foundation Member).

3. Jordan Society of Agriculturalists (Professional member).

4. Club of Bologna (Full member).

5. The Royal Automobile Club of Jordan (Full member).

Meeting Attended :

Attended 67 conferences, seminars, meetings and workshops.

Publications :

Published in Arabic and English languages in international and regional journals 34 publications

Reports, Studies and Books :

Prepared and authored 59 reports, studies and books

Conferences, Seminars, Meetings and Workshops Attended :

1. Summer Meeting of American Society for Agricultural Engineers (ASAE). June 1972. Hot Spring , AR, U.S.A. (Presented Paper).

2. American Society of Ecologists Conference. May 1973. San Diego CA, U.S.A. (Presented Paper).

3. Summer Meeting of American Society for Agricultural Engineers (ASAE). June 1973. Lexington, U.S.A. (Attendance).

4. International Summer Meeting of American Society for Agricultural Engineers (ASAE). June, 1977. Raleigh , NC , U.S.A. (Attendance).

5. Conference on Farm Mechanization, Use and Manufacturing in the Arab World. June 1980. Damascus, Syria. (Presented paper).

6. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering and Agro Industries. Nov. 1981. Bangkok, Thailand. (Presented paper).

7. Fourth International DLG Symposium on Mechanization. May 1982. Herrsching, West Germany. (Presented Paper).

8. Second Workshop on Methods to Develop the Production of Wheat and Barely. May/June, 1982. Amman, Jordan. (Presented Paper).

9. Second International Conference during the 13th Agricultural Machinery Exhibition. January, 1984. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Presented paper).

10. Fifth International DLG Symposium on Spare Parts and Repair Services in Developing Countries. May 1984. Bad Nauheim, West Germany. (Presented Paper).

11. Seminar on Some Aspects of Agricultural Modernization. May, 1984. Amman , Jordan. (Presented Paper).

12. CREA/MERCOOP Workshop on Activities of Mediterranean Agriculturists. April, 1985. Algiers Algeria. (Presented Paper).

13. International Summer Meeting of American Society for Agricultural Engineers (ASAE).June, 1985. E.Lansing, MI, U.S.A. (Presented Paper).

14. Sixth International DLG Symposium on Agricultural Mechanization in Developing Countries. May, 1986. Goslar Hahnenklee, West Germany. (Attendance).

15. First Conference on Horticultural Crops. April, 1986. Amman, Jordan. (Attendance).

16. International Summer Meeting of American Society for Agricultural Engineers (ASAE). June 1986. SanLuis, Obispo, CA, U.S.A. (Presented Paper).

17. International Food Legume Research Conference I. July, 1986. Spokane, WA , U.S.A. (Presented Paper).

18. Workshop on Advances in Agriculture Through Plastichouse Technology. March 1987. Amman, Jordan. (Presented Paper).

19. Conference on Mechanization of Field Experiments in Semi Arid Areas. May, 1987. Aleppo, Syria. (Presented Paper).

20. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering. March 1988. Paris, France. (Attendance).

21. Second International Symposium on Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Harvesting Mechanization. March, 1988. Montpelier, France. (Attendance).

22. Workshop on Role of Legumes in the Farming System of the Mediterranean. June, 1988. Tunis, Tunisia. (Presented Paper).

23. Symposium on Rainfed Field Crops and Farming Systems in Jordan and Neighboring Countries. Sept., 1988. Amman, Jordan. (Attendance).

24. First Regional Symposium on Horticulture in Jordan and Neighboring Countries. March 1989 Amman, Jordan. (Presented Paper).

25. First International Conference on Soil Solarization. Feb., 1990. Amman, Jordan. (Attendance).

26. International Summer Meeting of American Society for Agricultural Engineers (ASAE). June, 1990. Columbus, OH, U.S.A. (Attendance ).

27. Jordan/ICARDA Second Coordination Meeting. August 28 and 29, 1990. Amman, Jordan. (Presented Paper).

28. Tenth Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Agricultural Mechanization. Manpower Development in Agricultural Engineering/Mechanization. November 5-8, 1990. Rome, Italy.
(Panel Member).

29. Jordan/ICARDA Third Coordination Meeting. September 23 to 25, 1991. Amman, Jordan. (Presented Paper).

30. Third Meeting of Club of Bologna. Strategies for the Development of Agricultural Mechanization. Held during XXII Eima International Agricultural Machinery Exhibition. November 6-7, 1991. Bologna, Italy. (Club Member).

31. International Food Legume Research Conference II. April 12-16, 1992. Cairo, Egypt. (Presented Paper).

32. Rehabilitation Programs for Farm Machinery Workshop. Organized by Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. June 23-25, 1992. Amman, Jordan. (Organizer).

33. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering. June 1-4, 1992. Uppsala, Sweden. (Attendance).

34. West Asian Traveling Workshop of Food Legume. July 1-3, 1992. Ankara, Turkey. (Field Trip).

35. Jordan/ICARDA Fourth Coordination Meeting, September 29 and 30, 1992. Amman, Jordan. (Presented Paper).

36. Eleventh Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Agricultural Engineering. October 28 to 30, 1992. Rome, Italy. (Panel Member).

37. Fourth Meeting of Club of Bologna. November 4 and 5, 1992. Bologna, Italy. (Club Member, Presented Paper).

38. Jordan/ICARDA Fifth Coordination Meeting, September 15-16,1993. M'shagar, Jordan. (Attendance).

39. Promoting the Role of Universities in the National Agricultural Research Systems of Selected Near East Countries, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (FAO) December 12-13, 1993. Cairo, Egypt. (Presented Paper).

40. Jordan/ ICARDA Coordination Meeting, September 13-14., 1994, Amman, Jordan. (Attendance).

41. Twelfth Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Engineering Technology for People, Environment, Ergonomics and safety and Gender Issues. October 24-27, 1994, Rome, Italy. (Panel Member).

42. The Regional Expert Consultation Meeting on: Higher Agricultural Education in the Near East: The Future Role in sustainable Agriculture, Environment Protection and Linkages with Research and Extension. Organized by FAO. April 9-11, 1995. Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates. ( Presented Paper ).

43. Jordan/ ICARDA Seventh Coordination Meeting. September 10-12, 1995. Amman, Jordan. (Presented Paper).

44. Sixth Meeting of Club of Bologna. November 6-8, 1995. Bologna, Italy. (Club Member).

45. Regional Workshop on the Development of Agro-Related Metal Working Sector for Arab Countries. May 21-24, 1996. Casablanca, Morocco. (Presented paper).

46. Jordan / ICARDA Eight Coordination Meeting. September 9 and 10, 1996. Amman, Jordan. (Presented Paper).

47. Jordan Agricultural Improvement in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones in Jordan Project. Second Annual Meeting, September 11-13, 1996. (Presented Paper).

48. Seventh Meeting of Club of Bologna. November 11-13, 1996. Bologna, Italy. (Club Member).

49. World Food Summit of Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. November 13-17, 1996. Rome, Italy. (Attendance).

50. Jordan Agricultural Improvement in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones in Jordan. Third Annual Meeting, September 14-16, 1997.
(Presented Paper).

51. Eight Meeting of Club of Bologna. Oct. 29 to Nov. 1, 1997. Bologna, Italy. (Club Member).

52. FAO Oversight Panel of the Special Programme for Food Security Meeting. January 26 and 27, 1998. Rome, Italy. (Panel Member).

53. Thirteen International Congress on Agricultural Engineering. February 2-6, 1998. Rabat, Morocco. (Attendance).

54. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering. Ag Eng Oslo 98. August 24-27,1998. Oslo, Norway. (Presented paper).

55. Regional Seminar on Human Development and the Media in Arab Countries. Organized by Regional Bureau for Arab States, UND?P. October 6-7,1998. Manama, State of Bahrain. (Consultant).

56. Ninth Meeting of Club of Bologna. November 14-16,1998. Bologna, Italy. (Member of Management Committee).

57. FAO Oversight Panel of the Special Programme for Food Security Meeting. September 22-24, 1999. Rome, Italy. (Panel Member).

58. Tenth Meeting of Club Of Bologna, November 12-15, 1999. Bologna, Italy. (Member of Management Committee).

59. Annual Presentation Day of ICARDA, April 25, 2000. Aleppo, Syria.

60. FAO Oversight Panel of the Special Programme for Food Security Meeting. September 8 and 9, 2000. Rome, Italy. (Panel Member).

61. Eleventh Meeting of Club of Bologna, November 19-21, 2000. Bologna, Italy. (Member of Management Committee).

62. Twelfth Meeting of Club of Bologna, November 18-19, 2001, Bologna, Italy. (Member of Management Committee).

63. FAO Oversight Panel of the Special Programme for Food Security Meeting. October 25-26, 2002, Rome, Italy. (Panel Member).

64. Thirteenth Meeting of Club of Bologna, November 16-17, 2002, Bologna, Italy. (Member of Management Committee).

65. Fourteenth Meeting of Club of Bologna, November 16-17, 2003, Bologna, Italy. (Member of Management of Committee).

66. Conference on Quality Assessment of Higher Education in the MEDA Region. January 18-21, 2004. Paris, France.

67. FAO Oversight Panel of the Special Programme for Food Security Meetings. Septmeber 20-21, 2004, Rome, Italy. (Panel Member).

Publications :

A. In English

1. Hansan, C.M., B. Snobar and R.W. Chase. 1970. Potato vine desiccation. In Proceeding on Thermal Agriculture, pp. 10 13. National LP Gas Association and National Gas Processors Association

2. Snobar , Bassam, B.F. Cargill, J.H. Levin and D.E. Marshall. 1973. Grape harvester recovery and losses. Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. 24 (1):10 13.

3. Snobar, Bassam. 1975. A step towards mechanized harvesting of olives in Jordan. DIRASAT, Journal published the University of Jordan 2 (2):39 59.

4. Snobar, Bassam, B.F. Cargill, and J.H. Levin. 1976. An engineering analysis of mechanical harvesting and handling systems for Concord grapes. TRANSACTION of the ASAE 19 (2): 227 229.

5. Segerlind, L.J., B.A. Snobar and D.R. Heldman. 1977. Compression and relaxation properties of carrots. Journal of Texture Studies 7:451 456.

6. Snobar, Bassam. 1978. Physical properties of tomato varieties grown in Jordan. DIRASAT 5(1): 89 100.

7. Snobar, Bassam. 1978. Maturity parameters of olives and use of abscission chemical. TRANSACTION of ASAE. 21(3): 456 468.

8. Snobar, Bassam. 1978, Preliminary studies towards mechanical harvesting of lentils in Jordan. DIRASAT 5 (2): 67 76.

9. Snobar, Bassam. 1979. A mechanical technique to harvest lentils. DIRASAT 6(2): 91 97.

10. Kasrawi, M.A., B.A. Snobar and M.A. Suwwan. 1981. Tomato fruit firmness for 17 tomato cultivars (Lysopersicon esculentum Mill) grown under rainfed and irrigated land conditions of Jordan. DIRASAT special issue, 8 (1): 33 46.

11. Snobar, B.A. 1981. Prototype of a mechanical lentil harvester DIRASAT, special issue, and 8(1): 79 97.

12. Snobar, B.A, M.R. Smith and Ramon S. de la Pena. 1981. Prototype taro cleaner. In Proceedings of International Conference on Agricultural Engineering and Agro Industries in Asia, pp. 160 169.

13. Jakeway, Lee A., M.R. Smith and B.A. Snobar. 1982. On farm N P fertilizer production. TRANSACTION of the ASAE 25(4): 876-880.

14. Tang, G.P., Bassam Snobar and Tung Liang. 1982. Flash drying macadamia nuts for improved kernel extraction. TRANSACTION of the ASAE 25 (6): 1733 1736.

15. Haddad, N.I. ,B.A. Snobar and M. Zu'bi. 1984. Evaluation of lentil mechanical harvesting techniques. DIRASAT 11(7): 201 210.

16. Snobar, B.A. and S.M. Arabiat. 1984. The mechanization of agriculture and socioeconomic development in Jordan. DIRASAT 11(7): 159-200

17. Snobar, B.A., M. Duwayri, N. Haddad and A.M. Tell. 1985. Harvesting and threshing losses in cereal and legume crops in Jordan. DIRASAT 12 (4): 7 20.

18. Snobar, B.A. 1987. Impact of mechanization on wheat production in rainfed areas of Jordan. RACHIS, Barley and Wheat Newsletter, 6 (1): 35 40. ICARDA Publication ISSN 0255 6421.

19. Snobar, B.A. and N.I. Haddad. 1987. The Jordanian experience in the mechanization of lentil and chickpea harvesting. In Proceedings on Mechanization of Field Experiments in Semi Arid Areas, pp. 202 210. ICARDA 115 En.

20. Snobar, B.A., P. Denis, and M.A. Suwwan.1988. A plastic greenhouse for semi arid agriculture (JAF Greenhouse). DIRASAT XV(11) :35-46.

21. Snobar, B.A., D.E. Wilkins, A. Hadjichristodoulou and N.I. Haddad. 1988. Strand establishment in pulse crops. In World Crops: Cool Season Food Legumes, PP. 257 269. (Ed.R.J. Summerfield). Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht. The Netherlands.

22. Haddad, N.I., A.B. Salkini, P. Jagatheewaran and B.A. Snobar. 1988. Methods of harvesting pulse crops. In World Crops: Cool Season Food Legumes, pp. 341 350. (Ed.R.J. Summerfield ). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordecht. The Netherlands.

23. Haddad, N.I and B.A. Snobar. 1990. The role of legumes in the farming systems of Jordan . In Proceedings of Workshop on the Role of Legumes in the Farming Systems of the Mediterranean Areas. pp. 77 83 (Ed.A.E. Osman, M.H. Ibrahim and M.A. Jones). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordecht. The Netherlands.

24. Snobar, B., M. Abi Antoun, N.I. Haddad, M. Tawil and A.B. Silkine. 1994. On-farm research addressing lentil farmer's constraints in West Asia. In Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes, pp. 911-925. (ED. F.J. Muehlbauer and W.J. Kaiser). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordecht, The Netherlands.

25. Qrunfleh, M.M. M.A. Suwwan, B.A. Snobar and A.M. AbuRayan. 1994. Performance of Five Carnation Hybrid Cultivars Using Radiant Mulch Inside a Plastic House. DIRASAT 21 B(2): 115-133.

26. Snobar, B. and N. Haddad. 1995. Food Legume Improvement Project (1980-1992): Project Activities and Achievements. University of Jordan Publications. 1/95 Deanship of Academic Research And Faculty of Agriculture. Amman, Jordan.

27. Salem, M.A. and B.A. Snobar. 1995. A Socioeconomic Study on Technology Adoption and its Impact on Lentil and Chickpea Production in Jordan. DIRASAT 22B (3): 689-705.

28. Snobar, B.A. and N. Haddad. 1998. Evaluation of Weed Control Methods in lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) in Jordan. DIRASAT 25 (2).

29. Abu-Sirhan, A., A. Battikhi and B. Snobar. 2002. Management of Primary Tillage Operation to Reduce Tractor Fuel Consumption. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA) 33 (4): 9-11

B. In Arabic

1. ???? ?????. ??????? ?????. 1984.0

2. ???? ?????? ???? ????? . ?????? ??????. 1987.

3. ???? ?????? ???? ???? . ?????? ??????. 1988 .

4. ???? ?????. ???? ??????. 1993.

5. ???? ?????. 17 ????? ?????/ ?????? 1995. ? 34-56.

Reports, studies and unpublished papers
A. In English

1. Snobar, B. Olive harvesting should be mechanized in Jordan Technical Report, Michigan State University, 1969.

2. Snobar, B.A. and J. Roberts. A study of the machinery and workshop requirements for the Jordan Valley. Report for the Jordan Valley Commission, September 1976.

3. Snobar, B.A. Multifarm use of farm mechanization in Jordan. Paper presented at the Fourth International DLG Symposium on Mechanization, May 17 19, 1982. Herrsching, West Germany.

4. Snobar, B.A. Agricultural mechanization in Jordan. Paper presented at the 2nd International conference during the 13th Agricultural Machinery Exhibition. Landbouw. Rai 84, January 23 26, 1984. the Netherlands.

5. Snobar, B. Some special aspects of farm mechanization in Jordan. Paper presented at a seminar on "Some Aspects of Agricultural Modernization". May 18 23, 1984. Amman, Jordan.

6. Snobar, B.A. Spare parts and repairs of farm machinery in Jordan. Discussion paper for the International DLG Symposium during the 53th International Agricultural Show, DLG Ausstelling. May 6 29, 1984. West Germany.

7. Snobar, B. Multiple occupational activities as related to agricultural development in Jordan. Paper presented during the CREA / MERCOOP workshop on "The Many Activities of Mediterranean Agriculturalist". Held in Algiers, April 21 23, 1985.

8. Suwwan, M.A. and B.A. Snobar. Plasticulture development in Jordan. Paper presented at the Workshop on "Advances in Agriculture Through Plastichouse Technology". March 16 18, 1987. Amman, Jordan.

9. Denis, P. and B.A. Snobar. Microclimate production in plastic green house: A mathematical model. Paper presented at the workshop on "Advance in Agriculture Through Plastichouse Technology". March 16 18, 1987. Amman, Jordan.

10. Snobar, B.A., P. Denis and M.A. Suwwan. A plastic greenhouse for semi arid agriculture (JAF Greenhouse). Paper presented at the workshop on "Advances in Agriculture Through Plastichouse Technology". March 16 18, 1987. Amman, Jordan.

11. Suwwan, M.A., Snobar and A. Abu Rayyan. Evaluation of three types of low tunnel covers for tomato production under plastic houses in the Jordan Valley. Paper presented at the "First Regional Symposium on Horticulture in Jordan and the Neighboring Countries". March 27 30, 1989. Amman, Jordan.

12. Snobar, B. and others. Supply of agricultural machinery for the Zarqa Basin (Jordan). A contracted study for the Ministry of Agriculture, financed by GTZ. 1989.

13. Haddad, N.I., B.A. Snobar and A. Masadeh. Annual report on legume improvement and mechanization project. Report No.9. 1989.

14. Snobar, B.A., A. Masadeh and N. Haddad. Annual report on legume improvement and mechanization project. Report No. 10. 1990.

15. Snobar, B.A., A. Masadeh and N. Haddad. Annual report on legume improvement and mechanization project. Report No. 11. 1991.

16. Snobar, B. Rotation, tillage and residue management. Technical report, prepared for Jordan/ ICARDA second coordination meetings. August, 1990.

17. Snobar, B. Strengthening farm mechanization. Project performance evaluation report . April, 1991.

18. Snobar, B. Tillage and residue management in crop rotation. Technical report prepared for Jordan/ ICARDA third coordination meeting. September, 1991.

19. Snobar, B. Strengthening farm mechanization. Project performance evaluation report . Feb., 1992.

20. Snobar, B. Tillage, residue and nitrogen management in crop rotations. Technical report prepared for Jordan/ ICARDA fourth coordination meeting. September, 1992.

21. Snobar, B. Annual report on legume improvement and mechanization project. Report No. 12, 1993.

22. Snobar, B. Strengthening farm mechanization. Project performance evaluation report . April, 1993.

23. Snobar, B. and M. Qiqi. Evaluation of weed control methods in lentil and chickpea fields and Sitona and Bruchus control in lentil fields. September, 1993.

24. Snobar, B. Current status and future perspectives of collaboration between institutions of higher agricultural education and agricultural research institutions in Jordan. Paper presented at Preparatory Meeting on Promoting the Role of Universities in the National Agricultural Research Systems of Selected Near East Countries. December 1993.

25. Snobar, B. Strengthening farm mechanization. Project performance evaluation report . April, 1994.

26. Snobar, B. Tillage, residue and nitrogen management in crop rotation. Technical report. August, 1994.

27. Snobar, B and M. Duwayri. Current and future perspectives of collaboration between institutions of higher agricultural education and agricultural research institutions in Jordan. Study prepared for FAO. 1994.

28. Snobar, B. Strengthening farm mechanization. Project performance evaluation report . April, 1995.

29. Snobar, B. Evaluation of three weed control methods in lentil and chickpea field. June, 1995.

30. Snobar, B. Role of agricultural research within higher education in Jordan. Paper prepared for the regional Expert Consultation Meeting of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). April, 1995. Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates.

31. Snobar, B. Tillage, residue and nitrogen management in crop rotation. Technical report. February, 1996

32. Snobar, B. Enrollment of women in higher agricultural education in Jordan. Study prepared for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)\ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). April, 1996.

33. Snobar, B. Agro- related metalworking industries in Jordan. Study prepared for the United Nation Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). May, 1996.

34. Sonbar, B. Tillage, residue and nitrogen management in crop rotations. Technical report. August, 1996.

35. Snobar, B. Tillage, residue and nitrogen management in crop rotations. Combined data report from 1990/1991 to 1994/1995 seasons. September, 1996.

36. Snobar, B. Strengthening farm mechanization. Project terminal report. April, 1997.

37. Snobar, B. Tillage, residue and nitrogen management in crop rotations. Field data for 1990/1991 to 1994/1995 seasons. June, 1997.

38. Snobar, B. Tillage, residue and nitrogen management in crop rotations. Combined data for 1990/1991 to 1994/1995 seasons. June, 1997.

39. Snobar, B.A., B.I. Hattar and R.J. Dunham. Barley Production under natural flooding in arid-zones. Paper presented as a poster at the International Conference on Agricultural Engineering. February 2-6,1998. Oslo, Norway.

40. Snobar, B.A., Human development factor as influenced by the media. Paper presented at the Regional Seminer on Human Development and the Media in Arab Countries. October 6-7,1998. Manama, Bahrain.

41. Snobar, B.A. Tillage, residue and nitrogen management in crop rotation. Field data for 1997/1998 season. December, 1998.

42. Snobar, B.A., A. Battikhi and M. Suifan. Tillage, residue and nitrogen management in crop rotations. Final report, February, 2001.

43. Snobar, B. A. Development of farming systems and biodiversity in dry environments of Jordan using micro catchement water harvesting systems. October, 2003.

44. Snobar, B.A. Higher Education in Jordan March, 2004.

45. Snoabr, B.A. Development of farming systems in dry environment of northern Jordan using microcatchment water harvesting systems. August, 2004.

B. In Arabic

1. ???? ????? ??????. 2/8/1977.

2. ???? ????? ??????? ??????. 28-30/6/1980.

3. ???? ????? ????? ????. 17-20 ???? 1982.

4. (?????). ???? 28/5-12/6/1982.

5. ???? ????? ??????. ????? 1983.

6. ???????? ?? 1984.

7. ???? ?????. ????? ???? ???????? (?????) .

8. ???? ?????. ??????? ?????? 24-27/9/1984.

9. ???? ?????? ????? ???????? . 1985.

10. ???? ?????. . 12-17 ????? (?????) 1986.

11. ???? ????? ?????? ????. 1990.

12. ???? ?????. 1992. ????????.

13. ???? ????? 1999. ????????.

14. ???? ????? 1999. ????? .