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Dr. Mohamed Salah S. El-Boray

Academic rank  : Professor
University     : Mansoura
Faculty        : Faculty of Agriculture
Department     : Horticulture
Major Pomology : (Fruit production)

Personal Data :

Name First            :
Middle                : Salah
Last                  : El-Boray
Date of Birth         : 1/6/1953
Place of Birth        : El-Gharbia
Nationality           : Egyptian
Marital Status        : Married
Nationality of Spouse : Egyptian
No. of Children       : three

Permanent Address

4 El-Ameer Omar Str.,
Moharm Beak, Alexandria, Egypt.
Tel : 0105685536

Work Address

Horticulture Dept., Fac. of Agric.,
Mansoura Univ., Mansoura, Egypt.
Tel : 050/2245274


Highest University Degree: (PhD or equivalent)

Degree              : Ph.D.
Date degree awarded : 1986
College/Faculty     : Agriculture (Egypt) and (West Germany)
University          : Mansoura and Hohenheim (Scientific channel)
Major               : Pomology (Fruit nutrition)

Title of Thesis: The effect of potassium and water supply on dry matter production of grapevines

Preceding University Degree: (Master’s or equivalent)

Degree          : M.Sc.
degree awarded  : 1980
College/Faculty : Agriculture University: Mansoura
Major           : Fruit production
Title of Thesis : Biochemical studies in grapes (Vitis vinifera, L.)

Preceding University Degree: (BA. or equivalent)

Degree          : B.Sc.
Segree awarded  : 1973
College/Faculty : Agriculture University: Alexandria
Major           : Pomology (Fruit production)

Language proficiency { Reading, Writing & Conversation }
* Arabic
* English
* Other ( Deutch )


Office package : (especially Word – Power Point – Front Page)
To write my researches – prepare presentation to my students for different subjects in my lectures – To prepare my site on Internet

Harvard Graphics : To do all graphics in my researches

Mstat-C : For data statistical analysis in my researches

Freehand : many other softwares For general knowledge


Fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ.
Year     : 1997 - Now
Position : Professor of Pomology
Duty     : Teaching - Research

Fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ.
Year     : 1991 - 1997
Position : Associate Prof. of Pomology
Duty     : Teaching - Research

Fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ.
Year     : 1986 - 1991
Position : Lecturer, Horticulture Dept.
Duty     : Teaching - Research

Fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ.
Year     : 1980 - 1986
Position : Assistant Lecturer, Horticulture Dept.
Duty     : Laboratory teaching - Research

Fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ.
Year     : 1976 1980
Position : Demonstrator, Horticulture Dept.
Duty     : Laboratory teaching - Research


A) University courses taught by applicant
Univ /Inst                        Course title             Language
Fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ.    Fundamental of Hort.,     Arabic
Fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ.    Fruit Production          Arabic
Fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ.    Fruit Nutrition           Arabic
Fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ.    Fruit Propagation         Arabic
Fac. of Agric., Mansoura Univ.    Nurseries                 Arabic

B) Courses, other than those listed above, which applicant is prepared to teach
Lecturers for postgraduate student in Uzbekistan about Grape production (In English)


« Samra, N.R.; EL-boray, M.S.; Mostafa, M.F. (2002). Effect Of Hand Thinning And Girdling on yield and fruit quality of Floedaprence peach. 3rd Inter. Agric. Conf., Assuit Univ., October, 2002.

Latif G. Samaan, M.S. El-Boray, F.G. Guirguis and M.E. Helal (2001). Calcium pre-harvest applied to control fruits-set, fruiting, pre-harvest dropping and fruit phesicochemical characteristics of citrus trees. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 26(3):1595-1605.

M.S. El-Boray, Latif G. Samaan, F.G. Guirguis and M.E. Helal (2001). Improvement of citrus fruits to storage susceptibility by the aid of calcium pre-harvest sprays. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 26(3):1607-1618.

Latif G. Samaan, M.S. El-Boray, F.G. Guirguis and M.E. Helal (2001). Post-harvest calcium treatments to improve keeping quality and marketing season of citrus fruits. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 26(3):1619-1631.

Latif, G. Samaan; M.F. Mostafa; M.S. El-Boray and O.A. El-Sawwah (2000). Early diagnosis of compatibility degree in Washington navel orange graft combinations. Under Publication.

Latif, G. Samaan; M.F. Mostafa; M.S. El-Boray and O.A. El-Sawwah (2000). Comparative study on measurements of some graft compatibility indices to diagnose balady mandarins promising rootstock. Under Publication.

Mostafa, M.F.; M.S. El-Boray; M.A. Iraqi and A.A. Awadeen (1999). Effect of potassium and boron application on yield, fruit quality and leaf mineral content of Anna apple trees. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 24(9):4965-4977.

Samann, L.G.; El-Boray, M.S.; Girguis, F.G. and Abd El-Khalek, A.M. (1997). Growth, yield and yield quality of Thompson seedless grapevines responses to different nitrogen fertilizer program. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 22(8):2707-2718.

Samann, L.G.; Couvellon, G.A.; El-Boray, M.S.; Girguis, F.G. and El-Dengawy, E.R. (1997). Effect of thiourea treatments on the physiological and biochemical control of dormancy, germination ability and subsequent seedling growth of redhaven peach. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 22(5):1693-1704.

Samann, L.G.; El-Boray, M.S.; Couvellon, G.A.; Girguis, F.G. and El-Dengawy, E.R. (1997). Effect of some physical treatments on the physiological and biochemical control of dormancy, germination ability and subsequent seedling growth of redhaven peach. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 22(3):891-905.

El-Boray, M.S.; Fahmy, M.M.; Iraqi, M.A. and Abd El-Latif, L. (1996). Effect of potassium soil and foliar fertilization on leaf potassium content, yield and berry qualities of thompson seedless grape. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 21(3):1153-1162.

El-Boray, M.S.; Iraqi, M.A.; Samra, N.R. and Eliwa, G.I. (1995). Studies on rooting hardwood cuttings of meit ghamr peach cultivar. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20(12):5127-5137.

El-Boray, M.S. (1995). Effect of the antitranspirant L333 and soil water capacity on growth, net assimilation rate and water use efficiency of Thompson seedless grape seedlings. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20(11):4755-4767.

El-Boray, M.S. (1995). A comparison of soil nitrogen fertilization and urea foliar sprays as a source of nitrogen for Washington navel orange trees. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20(8):3857-3861.

El-Boray, M.S. (1995). Response of Thompson seedless grapevines to urea sprays after harvest. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20(7):3489-3494.

El-Boray, M.S.; Guirguis, F.G.; Iraqi, M.A. and El-Hussani, A. (1995). Effect of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of Washington navel orange trees. 2. Fruit dropping, yield and fruit quality. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20(6):3085-3095.

19- El-Boray, M.S.; Guirguis, F.G.; Iraqi, M.A. and El-Hussani, A. (1995). Effect of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of washington navel orange trees. 1. Vegetative growth. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20(6):3075-3083.

El-Boray, M.S. (1995). Effect of zinc and boron foliar application on yield and fruit quality of valencia orange trees under calcareous soil conditions. J. Product. & Dev., 3(1):129-139.

El-Boray, M.S.; Samaan, L.G.; Guirguis, F.G. and Abd-El-Khalek, A. (1993). Physiological studies on the nutrition of Thompson seedless grapevines. 2. Comparison of the effects of thirteen fertilizer programmes on the yield and yield quality. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 18(5): 1497

Samaan, L.G.; El-Boray, M.S.; Guirguis, F.G. and Abd-El-Khalek, A. (1993). Physiological studies on the nutrition of Thompson seedless grapevines. 1. Sesonal nitrogen uptake and accumulation pattern. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 18(5):1467-1497.

Samaan, L.G.; El-Boray, M.S.; Guirguis, F.G. and Abd-El-Khalek, A. (1992). Influence of nitrogen applied fertilizers on root absorption of phosphorus and potassium by Thompson seedless grapevines. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 17(6):2270-2278.

El-Boray, M.S. and Girgous, F.G. (1990). Foliar application of urea, manganese and molybdenum correlated with yield and berry quality of Thompson seedless grapevines. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 15(1):1841-1845.

El-Boray, M.S. and Girgous, F.G. (1990). Effect of phenylmercuric acetate as antitranspirant on growth and mineral composition of local apricot seedlings under different soil moisture conditions. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 15(1):1847-1854.

El-Boray, M.S.; Samra, N.; Iraqi, M. and Eliwa, G. (1989). Studies on yield and fruit quality of some citrus cultivars grown under Dakahlia conditions. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 14(2):1277-1182.

Samra, N.; El-Boray, M.S.; Iraqi, M. and Eliwa, G. (1989). Fruit-set, fruiting and dropping of some citrus cultivars under Dakahlia conditions. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 14(2):1172-1176.

El-Sirafy, Z. and El-Boray, M.S. (1989). Effect of foliar application of urea on guava yield, fruit quality and mineral composition of leaves under calcareous soil conditions. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 14(2):1149-1156.

El-Boray, M.S.; Samra, N.R. and Girgous, F.G. (1989). Effect of zinc foliar application on yield and berry quality of Thompson seedless grapevine. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 14(1):361-365.

El-Boray, M.S. (1988). Effect of antitranspirant treatment on seedling growth and water use efficiency of Cleopatra mandarin rootstock under different soil moisture conditions. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 13(4):1980-1985.

El-Boray, M.S. and Mansour, A. (1988). Effect of foliar application of microelements on yield and quality of Thompson seedless grape (Vitis vinifera, L.). 1. Boron. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 13(4):1975-1979.

Iraqi, M.; El-Banna, Y. and El-Boray, M.S. (1988). Growth, pigments, mineral composition and leaf structure of Mit-Ghamr peach seedlings as affected by saline irrigation water. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 13(3):1364-1372.

El-Banna, Y.; El-Boray, M.S. and Iraqi, M.A. (1988). The effects of waterlogging on growth of sour orange seedlings and their modification by kinetin and aminooxyacetic acid. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 13(3):1355-1363.

El-Boray, M.S.; Iraqi, M.A. and Meshrif, H. (1988). Growth and mineral composition of sour orange seedlings as affected by saline irrigation water. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 13(2):885-893.

El-Boray, M.S. and Iraqi, M.A. (1987). Effect of soil moisture on the growth and net assimilation rate of lime seedlings (Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle). J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 12(4):1318-1322.

Hassan, A.H.; Samman, L.G. and El-Boray, M.S. (1984). Grape cultivar identification by the use of chromatographic analysis of leaf amino acids. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 9(2):32-36.

Samman, L.; Taha, M.W.; Hassan, A. and El-Boray, M.S. (1981). Pollination and serological studies on Egyptian grapes. Vitis, 20:293-301. West Germany.

Papers presented at conferences and seminars

Title of paper or presentation, Title of Conference/Seminar, Place & Date

Agriculture practices for Date palm
: Training for Agriculture engineering
: Dimiatte Governorate
: 24/3-28/3/1991

Membership (without paper)
: International Symposium - cum - Workshop.
  Experiences of Egyptian Graduates from German Universities.
: Sant Catrin. Saini
: November, 2000

Teaching in distance learning
: Designing distance learning programs for supporting the Egyptian Agricultural system
: Mansoura Univ.
: April 23, 2000

Improving grapevine production for exportation
: Training for Agriculture engineering
: Mansoura Governorate
: March, 2000

Effect of thinning and girdling on yield and fruit qualities of peach

: 3rd Conference for Agriculture
: Assuit Governorate
: October, 20, 2002

Reference, non text, Books (authored, translated or edited)
Book Title : Fundamental of Horticulture
Single authored & edited
Date      : 2000
Publisher : Mansoura Univ.

Supervision of Theses and Dissertations during the past five years:

Title      :
Recent trends in grapevine fertilization
Degree     : M.Sc.
University : Mansoura Univ.
Year       : 2002

Title      : Effect of biofertilizers on grapevine production
Degree     : M.Sc.
University : Mansoura Univ.
Year       : 2002

Title      : Effect of thinning and girdling on yield and fruit
             qualities of peach

Degree     : M.Sc.
University : Mansoura Univ.
Year       : 2001

Title      : Physiological studies on nutrition of Washington navel
             orange trees

Degree     : Ph.D.
University : Mansoura Univ.
Year       : 2000

Title      : Physiological studies on citrus trees
Degree     : M.Sc.
University : Mansoura Univ.
Year       : 2000

Title      : Effect of pre-harvest and post-harvest treatments on
             citrus fruit contents and the susceptibility to storage

Degree     : M.Sc.
University : Mansoura Univ.
Year       : 1999

Title      : Physiological studies on fertilization of Anna apple

Degree     : M.Sc.
University : Mansoura Univ.
Year       : 1999

Title      : Physiological studies on fertilization of Thompson
             seedless grapevines

Degree     : Ph.D.
University : Mansoura Univ.
Year       : 1999

Title      : Physiological and biochemical studied on seed dormancy
             and germination process in deciduous fruit trees

Degree     : Ph.D.
University : Scientific channel between Mansoura and Georgia Univ.
Year       : 1997

Professional activities and Experiences

Teaching several courses (under and post graduate students).

Provide technical and scientific advises and consulting to individual grape and fruit growers.

Member of summer training team for under graduate students.

Invited speaker by the Nile Center for Information, Education and Training to give lecturers on fruit production in Mansoura and Domiatte Governorate.

Active member of Agriculture Developmental Program in Dakahlia Governorate with cooperation with Fredrich Nawman Organization (Germany), May - November, 1993.

Active member in Expert System Program in Agriculture (Computer system), Mansoura, 1995.

Member of First Egyptian Hungarian Horticultural Conference, Egypt, Sept., 1996.

Member of Workshop Team of the Program of “Focus on the means of producing table grape (seedless) cultivars to exporting. ATUT program, 1996-1997.

Associate applicant of Agricultural Technology Utilization & Transfer Project (ATUT). “Evaluation of table grape cultivars behavior and training systems in different growing areas in Egypt and California (USA). from 1998 till Now.

Member of International Symposium -cum- Workshop. Experiences of Egyptian Graduates from German Universities. November, 1999

Sabbatical leave in Uzbekistan to provide technical and scientific advises , consulting and lectures for high graduate students and fruit growers from 17/7/2000 to 15/9/2000.

Sabbatical leave in United Kingdom, Strathclyde Univ. Under cooperation project, produce and using compost in fruit production, from 18-28 September, 2003

Scientific consulter for Nubaseed company from 7/2003 till now.

Membership of Local, Regional and Intl. Professional Institutions

Gemeinschaft der Förder und Freunde der Bundesforschunsanstalt für Rebenzüchtung
Period               : 1989 - 1992
Nature of membership : Active

Egyptian J. of Horticulture
Period               : 1986 - now
Nature of membership : Active

J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ.
Period               : 1986 - now
Nature of membership : Active as Referee for published researches